Fasting 28 days?



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Sythfia wrote: »
    just read he was on day 4. Still call bs and I would bet he is eating something and hiding it.

    I don't know, I hope so. Like I said some previous posts back, I've left some brownies lying around, it hadn't been touched so far, but when night comes, we will see. Lol.

    Someone needs to intervene right away. If he truly made it to day 4, the way forward may feel "easier" for him and he may be more motivated to continue because the worst is behind. I was hospitalized for this in the past. It's stupid. Someone needs to do something.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Tell him to at least wear a helmet so that when he inevitably passes out he doesn't die from a concussive brain bleed.

    Another vote for his parents needing to step up to the plate here. He lives under their roof, is 15, and is therefore legally under their care and control. Perhaps they are taking a "this too shall pass" stance without realizing the potentially lifelong repercussions of their son's current foolish actions.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I agree with (not so) amused, there has to be an intervention. This isn't just a silly idea by a teenager looking at things on the internet. This is like that stupid suicide game doing the rounds, it is life threatening. He needs to be stopped by whatever means.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Sythfia wrote: »
    At my worst, I was a member of a pro-anorexia website. Even there, a 28 day water only fast would be considered too much.

    Right? I just don't understand his logic. Thanks for sharing.

    He is a 15 yer old boy. Logic does NOT enter the equation.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Sythfia wrote: »
    At my worst, I was a member of a pro-anorexia website. Even there, a 28 day water only fast would be considered too much.

    Right? I just don't understand his logic. Thanks for sharing.

    He is a 15 yer old boy. Logic does NOT enter the equation.

    And this is precisely why his parents need to, then.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    sorry if it were my child I would intervene. prove to my child that this could kill them or start an eating disorder, if they didnt listen I would look for the signs(and still intervene). my daughters friend stopped eating and was only drinking water(she wasnt fat,just had boyfriends telling her she was). autopsy showed that she hadnt had anything to eat in about 2 weeks.she died because her heart gave out.she was also a she was working out and doing this too which Im sure exacerbated the issue.if the boy wont listen then he needs to see a psychiatrist/psychologist and maybe be admitted as there may be underlying issues going on. boys can develop eating disorders too.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    If it were me, I'd consider mentioning to him and your parents that he's a minor and can be hospitalized against his will and hooked up to an IV and/or feeding tube.
    misskarne wrote: »
    Sythfia wrote: »
    Yeah I already informed my parents, they've told him a bunch of times about it not being a good idea, yet he still insists on it, so ridiculous.

    Um, what? He is a CHILD. Your parents are the PARENTS. He doesn't get to "insist" on this kitten. He is deliberately harming himself. Pretty sure in most western countries that's grounds for him to be sent to a mental health hospital against his will.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    This. He is a minor, end of story. If my child did this-you have two options: stop this dumb "fast" or find your self in a hospital. If he doesn't like it, too bad. Parents are there to be parents, not to be their kid's best friend (not saying they are mutually exclusive).

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sythfia wrote: »
    Guys chill out with the abuse bs. My parents found out the same day he was on day 4 as I did, which was YESTERDAY. In fact my dad and mom had a long talk with him. He's a teenager, when I was once a teenager I tried my best not to let my guardians know what I'm doing, I was very stubborn just like he is. Plus in our household we have a lot of things going on at the moment that would stray our attention, and it's something serious and very personal which is piling up stress with my parents. Don't automatically assume my parents are abusing him. All I asked was some insight, if you thought something else then message me personally, I should've been more clear, so that part was my fault and I apologize. Thank you and I honestly do appreciate the feedback and info you guys provide, it really helps on my part.

    The point people are trying to make is that neglect is abuse, and if your parents fail to intervene, they are neglecting your brother. Your earlier posts made it seem like your parents were not taking a firm stand. In fact, if he is still not eating then they do need to step it up, no matter what else is going on.

    Perhaps he's not eating because he's feeling ignored due to the 'serious and personal' stuff which is stressing your parents.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    So, crisis averted? Hmm.
  • Sythfia
    Sythfia Posts: 28 Member
    edited May 2017
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Sythfia wrote: »
    Guys chill out with the abuse bs. My parents found out the same day he was on day 4 as I did, which was YESTERDAY. In fact my dad and mom had a long talk with him. He's a teenager, when I was once a teenager I tried my best not to let my guardians know what I'm doing, I was very stubborn just like he is. Plus in our household we have a lot of things going on at the moment that would stray our attention, and it's something serious and very personal which is piling up stress with my parents. Don't automatically assume my parents are abusing him. All I asked was some insight, if you thought something else then message me personally, I should've been more clear, so that part was my fault and I apologize. Thank you and I honestly do appreciate the feedback and info you guys provide, it really helps on my part.

    The point people are trying to make is that neglect is abuse, and if your parents fail to intervene, they are neglecting your brother. Your earlier posts made it seem like your parents were not taking a firm stand. In fact, if he is still not eating then they do need to step it up, no matter what else is going on.

    Perhaps he's not eating because he's feeling ignored due to the 'serious and personal' stuff which is stressing your parents.

    Actually they were not neglecting him, my lil brother was involved in something much more serious than this fasting phase, so their attention was on that part a bit more of his life; which I can't go into details. Sure they should've noticed what he was doing that one, I can see where you are coming from and yes they do feel regret for not noticing it, but its understand bale on my part, but if you were in my position and knew what is currently happening in our house, you would understand.
  • Sythfia
    Sythfia Posts: 28 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sythfia wrote: »
    Guys chill out with the abuse bs. My parents found out the same day he was on day 4 as I did, which was YESTERDAY. In fact my dad and mom had a long talk with him. He's a teenager, when I was once a teenager I tried my best not to let my guardians know what I'm doing, I was very stubborn just like he is. Plus in our household we have a lot of things going on at the moment that would stray our attention, and it's something serious and very personal which is piling up stress with my parents. Don't automatically assume my parents are abusing him. All I asked was some insight, if you thought something else then message me personally, I should've been more clear, so that part was my fault and I apologize. Thank you and I honestly do appreciate the feedback and info you guys provide, it really helps on my part.

    I'm sorry your family is under stress at the moment. But the truth is your brother's potential harm needs to take precedence here, and the stress in your family may be a contributing factor to *why* he's doing this in the first place. He needs help. At least let your parents see this thread. With everything else going on, they need to realize that *this* needs to be their priority right now, regardless of whatever else might be going on.

    The cause of stress is because of what my lil bro is involved in at the moment aside from the fasting. Basically he's all the attention right now. And again yes they should've noticed what was going on the first day which I can understand how you guys feel the way you are. Thank you for the feedback. And yes I did figured out why he's doing it when I talked to him today. But that's all I can say right now. Again thank you.
  • Sythfia
    Sythfia Posts: 28 Member
    edited May 2017
    So, crisis averted? Hmm.

    Pretty much. I'll see where this goes in the future tho and maybe if it happens again, get some help from doctors and such.
  • Sythfia
    Sythfia Posts: 28 Member
    Sounds even more like your brother needs some professional help. Perhaps suggest to your parents that they visit your family doctor for an assessment and/or referral to a specialist?

    I will suggest that, thank you.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Sythfia wrote: »
    So, crisis averted? Hmm.

    Pretty much. I'll see where this goes in the future tho and maybe if it happens again, get some help from doctors and such.

    Not a good course of action, because if this has taught your brother anything, it's that he needs to be more secretive in future. And if he thought this fast was a great idea, what's next?
  • Sythfia
    Sythfia Posts: 28 Member

    Me when I woke up and went on my own thread.
  • Sythfia
    Sythfia Posts: 28 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sythfia wrote: »
    So, crisis averted? Hmm.

    Pretty much. I'll see where this goes in the future tho and maybe if it happens again, get some help from doctors and such.

    Not a good course of action, because if this has taught your brother anything, it's that he needs to be more secretive in future. And if he thought this fast was a great idea, what's next?

    Well he will be getting help soon, but not from the topic of fasting. Something I can't really discuss.