Possibly going vegetarian.



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Non-vegetarians are risking their increased chance of getting cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol and obesity ;)

    I'll let my 97-year-old, skinny, heart disease and cancer-free grandmother know she should stop eating meat.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    From my own personal experience, I was a pescatarian (eating only fish) for about 2 years, and I did not lose any weight. My roommate at the time was as well and (although she was naturally thin) she didn't lose weight when she started eating that way a few years prior.

    When I wasn't eating junk (you can find a lot of vegetarian junk out there too) I did actually feel really good when I wasn't eating meat.

    That being said, before my back injury a year ago, I had started eating meat again and was working out / cutting calories and lost 30 lbs. It was really a product of eating healthy, cutting calories, and working out.

    If you feel like being a vegetarian or a vegan would inspire you to eat healthier, or you feel strongly about a particular cause, by all means give it a try. You can absolutely eat healthy as a vegetarian. Just remember that cutting out meat alone will not make you drop pounds.

    On a side note, just because I eat meat doesn't mean I don't care about animal rights...those videos are awful to watch, but there are ways to humanely get meat.
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    All I gotta say, is do your research before jumping on the band wagon. I tried vegetarian for a week, per requested by a friend who is vegetarian herself. I didn't feel like myself. It's major work and you have to do it for the right reasons, not just to lose weight. Both my friend and my mom only went vegetarian because they didn't really like the taste of meat. Red meat particularly with my mother, she'd eat pork, fish, chicken and turkey instead. She would even cook those more often than steak, which is one of my faves.

    Be careful with soy products since you're female. Some recent studies have shown that some soy products actually increase your likelihood to get breast cancer because of the amount of estrogen in them. Also be careful with the sodium.

    If you're serious about it, start slow by having a vegetarian or vegan meal/day. Don't cut all meat and animal products all at once. It could make things worse for your body.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Be careful with soy products since you're female. Some recent studies have shown that some soy products actually increase your likelihood to get breast cancer because of the amount of estrogen in them.

    This isn't entirely accurate. Do some real research before spouting off.

    If you have had BC or at an increased risk, you need to be careful. And even that is debatable. Also, there is no real NEED to eat the fake meats other than convenience. And Quorn products are mushroom based, not soy based, anyway.

    It really isn't that difficult to be vegetarian. Vegan is tougher, but lacto-ovo is pretty easy.
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    My sister in law is vegan and she has lost a lot of weight by just changing her eatting habits. I figure they make a veggie subsitute for just about everything so I think I will try it.

    I don't know if I'll be able to do it on a perminnante basis but it wouldn't be a bad idea to change out meat for veggies right?
    You don't lose weight from becoming vegan or vegetarian. Potato chips are vegan. So is coconut ice cream, which has double the calories of regular ice cream.

    You have to eat less, no matter what you eat.

    I've been vegetarian for four years. Initially, I lost 6 pounds. And then I had to actually work for it.


    To be vegetarian/vegan AND healthy, one has to be really careful on not overdoing on carbs and fats to overcompensate for the lack of animal protein.

    Remember, you can be omnivore and healthy, omnivore and eating crap, vegetarian/vegan and healthy or vegetarian/vegan and eating crap. There is no magic formula.
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    Be careful with soy products since you're female. Some recent studies have shown that some soy products actually increase your likelihood to get breast cancer because of the amount of estrogen in them.

    This isn't entirely accurate. Do some real research before spouting off.

    Excuse me for having wrong information then. Was there really a need to bite someone's head off over it?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Be careful with soy products since you're female. Some recent studies have shown that some soy products actually increase your likelihood to get breast cancer because of the amount of estrogen in them.

    This isn't entirely accurate. Do some real research before spouting off.

    Excuse me for having wrong information then. Was there really a need to bite someone's head off over it?
    Well, was there a need to scare people over something you don't understand?
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    Be careful with soy products since you're female. Some recent studies have shown that some soy products actually increase your likelihood to get breast cancer because of the amount of estrogen in them.

    This isn't entirely accurate. Do some real research before spouting off.

    Excuse me for having wrong information then. Was there really a need to bite someone's head off over it?
    Well, was there a need to scare people over something you don't understand?

    Is there a reason that you still feel the need to tell me I'm an idiot and bite my head off? I apologize that my information was incorrect. My intention was not to scare anyone. From what I have read and heard some soy products, like tofu do have a higher amount of estrogen and is linked to that increase in breast cancer. If that's wrong, then I'll humble accept that I was incorrect.

    Is there anyone else that wishes to tell me I'm an idiot? Anyone? It's not like you'll hurt anything. I'm just a dumb early 20's female that knows nothing of the world.
  • clayfish
    clayfish Posts: 2
    dude, you have to finish the article. its hilarious....and then read (enjoy) the comment section. Priceless.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I was vegan for 8 years.

    I can honestly say- there is no good substitute for bacon.

    I :heart: bacon.
  • AprilMae1975
    AprilMae1975 Posts: 726
    I am almost a month in going vegetarian. I have never felt better. I have tons of energy! I am still cooking meat for my hubby and kids and I don't miss it at all.

    I would say to try and see if it's for you. I didn't love meat before and always joked that I was a vegetarian at heart.

    Good luck :)
  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    I've experienced that people who go vegetarian just to lose weight usually fail. You need to have the heart and passion that animal rights activist usually have, or else you won't be able to resist bacon.

  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    I was vegan for 8 years.

    I can honestly say- there is no good substitute for bacon.

    I :heart: bacon.

    As a vegan of 2+ years, I can still attest that THIS is SO TRUE! Every time I smell it cooking (the worst is when I smell it while out on a long run and pass a Denny's or something) I am almost brought to my knees with desire to eat it, until I remember where it came from, that is. Its just something you have to live without, as you will NEVER find anything to eat comparable to bacon...shame...
  • Melindhra
    Melindhra Posts: 15 Member
    Is there a reason that you still feel the need to tell me I'm an idiot and bite my head off? I apologize that my information was incorrect. My intention was not to scare anyone. From what I have read and heard some soy products, like tofu do have a higher amount of estrogen and is linked to that increase in breast cancer. If that's wrong, then I'll humble accept that I was incorrect.

    Is there anyone else that wishes to tell me I'm an idiot? Anyone? It's not like you'll hurt anything. I'm just a dumb early 20's female that knows nothing of the world.

    I'm not going to tell you that you're an idiot, but soy contains phytoestrogens, not estrogen. I don't know enough about the topic, but there is some debate as to whether or not it's a problem. I personally drink coconut and almond milk instead of soy milk, but I still eat tempeh and tofu occasionally. If you want more information, I would suggest checking out PubMed. There is lots of very good information on PubMed, but it takes some work to find what you are looking for.

    PubMed - Soy Phytoestrogens
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Don't go vegetarian just because you think it's healthier. Being vegetarian or vegan doesn't mean you will be healthier or thinner than someone who eats meat.

    You can be healthy and thin eating meat.

    Eat a diet that you will eat for the rest of your life so you have better chances of keeping the weight off.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I was vegan for 8 years.

    I can honestly say- there is no good substitute for bacon.

    I :heart: bacon.

    As a vegan of 2+ years, I can still attest that THIS is SO TRUE! Every time I smell it cooking (the worst is when I smell it while out on a long run and pass a Denny's or something) I am almost brought to my knees with desire to eat it, until I remember where it came from, that is. Its just something you have to live without, as you will NEVER find anything to eat comparable to bacon...shame...

    maybe I'm the minority but I like morningstar and light life bacon, but then again whenever I did eat bacon I ate it burnt so I like that the subs are crunchy
  • podgeford123
    Watch your protein intake, and you may need a multivitamin until you get used it, also watch your iron intake. I was veggie for a year, and I felt absolutely fantastic; then again I was 26 and living in New Zealand...still by being veggie you usually end up eating a lot of fruit and veg which always makes you feel great. Good luck.
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    Protein, are you sure about this...

  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Your body was designed to take in protein and not in the form of soy burgers. If you are doing it for health reasons you are opening yourself up to some potentially serious things. You are better off cutting sugar and grains out.
  • ryanosgood
    ryanosgood Posts: 28
    I tried being a vegetarian a few years back. I have not eaten beef for probably 20 years - and I try to limit my intake of pork as well. It's a tremendous amount of work...getting the right nutrients in the right amounts. I found, back then at least, that with my 90% work travel schedule that the options were not that plentiful and I was reverting back to things like cheese pizza.

    Truthfully, good luck if it works...I have been thinking about another go at it myself.