Respect on the boards



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    look at all the angry people you created!

    they are apoplectic!

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    You have a 20 year old stepson? :huh:

    That must be awkward.


    jeez I wish I could hear this...

    I've heard his voice is positively orgasmic....


    back when i listened to howard stern on sirius, he would come in occasionally and spend a week at a time as a guest on the show. he is nothing short of brilliant. his sense of humor, his level of intellect, that god...the voice of an angel. check out some you tube clips with him in them...hes awesome...and SUCH a good sport.

    he also voices the character "ricardio" on adventure time, which is a wonderful show on cartoon network.

    I listened....

    it sounded like a lot of nerml nerml mmmmmumbles nerml nerml...

  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    i've been following that breastfeeding topic but chose not to respond. imo i feel that breastfeeding should not be used as "exercise" i commend the woman for breastfeeding but at the same time to me that would fall under the housecleaning category (if i did it fat and i didn't loose weight then it's not exercise). the woman should really be eating WAY more than what she is because she is breastfeeding.

    someone link me to the breastfeeding, please.

    When you use the "exercise" option on MFP, it just adds calories to your daily goal. I doubt she thinks she is getting a work out from it, but rather is using that as a tool to balance her eating with the frequency of the baby feeding (hence balancing her cals in with her cals out). Not a bad idea given that babies needs change as they grow.

    I am inclined to take into consideration that I have a higher than average IQ, but I didn't really think this should take much to figure out.

    When I do it I consider it exercise! HA!

    Ok I am bored at work! Gotta go...............
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    To the op be very cautious before u post..... They will pick you apart lol they are bored and grumpy from not enough calories and/or protein lol

    i always chuckle when someone say this.

    the snark that i see that causes all the butthurt is often times contained in responses to questions that are either stupid (yes they exist) or seen time and time and time again. these "mean" replies are usually authored by the most successful people on this site. people that eat plenty because they know what theyre doing.

    seems to me the butthurt ones are so hungry that they forget the difference between an opposing view and bullying.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I am going to make people mad yep I sure am!

    IN 4 honey boo boos mom. <3 her
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Ahhh this thread should help the last 30 minutes at the office fly by.


    I agree with the op however sometimes I can't help but giggle at others sick humor like the above ^^ :laugh:

    To the op be very cautious before u post..... They will pick you apart lol they are bored and grumpy from not enough calories and/or protein lol



    ...but interesting.

    Or perhaps by "they" you meant the 95%...or the 5%...of which I'm not a member. I'm actually confused about which bucket I belong.

    Whichever it is, I hope it's the one with cake.

    what is cake without some breastmilk to wash it down...
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    It depends on what kind of cake it was!

    Kudos for you not wanting to make a cake at 9pm. Also it really doesnt matter what people say or think, especially on the internet...or in real life. Keep standing up for yourself!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I am going to make people mad yep I sure am!

    IN 4 honey boo boos mom. <3 her

    ive never come so close to peeing my pants as i just did when i saw this gif
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member

    as for your other topic which i went through and read (some) i think it would have helped from the very beginning if you had pointed out your step son is 20 because when you read your post it is easily interpreted that your step son is a child - hence the rude comments. knowing that he's 20 i would have said hell no too. :)

    Perhaps the OP assumed that everyone read her profile first. It states in her profile she has 2 stepsons who are 20 and 21 or something to that effect. I have had other people assume that I would have read their profile before responding. I don't know why they would think that. Who has time for that? But I have been "called out" for not knowing something plainly posted in someone's profile before making a forum post too many times to dismiss it as a non-possibility.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member

    I think I'm just gonna set up camp here until someone links that breastfeeding thread or OP announces she didn't have enough cake to go around and wishes she'd baked that second cake.

    :laugh: Maybe someone will also link that other thread about the woman who didn't want a cake for her birthday where the whole thread devolved into chaos and fights about sugar addiction, eating disorders, clean eating and every other issue that gets aired daily around here. :laugh:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    When will people learn not to make these threads?

    These threads are needed. There is an absolute deficiency of respect on these forums and it needs to be brought to the spotlight.

    Not three times a week.
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    once again people getting way too butt hurt over a comment from a stranger.
  • michellechawner
    When you wrote your original post, which, I did respond to and thought hey, it's just a cake - I didn't know your stepson was 20. Nor did you say it was at 9 PM at night. You just said the other night. Could have been 5 PM, could have been midnight, it wasn't clear.

    If I had known that, I would have said good for you for not making the cake, he's a grown *kitten* adult, he can make it himself if he wants. And at 9 PM, I'm half asleep and wouldn't want to bake a cake either.

    Not enough info in the original post, then yes, you're going to get comments like that, and I did think he was just a child and thought geez, so the kid wants cake, I don't get it. But, I admit I'm sorry, I didn't know he was 20 and still asking his mom to bake a cake for him at 9 PM at night.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    see!!! she should have just made the damn cake... i knew it!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When will people learn not to make these threads?

    These threads are needed. There is an absolute deficiency of respect on these forums and it needs to be brought to the spotlight.

    Not three times a week.

    What these threads lack in effectiveness...

    ...they make up for in frequency and volume.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Just because you are hiding behind a computer screen doesn't give you the right to bully someone online. Yep if you do this you are a bully!




    Just because someone expresses an opinion that is different than the one you want does NOT make them a bully. What you perceive of my words may not be the intent of my words at all. Inflection is hard to make happen when you type text. I say things all the time that gets me in trouble - I got introuble for saying "Life sucks... you can either sit in your pile of suck and cry or move on... that choice is yours" to someone one day, I was told I was attacking the person. That was not and never has been an attack. It was a general statement. I have told my 8 year old niece the same thing MANY times.

    Sometimes I think people read into it alot so they can cry BULLY... not EVERYONE on this site is a bully. I am not a bully, sometimes I come across as a little harsh, or kind of a jerk but really all I am doing is saying my opinion and what I think is the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts and it sucks and people don't like it but it doesn't mean I am a bully.

    Also if you post on a public forum you are going to get A LOT of different opinions. Are all of them going to be like yours? Nope. Are some going to be ones you do not like? Yup.

    I just wish the forums would stop being so wha wha cry baby all the time and be more like real life. If someone approaches you in a manner you don't like and verbally says something you don't like do you tell on them or do you confront them? I personally confront them and tell them I do not like it.

    Be an adult, deal with your problems. If you do not like the main forums go to the groups, if you don't like that stay on your news feeds. Its really a simple choice. There is no reason to get all wha what I want respect. Personally I do not respect people who whine and cry about something someone said on the forum that made them feel bad.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you know that 95% of MFP people are respectful and eager to help, why do you dignify the rude 5% with a rant?
    This is the Internet. There are trolls and ill-advised people everywhere you can land your eyes on. 5% is a pretty low number, based on my experience....


    For perspective, the breastfeeding mom had a ton of great advice, and one uninformed, ignorant guy who would have been better off ignored instead of engaged.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm probably going to regret this, but what the hell...

    OP, in your post yesterday, you initially posted that you refused to make a cake for your stepson because you couldn't deal with it being in the house. Of course, in subsequent posts, it came to light that he was 20, and you were already going to be making a cake for his brother for today, but in the INITIAL post, you came across as the kind of person who was making the rest of your family "suffer" due to your own lack of willpower.

    We learned that was not the case, but when people do not have all the information, they will respond to the information they DO have. Most people who were snarky in your thread, were replying to other posters. It seems we are unable to have cake threads on this site without people completely losing their minds.

    The breastfeeding thread was one dude trolling (Hi Batman!) and a couple of snarky replies, because, once again, people didn't have all the information. Once they understood the situation, the snark stopped.

    Most of the "rudeness" on these boards are actually people joking around. Not everyone shares the same sense of humour, and sometimes people react badly to the alleged jokes.

    I am not going to address the cases where people are called rude for merely disagreeing, because that horse has been beaten to a pulp.

    There are instances where people are deliberately being unkind, but those cases, just like in real life, are rare. Most of the time, it is miscommunication.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If you know that 95% of MFP people are respectful and eager to help, why do you dignify the rude 5% with a rant?
    This is the Internet. There are trolls and ill-advised people everywhere you can land your eyes on. 5% is a pretty low number, based on my experience....


    For perspective, the breastfeeding mom had a ton of great advice, and one uninformed, ignorant guy who would have been better off ignored instead of engaged.

    And that guy is in this thread, agreeing with the OP. Because he thinks people were being rude to him. HE IS TROLLZ. Teh internetz is awsum.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I'm feeling a sense of deja vu. I feel like i already read this thread this morning...
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