Litting Heavy is One of Many Options



  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    If you have been on MFP for a while, you will notice that lifting heavy is the most popular advice members are given regardless of fitness goal. Before anyone goes crazy, I'm not against lifting heavy, but I feel the routine should match the goals and lifting heavy does not work for every goal. At the same time, any other suggestion such as bodyweight exercises or metabolic training are ridiculed or dismissed by SOME members, when these exercises could be more or just as effective for a members goals.

    Starting Strength, All Pros and Stronglifts 5x5 are all great programs and there are countless testimonies of people who have gained strength from those programs. But let's be clear, gaining strength is the priority of those programs, not weight loss. Weight loss is possible on a calorie deficit, but you would undermine the very goal of this program, which is to gain strength. While some posters on MFP like to promote those programs for weight loss over other programs, and other bodybuilder sites don't generally promote these routines where weight loss is the PRIMARY goal, because your body doesn't have enough fuel to keep up the gains. Plus these routines are strenuous and may cause the cardio to suffer. No problem if you don't care for cardio, a big problem if you are prepping for a 10K in a few months.

    I am posting because I feel there is an attitude among SOME posters that there way is the only way and I think we can all achieve our fitness goals, but we may take a different path to get there. Personally I prefer metabolic training over traditional strength training because it is more exciting and intense to me. I want to get stronger, but gaining strength is not even in my top 3 fitness goals. At the end of the day I want to lose weight, run longer and faster. When i get closer to my goal weight, my fitness goals may change and lifting heavy may be exactly what I need, but for now it is just not the best choice for my fitness goals. Besides I find traditional strength training boring as hell. It is a chore to do and I get no enjoyment out of it. I do it when I have to, but avoid it if I can. Endurance activities speak to me. So if I had to choose between doing 100 Burpees and BW squats superset over doing 5 heavy weight squats, burpees win .

    Remember this is My Fitness PAL, not BODYBUILDING Dot COM. Let's support everyone on their fitness journey and respect the different paths they choose to get there. We may not all have the same goals, but we do share the common desire to be fit and healthy, so can we get there will a little less judgement.

    I do not share your desire. Sorry.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member

    Remember this is My Fitness PAL, not BODYBUILDING Dot COM. Let's support everyone on their fitness journey and respect the different paths they choose to get there. We may not all have the same goals, but we do share the common desire to be fit and healthy, so can we get there will a little less judgement.

    Ha!! Good luck with that. In the 2+ years I've been here, when I mention that I don't lift heavy I've been told I will be skinny fat, my muscles will waste away, I will not look good naked, I will end up in a nursing home, my bone density will decrease, plus a few other things I'm forgetting at the moment.

    I am told this even when I mention that I do body weight exercises, lift occasionally (but not progressively heavier and higher reps) and plyometrics, among various other exercises.

    None of it has happened though. The only 2 people that see me naked think I look good. My strength and endurance have increased, while my weight, pants size and BF% have decreased.

    The headless torsos don't really know it all.

    But you do.

  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
  • Jlopez201
    Jlopez201 Posts: 61
    Came in here expecting a new thread. Got in here and see OP is just trying to rehash an old thread where she literally got her *kitten* handed to her.

    Been there, done that.

    I'm outta here


    Damn, I am disappointed I missed out on that thread. LOL Why the hell are some women so afraid of weights ? They are your friend!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    This thread is a trainwreck.


    Ah Friday full of win :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    tl; dr

    post has already been done, come up with something more creative next time.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i agree on a lot of the OP's points. however, if i tell someone to go lift heavy, it's on them to research that subject. i don't expect them to go to the gym and load a barbell up with 300 lbs and try and lift it.

    if i tell someone to go ride a bike because it's good cardio, well, it's on them to know how to ride a bike and follow the rules of the road and be safe. they can't come back here and say "well, i was told to ride a bike so i went and got hit by a car and got a concussion because no one told me to wear a helmet and pay attention to cars!! so you suck MFP!!"

    see how silly that sounds??

    and honestly, no one is busting on body weight or metabolic conditioning. i see plenty of people post in "i don't have money for a gym membership" threads about how great body weight works outs are. in fact, in my opinion, they require the same, if not more discipline than weight lifting, because you generally have to do a lot more reps and sets than traditional barbell training.

    metabolic conditioning has its place too. like wendler says, either put it at the end of your work out, or put it in the trash can. it should be there to SUPPORT your training. not the core of it. and it shouldn't be for time so you can put you name on a chalk board for bragging rights at your box.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    If you have been on MFP for a while, you will notice that lifting heavy is the most popular advice members are given regardless of fitness goal. Before anyone goes crazy, I'm not against lifting heavy, but I feel the routine should match the goals and lifting heavy does not work for every goal. At the same time, any other suggestion such as bodyweight exercises or metabolic training are ridiculed or dismissed by SOME members, when these exercises could be more or just as effective for a members goals.

    Starting Strength, All Pros and Stronglifts 5x5 are all great programs and there are countless testimonies of people who have gained strength from those programs. But let's be clear, gaining strength is the priority of those programs, not weight loss. Weight loss is possible on a calorie deficit, but you would undermine the very goal of this program, which is to gain strength. While some posters on MFP like to promote those programs for weight loss over other programs, and other bodybuilder sites don't generally promote these routines where weight loss is the PRIMARY goal, because your body doesn't have enough fuel to keep up the gains. Plus these routines are strenuous and may cause the cardio to suffer. No problem if you don't care for cardio, a big problem if you are prepping for a 10K in a few months.

    I am posting because I feel there is an attitude among SOME posters that there way is the only way and I think we can all achieve our fitness goals, but we may take a different path to get there. Personally I prefer metabolic training over traditional strength training because it is more exciting and intense to me. I want to get stronger, but gaining strength is not even in my top 3 fitness goals. At the end of the day I want to lose weight, run longer and faster. When i get closer to my goal weight, my fitness goals may change and lifting heavy may be exactly what I need, but for now it is just not the best choice for my fitness goals. Besides I find traditional strength training boring as hell. It is a chore to do and I get no enjoyment out of it. I do it when I have to, but avoid it if I can. Endurance activities speak to me. So if I had to choose between doing 100 Burpees and BW squats superset over doing 5 heavy weight squats, burpees win .

    Remember this is My Fitness PAL, not BODYBUILDING Dot COM. Let's support everyone on their fitness journey and respect the different paths they choose to get there. We may not all have the same goals, but we do share the common desire to be fit and healthy, so can we get there will a little less judgement.

    This is not helping, its more like a statement or rant. Maybe this should have been posted under motivation.

    Who says that someone thats lifting heavy isnt also doing cardio, burpees, cycling and kayaking? You certainly make a lot of assumptions about what other people are doing.

    I also feel your reference to metabolic training is also misused as Clean and Presses are a metabolic exercise. :drinker:

    If you can handle it, you should try doing heavy clean and presses and immediately following them up with heart blasting burpees.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    In to read after work, assuming the thread survives that long
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Good Doctor Apollo,

    I could not agree with you more vociferously. Indeed, there are so many strong advocates of resistance training on My Fitness Pal because there are so many users who neglect that aspect of fitness.

    While perhaps to the original poster this advocacy may seem myopic, I have yet to hear anyone state that cardiovascular exercise is unimportant to fitness. I believe in fact that every single knowledgeable member of this site who advocates resistance training would acknowledge the critical importance of cardiovascular fitness.

    However, since the original poster is somehow offended by advice and does not believe that muscles atrophy when unutilized, she seems to think it necessary to criticize one of the fundamental training tools for comprehensive fitness.

    It's a shame.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    In like a minion!!


  • Jameson1984
    Jameson1984 Posts: 100 Member
    Bumping to see how this turns out.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Good Doctor Apollo,

    I could not agree with you more vociferously. Indeed, there are so many strong advocates of resistance training on My Fitness Pal because there are so many users who neglect that aspect of fitness.

    i know. i was one of these people. when i first decided i wanted to lose weight, i thought it was all about cardio, and that i would strength train when i got to goal weight. well, i was about ten pounds shy of goal weight and did not like how i was looking! so i started doing some push ups and pull ups and such in my house. started to look better.

    so yeah, i see a lot of people start a thread or post a status about how they run and do all this cardio every day, and they're body isn't looking for they thought it would. so i'm an advocate of starting some kind of strength training, be it barbell training or body weight stuff or whatever.

    i remember one woman in particular that was running pretty six days a week. i told her to cut it in half and start lifting the other three days. she refused. oh well.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Excuse me? I think I am the only headless torso in this thread so far and I have never told someone they 'have' to 'lift heavy' to achieve their goals.

    Mm and what a torso it is. From the men of the world, thank you so much for lifting :love:

    i know. i was one of these people. when i first decided i wanted to lose weight, i thought it was all about cardio, and that i would strength train when i got to goal weight. well, i was about ten pounds shy of goal weight and did not like how i was looking! so i started doing some push ups and pull ups and such in my house. started to look better.

    Exactly the same for me. I hit and then surpassed my goal and looked nothing like I wanted. I researched. I started lifting. I look precisely how I want now.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've said it before, but there's always new people, so I'll say it again... the reason I like heavy lifting so much is because I *DON'T* particularly like lifting weights. So I want to do what it takes to get the absolute MOST impact in the shortest amount of time. I don't lift heavy because I'm a fitness nut. I lift heavy because I'm lazy and don't want to devote endless hours to fitness.

    And I'm getting to an age where it's normal for women to lose muscle mass and bone density, so I want to combat that.

    And made me able to run faster and longer.

    And I haven't hurt myself doing normal (and abnormal) household duties like I used to.

    And I can bring in all the groceries in one trip.

    And it made my tushy look fantastic. :blushing:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member

    Remember this is My Fitness PAL, not BODYBUILDING Dot COM. Let's support everyone on their fitness journey and respect the different paths they choose to get there. We may not all have the same goals, but we do share the common desire to be fit and healthy, so can we get there will a little less judgement.

    Ha!! Good luck with that. In the 2+ years I've been here, when I mention that I don't lift heavy I've been told I will be skinny fat, my muscles will waste away, I will not look good naked, I will end up in a nursing home, my bone density will decrease, plus a few other things I'm forgetting at the moment.

    I am told this even when I mention that I do body weight exercises, lift occasionally (but not progressively heavier and higher reps) and plyometrics, among various other exercises.

    None of it has happened though. The only 2 people that see me naked think I look good. My strength and endurance have increased, while my weight, pants size and BF% have decreased.

    The headless torsos don't really know it all.

    Excuse me? I think I am the only headless torso in this thread so far and I have never told someone they 'have' to 'lift heavy' to achieve their goals.

    I'm pretty sure this thread hasn't been here for 2+ years.


    That was my reaction.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    Excuse me? I think I am the only headless torso in this thread so far and I have never told someone they 'have' to 'lift heavy' to achieve their goals.

    Mm and what a torso it is. From the men of the world, thank you so much for lifting :love:

    i know. i was one of these people. when i first decided i wanted to lose weight, i thought it was all about cardio, and that i would strength train when i got to goal weight. well, i was about ten pounds shy of goal weight and did not like how i was looking! so i started doing some push ups and pull ups and such in my house. started to look better.

    Exactly the same for me. I hit and then surpassed my goal and looked nothing like I wanted. I researched. I started lifting. I look precisely how I want now.

    and I like looking:bigsmile:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    In like a minion!!



    The minion with the blowout is totally the Moon Moon of the group.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I was ciming to type a sincere, well thought out post. But seeing as this thread was meant to cause trouble, nvm.
This discussion has been closed.