JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 7



  • CPFitnessIsFun
    CPFitnessIsFun Posts: 33 Member
    Day Weight Comments
    The struggle is real. Stupid Scales!!! Got on it this morning and it told me I lost almost 9 lbs. Yes it's wrong. So got on it again and it told me I gained 5. I just got off and left for a run. I'm saying I weight the same as I did yesterday :)

    06/13 - 211, Did Charlene Extreme Push 2 and walked for 60 Min with a total step count around 14k, total 1128 calories for the day 73 carbs, 30 fat, 163 protein.
    06/14 - 213.8 - Walked for 60 Min with a total step count around 16k, also did a weight class. total 1199 calories for the day 115 carbs, 27 fat, 146 protein. The scale went up again!!!! but I am rocking it at my class first time I've been able to do that many push ups EVER. Here is to hoping tomorrow I wake up 2.8 lbs lighter lol
    06/15 - 210.3 - WHOO HOO finally lower then starting weight. Did my crazy fitness class OMG I never loved sweating so much. 17k steps today Total Calories 1344 Carbs 97 Fat 33 Protein 174
    06/16 - 210.8 - Welcome back half a pound. Dang you scale lol Did C25K today and got in nearly 20k steps. Total Calories 1225 Carbs 99 Fat 24 and Protein 170
    06/17 210.8 - got in 20k steps and did another c25k run, yes no off day on that and I'm going to try to go up to the next week tomorrow. Calories 1200 Carbs 80 fat 33 protein 160
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 202.2 lbs
    Goal: 199 lbs

    6/12: 202.2lbs
    6/13: 199.6lbs Drank lots of water yesterday and also did my first day of Insanity. Not taking a diuretic or laxatives but finally getting a break through. Hopefully, my progress will continue but to reach the 10 day goal already, I may not be able to get my body to lose more. But day two of Insanity is later this evening.

    6/14: 199.6lbs A good day yesterday for diet and exercise, second day of Insanity completed. No movement on the scale but that's okay. I'm hoping to have lost something in my measurements by the end of the week. More than anything, I'm just happy my weight is staying down and not going up lol. I did have a late night snack of about 2 cups of cherries so good thing they did not effect me.
    6/15 200lbs Insanity Cardio Recovery, plenty of water and decent eating intervals.
    6/16 200lbs :( Had a bad day yesterday. I was running around and my eating schedule was thrown off. Didn't get to do Insanity, but walked around NYC for 3 hours sightseeing and shopping. I hope tomorrow is better.
    6/17 199.8lbs I did Insanity Pure Cardio and almost died, it was so hard, but I made it through to the end. Staying pretty close to my caloric goals and eating balanced meals.
  • tem1703
    tem1703 Posts: 8 Member
    Great idea. I am pretty bad at sticking with things, so having a go especially as I weighed myself today...must be a sign! First timer joining with R7:

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 193.4lbs 30mins on elliptical
    06/13 - 192.4lbs another 30mins on elliptical!!
    06/14 - 192.2lbs wow feeling inspired and did another 30mins on the elliptical today!! this is very strange and matches the number of times I had exercised in the last 3 weeks, but it could be guilt. Had a tasty strawberry tart yesterday and some wine, but was well behaved enough to log it on MFP.
    06/15 - 191.2lbs officially lost 2.2lbs since 12th June. Very pleased. Busy day ahead, so focussing on sticking to the calorie plan.
    06/16 - 190.2lbs no workout today but tried to stay active even though I was at the funeral of my 46 year old cousin today (too young to go...RIP). working out how many calories I had eaten from a buffet was tricky.
    06/17 - 190.0lbs food choices become interesting when logging all you eat. still going in the right direction even though was a bit unsure of how yesterday may affect weigh in.
    06/18 - 189.6lbs happy - still going in the right direction and under a milestone! Hope everyone else going well too :smile:
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    I like the idea of putting in numbers from other rounds because it shows how far people have come. It's 'only' 10 days but they add up when you keep committing. Sometimes it seems like a daunting task when challenges last for months. So here goes:
    R2 SW 221
    R3 SW 217.4
    R4 SW 215
    R5 SW 212
    R6 Missed- Was away with no scale
    R7 SW 208.4 (June 11)

    06/12 - 207.8
    06/13 - 207.4
    06/14 - 207.6 Getting close to a mini goal, as usual I'm going to have to buckle down and fight for it :)
    06/15 - 207.2
    06/16 - 206.6
    06/17 - 205.8 <3
    06/18 - 205.2
  • FranSilvius62
    FranSilvius62 Posts: 54 Member
    My highest weight was 300 in January 2014. I started my Fitness Pal and got down to 258 in February 2015. In June 2015, my mom moved in for 24 hour care. My whole mind set was changed, no longer did I need to lose weight, I needed to take care of my mom. Needless to say my weight climbed back up. I have been bouncing back and forth between 275 and 285. In March of this year, at doctor's, I was at 282. She recommended myfitnesspal. I am loving it. Slow going, but the weight is coming off in-spite the trials we are going through now. Husband being diagnosed with colon cancer, and me with type 2 diabetes. Doctor said lose another 10-20 lbs and I'll be in a safer zone. Gives me a whole new motivation.

    Start weight: 279
    Current weight: 273.2
    Current Goal weight: 270
    Long term goal: 135

    Round 4 278.0
    Round 5 275.6
    Round 6 273.2

    6/12 273.4
    6/13 272.0
    6/14 271.6

    6/15 271.6 hmmm, must have been sampling from cake grand-kids(ages 7 & 5) made for Father's Day picnic. Had to make sure it was good before serving it to others. I did choose to use the 2-bite rule.

    6/16 270.6 Let's see if I can keep this going. Husband's PET Scan, yesterday read, Positive for STAGE 4 COLON CANCER. :( Meeting with oncologist at 10 and surgeon at noon, today. Surgery is scheduled for Monday morning at 10.

    6/17 273.6 Long time visiting out of state friends, decided I was under enough pressure and took us to Friendlies. I should have resisted the small sundae, that came with the meal. But, boy was it good. I hadn't had ice cream in 6 months. Will wait another 6 months(at least) before doing that again.

    6/18 273.6 Yup, that's what I get for a moment of indulgence and no exercise. Payback time. Husband goes in tomorrow for the first process in beating this cancer, colon by-pass surgery.

  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    6/12 - 243.0
    6/13 - 243.2
    6/14 - 244.4 - Not worried. I've seen swings as much as 3 lbs per day. Seems to be affected by how much sleep I get.
    6/15 - 242.8
    6/16 - 243.8
    6/17 - 243.4 - Back to the gym for the first time in months - the doc cleared me and I was doing my first set within 10 minutes.
    6/18 - 243.2
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Starting weight 6/11 - 134.5
    Goal for 10 days - 132.5

    06/12 - 136.1
    I'm a little disappointed in myself. I maintained my weight Friday and Saturday (weekends are usually hard for me to eat within calories). Then last night was just a free for all. I went 1100 calories over for the day and it shows on the scale this morning. I've never weighed myself on a Monday. Back at it today though. Workout planned at 8:00!!

    06/13 - 136.4
    Well that went the wrong way ... had a good day though. Good workout and avoided temptation of food and beer at an impromptu get together with neighbors.

    06/14 - 135.3
    Good food day yesterday, just under 1200 calories. No time for my workout. Getting wo in first thing this morning!

    06/15 - 134.9
    Good day for exercise, bad day for food. I was around 700 calories over my 1200 net goal. To be exact, I was 3 full calorie beers, 1 m&m cookie and 1 serving of potato chips over :neutral: I'm hoping it doesn't catch up to me tomorrow because I have to weigh in for my biggest loser group.

    06/16 - 134.4
    Finally less than the day before this started ... but now the weekend. I have at least 3 meals out (my oldest son is graduating from high school tomorrow). I am more motivated than usual to stay strong this weekend, it will be interesting to see how it goes.

    06/17 - 134
    Moving in the right direction, but today is graduation day, dinner out and no exercise ...

    06/18 - 134.9
    Well I'm up a little, but not bad. We went out to dinner last night after my son's graduation. I have to say knowing I had to post my weight this morning totally made me order off the healthy section of the menu and it tasted good! Last Sunday I went a little crazy. Lots to do today, hopefully no eating out! No time for exercise though, we go straight from football to baseball so not home all day.

  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    06/12: 135.6

    HOLY COW! I was so excited to log in and write this morning! Successes--I've been putting in at a calorie deficite pretty much every single day and when I'm not formally exercising I'm at least staying active. Failures--well I bought a bunch of pastries from my favorite French shop this weekend and chowed down so I had to work out hardcore just to burn them off.

    Hoping this pound stays off and it's not a fluke! *fingers crossed*

    06/13: 134.8

    I think this is one of those random dips in weight after coming off of a plateau for what seemed like forever. Also I've cut out a lot of dairy from my diet as it was a major source of excess calories.

    06/14: 136.2

    I'm constipated today. Enough said. :-(

    06/15: 136

    Didn't really exercise yesterday but I came in under calorie count. I'd like to think this is a sign that I'm headed back in the healthier direction. We will see.

    06/16 Stayed over at a friend's last night and she doesn't have a scale. I knew I was going to go over my cal count because it was a sleepover. Did 10 mins of HIIT though and am super sore today.

    06/17 Forgot to check in yesterday but my weight was 136.6

    06/18: 135.4

    Spent most of yesterday being active: went to an outdoor farmer's market, then to the pool with my neice (who is super active), then to a soccer game. Didn't eat great though. Got to get back into the mindset.

  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    6/11 I'm in again.
    Woke up at 150.4 today thanks to too many carbs and beers while camping.
    Let's see what round 7 brings. Nothing but the best.

    06/12 149.4 OK, some water weight gone. Under on carbs and cals. 30 on elliptical. Still 1.4# over from when I started round 6. Gain so easy, lose so slow, that's the story of my yoyo. LOL My goal for this round is to get in the 147's.

    06/13 148.8 Yahooooo. 35 Elliptical (interval), trained, made cabbage soup to get me back on track.

    06/14 147.5 Yes!!! Did 30 on elliptical, an hour of water aerobics, ate clean. 1/2 more pound off and I'm halfway to my goal weight of 132. I am soooo stoked. It's been slow, with ups and downs, but it's happening.

    06/15 148.4 Ah, the dreaded fluctuation. Over on carbs, had some corn and ribs for dinner. I didn't over do it though so yeah for that. Did Elliptical for 50 min. Don't think I had enough water yesterday.Today I go to gym. Here's to a day of virtue.

    06/16 147.8 Heading back down despite too many carbs yesterday = 1/3 of an Aldi's pizza. Doesn't seem fair that 2 smallish slices of pizza should pack so many carbs. Oh, but it was good. So happy that I'm logging food and drink and being so good to myself. I may be the turtle in the race but he did win.

    06/17 148 No exercise yesterday; allergies had me feeling tired. Gonna go early today.

    06/18 147 !!! Big drop for me that puts me half way to my goal of 132. I've lost 15 # since March. It has been slow and up and down but I am so thrilled to see continuing progress towards my goal. Happy Sunday.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    06/10 - 141.8
    06/11 - 141.6

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 142.4
    06/13 - 143.4
    06/14 - 143.4
    06/15 - 144.0
    06/16 - 145.0...yeah, way wrong way.
    06/17 - 144.2
    06/18 - 144.2...Father's Day..egads!

  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW:274 CW: 257 MGW1(mini goal wt): 249

    06/12: 262.4 (up .2lbs but it's expected as I did not do much exercising yesterday and ate a bit over my cals. Tomorrow will hopefully be better as it will be Tuesday and I usually eat better throughout the weekday vs the weekend.)
    06/13: 262.4 (More like Cal in Cal Out when your body wants it out...ugh. I wasn't that hungry yesterday and ate a little below 1200 (not on purpose) and worked out really hard. I guess my body is not used to it and is trying to hold on to every little carb and sodium I do take in)
    06/14: 260.2 (I couldn't eat that much last night but forced myself to eat an apple and pb2 to get to 1000 cals after working out for an hr...will try to eat a bit more today if I workout for a long time...on a positive note that's 14lbs down in almost 3 weeks eating on average at 1700 cals!)
    06/15: 259.4 (Awesome beans!)
    06/16: 259 (I couldn't workout last night due to the power going out...ugh but I still went down .4lbs so I am content...now here comes the hard part...the weekend)
    06/17: 257.8 (I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to eat. Still managed to get in at least 70 mins of exercise in and 1200 cals (at least I think...I hope I am not underestimating my cals) though!)
    06/18: 259.2 (not gonna lie I am kinda bummed out about this number because I worked out hard yesterday and I was sick. I also ate pretty decent...not going over my goal. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days so maybe it's that or I overestimated. How many calories does Swai fish really have? Cuz thats the only thing I ate that I wasn't sure about in cals everything else was a no sugar added peach cup(35) brown rice which I measured to be 180 cals, stewed tomatoes (155) quest bar(190) banana(121) unsalted rice cake (40) with my 0 cal tea and an apple(130) and 2 handfuls of sea salt popcorn(105)...and all of this was during the day. Did not eat after 5 because I was really sick...dunno)
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    SW - in March - 182.3
    GW- going to get to 150 and evaluate from there.

    06/11 - 160.0lbs - coming in from round 6

    06/12 - 161.2lbs - TOM gets the blame for this one as I know it wasn't my activity level and food yesterday.

    06/13 - 161.6 - I know I ate under maintenance calories yesterday...so once again it's all TOMs fault LOL. My rings are tight and my feet are puffy...so I'm sure the water will shed when TOM leaves. Because I weigh every day I know this is a typical fluctuation in my cycle.

    06/14 - 160.8lbs - on the way back down...the 150's are calling me!!

    06/15 - 160.6lbs - not bad considering I did some quality control on the oatmeal cookies I made for today's school fair bake sale....and finished my kid's fries last night...must have been the 14000 steps that kept me in check.

    06/16 - 159.6lbs - HELLO 150's!!! Worked my butt off at our School Fun Fair yesterday so even the bites of brownie and gelato I shared with my kids didn't make a difference (17000+steps and lots of lifting)

    06/17 - 159.8lbs - still in the 150's.

    06/18 - 161.4 - not sure what's up...sodium?...feeling a bit bloated and puffy so likely water retention. I did not eat 2 lbs worth of extra calories, not even one. Will drink lots of water today and flush this out.

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,063 Member
    Initial 6/11/17 /final goal weight: 156.4 lbs | 98 lbs (?)--not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    Start/goal weight for this round: 156.4 lbs | 155.4 lbs

    4'11", female, 55 years old

    06/12 156.4 Felt lucky to get that! I finished my last food pretty late...
    06/13 158.0 Figured I had gained after stressful day, yesterday & then out of control eating. I'll do better before
    this round is done. :smile:
    06/14 157.4 Stuck with my meal plans, yesterday.
    06/15 157.4 Was okay with this... stayed right at about 1200 calories, yesterday
    06/16 158.8 Uh oh... heading the wrong way...
    06/17 159.6 Obviously, I'm having some serious issues. I'm not giving up, yet. :smile: :blush:
    06/18 158.4 Whew! Stopped that awful gaining trend! Actually, I followed my meal plan, yesterday... :smile:
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW:274 CW: 257 MGW1(mini goal wt): 249

    06/12: 262.4 (up .2lbs but it's expected as I did not do much exercising yesterday and ate a bit over my cals. Tomorrow will hopefully be better as it will be Tuesday and I usually eat better throughout the weekday vs the weekend.)
    06/13: 262.4 (More like Cal in Cal Out when your body wants it out...ugh. I wasn't that hungry yesterday and ate a little below 1200 (not on purpose) and worked out really hard. I guess my body is not used to it and is trying to hold on to every little carb and sodium I do take in)
    06/14: 260.2 (I couldn't eat that much last night but forced myself to eat an apple and pb2 to get to 1000 cals after working out for an hr...will try to eat a bit more today if I workout for a long time...on a positive note that's 14lbs down in almost 3 weeks eating on average at 1700 cals!)
    06/15: 259.4 (Awesome beans!)
    06/16: 259 (I couldn't workout last night due to the power going out...ugh but I still went down .4lbs so I am content...now here comes the hard part...the weekend)
    06/17: 257.8 (I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to eat. Still managed to get in at least 70 mins of exercise in and 1200 cals (at least I think...I hope I am not underestimating my cals) though!)
    06/18: 259.2 (not gonna lie I am kinda bummed out about this number because I worked out hard yesterday and I was sick. I also ate pretty decent...not going over my goal. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days so maybe it's that or I overestimated. How many calories does Swai fish really have? Cuz thats the only thing I ate that I wasn't sure about in cals everything else was a no sugar added peach cup(35) brown rice which I measured to be 180 cals, stewed tomatoes (155) quest bar(190) banana(121) unsalted rice cake (40) with my 0 cal tea and an apple(130) and 2 handfuls of sea salt popcorn(105)...and all of this was during the day. Did not eat after 5 because I was really sick...dunno)

    Drink lots of water today to flush out the water you are retaining... sodium is bad for holding it in. I would just like to say though, if you didn't go over your calories and you were mindful then it will eventually all balance out. You would have had to gone over by your deficit and 5000 calories to gain 1.4 pounds and no matter how you weigh it, Swai fish isn't that much! Good luck! (FYI.. you made me look up Swai fish)
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW:274 CW: 257 MGW1(mini goal wt): 249

    06/12: 262.4 (up .2lbs but it's expected as I did not do much exercising yesterday and ate a bit over my cals. Tomorrow will hopefully be better as it will be Tuesday and I usually eat better throughout the weekday vs the weekend.)
    06/13: 262.4 (More like Cal in Cal Out when your body wants it out...ugh. I wasn't that hungry yesterday and ate a little below 1200 (not on purpose) and worked out really hard. I guess my body is not used to it and is trying to hold on to every little carb and sodium I do take in)
    06/14: 260.2 (I couldn't eat that much last night but forced myself to eat an apple and pb2 to get to 1000 cals after working out for an hr...will try to eat a bit more today if I workout for a long time...on a positive note that's 14lbs down in almost 3 weeks eating on average at 1700 cals!)
    06/15: 259.4 (Awesome beans!)
    06/16: 259 (I couldn't workout last night due to the power going out...ugh but I still went down .4lbs so I am content...now here comes the hard part...the weekend)
    06/17: 257.8 (I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to eat. Still managed to get in at least 70 mins of exercise in and 1200 cals (at least I think...I hope I am not underestimating my cals) though!)
    06/18: 259.2 (not gonna lie I am kinda bummed out about this number because I worked out hard yesterday and I was sick. I also ate pretty decent...not going over my goal. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days so maybe it's that or I overestimated. How many calories does Swai fish really have? Cuz thats the only thing I ate that I wasn't sure about in cals everything else was a no sugar added peach cup(35) brown rice which I measured to be 180 cals, stewed tomatoes (155) quest bar(190) banana(121) unsalted rice cake (40) with my 0 cal tea and an apple(130) and 2 handfuls of sea salt popcorn(105)...and all of this was during the day. Did not eat after 5 because I was really sick...dunno)

    Are you counting carbs as well as cals? My trainer got me doing that and it really helps me. You can use 'settings' to set FP to do that for you. And, if you haven't gone for 2 days there's the weight. Eat some fiber and drink water.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    6/12: 171.4
    6/13: 171.0
    6/14: 171.2
    6/15: 170.8
    6/16: 169.6
    6/17: 170.0
    6/18: 170.0

    Satisfied with this. I didn't have a lot of water yesterday. In fact, I think I only had like 5 glasses of water so I was expecting this.
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 202.2 lbs
    Goal: 199 lbs

    6/12: 202.2lbs
    6/13: 199.6lbs Drank lots of water yesterday and also did my first day of Insanity. Not taking a diuretic or laxatives but finally getting a break through. Hopefully, my progress will continue but to reach the 10 day goal already, I may not be able to get my body to lose more. But day two of Insanity is later this evening.

    6/14: 199.6lbs A good day yesterday for diet and exercise, second day of Insanity completed. No movement on the scale but that's okay. I'm hoping to have lost something in my measurements by the end of the week. More than anything, I'm just happy my weight is staying down and not going up lol. I did have a late night snack of about 2 cups of cherries so good thing they did not effect me.
    6/15 200lbs Insanity Cardio Recovery, plenty of water and decent eating intervals.
    6/16 200lbs :( Had a bad day yesterday. I was running around and my eating schedule was thrown off. Didn't get to do Insanity, but walked around NYC for 3 hours sightseeing and shopping. I hope tomorrow is better.
    6/17 199.8lbs I did Insanity Pure Cardio and almost died, it was so hard, but I made it through to the end. Staying pretty close to my caloric goals and eating balanced meals.
    6/18 199.6lbs starting a new fitness challenge today as well as doing Insanity. I think today is going to be good, since I already know the basics of each meal. I'm happy that I was able to make it through the weekend without any upsets.
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Goal weight 132
    Ultimate weight 130

    06/12 - 135.4
    06/13 - ... no scale, but being mindful
    06/14 - ... no scale, but homeward bound
    06/15 - 134.2 woohoo!!! It helps to have mindful eating even when there is no scale lurking around the corner. Plus, I am home and getting back into my usual workout routine. Winner :)
    06/16 - 133.6 don't think it's going to stay there. But love the downward direction of the scale. Logging and mindful. And getting back into my workout routine at home.
    06/17 - 134 I am very happy with where I am at. This is a great reinforcement to keep up what I am doing.
    06/18 -134.2 not sure why it's up again. As long as it doesn't keep trending up and stops, I'm good. My goal is to lose 1 - 1.5 lb/10 day challenge. Did 5 mile run today. Happy Father's Day to all the dads.
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    SW:274 CW: 257 MGW1(mini goal wt): 249

    06/12: 262.4 (up .2lbs but it's expected as I did not do much exercising yesterday and ate a bit over my cals. Tomorrow will hopefully be better as it will be Tuesday and I usually eat better throughout the weekday vs the weekend.)
    06/13: 262.4 (More like Cal in Cal Out when your body wants it out...ugh. I wasn't that hungry yesterday and ate a little below 1200 (not on purpose) and worked out really hard. I guess my body is not used to it and is trying to hold on to every little carb and sodium I do take in)
    06/14: 260.2 (I couldn't eat that much last night but forced myself to eat an apple and pb2 to get to 1000 cals after working out for an hr...will try to eat a bit more today if I workout for a long time...on a positive note that's 14lbs down in almost 3 weeks eating on average at 1700 cals!)
    06/15: 259.4 (Awesome beans!)
    06/16: 259 (I couldn't workout last night due to the power going out...ugh but I still went down .4lbs so I am content...now here comes the hard part...the weekend)
    06/17: 257.8 (I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to eat. Still managed to get in at least 70 mins of exercise in and 1200 cals (at least I think...I hope I am not underestimating my cals) though!)
    06/18: 259.2 (not gonna lie I am kinda bummed out about this number because I worked out hard yesterday and I was sick. I also ate pretty decent...not going over my goal. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days so maybe it's that or I overestimated. How many calories does Swai fish really have? Cuz thats the only thing I ate that I wasn't sure about in cals everything else was a no sugar added peach cup(35) brown rice which I measured to be 180 cals, stewed tomatoes (155) quest bar(190) banana(121) unsalted rice cake (40) with my 0 cal tea and an apple(130) and 2 handfuls of sea salt popcorn(105)...and all of this was during the day. Did not eat after 5 because I was really sick...dunno)

    Are you counting carbs as well as cals? My trainer got me doing that and it really helps me. You can use 'settings' to set FP to do that for you. And, if you haven't gone for 2 days there's the weight. Eat some fiber and drink water.

    No I haven't been counting carbs but I probably need to start doing that.

    I am going to try to eat some cabbage, green tea, and drink a lot of water today and limit my carb intake and see if that does the trick. Thanks!

  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member

    06/16 216.2 -- My lowest weight so far but Happy Scale says my moving average is 215.8 -- not sure how that happens. Yesterday was good; I had two pints, mindfully ate delicious enchilada suizas leftovers and still stayed under my target.
    06/17 216.2 -- Zumba today. Had a big old cheeseburger last night. I'd been craving it and fit it into my calories. Need to be on target all weekend as I have two food events next week.
    06/18 216.2 -- I would really like to not start and end these six days at the same weight.