How disgusting is this...



  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member

    Sorry for your experiences.... but you might want to realize you are going off of the word of others who dont even know me from adam before preaching to me ethics or how to handle people. In fact, its a internet forum, you dont even know their sanity, morals or ethics!

    I am in the medical field due to my mothers past medical issues. so to preach to me compassion, without having shadowed me while talking to pts, is absurd.


    So since you will probably have to do a family health rotation...this woman is sitting in the exam room all you have is her chart in front of would you handle it? How would you gain her trust to listen to your advice?

    wow.. thats a detailed scenario.. im gonna sleep on this one. get back to you in the morning!
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member

    Sorry for your experiences.... but you might want to realize you are going off of the word of others who dont even know me from adam before preaching to me ethics or how to handle people. In fact, its a internet forum, you dont even know their sanity, morals or ethics!

    I am in the medical field due to my mothers past medical issues. so to preach to me compassion, without having shadowed me while talking to pts, is absurd.


    So since you will probably have to do a family health rotation...this woman is sitting in the exam room all you have is her chart in front of would you handle it? How would you gain her trust to listen to your advice?

    wow.. thats a detailed scenario.. im gonna sleep on this one. get back to you in the morning!

    This thread kind of got weird. lol

  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    As someone who has had to hand their child over for surgery 8 times, (1 lasted 12 hours, a few of them others were 8,6 and 4 hours long, and them some other mild stuff in comparison), please remember that there are people who dearly love the ones they are passing over to your care one day.

    Also, when July hits and you are the "baby" doctor on the floor and a Mother comes in with a mildly complex kid, please listen to them. It will save you a major butt chewing. (Yes this happened to us)

    All that said, we've been very lucky, each surgeon who worked on our son had the utmost compassion for life's difficulties we were dealing with. I only hope you can show the same when the time comes.

    You are not God, You are not even playing God. And if you do develop said God complex, your reputation will run before you to other specialty groups through the hospital. I also know this first hand when hearing nurses groan when we mentioned one of my child's Dr (who we later "fired" and replaced with the second opinion Dr). I could stand the God complex, what I couldn't stand was sub par care for my son, I drew the line there. Esp when I had another specialty request a second opinion to help us find another Dr in the group.

    Sorry for your experiences.... but you might want to realize you are going off of the word of others who dont even know me from adam before preaching to me ethics or how to handle people. In fact, its a internet forum, you dont even know their sanity, morals or ethics!

    I am in the medical field due to my mothers past medical issues. so to preach to me compassion, without having shadowed me while talking to pts, is absurd.


    I'm sure she's going off of your own statements, not what everyone else is saying about you.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    What struck me reading this was how she described other people.
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    Oh, look. 18 pgs since this am and op is still at it! Jeeeeeeeesus. :noway:
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Oh, look. 18 pgs since this am and op is still at it! Jeeeeeeeesus. :noway:

    You think he should stop, even though the topic interests him and many others?

    Never understood statements like yours. What is your point exactly? If the topic does not appeal to you there are many others.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    Oh, look. 18 pgs since this am and op is still at it! Jeeeeeeeesus. :noway:

    oh look, topic a person doesnt like... still she must tune in and click link.

    never understood this
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    The discussion has been interesting and the writer quoted is interesting...I'm just surprised that op continues to be so...obtuse? I've been a nurse suggestion is for op to perhaps find a small shred of empathy and grow it for all its' worth. Everyone has a story worth telling and hearing and it's best not to start off with thoughts of 'disgusting' and the like. Surgery, eh? Yeah...the best surgeons and pa's who work surgery lose the god complex.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    This is ridiculous. If she's happy being fat, she can be fat, but I'm not gonna pat her on the damn back for it.
    "Oh well done YOU, not conforming to social norms!!"
    Screw that.

    She chose to be obese and gets judged for it.

    I chose to stretch my ears and get tattoos, I am judged for it.

    I don't expect a goddamn cookie every time I go out in public for being "brave".

    She's not a special snowflake. If she's genuinely happy about being fat, she can shut up and not post about how wonderfully special she is on the internet.

    It also sounds like she didn't try to lose weight in a very healthy manner, talking about pills and overexercise and feeling hungry? I was 240 when I started and I've never gone hungry.

    Posts like this are such an obvious play for sympathy for something that should not be sympathised with. She is FAT. She WANTS to be fat. She made that choice to be outside the social norm and she is expecting us to all weep for her like she has cancer. Ridiculous.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You choose to be fat?

    If a genie appeared to her in the night and offered to transform her body into that of Carrie Underwood's, do you think she'd decline?
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    im dissapointed that the cats didnt continue.

  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    You choose to be fat?

    If a genie appeared to her in the night and offered to transform her body into that of Carrie Underwood's, do you think she'd decline?

    Right. Also, adding photos....because look at those LEGS.

  • Janice2Shakira
    You choose to be fat?

    If a genie appeared to her in the night and offered to transform her body into that of Carrie Underwood's, do you think she'd decline?

    Right. Also, adding photos....because look at those LEGS.



    Seriously, know she'd say yes.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    im dissapointed that the cats didnt continue.

  • Janice2Shakira
    im dissapointed that the cats didnt continue.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, if someone "chooses" to be poor and live off welfare... is that noble or something?

    Quitting because you're too lazy and weak to succeed might be a choice, but it's not something we need to applaud.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    this article is the best thing i've read all day. thanks!

    (and to answer your question: not disgusting at all.)

    Beautifully written. Heart-felt and sad. Not disgusting at all. You are a very narrow-minded person for thinking this is disgusting. Did someone say you are studying to be a PA? Perhaps you should rethink your field of study. You have to be compassionate in the healthcare industry. You sir, are NOT compassionate by any means.

    absolutely laughable.

    my job is to get the sick better not to make sure they are ok with childhood issues. compassion on a forum? get outta here.

    My sister is 9 months away from her Psychiatric NP license. She is all about healing the sick. Perhaps you should take a couple more psychology classes to getting a better understanding of the way people act/react to life events.

    i am bound for surgery hun. not psychiatric work.

    thats like asking your mechanic to be more sensitive with your cars feelings.

    But as a surgeon you will not be working on cars - you will be working on people. Please don't forget that. You will have to communicate with people (many of them patients and families). They don't just wheel the bodies in for you to cut and wheel them away. There is more to it than the mechanics.

    And try not to call people hun - it's condescending.

    Wow. World's ****tiest bedside manner surgeon in the making!

    Amazing, people who say don't don't judge other people so fast, always are the first ones to make judgments about other people

    Just statin' the facts, hun. You turned your nose up at someone suggesting you may need compassion and you say you are going to be a surgeon so you don't?

    Hope you don't do surgery for kids, or for people facing potentially life threatening situations, or anyone fearful of surgery, or c-sections, or any other number of operations where a patient might expect a little bit of compassion from their surgeon!

    dont talk about things you dont know about or understand. k thanks!

    My son had surgery. I had a surgeon present for my birth. I watched my housemate have a c-section. Spoke to the surgeons in all scenarios. Tell me again how I know nothing?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    PAs aren't surgeons. They can be surgical assistants but that's not something that gets you a lot of bedside time.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    My son had surgery. I had a surgeon present for my birth. I watched my housemate have a c-section. Spoke to the surgeons in all scenarios. Tell me again how I know nothing?

    well. watch out... we have a bad *kitten* here.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My son had surgery. I had a surgeon present for my birth. I watched my housemate have a c-section. Spoke to the surgeons in all scenarios. Tell me again how I know nothing?

    well. watch out... we have a bad *kitten* here.

    What's funny here is that you're likely to find yourself assisting surgeons working on patients you have nothing but disdain for.

    Good luck with that. Sounds fulfilling.