My Top 10 Mistakes



  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I used to do the whole "well I over ate this food today so I better just finish the whole bag/box so I won't be tempted to do it tomorrow". Like, why did I think that was an acceptable solution?

    i still do this im like well if ima eat it anyway why not get temptation out of the way so tomorow im good?
  • DaveMustGetFit
    DaveMustGetFit Posts: 43 Member
    I like the cog therapy idea - good post
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    Ha--except for #7 I too could have written that list. I would sub in "I had a long day/bad day/my back hurts/I'm tired and cookies help" for your #7. Really cookies do not help...a lesson I have to relearn at least once a week. So hard to change old, unhelpful thinking patterns AND remember that we really do FEEL better when we take better care of our whole selves. As a 47 year old woman, being a healthy weight, flexible, active--those are no longer for vanity. Those habits are going to set me up to be a healthy older person and hopefully help me avoid many weight related health issues in 20+ years. Looking good, not worrying about how I look, being able to shop pretty much anywhere--those are side benefits. Thanks for the list and good luck to you too!
  • papercut2k
    papercut2k Posts: 83 Member
    #2 Gets me a lot. Especially at work. It seems everybody wants to shove sweets at me. And when I say no they look at me with disbelief.

    It's not just a slice of cake or a measly donut to me. It's a ton of psychological baggage.
  • DaveMustGetFit
    DaveMustGetFit Posts: 43 Member
    Papercut2k - when you say no - do you not get an amazing sense of control - you are in control, not them, not the sweets, but you?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I used to do the whole "well I over ate this food today so I better just finish the whole bag/box so I won't be tempted to do it tomorrow". Like, why did I think that was an acceptable solution?

    i still do this im like well if ima eat it anyway why not get temptation out of the way so tomorow im good?

    Me too! The quicker i get it out of the house and into my belly, the quicker the temptation is gone...

    Aahh the mental games we play to justify things :neutral:
  • n_green_l
    n_green_l Posts: 74 Member
    Every single one! I like reading posts like this as it makes me realise I'm not the only one haha. Don't give up!
  • DaveMustGetFit
    DaveMustGetFit Posts: 43 Member
    edited July 2017
    Natalie same! I am not giving up or giving in. On a roll and down 14lbs, about 20 more to go. This time want it to be for good, so just looking at these habits as permanent.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    This would be my exact list too, especially #3. My life is crazy busy and there is always some special event. Good luck!
  • kwaasen
    kwaasen Posts: 11 Member
    Skyle33 wrote: »
    Here's the thing. Just do it. Stop failing and just do it, you have to decide for yourself what's motivating you and keep that drive firing all day every day. If you really want to get it done, you will. It's cliche but always keep your eye on the prize. *kitten*. Be a beast and don't let life run you, make this *kitten* your *kitten*. Excuse my language? Nah don't excuse it. Work man, just work. No one has time to screw around and not get what they want out of diet and nutrition. It's pointless to struggle and go back and forth, you'll make no progress as I'm sure you already figured out. On a side note, are you exercising enough? Exercise will drive your bad habits out the window because you feel like *kitten* mentally and physically if you exercise and have poor nutrition: keep that in mind. Anyway, after not addressing a single one of your bullet points directly, I hope I squashed all 10. The next post I want to see from you is how you are conquering and controlling this crucial aspect of your life, and how mad you are for not taking total control sooner, because 0.0% of people can say they regret sticking to a healthy life style with proper eating habits. And remember, temptations are life's tests, peer pressure is not your friend in this case, unless you want to look like those peers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I strive to be better than those around me, and if that means denying a piece of cake, okay who cares, I won't ever regret that, I'll only feel better having not had it. Overall, stay strong and remind yourself every second of everyday what it is you want out of this, and I promise you will succeed.

    Oh! I find this more condescending than inspirational. "stop failing...." I'd say a big part of being human is making mistakes! It's the way you react to those mistakes that matters! Pick up from where you last achieved, like being within your calorie allowance, and soldier on! The attitude of no failure or mistakes is, in my opinion, making those slip ups harder to deal with.
  • DaveMustGetFit
    DaveMustGetFit Posts: 43 Member
    kwaasen wrote: »
    Skyle33 wrote: »
    Here's the thing. Just do it. Stop failing and just do it, you have to decide for yourself what's motivating you and keep that drive firing all day every day. If you really want to get it done, you will. It's cliche but always keep your eye on the prize. *kitten*. Be a beast and don't let life run you, make this *kitten* your *kitten*. Excuse my language? Nah don't excuse it. Work man, just work. No one has time to screw around and not get what they want out of diet and nutrition. It's pointless to struggle and go back and forth, you'll make no progress as I'm sure you already figured out. On a side note, are you exercising enough? Exercise will drive your bad habits out the window because you feel like *kitten* mentally and physically if you exercise and have poor nutrition: keep that in mind. Anyway, after not addressing a single one of your bullet points directly, I hope I squashed all 10. The next post I want to see from you is how you are conquering and controlling this crucial aspect of your life, and how mad you are for not taking total control sooner, because 0.0% of people can say they regret sticking to a healthy life style with proper eating habits. And remember, temptations are life's tests, peer pressure is not your friend in this case, unless you want to look like those peers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I strive to be better than those around me, and if that means denying a piece of cake, okay who cares, I won't ever regret that, I'll only feel better having not had it. Overall, stay strong and remind yourself every second of everyday what it is you want out of this, and I promise you will succeed.

    Oh! I find this more condescending than inspirational. "stop failing...." I'd say a big part of being human is making mistakes! It's the way you react to those mistakes that matters! Pick up from where you last achieved, like being within your calorie allowance, and soldier on! The attitude of no failure or mistakes is, in my opinion, making those slip ups harder to deal with.

    I actually thought it was right on. Bottom line is my list is very human and we make mistakes. But why fail? Why not win? And if you fail, then stop failing and start winning again and be okay with a little regret. I am on day 64 or something and I took Skyle's advice to heart. These top 10 mistakes aren't reasons to fail. I want to succeed this time and forever. Maybe I will trip up sooner or later but I am planning to operate with a winning mentality moving forward.
  • DaveMustGetFit
    DaveMustGetFit Posts: 43 Member
    1. Giving in after 1 bad day
    2. Self defeating voice "well I am off the band wagon so I will just eat anything I want"
    3. Accepting "this special occasion" as an excuse to eat badly (we are lucky enough to have special occasions almost every week in many parts of the western world)
    4. Giving into peer pressure - "one slice of cake won't kill you"
    5. Not writing everything down
    6. Not treating sleep seriously as part of the equation
    7. Drinking away my calories
    8. Feeling defeat because of the plateau and giving in
    9. Losing lots of weight and bouncing right back up based on the false premise that I can just magically regain control after a week of doing what I want
    10. Getting over confident about my level of self control

  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    I can relate to everything on the list, but for me, my biggest mistake has always been treating my goal weight as a finish line. Exercise. Cut down on calories. Get to that wight range and THEN go back to old habits and regain it all plus more.

    I want this to be a lifestyle and I want to throw away the yo-yo. I can accept some slipups, and I will take occasional breaks but not breaks that have me starting over !
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    Yes I’ve defiantly experienced all of these!!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Check, check and check. Except I always write it down - even the ugliest.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I used to do the whole "well I over ate this food today so I better just finish the whole bag/box so I won't be tempted to do it tomorrow". Like, why did I think that was an acceptable solution?

    I thought I was the only one....
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Same! Plus several others. Like getting psyched out by a bump on the scale even though I KNOW that trends are more telling.

    This one is the one mistake I make each time and hence why my 55457547848 attempts at weightloss have previously ended abruptly.

    My weight was hovering for about 7 days, but I felt lighter and my clothes were a lot looser each day during the "hover". I was telling myself that I am losing weight - my clothes are NOT LIEING TO ME! Trust in the process - it does not lie. Next moment - whoosh - and there goes 1.1kg in a matter of two days. Magic! (I WISH!)

    I had to get over the psychological block of seeing numbers decrease as the only material evidence of weightloss. In the past, if the numbers stayed the same for a few days, I'd give up. And this was after a considerable amount of weight lost.