I'm 128 pounds and I think I'm fat....



  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I agree that strength training is the way to go. I'm 5'4 and 123lbs and I look in the mirror and see a fat person although I'm only 6lbs away from my ultimate goal. I have a lot of toning to do and would like to lower my bf% so now I'm trying to focus more on building muscle and tone to shape my body.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    5ft 8, 128lbs.. ya that isn't fat.. You need to hit the weights... not eating while losing weight resulted in all your muscle going bye bye..
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    5'8 and 128lbs? You're at the lower end of the healthy BMI portion. And your measurements show that you have healthy proportions too.

    I don't have a picture of you, but you seem thin. I have no idea what you mean by "chunky legs".

    First off, thinspo is dangerously close to proana. I suggest you to keep away from thinspo blogs as they will skew your vision of a proper, healthy body composition. It reportedly made young girls go to extreme measures to attain false ideals such as hipbones showing, concave belly, the infamous thigh gap and so on.

    Second, if you really feel fat, I suggest that you talk to someone close to you or seek professionnal help. I know I might sound extreme, but it's easy to let oneself think that they're inadequate and then fall in a downward spiral.

    I don't think that anyone reasonable on MFP will tell you to do anything else but keeping to eat reasonably and doing exercise in a reasonable fashion, but nothing else.

    You might want to switch from thinspo blogs to fitspo blogs. They are more healthy.

    ^What she said! Good advice here.
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    Thinspo is either photoshopped models or genuinely sick anorectics for the most part. I'm with those saying you need to talk to someone you trust and seek counselling. I've suffered from an eating disorder, fat is not a feeling (that's what therapy has taught me) it's a redirection from an uncomfortable emotion to a physical and target orientated solution. It's hiding from what you're actually feeling.

    You obviously know this is an issue, or you wouldn't have posted. act on your instincts and seek help.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I had not heard of inspo before so I googled it. Wow, those girls reminded me of concentration camp survivors. I would stay away form it as it is sending the wrong message.

    Yep, had to google thinspo as well and I had the same thought about the concentration camp imagery that the photos showed. OP, I have no advice for you. Our ideas of "too fat" and ideal body image are too far off because I cannot find thinspo inspiring.
  • mbucchieri
    mbucchieri Posts: 44 Member
    Can I just say that before this post, I had never even heard of thinspo, but checked it out after .Yes many of the women are beautiful and stil curvey, or have a great ahletic build, but many of them are models who's job it is to keep their bodies looking this way. Many of them look like sickly emaciated hollocost victims with eating disorders..As for the rest of us we,,, work daily, have children , and households to run.. If your on this sight,I'm assuming it's because you truely care about your health and image, but at the same time, it's not healthy or fair to compare yourself to people who's job it is to be beautiful.
  • chr1st1na6464
    chr1st1na6464 Posts: 30 Member
    When I was young, I was just like you. I was 5'8" and 125 pounds and thought I looked like a hippo every time I looked in the mirror. Part of it was my body type--I have a soft, round body type, even when athletic, my muscles don't show. I dieted and dieted until I was only eating any food every fourth day. That's right--for three days I starved myself then ate on the fourth day. I'd make myself walk an unbelievable number of miles on the fourth day to a restaurant across town--so I burned up the meal. I especially hated my legs--I don't have the kind of legs that have beautiful ankles, no matter how thin I get.

    The worst part of all this is that as my self-hatred grew--so did my weight. I am now 49 and I weigh 335 pounds.

    If only I had accepted myself at the lovely weight of 125, or 130...and just eaten healthy food most of the time in moderate portions--I would not be morbidly obese now. After diet after diet I would lose weight and gain back more.

    I think the secret is loving yourself--all of yourself--even the parts that you wish were different.

    What you could tell yourself is, "It could be worse."

    And believe me--if you knew how my weight has affected my life--you'd realize that it could be a lot, lot worse.

    Good luck!
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    I hope you take what has been said here seriously, although a part of me thinks you all ready have in mind what you want and are just going fish to see who agrees that you are fat and should lose weight, which you are not and do not need to lose weight. You are no where near the word fat!

    People who go after thinspo for inspiration have gotten sick and hospitalized. It is not healthy or ideal. We were never meant to be walking skeletons. We were meant to have some muscle and a little fat on our bodies.

    Learn to love, and respect your body. Seek professional help, and stay away from 'thinspo'.
  • sabrafox
    sabrafox Posts: 70 Member
    It sounds like you very well may have a condition known as "body dysmorphia." It is often a precursor to more serious conditions including anorexia. You should speak to a therapist and tell them your concerns. And like previous posters said, stay away from Thinspo. That stuff is the devil. Not only does it feed an unhealthy self-image but it's also completely unrealistic. Please seek help from a qualified professional.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    5'8 and 128lbs? You're at the lower end of the healthy BMI portion. And your measurements show that you have healthy proportions too.

    I don't have a picture of you, but you seem thin. I have no idea what you mean by "chunky legs".

    First off, thinspo is dangerously close to proana. I suggest you to keep away from thinspo blogs as they will skew your vision of a proper, healthy body composition. It reportedly made young girls go to extreme measures to attain false ideals such as hipbones showing, concave belly, the infamous thigh gap and so on.

    Second, if you really feel fat, I suggest that you talk to someone close to you or seek professionnal help. I know I might sound extreme, but it's easy to let oneself think that they're inadequate and then fall in a downward spiral.

    I don't think that anyone reasonable on MFP will tell you to do anything else but keeping to eat reasonably and doing exercise in a reasonable fashion, but nothing else.

    You might want to switch from thinspo blogs to fitspo blogs. They are more healthy.

    I whole-heartedly agree with this post!

    I don't even know what thinspo is...sounds dangerous. You are not fat, you are beautiful. And healthy. Feel blessed!
  • laurenislost
    laurenislost Posts: 28 Member
    I read somewhere that thinspo can actually cause you to gain weight, so I would probably ditch it just because of that!
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    Those thinspo girls look boney and sickly.. Don't EVER aspire to look like that.. You sound like you are at a healthy weight for your height. If you went much less than you are, it wouldn't be healthy for someone as tall as you. Like others have suggested maybe try strength training to firm up if you feel "chunky"..
  • AnniePenny
    AnniePenny Posts: 62 Member
    It sounds like you very well may have a condition known as "body dysmorphia." It is often a precursor to more serious conditions including anorexia. You should speak to a therapist and tell them your concerns. And like previous posters said, stay away from Thinspo. That stuff is the devil. Not only does it feed an unhealthy self-image but it's also completely unrealistic. Please seek help from a qualified professional.

    My thoughts exactly!! Stop thinking this as in "i have to change my body to feel good with myself" and instead work on changing your mind so when you look at the mirror you actually see yourself and not this projected image of a fat person that, in reality, doesn't exist.
    Best of luck
  • ShellyBrowne
    ShellyBrowne Posts: 27 Member

    I am also 5ft8 and weigh 127/128 lbs - and I am not fat!

    You are probably a size 10 (ish) - seriously, look in the mirror and I am sure you look great :-).

    HOWEVER - it's what you think that counts the most, not other peoples opinions - so my advice is to get your body fat % tested and monitor this instead. The scales are meaningless as they don't tell you what is going on in there.

    Add some weights to your training and perhaps target your body fat % instead of your weight. Your weight on the scales may go up this way but it will be muscle - your body will become more toned and it sounds like this is what you are after. Who cares about the scales if you look lean and toned and feel great!!!

    You may need to increase calories too (clean diet!) as muscle burns more calories than fat.

    Can I ask what your goals are?


    UMM Size 10?? Excuse me? I don't know where you come from but I am a size 2-4. Thanks for guessing that I am 6 sizes bigger than I really am??

    Outside of all the requested advice, I'm curious. If you're currently a size 2-4, what size would you have to be to not 'feel' fat?
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Thinspo and proana are one and the same - thinspo is trying to disguise itself as healthy and fit, when in all actuality it's very dangerous to not only your physical well being, but to your mental, emotional and spiritual identity as well . Perhaps it's time to prioritize some things about yourself and what you really want to achieve in life, because your focus seems very distorted and self-defeating. Just by posting here, it shows that you already know this, you just need some encouragement to begin to change your thinking. I think you're on the right track and I hope you are planning to speak to your doctor about at the very least receiving some counseling. Remember - you only have one body - nourish it, take care of it and LOVE YOURSELF! :heart:
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Googled "thinspo" and about died. Wow. I am truly grateful that wanting to look like that is not my cross to bear.

    OP, I too think you need to find someone you trust to talk to about this obsession you have. You sound like you are proportioned very nicely, and am concerned that you will do permanent damage to yourself in an attempt to find an unnatural look. I don't even know you and I am concerned. Please, please back away from the bone porn, and talk to a doctor or psychologist.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Take up yoga. Seriously.
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    Is this real?
  • batgirl_273
    batgirl_273 Posts: 70 Member
    I was just asking that.
    I just joined this forum but reading this post made me think this is some sick joke someone is playing, or posting it for giggles.

    If it's real then this person needs serious therapy to get past their self esteem issues, because the weight is certainly not the problem here.

    If it's not real, shame on them for posting such a thing on a fitness & weight loss website meant to support others who are truly struggling.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Stop looking at people and comparing yourself to them, you were created to be you not someone else. You have an image in your head of something not good. Skinny is not attractive, being fit is attractive. Being healthy is attractive. Being to thin is not healthy.