Gym étiquette question (i.e. am I just being an insensitive idiot?)

ko4q Posts: 46 Member
Ok, this happened to me this past weekend and I am extremely curious to hear the opinions of others on this matter. On Saturday, I went to my gym (which I love) for a run. I would normally be outside, but I got a late start and it was rising 90F by mid-morning, so the treadmill it was. Got to the cardio floor and spotted my "favorite" treadmill. This piece of equipment is one of the older treadmill varieties of which my gym has 3 remaining. I like this machine for a couple of reasons: the TV screen sits higher than some of the newer versions that are available so I feel like I am running with my eyes forward instead of looking down (which feels very unnatural to me and kind of hurts my neck/back), second, it is still manually operated by pushing buttons for incline/speed/channel changes. The new ones are touch screen and I have a terrible time trying to adjust anything on them without stopping. Finally, my old treadmill times out after 1 hour (instead of 30 mins) like all the other one. When people are waiting, I would obviously get off after 30 mins, but when it is quiet (like it was on Saturday), its nice not having to reset it and just run through for my hour of power. Back to Saturday AM--hopped on my treadmill and was about to fire her up, it just so happened that this machine was next to the only other one (of about 10 in a row) in use. The older lady next to me was walking with headphones on, watching an iPad. And then I heard "The Sigh." Any parent with kids old enough to talk will know all about "The Sigh," which almost always precedes the beginning of some sort of tantrum/argument. I was not disappointed. The lady started muttering and gesticulating "Typical, soooo typical, all these other empty machines, and you MUST pick the one right next to me. Whats wrong with you?"

So I told her as politely as I could (kill her with kindness, right?) that the other machines hurt my neck and back and I have a difficult time running on them. Apologies for crowding her, wasn't my intention, etc. She immediately backed down, said she was having a bad morning (you think?!).

I have a limited amount of time to get into the gym and get my workout done. When I am there, I could not care less what other people are doing as long as they wipe their equipment down. I don't care if they are next to me, I don't care if they are far away. But this is me. It would never have occurred to me to use another machine (one that I liked less) just because it was next to one in use. I feel like a pretty competent gym-goer, but I'm curious as to whether I have unknowingly crossed some unwritten line about equipment spacing. Thanks in advance, this has been irritating me for the last few days!


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I think you were fine as well. I could see being irritated if I were that woman (I am a known curmudegon), but you've got a good reason and don't have to justify it to anyone.

    That said, one of the common "gym complaints" around here is "Why does someone have to take the treadmill/bike/elliptical/bench right next to mine?"
  • Carl_Carlson
    Carl_Carlson Posts: 85 Member
    The equipment is there for all paying members to use, that miserable old crone was the one with the problem. Just don't tie up my power rack doing 50 lb squats.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if a station is open it is open ..does not matter if it is just you and one other person in the whole gym...if you choose to take the open one next to someone then it is not any fault of yours...
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    This lady was being unreasonable. If she had a legitimate reason to want more personal space, she could have politely asked if you'd be willing to move over one and explain that she gets a little claustrophobic.

    Then you could have explained that you prefer that style of treadmill and she could decide whether she wanted to move to another spot.

    Like she said, she was having a bad day. I'm glad she realized that and apologized at least.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You didn't do anything wrong. I'd tell her if she has a problem then SHE can move.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited June 2017
    Nah. I have a favorite treadmill, too. It's the only one like it at the gym. I will take it first, even if the only other person on a treadmill is right next to me. Headphones in, cares off.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Some people are just miserable, entitled gits. The fact she said "what's wrong with you" is just astounding.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    I think you were fine as well. I could see being irritated if I were that woman (I am a known curmudegon), but you've got a good reason and don't have to justify it to anyone.

    That said, one of the common "gym complaints" around here is "Why does someone have to take the treadmill/bike/elliptical/bench right next to mine?"

    And I think they usually get answers like the OP's reasoning.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Lots of people are annoyed when someone takes the equipment right next to them when there are plenty of others available. I am - I like a lot of personal space. That's not the other person's fault.

    I wouldn't say anything, though. The other person has the right to use any piece of equipment they want. If it bothers me that much, and it never has, I can move just as easily.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I admit- I get aggregated when someone does this. I fart when I'm running. Seriously- like not a little- but a lot.

    It is undeniably annoying when someone gets on the machine RIGHT next to you.

    But you explained yourself- and that was adequate- I would have absolutely understood that.

    so glad I'm not the only one who fart's while they run :)

    girl please... something about benching- inverted leg presses and running just gets me all gassy.

    Stairmaster? not so much. Squatting- about 50/50. But running- nope- sure fire thing.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    besaro wrote: »
    idk, i read a half a dozen threads a week here on MFP about "things that annoy you at the gym" and what you did actually shows up quite often. I never use the treadmills so dont know how annoying this is, but I can tell you when I am at a theater and someone(s) sit right behind me or right near me when there is an entire theater available it does annoy the ef out of me. Sometimes your preferences have to take a backseat to accommodate others. Put the shoe on the other foot.

    so even if the treadmill is empty accommodate the grumpy old lady? Even though there is no way to know that she is having a bad morning unless you can read minds....

    that is just ridiculous..

    Open station = free to use
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,989 Member
    If all the treadmills were exactly the same, I would be a little annoyed and creeped out if someone picked the one right next to me when many more are available. But, since in your case, it was clearly a different type of treadmill, I would assume there was a good reason for you choosing it. You did nothing impolite.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I have a favorite treadmill as well. I dont give two F. if someone is next to my treadmill. I get on it and do my thing. You paid for your membership like everyone else you have a right to use whatever machine you want. I put my headphones on and get it in. If they don't like it move somewhere else. Some have done just that. I just say cool I have the area to myself now!!! LOL!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I probably would've been annoyed if I were the other woman, because I have a bigger-than-average personal space bubble and I would've wondered why you had to take the machine right next to me. However...muttering under your breath about someone is really passive-aggressive and rude, so she took a slightly awkward situation and tried to make it less civil. I think you handled it perfectly.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'd never say anything, since obviously I don't own the treadmills on either side of me, but it IS annoying when there is tons of room and someone gets right up next to you when they don't have to. Like the person who gave the example of movie theater seats - the whole theater is empty and this dude wearing a cowboy hat sits right in front of you (Yes this happened to me once. I didn't say anything, though. I just moved.)

    I always purposely choose an out of the way space for myself. Most people being next to me don't bother me too badly. The ones soaked in perfume, the smokers who reek like they just came back from their smoke break, the loud phone talkers, those with sweat flying into my space, and the people who literally pound the machine to death with their hard strides get to me, though.

    You have a legit reason for wanting your machine, but other people don't know that. What she said to you was way over the top and really not cool. I'd just be annoyed but not show it.
  • Muscle_for_Fitness
    Muscle_for_Fitness Posts: 2,198 Member
    It probably would have been slightly annoying to me without knowing the reasoning but nothing worth mentioning.