200+ (Week 38) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi Debra, nice to meet you. Internet troubles kind of messes up your whole day. We moved in April and had about 2 weeks without the Internet and I was kind of a lunatic trying to look up everything on my iPhone. Where are you in your Insanity workouts? I am on Week2. Me & DH are doing them together and it is seriously kicking my butt! Have a good day,
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi Debra, nice to meet you. Internet troubles kind of messes up your whole day. We moved in April and had about 2 weeks without the Internet and I was kind of a lunatic trying to look up everything on my iPhone. Where are you in your Insanity workouts? I am on Week2. Me & DH are doing them together and it is seriously kicking my butt! Have a good day,

    That is no kidding, for a couple weeks now...I have been able to log in...then I read a few posts...reply and when I hit to post...I get kicked off....it has been very frustrating...so far so good this morning, we replaced the box where the ethernet plugs into...might of been hit by lightning a few weeks back....I though it was our provider so it took a while to figure things out! I have been trying to catch up on banking and online bill paying....didn't realize how dependant I was on this computer!

    I also am in week 2 of insanity...how cool that somone else is feeling my pain...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , toodles to your hubby, mine will run with me, but he watched me do the fit test and he wants no part of the insanity :wink: ..I've asked him a couple times, but he says No, Thanks ( big Wimp :wink: ) Today is cardio power and resistance for me, but with the computer working I've been catching up online a bit....

    Ooooooooo SUPER PALS, I also found out my washer part was shipped yesterday, I could receive it today or at latest tomorrow...Woo-hoo...no more laundrymatt!!

    OK....I need to get moving....I'll be back to post that I've completed soon!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good morning! This is my little dumb rant for the day. I have a cute outfit on today..jeans, cute wedge sandals, a big chunky necklace and one my new ruffly shirts I got a couple weeks ago. Well I thought that my lint roller was at work so when I got here and realized it wasn't,.....my shirt is maroon and the lint that is on it is driving me nuts. I am going to have to go to the shipping dept and get some tape and see what I can do. Normally this stuff doesn't bother me, but I frankly look cute today and it must go away! LOL.

    Sore from my work out last night. I did squats, lunges, chest presses, some other kind of overhead press with dumbells, crunches and lower back lifts. Two sets of each...well I did it really fast to keep my heart rate and (not breathing much aside) it was quite the work out. And then we swam for an hour last night too. Leisurely but still, I tried doing water aerobic moves to keep moving and swam a few laps too. Good evening!

    My brother and I used to spend every summer swimming every day at the local pools where we grew up. As an adult I forgot how much fun being in the water is. It was also cool to see the kids enjoying it so much. Our daughter had a good time. She starts swim lessons next Monday and I can't wait for her to get that confidence in the water.

    Tonight is yoga and maybe some cardio beforehand although I might just do the weights routine. It was good and since my HR was up I was burning just as much cals as I would had I been on the elliptical.

    Deb - glad you got the parts for your washer coming! Yeay! Our dishwasher isn't working so we've been doing them by hand for about a month now. Neither one of us knows how to fix it. And while its saving money on water it still blows. We get lazy and they pile up. The rest of the kitchen and house is clean but there are the sinks full of dishes...at least the washer hides them you know? LOL.

    Victoria - that is a heck of a day!

    Kristina and Amy - way to go on the running. I still just can't do it. I don't think I am ever going to be a runner although I'd love to be because runner bodies are always so svelt and lean. I guess I will stick to the elliptical. I love that thing.
  • me and penny are going to the gym today, i have those tone up shoes with the rounded bottoms, those things really work, yall should try them. My legs are gonna be sooooo sore later... lol.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think I just found my new favorite lunch.

    You know how I keep those tuna lunch-to-go packs in my desk? Well, I brought two slices of bread and laughing cow cheese with me today. So I made a tuna sandwich and used the laughing cow cheese on the crackers! I LOVE CHEESE AND CRACKERS lol :bigsmile: I added an extra packet of mayo since the tuna is so dry and it tasted great....I counted 50 cals for that even though that was probably over estimating but the whole meal was 445 cals with 24g of protein.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - another busy day for me with 8 clients and 200+ miles of driving. I should get home about 8:45 tonight. I left at 9:10 this morning. I just took a short 20 min break to run into walmart to get fresh veges. I need to start prepping them for the road trip Friday.

    I did manage to run 2 miles this morning. I packed lucnh and dinner so cal should be okay. Although I'm in a town with tons of fast food - I will resist - I will resist.

    Kendal - I want your lunch. Mine was salad with strawberries, spicy tuna (no mayo), sun flower seeds and raspberry peacan dressing. I made a turkey sandwhich for morning break and roast beef wrap for dinner.

    Gotta run - 5 min to get to the next client.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I was wrong earlier...today was insanity plyo cardio circuit and I did a lot better today than recent workouts, I felt pretty good so I decided to do 2 miles on the elliptical too, today was a good day, my eating has been good too. I have to run, but I'll check back in later this evening!
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Hi guys!

    Well turned out to be a fairly stressful day around here, though not my stress at all, but everyone else's just rubbing off on me! Julie and I planned to go to the gym this evening but we took her car and it broke down on us, BUT we did breakd own in front of another gym, haha so I took the tour while we waited for the tow truck.... IDK about it yet, they did give us a free weeks pass so that we can try it out and see what we think, we may try that tomorrow!

    I did notice that I tend to get my bad calories from my evening meal. Thinking of switching my "big meal" of the day to lunch, and turning my lunch into my dinner, maybe that would help.... Just seems like by dinner time I am so exausted that I don't wanna cook or try to feed a family anymore.... So we end up eating out, which means I over eat and all! Perhaps I should try cooking earlier in the day and perhaps KNOWING that dinner is already done for later, it would help.... Hmmm, things I need to think about....

    Well, thanks for letting me "think out loud" here lol. I will get this figured out! I WILL!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. I got my C25K run done in the morning and then did Insanity Pure Cardio in the evening with DH. Today I am quite a bit sore pretty much everywhere – but it’s a good soreness. Last night, our next door neighbors brought back the plate that I gave them some homemade banana crumb muffins on this past weekend (I HAD to get the muffins out of the house so we didn’t inhale all of them) and they brought the plate back with a delicious looking apricot custard pie on it (they told DH the German name for it but it went in one ear and out the other). I had 2 bites of it and was totally happy with that. It was tasty, and I could have eaten the whole piece, but I was full and didn’t want it. I was proud of me for that.

    Lacey: I, too, have issues with lint. I actually used to keep lint rollers in my house, in my car and in my desk drawer when I was working. (I had 2 big, long-haired dogs, which didn’t help the problem) I hope you tracked down some tape so you could take care of that lint.

    Kendal: Your lunch sounded great. I love cheese & crackers too.

    Victoria: Busy day! Good job on the running & healthy eating.

    Debra: Don’t you LOVE Insanity? Good job getting your exercise in!!

    Julie: Bummer about your car, I hope it can get fixed quickly and inexpensively. We just had car issues with DH’s car & it cost about $300 to fix it (pretty cheap, I guess)

    Penny: What a bummer with the car troubles. It’ll be nice to try out a new gym for a week though. I have thought about switching my big meal to lunchtime too but I am generally scrambling to find lunch at lunchtime, I don’t know if I could spend a lot more time figuring it out.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy way to keep at the exercise.

    Penny and julie - that just sucks!! I hope today goes better.

    Penny have you thought about crockpot meals? I make it up the night before and put it on in the morning befor I leave for work.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey...I was trying to catch up on posts and Kristina...you mentioned something about carmel yogurt??? DO tell,I would love to try some of that when my sweet tooth gets the better of me...

    Julie and Penny...car troubles...blah the absolute worst! My oldest daughter(and 2 grandsons) just called last Friday and they were stranded on the side of the road in 95* degree heat with a blown head gasket and we were out of town 3 hours West...thank goodness her fiance's Mom was able to get to them...but now we are looking for a reasonable car to get them around in...my grandson's usually visit on Tues and Thursday ...but not this week:cry:

    Insanity Cardio recovery for me today....I am thankful for that, I really love the stretches, I'd also like to try to get a small run in.

    Go Amy!!! That's a workout, running and pure cardio....you had a ton of extra calories yesterday!:bigsmile:
    Lacey, love some of those recipes you posted...I'll have to try them, oh and the burritos on the grill were very good...the family thought I was a little off when they seen me put them on there, but they had a nice crisp to them and everyone loved them.
    Well I better get moving, my daughter left her dishes for me this morning, she's been busy at the county fair and last evening was her night to do dishes....all of us got home after 10PM last night and dinner dishes were sitting there and didn't get done:ohwell: It would be so nice to have a dish washer...but that is still a ways off in the remodel we're doing...ugh!

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Last night was supposed to be zumba night, but several big storms rolled through and I didn't get to go. :sad: I'm hoping to get some exercise in today as long as my friend doesn't want me to hang out. He likes me...his birthday was Monday and we made out a little. :blushing: He lives close to work which is ok, but he's lucky that I have a second showing today at 4:30 cause my parents will go over and let Lexi out for me. Monday night my bff and her husband let her out cause I stayed a lot later than I had planned to.

    Anyways.....I have a lot to do today so I better get started.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- the yogurt I mentioned was Oikos' greek yogurt. The caramel comes in 4 packs. It's not cheap, but a total delight for a sweet treat, and I'm always looking for extra protein.

    Kendal- made out a little eh? Glad to here that someone is gettin' some.Try to get some alternate exercise in as well today :wink:

    Sounds like most peeps got some good workouts in yesterday. Today is a crosstraining day for me, so I'll elliptical it up at the rec center after work today. Tomorrow is another 3-miler. It's supposed to rain, but I don't think until later in the day, so will need to be another early morning run.

    Today shouldn't be terrible. Had an 8am meeting I just got out of (early!), and an afternoon appt and a conference call. I might take a long lunch and do a nap. This morning was a bit brutal in terms of getting up. Someone was originally supposed to come and fix part of my deck today (replace the railing tops which are somewhat frayed and nasty), but he called me last night (at 10:30! WTF), and had a family emergency, so isn't coming, but I think I might go home anyways for a bit. haha. The scale was super friendly to me yesterday, not as much this morning (probs cause I ate pasta and 2 cookies last night *facepalm*), but I'm hoping for another decrease prior to Friday morning.

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I did go work out yesterday...went to yoga..this is how it went for me, I can laugh now about it. Last night not so much. The owner of the gym loves techno and that is what we listened to the whole class. It was SO loud and she had to use a freaking mic so we could hear her! I couldn't focus on my breathing or poses because of the music. Who plays techno while teaching a yoga class?? My tshirt was too loose so it kept riding up, not that anyone cared but it was annoying. My hands and feet kept sweating and I was sliding all over the place. And I almost got charlie horses several times from the lunges and squats I did the day before. I don't know what my problem was aside from the distracting techno music playing in a yoga class but jeez. Not my week at the gym so far. I guess at least I am going right? Oh and my HRM stopped working at some point during the workout so I have no idea how many cals I burned.

    Today I am going to do elliptical and keep it simple. Oh and stay in my office as much as possible so I don't get all congested before I go work out. I'd like to get in a full work out today for once this week.

    Deb and Kristina - I've been eating the Greek Gods honey yogurt. It is seriously like music in my mouth if that makes any sense. I've been cutting up a peach or nectarine to add to it in the afternoons about an hour before I work out. I look forward to it all day. My favorite one is a coconut greek yogurt but for a regular sized thing of it, its like 360 cals and 16 grams of fat...but wow! For a treat every once in a while I buy it.

    Kendall - I think you could count making out a little as a little bit of exercise! LOL. It is "getting physical" ha ha..sorry couldn't help it. That is great though, good for you!!

    Amy - apricot custard pie?? Wow I would have probly eaten more than a slice. Yeay for only having two bites. Sweets have always been my downfall..and then I have to balance out the sweetness and end up having something salty afterwards. Its a viscious cycle.

    Well I've made myself not get on the scale since Saturday or Sunday. Last week I was weighing every day. That is a seriouslyu bad habit for me to get in to. Yikes!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendall - I think you could count making out a little as a little bit of exercise! LOL. It is "getting physical" ha ha..sorry couldn't help it. That is great though, good for you!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    My heart rate was up! lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ended up doing the bike at the rec center instead of the elliptical. Did it at a pretty good pace too. The a/c at the gym is being fixed and will be out of service thurs and fri, so it's a good thing those aren't gym days, as it will be MISERABLE in there.

    Tomorrow's agenda: AM 3 mile run again.

    Hope everyone has a good evening :)
  • brownislovely
    brownislovely Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys,

    I love the energy! im new but im not. i officially started my weight loss program June 1, 2010. Ive lost 12 pounds so far im trying not to get discouraged. I know it takes time. Currently I work out 5-6 times a week and i eat between 1200- 1400 calories a day. Any tips on diet, exercise, i want them all thanx.

    SW: 260
    GW: 160
    CW: 248


    Diary of a Mad Fat Woman
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Husbands - sometimes you gotta love them. So DH just tried to bribe me into driving him 90 min each way to his fav brewpub - his mistake "I'll run with you"... I calmly stated "you realize I'm up to running 7 miles at a time on the weekend" and he replies "so you'll be ahead of me for 6.9 miles"... All I could do was laugh!!!

    Kendal - LOL!!! After 19 years of marriage, I need some excitement to get my HR up!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've been bad today. Spank me for it later. maybe I'll leave that for my guy friend :laugh: :laugh: just kidding

    I didn't log anything today. I had an omlette for breakfast, salad for lunch and a quesadilla for dinner. Snacked throughout the day though so I'm not sure how it all added up. BUT!! I went 3 miles tonight at the park with Lexi and burned 660 cals. There were a million gnats out though or else I would have gone another mile. I had to flick them out of my bra and I was all sweaty. It was super gross!! The gnats were all over my car when I left. I still had one on me by the time I got home!

    Anyways, I will try to log stuff tomorrow. I forgot to go by the store this evening so I'm still out of cereal for breakfast. I could get up early and go by the store on the way to work, but I'm lazy and its already so hard to wake up. A girl at work is letting me carpool with her two days a week to help with my financial situation. :smile: She's so sweet. I'm meeting her tomorrow morning so I already have to get up and be ready about 20 minutes earlier than I'm used to but its ok. I will follow whatever schedule she needs.

    man here I am rambling....g'night yall!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well, it’s Thursday. Today is Insanity - Cardio Recovery. I kind of hate that workout as it really turns my legs to mush but I think my scale is heading in the right direction after 2 weeks of being a pain in the butt. (Yeah, I totally weigh myself every day to see where I’m going) If I’m feeling extra perky, I might even get a run in today – who knows. Have a lovely day everyone!

    Debra: I used to think it would stink to not have a dishwasher & then I moved to Germany. Our house has a dishwasher – a German dishwasher- and that thing is so energy efficient that it takes a couple of HOURS to clean the dishes (I think it’s because it uses something like a drop of water). I HATE listening to the thing go one & on so I have used it twice in 2 months. I have just gotten into the habit of making sure the dishes are washed as we dirty them.

    Kendal: How exciting to have a “friend” to make out with. It’s been a while since I’ve had the experience of making out with someone new (been married 9 years this year) but I still remember the butterflies & upped heart rate. You GO girl! Good job at the park. I know all about those little gnats messing with you. If me & the dog don’t get our walk done early, we are walking through clouds of those gnats – it sucks.

    Kristina: I understand about the difficulties with house worker people. Our landlord contracted a Hungarian couple to re-finish the basement floor (I guess it helps prevent water seepage? I’ve never had a basement before – I’m from California) Anyways, they showed up last Friday, moved ALL of our stuff out of the laundry room and into the living room (it’s in the other side of the basement – I know – weird) and started putting the sealant down. They decided something was wrong with the sealant & had to get new stuff & they’d be back on Monday. Well, I haven’t seen them since and it’s already Thursday. And my living room has a bunch of crap in it & my DH is super pissed cuz he has to find a place to sit if he wants to play the Playstation. Good job on your bike ride. A gym without air conditioning is miserable – I know – our gym here doesn’t have AC so I don’t even bother going. I do my workouts outside or at my house.

    Lacey: Me & yoga are not friends for the exact reasons you described. My hands get sweaty and I slip ALL over the place. My shirt rides up and I have to keep pulling it down or face the world wearing nothing but a sports bra and…as far as I know, hell hasn’t frozen over yet so I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing THAT. I cannot imagine techno during yoga though – that’s weird.

    Brownislovely: Hi there & welcome. Don’t get discouraged at a 12 pound loss – that is amazing.

    Victoria: Your DH is hysterical!
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