200+ (Week 38) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome brownislovely - you will enjoy this group.

    I'm up before the alarm thinking about getting ready for my run.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Debra and Kristina - you are both getting double posts... I guess that's the life of having great friends - they have to listen to your stories over and over.

    Who's bright idea was this to train for the 1/2 marathon... Well that's what I thought as I dragged my tush out of bed at 6 to run this morning. Bleary eyed I ran and took my first tumble on the damn seismic cable (*grumbles*) - you'd think I'd see those bright orange signs warning me to beware. Don't worry - no injuries but did scrape my knee (*sighs*). I got right up and kept running. Now that the 5 mile run is done in 67 min (13:40 pace), I feel great!!! Running is better than any drug around. My body feels great now - bring on the day.

    Saturday will be a challenge - my first 7 mile run. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Amy - great job on the workout. I hope you get the run in...

    Now, I'm off to get ready for work.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    ah, Victoria...if I were smart I would copy and paste a lot more than I do!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am on my way to the car dealerships for an oil change and then my son and I are doing some early school shopping, I am really on the look for some new sports bras...with this insanity series...I'm a bit more bouncy than need be! :blushing: :laugh:

    I finished power and resistance today and I felt a lot stronger than past workouts, I was actually able to do the last set of power squats and push-ups all the way thru:bigsmile: I am really loving the program!

    Victoria/Kristina...I did get out and run yesterday, I worked on my time and I ran 2 miles in 21 minutes, I was super happy about that! I also did insanity cardio recovery and Amy...I hear ya, it really works into those leg muscles.

    Kendal....woo hoo for HR spikes, I'm with Pinbot....married almost 20 years bring on the excitement!!

    Shoot I really have to run, had a couple more groups I wanted to post to...guess I'll have to do that when I get back this evening..have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Beautiful morning to you all!

    I bought a new DVD yesterday, cardio walking or something, has a segment for walking indoors when it's raining outside or something. Going to watch it during coffee this morning and try it later today, I hope I like it as much as I enjoy the yoga! Heck, I just hope I can get through it! LOL. The weather here is yucky, hot (99-104 already!) and it's a sticky wet heat, I hate that, and prefer to exercise indoors if possible, but I have to tell you, all of you runners out there are making me rethink this really hard! I can't imagine making myself run a hundred feet much less miles and miles! Ya'll really are an inspiration to a southern girl!

    So, a piee of toast for breakfast, light on the butter, coffee, and watching a walking movie... that is my plan for the morning! Hope you all have a great day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well, it's 3:05 pm and STILL no workers to finish the basement <sigh>. DH called them and the guy (who I happen to know speaks absolutely NO English but pretty OK German - he's Hungarian) somehow conveyed to DH that the lady (who speaks pretty OK English & is the one I usually talk to) has been in the hospital but should be showing up sometime tonight. I'm actually kind of curious how DH got that much information from the guy as DH's German is, er....pathetic. So we'll see what happens. I DID get my C25K run in this afternoon!!! Yay! I run so much better when I don't do it first thing in the morning. I think my body needs fuel before I make it do stuff and I had been going running first thing in the AM and, of course, I ran out of gad about midway through. This is much better for me.

    Penny: I have always wondered how those indoor walking DVDs are - I've never seen one. I hope you get inspired to try running. As long as you don't push yourself too far too fast (which a lot of new runners do) you'll be ok.

    Debra: I hear you on the sports bra thing for Insanity. I went out and got myself some more supportive ones last week (they're Nike & very effective).

    Victoria: I'm sooo sorry you got hurt on your run. That sux big time. I'm glad you're ok and feeling great after your run. Running REALLY does make you feel good. I can't wait till I can get through 3 miles at once let alone 7 - you are an inspiration (along with all the other runners around here!)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I don't have time to respond to anyone this morning unfortunately but it sure is nice to see this post get going again!

    I did not get to the gym yesterday, BUT I did log all my cals, stayed within the range and plan an doing so again today. I doubt I will get to the gym today as I am super busy again at work and I need to get some groceries before I pick up Gracie at school. My husband is gone to a festival for four days and so it will be nice and quiet but there are things I need to get done now that it is just me so our life is a little easier until Monday. Plus us girls are going to Medford (3 hrs away) Saturday for the night to visit my parents so the house needs to be taken care of before I go so its not a mess to come back to and the fridge isn't empty.

    I hope you ladies all have a lovely day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- nice job on logging the calories yesterday!

    Ancy- way to go with the c25k training! Sorry to hear about the workers :(

    Penny- hope you like the dvd. It does sound pretty unbearably hot. And you totally can run. It's just a process. You wouldn't catch me dead running last year, and so much has changed. It's a process to take slowly, but if you're interested in it, you totally can do it. You're right though- that weather is not good for running outside. I'm only in the high 80s/90s and that's why I have to run before work. Treadmill is always an option as well. I found it incredibly helpful when just beginning to run, as I didn't know how to pace myself yet and it's a bit lower impact.

    Debra- nice work getting a run in. Great time!!!

    Victoria- I commented in the half-marathon thread about it, but sorry to hear about the fall. I can relate- have you all forgotten I bit it a couple weeks back? At least you tripped over something- I have no idea what I tripped over. A 5 miler for one of your shorters runs for the week is UBER impressive. I think on the plan I'm following that's the highest shorter-length run I'd do in a week. Proud of you for getting up in the morning. Once you're moving, feels good though right? It's just the stumbling out of bed and moving. In reality, I'm going to be tired when my normal alarm goes off. I think it's just the added psychological issue knowing i COULD sleep an hour later. Once I'm up and moving, I'm okay though. 7 miles this weekend? Wowsas. I'm several weeks away from that. Definitely let us know how it goes. If you need to walk, do it!

    You know I'm still not totally committed to the half-marathon, but I like to keep training for it and see where I land. Apparently a couple of people from my work team are going to run it and are following the same plan as well. Small world, eh? I don't know if I'll train with them though, cause I don't know if I'm ready yet to put it out there for all to know that I'm training for it. Plus, I think they move a whole heck of a lot faster than me. Perhaps a few weeks in I might join up.

    Got up this morning and ran 3.1 miles in 37 minutes. Right on pace with what I've been doing for those lengths. I must have been going fast at the beginning, cause I really slowed down in the middle before kicking it up a notch for the final block or so. Wonder how fast I was really moving during my faster times. Does feel great to be done with exercise for the day. I mean, by the time I get home from work, I've sort of forgotten about the morning already. Also, as races are always in the morning, it's probably a good time to get used to run.

    Had a three-hour team building exercise this morning on giving and receiving feedback. UGH. Painful. But, I suppose if that's what you want to pay me to do for a half a day? Whatevs. Did lunch at the Cailfornia Pizza Kitchen, which could have been pretty deadly, but I think I made good choices. The 5 of us shared one field greens salad, and we split 2 pieces. The veggie one was basically another salad on top of a thin crust pizza. No cheese on it or anything, so it was pretty low calorie. I was a bit worried about that leading into tomorrow's weigh in.

    I almost feel like I could put another workout in today after work. I don't think I will, as there's the a/c issue at the gym, and I'm not about to do another run, so will probably just relax and hopefully keep the eating in check again. Was relatively happy with the scale this morning. Hopefully it stays the same or is lower tomorrow. I've been reenergized with the eating/exercising. If starting a training program for a half-marathon was worth anything, it's worth that. Kicking my tushie back into gear after floundering a bit after the move.

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday and get some great last chance workouts in.

    Wow- that was a much longer response than planned.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Glad to hear everyone's day is chugging along. It's almost Friday!!!

    Lacey: It sounds like you have a nice weekend planned.

    Kristina: Good job at CPK - that place is soooo dangerous for me. Luckily, I'm about 3000 miles away from one!

    I got my Insanity Cardio Recovery workout in tonight and, even though it's only the second time I've done it (it shows up once a week in the rotation) I was markedly improved in actually being able to do each exercise. I know I'm getting stronger. That ROCKS!!! I made a Pesto Gnocci recipe for dinner and my guys sucked it up like it was ice cream (they love them some ice cream!). It was really good. It is mostly fresh green beans & cherry tomatoes that have been stir fried and then mixed with cooked gnocci, pesto sauce and fresh mozzarella with a dash of parmesan on top. I could lick the bowl. Seriously. But I didn't - I let my dog do it for me.

    Have a wonderful rest of your day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    For all the newbies, I close this thread weekly and start a new one. Be on the lookout for the new one (Week 39)

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: