Going to lose 100lbs.



  • wi_denisha
    wi_denisha Posts: 17 Member
    I started 2 different diet programs. In the beginning I was at my highest weight and now 7 mos later down 52.9.
    Still have 77.1 to go.
    I'm new on MFP am looking for people to inspire me and I will inspire you as well.
    Best of luck to everyone!
    Ps not sure how to friend request people yet. So any help w that is great!
    Btw amaggio2 you can do this!!
  • dhau2015
    dhau2015 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I need to lose at least 100 lbs. I have been at it for a little over a month now watching calories and recently started exercising. I am down 9 lbs but plenty more to go. Good luck!!!
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    There's a fantastic group for people looking to shift more than 100lbs, you should check it out - I find it a very supportive and inspiring place! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3322-100-pounds-with-no-surgery
  • joycooke2017
    joycooke2017 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! I'm in the southern USA. Over a few years I have made small changes that has helped me transition to where I am now. Gave up sodas a few years ago, tackled portion control which then forced me to choose foods higher in nutritional value. A big change occurred in recent months to a vegan lifestyle requested by my doctor...I feel amazing! Through the course of all of these new choices I have lost about 30 lbs give or take a few. I am now at the point that I need to set a weight loss goal and start exercising (I actually feel like doing it now!). I have chosen 1lb a week. I know it's not set in stone but to average this is my goal. I have planned a 5k prep challenge as a form of disciplined exercise and walking with my pets as my mind clearing activity. It's hard to determine a final weight because of all the excess fat and skin. I am setting a goal of 130 lb change but know it could be a different number as I get closer. I would be glad if you chose to be my buddy by replying. I am glad this group exists and offer encouragement and celebration to each and everyone that runs this marathon along with me.
  • SaraMakingChanges
    SaraMakingChanges Posts: 178 Member
    Hi everyone, I am a Canadian living in the Greater Vancouver area and am working to get rid of 100 pounds as my initial goal. I've been using this app for over six months but feel like it has finally become a habit for me only in the last two months so I'm looking forward to seeing more progress as I hold myself accountable for daily decisions regarding food and exercise. I can relate to so many of your stories and would love to be a friend to anyone who wants to add me.
  • Alexandriakay676
    Alexandriakay676 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone, I am a Canadian living in the Greater Vancouver area and am working to get rid of 100 pounds as my initial goal. I've been using this app for over six months but feel like it has finally become a habit for me only in the last two months so I'm looking forward to seeing more progress as I hold myself accountable for daily decisions regarding food and exercise. I can relate to so many of your stories and would love to be a friend to anyone who wants to add me.

    Hey a fellow westcoaster... I am on the island! But heading to the mainland for the long weekend :)
  • hollyshealthylife
    hollyshealthylife Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone! Definitely over 100 lbs to lose; and finally feeling motivated to stick with it. There have been SO many false starts over the years. This time around, I'm not focused on the calories every day, I'm not focused on fat, I'm mainly focused on trying to plan to eat, and incorporate way more protein than I used to, and making sure that overall my calories even out over the course of the week. I'm not worried about giving up all my favourite foods, but looking at how I can plan around them. I want this change to last for life. I've dedicated July to the gym - so I've been working out 4x a week minimum, sometimes 5-6 days. 1 hour at a time, cardio two days and strength on the other 2! I'm rooting for all of you :)
  • Robical
    Robical Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me too. I want to lose 100 too :)
  • amaggio2
    amaggio2 Posts: 30 Member
    What an inspiration you all are, I will pray that all of you find the strength to continue, and the encouragement needed to be successful in your journey. It is my hope we all stay in contact and hold each other accountable!. Lets post our victories!!! and lets post our struggles. Ill start this, victory...started 440lbs, only a few weeks back, now im at 417.5. Struggles for me, my work is very physical as far as lifting is concerned..I still do not have alot of energy left when I get home to spend outdoor time with the family. So my struggle is feeling guilty of shortchanging my family.
    God Bless,

  • puttingGodfirst
    puttingGodfirst Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in too!! I have about 100 lbs to lose, but I know with motivation and support from a wonderful group of people it is totally doable. Good luck everyone and feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • Chejan
    Chejan Posts: 183 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me as well. The support would be great :)
  • xXLadyOdiNXx
    xXLadyOdiNXx Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Crystal!!!! I just moved to Martinsburg! I need to lose 100 lbs also! And I don't know ANYONE out here. I could really use a workout buddy AND and friend. We should team up!
  • Stowen_Owen
    Stowen_Owen Posts: 24 Member
    Hello all. Over 200 is what I WILL lose. Body has been neglected for years and spent some time in the ER last night where I sort of had me "wake up" call sounded by medical professionals.
  • awildwomanatheart
    awildwomanatheart Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in! I still have 111lbs to go by last weigh in. I weigh once a month, so as not to get discouraged, because I'm sure we all know how easy that is. Wishing everyone the best in their journey. We got this!
  • angel5392
    angel5392 Posts: 39 Member
    I have about 110 to go anyone feel free to add me
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    You got this easily!! I started with 135 to lose and down 80 this year so far!
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    130 to go, on day 10 since starting the plan with help of a trainer, ready to offer support friend me up
  • amaggio2
    amaggio2 Posts: 30 Member
    Hope all of you are doing well! Started this journey not to long ago at 440lbs, now at 413.8...lets keep going everyone. Keep focus, and I will pray for all of you.
  • mferoli
    mferoli Posts: 13 Member
    I need this group! I have tried for years to start down the path toward 100 pound weight loss. This summer, I started again and have added exercise, cut back on sugar, logged in and stayed within calorie goals 95 percent of the time, and yet the weight is not coming off. I need help to not give up. Anyone can friend me, need all the support I can get!