

  • I'm just losing my mind over here. I ran 5 miles 3x this week, lifted 2x, eating right and always staying under my calorie goal and STILL haven't lost even half a pound. What's going on here? Anyone else run into this trouble?

    If you're diary is accurate than your underrating and that will cause weight loss stall.

    eta: just read the other posts and see that everyone gave you the same advice-I'm a bit slow this morning lol.

    No prob, I can't be told enough!
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I'll bet it's water retention. Too much sodium and not enough water plays havoc with the scale readings.

    Eat right to feel right and maybe take a couple of weeks off looking at the scale.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    if the photo in your profile is you and current... you aren't going to be able to lose 2 pounds a week in a healthy way. the closer you are to a healthy weight the slower it comes off... yes like maybe not even a half a pound a week.

    ETA: take pictures, and measure yourself. You are much more likely to see the results there than on the scale.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    There's your problem.

    1200, or UNDER 1200 as you say, is NOT the magic number to weight loss. 2 lbs of loss a week is not realistic either, taking into consideration your weight and height. You DON'T have to restrict yourself so much to lose weight.

    Try this.

    Eat according to your activity level (which would be exercise x times a week) and you'll feel a world of difference.

    Just did that, it tells me I should be eating 1865 with my activity level daily, interesting!

    ^^^ Sounds about right. Need to fuel those major workouts of yours.
    Hope it helps you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I peaked at your diary your way under calories most days and a lot of quick adds which could be high sodium items ..I did notice you stated you don't eat dairy but many of your choices do include that confused me a bit...I asked about the goats cheese because I eat Feta cheese myself and hadn't thought about it prior to seeing your post.

    I've been told Feta is good as well, I just don't do cow's milk. I eat a little goat, some sheep, but never cow. I have low blood pressure, so I do have more sodium that what this site recommends, but it's to keep from passing out in the middle of walking down the street!

    I wanted to point out, there is nothing wrong with cow's milk. It all comes down to calories. Drinking cows milk or eating foods with cows milk in it, will not prevent weight loss. That was started to sell other products at 2x the price. It's no different than those suggesting the coconut milk or products are more healthy. In the end, it comes down to macro and micro nutrients and calories.. all of which you can meet with a balanced diet.
  • I peaked at your diary your way under calories most days and a lot of quick adds which could be high sodium items ..I did notice you stated you don't eat dairy but many of your choices do include that confused me a bit...I asked about the goats cheese because I eat Feta cheese myself and hadn't thought about it prior to seeing your post.

    I've been told Feta is good as well, I just don't do cow's milk. I eat a little goat, some sheep, but never cow. I have low blood pressure, so I do have more sodium that what this site recommends, but it's to keep from passing out in the middle of walking down the street!

    I wanted to point out, there is nothing wrong with cow's milk. It all comes down to calories. Drinking cows milk or eating foods with cows milk in it, will not prevent weight loss. That was started to sell other products at 2x the price. It's no different than those suggesting the coconut milk or products are more healthy. In the end, it comes down to macro and micro nutrients and calories.. all of which you can meet with a balanced diet.

    I had issues with cysts a few years back that had to do with rBGH, because of that is why I don't eat cow's milk dairy, I just don't want to take the risk of feeling that bad ever again.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I peaked at your diary your way under calories most days and a lot of quick adds which could be high sodium items ..I did notice you stated you don't eat dairy but many of your choices do include that confused me a bit...I asked about the goats cheese because I eat Feta cheese myself and hadn't thought about it prior to seeing your post.

    I've been told Feta is good as well, I just don't do cow's milk. I eat a little goat, some sheep, but never cow. I have low blood pressure, so I do have more sodium that what this site recommends, but it's to keep from passing out in the middle of walking down the street!

    I wanted to point out, there is nothing wrong with cow's milk. It all comes down to calories. Drinking cows milk or eating foods with cows milk in it, will not prevent weight loss. That was started to sell other products at 2x the price. It's no different than those suggesting the coconut milk or products are more healthy. In the end, it comes down to macro and micro nutrients and calories.. all of which you can meet with a balanced diet.

    I had issues with cysts a few years back that had to do with rBGH, because of that is why I don't eat cow's milk dairy, I just don't want to take the risk of feeling that bad ever again.

    Oh, that is a different story then. From the sounds of it, it seemed like your trainer was against it cow's milk.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Not sure if anyone else mentioned this but hormones can make you fluctuate.
    Being a female, ya know, we like to retain water at certain times. This can be a couple pounds.
    But I do kind of agree that 2 pounds per week may be over doing it. It is really difficult to cut that much weight when you don't have that much to get rid of, ya know?
  • aalicia88
    aalicia88 Posts: 77 Member
    I stay away from cow's milk too and I drink almond milk instead for a few reasons.

    1. It has less calories and I only have milk with my cereal so I cannot taste the difference.
    2. I don't like the way cows, chickens, etc are treated in general so I try to stay away from those things.
    3. Almond milk lasts longer in the fridge so I don't have to worry about my milk going bad before I have a chance to use it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I stay away from cow's milk too and I drink almond milk instead for a few reasons.

    1. It has less calories and I only have milk with my cereal so I cannot taste the difference.
    2. I don't like the way cows, chickens, etc are treated in general so I try to stay away from those things.
    3. Almond milk lasts longer in the fridge so I don't have to worry about my milk going bad before I have a chance to use it.

    how are they treated? Like farm animals I assume, which is what they are ...LOL you are a funny person ...
  • aalicia88
    aalicia88 Posts: 77 Member
    I stay away from cow's milk too and I drink almond milk instead for a few reasons.

    1. It has less calories and I only have milk with my cereal so I cannot taste the difference.
    2. I don't like the way cows, chickens, etc are treated in general so I try to stay away from those things.
    3. Almond milk lasts longer in the fridge so I don't have to worry about my milk going bad before I have a chance to use it.

    how are they treated? Like farm animals I assume, which is what they are ...LOL you are a funny person ...
    Its not really funny to me

    ETA: I mean if you're really uninformed and don't know how badly these animals are treated then fine. But if your just replying to mock my morals, then just leave me alone. I really don't care for that.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    One week means nothing. I lose nothing 3 weeks a month.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Fooook the scales if your lifting take measurements hunni bet you have lost some inches xxxx
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Dieting for long periods of time reduce hormonal function which in turn slow down metabolic rate through various means. Refeeds, diet breaks, and adjusting macros work wonders. When you're trying to get exceptionally lean it takes a lot more time and thought.
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    maybe 1200 calories is not enough for you, I know it isn't for me, I'd say increase slowly on clean foods, up your protein, drink more water and see what happens. Don't despair yet
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I stay away from cow's milk too and I drink almond milk instead for a few reasons.

    1. It has less calories and I only have milk with my cereal so I cannot taste the difference.
    2. I don't like the way cows, chickens, etc are treated in general so I try to stay away from those things.
    3. Almond milk lasts longer in the fridge so I don't have to worry about my milk going bad before I have a chance to use it.

    how are they treated? Like farm animals I assume, which is what they are ...LOL you are a funny person ...
    Its not really funny to me

    ETA: I mean if you're really uninformed and don't know how badly these animals are treated then fine. But if your just replying to mock my morals, then just leave me alone. I really don't care for that.

    The footage for the video was shot by a bias animal rights group, I am sure they can make almost anything look bad. Also, video of one farm isn't indicative of the entire farming community. There are several organic or free range farms around my house where this probably doesn't happen. Also, take stories from the news with a grain of salt, it's designed to be entertaining to get people to watch their show. If we believed everything on the news, raspberry ketones and other pills would be the primary source of weight loss.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    You do not weigh your food consistently, and you are not logging everything you are eating (quick adds). Which means you are probably eating more than you think:

    And it's not surprising, at your activity level, that you would be hungry.

    Also, as a relatively lean person (if that's you in the profile pic), you are expecting a rather large loss compared to what's reasonable. The less weight you have to lose, the slower it will come off. Set a small, sensible deficit (no larger than 20% of your daily expenditure, and probably smaller), and track everything accurately. When you are aiming for a small deficit, inaccurate tracking can be the difference between a deficit and a surplus.
    This for sure.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    I stay away from cow's milk too and I drink almond milk instead for a few reasons.

    1. It has less calories and I only have milk with my cereal so I cannot taste the difference.
    2. I don't like the way cows, chickens, etc are treated in general so I try to stay away from those things.
    3. Almond milk lasts longer in the fridge so I don't have to worry about my milk going bad before I have a chance to use it.

    how are they treated? Like farm animals I assume, which is what they are ...LOL you are a funny person ...
    Its not really funny to me

    ETA: I mean if you're really uninformed and don't know how badly these animals are treated then fine. But if your just replying to mock my morals, then just leave me alone. I really don't care for that.

    The footage for the video was shot by a bias animal rights group, I am sure they can make almost anything look bad. Also, video of one farm isn't indicative of the entire farming community. There are several organic or free range farms around my house where this probably doesn't happen. Also, take stories from the news with a grain of salt, it's designed to be entertaining to get people to watch their show. If we believed everything on the news, raspberry ketones and other pills would be the primary source of weight loss.
    There's a big difference in processing food and processing people and video is an easy and cheap way to process people.........peta has been successful doing this from the get go, although it's generally the early and impressionable years where they get the best results.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I stay away from cow's milk too and I drink almond milk instead for a few reasons.

    1. It has less calories and I only have milk with my cereal so I cannot taste the difference.
    2. I don't like the way cows, chickens, etc are treated in general so I try to stay away from those things.
    3. Almond milk lasts longer in the fridge so I don't have to worry about my milk going bad before I have a chance to use it.

    how are they treated? Like farm animals I assume, which is what they are ...LOL you are a funny person ...
    Its not really funny to me

    ETA: I mean if you're really uninformed and don't know how badly these animals are treated then fine. But if your just replying to mock my morals, then just leave me alone. I really don't care for that.

    The footage for the video was shot by a bias animal rights group, I am sure they can make almost anything look bad. Also, video of one farm isn't indicative of the entire farming community. There are several organic or free range farms around my house where this probably doesn't happen. Also, take stories from the news with a grain of salt, it's designed to be entertaining to get people to watch their show. If we believed everything on the news, raspberry ketones and other pills would be the primary source of weight loss.
    There's a big difference in processing food and processing people and video is an easy and cheap way to process people.........peta has been successful doing this from the get go, although it's generally the early and impressionable years where they get the best results.

    Cows, chickens, sheep, and goats. Their whole existance is eat, crap, and sleep. Rinse and repeat. Once in awhile they ptocreate and have a baby or two. They are not an intelligent being that can hold down a job. They have one purpose. They are part of the food chain and we are above them. It is the circle of life.

    For the most part the people that raise these animals do their best to take care of them in a humane but profitable way. You cannot expect the farmers to lose money on raising these animals. Farms have gotten big because the consumer wants cheap meat and dairy products. The only way farmers can compete is become big or specialize and charge more than most consumers are willing to pay, such as organic. Because farms have had to become so big there are more people involved with the care of the animals and it is much easier for the likes of PETA and HSUS to plant people on these farms and find some one abusing these animals. The majority of farmers and their employees take really good care of the animals.