What is the nastiest thing you've ever eaten?



  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I ate a cream puff one time when I was young. I did not realize it had spoiled until I popped it into my mouth and began chewing... :persevere:
  • iWishMyNameWasRebel
    iWishMyNameWasRebel Posts: 174 Member
    Oh as a pure breed Viking still living in Iceland I win this game.

    I've had:
    Fermented sheep testicles
    Fermented whale fat
    Fermented sheep head with eyes and tongue still attached.. actually the eye is the best part cause it has no taste but don't bite on it cause there'll be a pop when it bursts.
    Fermented shark.... don't smell it, just eat it and try not to gag
    Fermented sheep jam (jam made of sheep's fat and meat)
    Fermented haggis
    Fermented blood sausage
    Fermented sting ray.. smell of it lingers in your hair and your cloths until you clean them. Dont ever make one at home.

    Then we also have something called brain stew.. It's sheep brain.. mashed in a stew. It's not very popular and I've only had it once.. never again.

    I was about to contribute my sweaty-sock and rancid mayo flavored Sea Urchin Roe, and then I read this. I bow to the queen!
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    I lived in Japan for 4 years, and go for work sometimes. I am also very good friends with several Filipinos... I've tried a lot of "gross" things. And I say that loosely because it's not gross to some, but it was to me. I did try balut not knowing what it was. It was gross and when I found out what it was, I got sick.

    From the land of such heavenly foods as pancit and adobo chicken comes balut!
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    Sea cucumber
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    A 100 year old egg aged in ash. It was so nasty!!!

  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Hichiko wrote: »
    Durian. King of fruits, my butt.

    Made my whole apartment smell.
  • Gould118
    Gould118 Posts: 544 Member
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I tried beets again recently. I can confirm they are in fact still disgusting. They taste like sweet pickles that you dropped into garden soil and left them there for a week. Nasty.
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    Brussel Sprouts


    This is what I was going to make you if you came over for dinner. With a side of broccoli. What's wrong with you? I can't believe you don't like Brussels sprouts or broccoli. :/ I make them very good. And it also properly stinks up my house when I make them steamed. Not as bad if I roast them.

    My nastiest thing I ate was "Tripe" And it was made Italian style. Served with a Italian sauce. I've also tried it served in menudo, and that was gross too. :s
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Now THIS is what I think of when I think of worst things to eat!

  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    Brussel Sprouts


    This is what I was going to make you if you came over for dinner. With a side of broccoli. What's wrong with you? I can't believe you don't like Brussels sprouts or broccoli. :/ I make them very good. And it also properly stinks up my house when I make them steamed. Not as bad if I roast them.

    My nastiest thing I ate was "Tripe" And it was made Italian style. Served with a Italian sauce. I've also tried it served in menudo, and that was gross too. :s

    haha .. I don't care how wonderful you can make it it will still taste like *kitten* .... :D

    I don't mind raw cauliflower for dipping but cooked cauliflower gag me !


  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    Grimmerick wrote: »
    Now THIS is what I think of when I think of worst things to eat!

    This is plainass wrong. :s
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Mr_L33 wrote: »
    theres a durian store near my house that i want to blow up

    Remember that sriracha factory that a southern californian city tried to litigate against for odor-related issues?

    Durian 100x worse.