The honest truth!!



  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    No. Not true in my case.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm finding the successful people just work away quietly, counting calories and doing their exercise.
    maximo727 wrote: »
    Have you ever noticed that us, un-fit over weight people , are the ones with plenty of knowledge about working out properly and eating healthy, but yet we're the ones struggling to slim down. What is it?? Low self esteem, no willpower, or is it that once we lose a few pounds we get comfortable and gain it all back. The sad part is that we can't blame no one but ourselves for that, cuz if I could blame someone, I would be on top of that person day and night lmao....till then, let's keep the struggle going, y'all are not alone my friends lol

  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I think you're confusing "knowing" with doing. The years I've eaten in moderation and exercised, I was fit.
    Times I've eaten excessively, often unhealthy foods which I rarely ate during the fit years, I gained weight quickly. The people I know who stay consistently fit are not just naturally thin. They are people who live their lives eating within the calorie range appropriate for them and working out regularly. I'm is an innate part of their lifestyles.
  • llUsernamell
    llUsernamell Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2017
    I've learned a lot about fitness and weight loss/maintenance over the last few years, but I am still morbidly obese due to many reasons including laziness. I was able to lose 100 lbs about a year ago using this app, but I hit a mental low and just binge ate my way back to 300 lbs.

    I also work in the healthcare field where I see a lot of people suffering from chronic diseases which could have maybe been prevented if they lived a healthier lifestyle. Even though I see these people and what they're suffering from, I am not pressed to change my own lifestyle. I still eat foods which are high in salt and fat. I still eat a lot of processed meats and red meat. I still eat all these things in excess knowing what diseases/conditions they're linked to. I guess essentially maybe I don't really care about my own health (depression). I like the instant gratification these comfort foods give me, even though their long term effects are detrimental to my health. Chronic depression is my main reason for being and staying morbidly obese.