I want more late 20's, early 30's gals on my team!!

Girls! Women! Mujeres de mi vida! Let's do this!! I'm looking to loose 20-25lbs. I've been using rhe app consistently for 3 weeks and I've lost 7 so far! I post a lot of stuff and I am very active and love fun workouts. I log all my foods! My diary is your diary if you want to checkout recipes.

You dont have to answer to the thread, if you've got similar goals, just add me! Anyone is welcome honestly, but I just wanted to make a shout out to the chicas!


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'll add you! I'm 31, with about the same amount of weight left of lose. :)
  • sassysisterjd
    sassysisterjd Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm turning 30 in a few months and want to lose this weight before then!
  • JadeQuetzal
    JadeQuetzal Posts: 95 Member
    30 here! My goal is 22 lbs. I've lost 12 so far and have 10 more to go (once this darn cold leaves me alone). Anyone here, feel free to add me as well :)
  • Troutsy
    Troutsy Posts: 275 Member
    29 here, for some reason I cannot send a request on mobile.
  • valdeeq
    valdeeq Posts: 9 Member
    Oo, oo! Me too :smile:

    27 - 190 SW, 170-ish CW.
    Hoping to lose more!
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    edited August 2017
    turned 28 last week!
    204 SW
    196 CW
    150 GW
    Ive been Keto and working out consistently for almost 2 months now. It's been rough because my body is trying to kill me (ive had 4 periods in 6 weeks) so the weight keeps going up and down like a yoyo. could use some motivation to keep me going!
  • FariasMomOf3
    FariasMomOf3 Posts: 215 Member
    Hey hey chicas
  • tgcakef
    tgcakef Posts: 111 Member
    Nearly 30 here; have about 115 lbs to go.
  • MrsCies6207
    MrsCies6207 Posts: 3 Member
    Here! Im 32 and have 70lbs to lose total. Taking is 5lbs at a time! :)
  • chrissymoore06
    chrissymoore06 Posts: 123 Member
    Im 32 and need to lose 16 more pounds.
  • r_ovrbrg83
    r_ovrbrg83 Posts: 2 Member
    33 and wld like to lose ten... but I wld be happy just to gain endurance n get some tone... get back to my good habits :)
  • r_ovrbrg83
    r_ovrbrg83 Posts: 2 Member
    How do u add ppl?
  • MonicaGartner12
    MonicaGartner12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi girls! I'm almost 28 and trying to lose another 25. I'm down 18 so far since the beginning of July. Looking for a group to keep me motivated. My next few months are going to be insanely busy and the more motivation I have the better. Let's keep each other going. ☺
  • Ja8923
    Ja8923 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello!!! 28 years old. Would like to lose 20-25 pounds. Just started logging in my calories. Trying to find low-carb recipes. Trying to workout more. Let's do this ladies!!
  • debskeith
    debskeith Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hey everyone, I'm 34 and looking to lose between 42 & 56 lbs to feel healthier and happier! Feel free to add me
  • cbuckner5
    cbuckner5 Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm 28 and have 46 pounds to go (14.2 lost so far). SW = 195 / CW = 180.8. I'm 5'7" but I have a small frame. My goal weight is 135 mainly because that's when I get to wear the cute clothes in my closet again. I'd be ok starting the maintain cycle at 140 - 145 though to start focusing on strength training more seriously.

    I'd love for people to add me. I check in everyday and will work to motivate you! My profile may be covered in cats but that's mainly a joke. I do not log my exercises on here because I find that exercise machines exaggerate calories burned. I workout 5 times a week with 2 sessions of strength training using Tony Horton's P90 DVD and 3 sessions of cardio using the gym.

    While I have 46 pounds to go I have a short term goal of losing 6 pounds before August 31st because of Dragon*con.

    Edit: How in the world do you add people on here?
  • bababs89
    bababs89 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm 28 and have about 5 pounds to go but am mostly working on better nutrition and staying active. Feel free to add me!