children's diet and the obesity crisis



  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    My mom tried that restrictive stuff when I was a kid, but fortunately there was a kid a few trailers down who got whatever he wanted. He was the connection for every kid in the trailer park. I can't tell you how many He-man figures, Hot Wheels, and chores I traded for Snickers bars, and potato chips. If they don't get it at home, they'll just find it out on the streets. *nods* true story
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm sure that you didn't mean for this to come off as arrogant and judgemental as it did, and have taught your kids to have respect, love, and compassion for your friends and family rather than pity, which is a far more important lesson than eating habits.

    OP: sometimes we have to make choices as parents. Because those parents make different choices than you do doesn't make them worse parents. It's easy to judge when you only have one child, and that child is compliant. Your choice is whether it's more important for you child to be able to build the skills to have positive social relationships (aka: play dates) with a variety of people, while indulging in treats with them or to make food intake the more important value.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Dandelyon, kudos to you! If you explain to the adults in "your circle" about mindless snacking and the negative effects it has on your child, they should be careful what they give as snacks, if they don't.......maybe it's time to find a new circle. Thanks for your post.

    Yep. Limiting your children's experiences is so the way to go [/sarcasm] And by limiting, I don't mean by food, but how they deal with people who live differently from them. this sounds like one way to teach a kid intolerance by saying they can't hang out with certain kids because they don't eat the way they do.

    And hey, friendships are fleeting right? any excuse to get rid of those that will not follow your way, eh?
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm just wondering if you know how snobby, elitist, and arrogant that sounded. Not saying you meant to be, but this is one example of why "clean eaters" and those that eat processed foods now and again get into constant arguments here.

    Also, my parents taught me not to judge people by things like appearances, clothes, etc. Don't most parents want their kids to grow up not so judgmental and prejudice against others? Why would you point out people like that? to show them how they shouldn't want to be even if that person is a very good hearted person and to place more value on food snobbery and appearances over personality?
  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    My mom tried that restrictive stuff when I was a kid, but fortunately there was a kid a few trailers down who got whatever he wanted. He was the connection for every kid in the trailer park. I can't tell you how many He-man figures, Hot Wheels, and chores I traded for Snickers bars, and potato chips. If they don't get it at home, they'll just find it out on the streets. *nods* true story

    During snack time all through elementary school I gave away all of my stuff just for food that would last me less than 5 minutes.
    Kids will find it if they want it!!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Oh boy, these "and this is why I'm better than everyone" posts really don't go over well around here. OP glad your child is a good eater with a good temperament. Attributing her laid back personality to your militant views on food might be a stretch. I guarantee you she won't be happy and laidback when all the other kids in her group are enjoying treats and the teacher or other parent tells her she can't have any.

    I'll agree with you that childhood obesity is a problem and the onus is on the parents to teach and enforce good eating habits. But you can do so without denying all treats and judging every other parent that comes across your path.

    I don't feel like reading through the other three pages, but I'll just bump this response because I agree with everything in it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm sure that you didn't mean for this to come off as arrogant and judgemental as it did, and have taught your kids to have respect, love, and compassion for your friends and family rather than pity, which is a far more important lesson than eating habits.

    OP: sometimes we have to make choices as parents. Because those parents make different choices than you do doesn't make them worse parents. It's easy to judge when you only have one child, and that child is compliant. Your choice is whether it's more important for you child to be able to build the skills to have positive social relationships (aka: play dates) with a variety of people, while indulging in treats with them or to make food intake the more important value.

  • llstacy
    llstacy Posts: 91 Member
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm sure that you didn't mean for this to come off as arrogant and judgemental as it did, and have taught your kids to have respect, love, and compassion for your friends and family rather than pity, which is a far more important lesson than eating habits.
    No, I meant pity. I happen to think being fat and sick is a terrible way to live and with junk food normalized and available constantly it's my job to teach them how to eat responsibly.
    Definition of PITY
    a : sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy
    b : capacity to feel pity
    : something to be regretted
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Dandelyon, kudos to you! If you explain to the adults in "your circle" about mindless snacking and the negative effects it has on your child, they should be careful what they give as snacks, if they don't.......maybe it's time to find a new circle. Thanks for your post.

    Yep. Limiting your children's experiences is so the way to go [/sarcasm] And by limiting, I don't mean by food, but how they deal with people who live differently from them. this sounds like one way to teach a kid intolerance by saying they can't hang out with certain kids because they don't eat the way they do.

    And hey, friendships are fleeting right? any excuse to get rid of those that will not follow your way, eh?
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    Raising the next generation of closed minded, self-righteous, judgmental people one child at a time. That is a very disturbing view on food that is by far more harmful than good. Luckily it's a free country. Good luck.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm sure that you didn't mean for this to come off as arrogant and judgemental as it did, and have taught your kids to have respect, love, and compassion for your friends and family rather than pity, which is a far more important lesson than eating habits.
    No, I meant pity. I happen to think being fat and sick is a terrible way to live and with junk food normalized and available constantly it's my job to teach them how to eat responsibly.
    Definition of PITY
    a : sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy
    b : capacity to feel pity
    : something to be regretted

    I pity your children then.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I wonder if beating the dead horse will ever stop in the forums?!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm sure that you didn't mean for this to come off as arrogant and judgemental as it did, and have taught your kids to have respect, love, and compassion for your friends and family rather than pity, which is a far more important lesson than eating habits.

    OP: sometimes we have to make choices as parents. Because those parents make different choices than you do doesn't make them worse parents. It's easy to judge when you only have one child, and that child is compliant. Your choice is whether it's more important for you child to be able to build the skills to have positive social relationships (aka: play dates) with a variety of people, while indulging in treats with them or to make food intake the more important value.

    Completely agree. Food is a part of life. Food in every form is a part of life. It's better to teach your child to enjoy in moderation and have a healthy relationship with it. Creating the belief that there is "good" and "bad" at a young age is not always so wise.

    Sesame Street teaches it best to 5 year olds, I think. And maybe a few adults.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I wonder if beating the dead horse will ever stop in the forums?!

    If it did we'd have no forum left. :flowerforyou:
  • llstacy
    llstacy Posts: 91 Member
    Dandelyon, kudos to you! If you explain to the adults in "your circle" about mindless snacking and the negative effects it has on your child, they should be careful what they give as snacks, if they don't.......maybe it's time to find a new circle. Thanks for your post.

    Yep. Limiting your children's experiences is so the way to go [/sarcasm] And by limiting, I don't mean by food, but how they deal with people who live differently from them. this sounds like one way to teach a kid intolerance by saying they can't hang out with certain kids because they don't eat the way they do.

    And hey, friendships are fleeting right? any excuse to get rid of those that will not follow your way, eh?
    Meh. I teach my kids that junk food isn't everyday food and that too much makes you fat and sick. We even point out the examples of that in our friends and family. They feel bad for the people who don't have good food to eat or don't know any better and that's exactly the way I want it.

    I'm just wondering if you know how snobby, elitist, and arrogant that sounded. Not saying you meant to be, but this is one example of why "clean eaters" and those that eat processed foods now and again get into constant arguments here.

    Also, my parents taught me not to judge people by things like appearances, clothes, etc. Don't most parents want their kids to grow up not so judgmental and prejudice against others? Why would you point out people like that? to show them how they shouldn't want to be even if that person is a very good hearted person and to place more value on food snobbery and appearances over personality?
    I'm not a clean eater and my family eats pizza and ice cream and candy. Just not everyday or even every week. It's an occasional indulgence and they know exactly why it's an occasional indulgence because I show them what happens if they eat that stuff everyday.

    My children can be good hearted and compassionate without suffering themselves and I honestly can't even imagine why I would ever tell my kids their health doesn't matter as long as they have a good personality. That's absurd!
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    If you want to shelter your kid from junk food than that's your responsibility, not the responsibility of anyone else. If you don't want them to have it at a friend's house then it's your choice not to send her there. You can't expect your kid's friend's parents to shelter your kid for you.

    Unfortunately that's what comes along with trusting someone else to care for your kid, you also have to trust their food choices. They can't be expected to only buy food that you approve of. If you dropped your daughter off at my house for a sleepover and told me what she could and couldn't eat (with the exception of allergies etc...) I would be very insulted and probably not in a hurry to invite her over again.

    How many playdates and sleepovers is your daughter going to that it really affects her diet? It should be a special occasion thing.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Solution to OPs problem:

    Find self sufficient farm without a single neighbor anywhere within 20 miles. Grow/raise all your own food and never interact with anyone who dares to eat anything outside of your very narrow definition of what constitutes food.

    In this solution, we all win.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Solution to OPs problem:

    Find self sufficient farm without a single neighbor anywhere within 20 miles. Grow/raise all your own food and never interact with anyone who dares to eat anything outside of your very narrow definition of what constitutes food.

    In this solution, we all win.

    Well, they have online schooling now so she could opt to do that and not have to worry about these things until they decide to live on their own...with online college courses, that could easily extend to 22.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    teaching kids the benefits of healthy eating, regular exercise and that treats are ok once in a while might be a way to solve the obesity crisis.

    Not to mention type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, back, hip, knee, joint problems, narcotic dependence etc etc.
    You can all argue with me and tell me how wrong I am and how I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I see it every day at work.
    I've been a nurse for over 25 years and when I first started, I saw the above diseases in MUCH older people.
    There were no bariatric beds or wheelchairs.
    Yes, there were some people who were overweight and obese but nothing like now.
    30 year old non-compliant diabetic in full blown kidney failure, on dialysis, both legs amputated below the knee, not expected to see his 31st birthday.
    Men and women in their 30s and 40s who are 400, 500, 600 pounds.
    Can barely wheel themselves into the dining room to eat a restricted calorie meal only to have family and friends bringing in all kinds of junk/fast food.
    Their joints in so much pain that their days literally revolve around the next dose of Oxycodone.
    Surgical wounds that can't heal properly and dehisce, leaving them in the nursing home for months to get IV antibiotics and dressing changes in hopes of healing so they can go home.
    They can't work. They can't raise their kids.
    And all of it could have been prevented.
    With a healthy diet and regular exercise.
    Is it really too far of a reach to want to start our kids down a healthy path?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Solution to OPs problem:

    Find self sufficient farm without a single neighbor anywhere within 20 miles. Grow/raise all your own food and never interact with anyone who dares to eat anything outside of your very narrow definition of what constitutes food.

    In this solution, we all win.

    Well, they have online schooling now so she could opt to do that and not have to worry about these things until they decide to live on their own...with online college courses, that could easily extend to 22.
    It puts the right food in its skin or it gets the hose..
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Solution to OPs problem:

    Find self sufficient farm without a single neighbor anywhere within 20 miles. Grow/raise all your own food and never interact with anyone who dares to eat anything outside of your very narrow definition of what constitutes food.

    In this solution, we all win.

    Well, they have online schooling now so she could opt to do that and not have to worry about these things until they decide to live on their own...with online college courses, that could easily extend to 22.
    It puts the right food in its skin or it gets the hose..

  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Wow I didn't think the OP's comment was rude at all and I completely agree. It downright pisses me off when people give my kid garbage all day. Yeah I do let my kid eat some junk now and then, as do i but some kids parents are nuts. NUTS. I don't drink soda, why the hell am I going to let my kid drink it?