August 2017 Running Challenge



  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Today I went round the race route I am doing on 3/9. Was a beautiful route but has two of the hardest hills ever! Elevation gain on the run was 539ft but that was just literally two hills! I think I need to make a game plan to get up them! Im glad I tried out the route as its off road and very muddy in places so I think will be a slower race than I was planning so will re-evaluate my goals. It is very beautiful though:
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I can't believe it. August 1 and I am 7 pages behind.

    My goal for this month is 60 and I am going to get it this time.

    August 23...5 mile run. It was a much cooler breezes. My quads were a little sore and tight but managed to improve as I ran. Because it was cooler, it was much harder to get my heart rate into the zone. In the zone for 56 minutes out of 69 with average heart rate at 81%. I could have run longer but opted to stay at the 5 miles. I think that I need to mix shorter runs and longer runs.

    Probably will sign up for Indy's Women's Half at the end of September. I think that part of my "blah" attitude has to do with no goal in the near future. And maybe the weather.

    August 1....6 miles.
    August 2....8 miles.
    August 4...4 miles.
    August 14...6 miles
    August 15...5 miles
    August 21....6 miles
    August 22....8 miles
    August 23...5 miles
    total....48 miles
    goal--60 miles

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    @MobyCarp Bummers! I just saw a recent post of you with your foot in a boot. So sorry!Is it the same ankle that you injured at Rochester? I noted that there were kettlebells in the picture. When I broke my toe several years ago, I still went to the gym and worked on upper body strength. And, another orthopedic physician told me that it takes 5 weeks for the toe to heal....and that is true no matter how fit you think you are. Sadly, I insisted on getting it re-x-rayed after 2 weeks, and it hadn't healed yet.

    @skippygirlsmom Too funny!!! I am guilty of number 3. When I am getting close to the cross section of a busy road, I look at the traffic signal and gun it, if I think that I can cross before the light changes. It really annoys cars who are trying to make a left turn. Regarding #8, those runners who don't acknowledge, I just assume that they are "in the zone".
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    @allyphoe Skip was never colicky but evidently I was, my Mom would tell stories of her having to sit on the porch while screamed in the crib because nothing she would do would help me. Then the doctor said to give me goat milk instead of cow milk and that worked.

    @skippygirlsmom My colicky baby is a 10th grader, so switching her formula isn't going to help. :) Back to school is really hard on her. But yeah, I'm spending my evenings rocking her on the porch while she screams, despite the fact that nothing I do will help her.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    allyphoe wrote: »
    @allyphoe Skip was never colicky but evidently I was, my Mom would tell stories of her having to sit on the porch while screamed in the crib because nothing she would do would help me. Then the doctor said to give me goat milk instead of cow milk and that worked.

    @skippygirlsmom My colicky baby is a 10th grader, so switching her formula isn't going to help. :) Back to school is really hard on her. But yeah, I'm spending my evenings rocking her on the porch while she screams, despite the fact that nothing I do will help her.

    @allyphoe I'm really sorry to hear that she is having such a hard time. hugs to both of you
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Thanks @skippygirlsmom <3 , I honestly felt not so great about my race weight at Edmonton when I saw the female marathon winner- she was so cut it wasn't even funny, her abs were crazy. But I guess thats why she is elite and I'm definitely not elite :D

    I honestly hate #4 at races- if you are tossing gel wrappers and cups onto the ground with reckless abandon I am very likely giving you side eye. The volunteers are not your mother and they shouldn't have to clean up after you, hold it until you get to a garbage can! I have admittedly never seen #9...but now I kind of want to.

    Got a second offer this morning from an RD to do something, er "ultra crazy" in a couple of weeks. We'll see what the husband says. Running late tonight so will update mileage later. Run on everybody!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1---5.49mi/ 8.85km
    3---4.23 / 6.8
    5---4.55 / 7.3
    6---9.14 l 14.7
    10---2.87, 1.98/4.6, 3.2
    11---shot, travel day.
    23---2.56 +2.83/4.1+4.6
    24---2.52/4.1 Deja Vu run. Shaved 20 more seconds off my mile pr (post op).

    Total 65.14/105.1
    Goal 89 miles/144 km

    Upcoming races:

    Sept 30 Festival 5k Tishomingo Ok.
    Oct 1 Spirit of Survival, Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    Oct 4 AIM for the Cure- 5K, virual run
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.

    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PR's 1 mile 9.25  5k 34.27 10k 1:12.49

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    ha ha my friend just posted this on facebook - sorry it's so big when I tried to make it smaller it was too hard to read the letter.


    I live in an area with a lot of really old out of shape people, can we please raise the fine on #5?

    Side question: Has anyone donated plasma and how did it affect your running? I know you get most everything back including the red blood cells but I have 15 miles to cover the following day so I'm not sure how much it is going to kill me/should I reschedule my run.

    Hey! We fluffy gals get hot too! :wink: fine I'll put my shirt back on.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I wanted to add, don’t throw your empty cup over your head and hit the person running behind you in the face. Or don’t throw your WATER in the air because hello you are moving and I’ll be there by the time it splashes not you.

    @BruinsGal_91 you’d love to run with Skip, she’s the dang Mayor telling everyone hello. She’ll say good morning and if they don’t reply she’ll say “or maybe not”. I told her to stop that people are in the zone, so she’ll say hello now and keep the snarky comment to herself if they don’t answer. I can just see you leapfrogging.

    I’ll admit to number 10 myself so everyone else doesn’t need to feel bad about that. How else can I tell if I can continue or need to go home. See everyone who using the belt for a 5K has a very valid reason. If I had to carry medicine, inhalers etc I’d wear one too.

    @azercord ha ha I would run occasionally in just a bra and shorts, but I’ve gained so weight so not now, nope. Honestly I think it’s hotter with the sun on so much skin.
    @carolineb81 how pretty
    @ereck44 I start to look before I get to the intersection with the hopes that a slight speed up or slow down will have miss the wreck with a car.
    @jessicamcb no girl you are looking great. I look at the elite runners too and just wow. Ha ha on #9 I see it from time to time. We have such a big running community so lots of newer runners tend to run with them. For many I think it becomes a bad habit. A girl who lives on my street wears one to run around the neighborhood…hello you are no more than 2 steps from knocking on someone’s door if you think you need water that bad.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @skippygirlsmom and @Elise4270 I would like to add in that neither one of you two are old compared to the people around here and it is usually the old guys that are the offenders. @MobyCarp is the right age group but is much better shape, we would need like three of him.
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all!

    8/4: 15.2k -Slow LR-
    8/6: 12k -w/u, 8k negative splits, c/d-
    8/7: 9.4k -Steady+strides, c/d-
    8/10: 10.6k -w/u+intervals-
    8/12: 10.2k -Trail run easy-
    8/13: 10.4k -urban run-
    8/14: 17.1k -Long run-
    8/17: 12.8k -w/u, Tempo run, c/d-
    8/19: 12.3k -Easy-
    8/21: 11.2k -Easy-
    8/22: 15.2k -w/u, Repetitions-
    8/24: 8.7k -Tempo & c/d-

    Goal: 145.1k/150k

    6k tempo run today, immediately after a 2k swim. Feeling really good lately.

    Take care everyone.

    Upcoming races:
    7/29: 4th Nea Peramos Aquathlon
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    OK, I confess. It was #10 I was guilty of. As my husband is fond of saying, "better out than in".

    I have also been known to swear at my Garmin when it informs me that I am behind pace. In future I will try not to do this if I'm by a school or church. Those $5 add up very quickly.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom and @Elise4270 I would like to add in that neither one of you two are old compared to the people around here and it is usually the old guys that are the offenders. @MobyCarp is the right age group but is much better shape, we would need like three of him.

    Ohhh it must be like the guys around here that mow shirtless in tiny shorts! Haha!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Y'all ever have non-runners casually mentioned that they can run say an 8 minute mile? Or bike 20 miles daily if they wanted to? Just how far do you think a mile is with your sedentary life style, 60 pounds overweight?

    I sure hope they can't... I'm fighting a loosing battle if others can start at my goal!

    Is it Friday yet?
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,018 Member
    edited August 2017
    August Goal: 60 miles

    8/1: 4 miles
    8/2: 3.1 miles
    8/3: 2.2 miles
    8/5: kr30dc day 1
    8/6: 5.4 miles; kr30dc day 2
    8/7: 3.1 miles; kr30dc day 3
    8/8: 2.7 miles (intervals); kr30dc day 4
    8/9: 3.1 miles; kr30dc day 5
    8/10: kr30dc day 6
    8/11: kr30dc day 7
    8/12: kr30dc day 8
    8/13: 6.3 miles; kr30dc day 9
    8/14: kr30dc day 10
    8/15: 3 miles (intervals); kr30dc day 11
    8/16: 2.5 miles; kr30dc day 12
    8/17: 3.2 miles; kr30dc day 13
    8/20: 7 miles
    8/22: 2.6 miles (intervals)
    8/23: 2.6 miles
    8/24: 2.6 miles

    53.4/60 miles completed

    I was planning to run after work today, but I decided to go ahead and run at lunch. We are supposed to be getting some storms this afternoon (of course since I already ran we probably won't). Plus, my kids are both coming in this weekend for my Dad's 80th birthday party and I really need to go to the grocery store and get fresh bedding on the beds and stuff like that, so I decided that I would just run my 2.6 mile route that I can get at lunch. I was hoping to do a 3.1 mile route that I have, but I don't want to be out if it is stormy and I should have no problem reaching my goal so I will just save that route for another day.

    @skippygirlsmom I guess I need to fess up to #3 and #6. I should do a better job with #3, but #6 is not my fault. It's that damned chihuahua that lives across the street from me near the school. It is the only dog that has ever bitten me, and if it comes running at me then not only will I throw rocks at it, there will be profanity. I've nicknamed it "Little *kitten*". It's not my fault that he lives across the street from a school. It is probably worse if the kids see me throwing rocks at him.

    @Elise4270 When I was in high school one of my friend's dad used to mow shirtless in short, shorts. It was not a pleasant sight. The sad thing though is he was probably around the age my husband and I are now. Maybe younger, but he seemed sooo old.


  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    08/01/17 :::: 5.5 :::: 5.5
    08/02/17 :::: 2.4 :::: 7.9
    08/03/17 :::: 5.0 :::: 12.9
    08/04/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 15.4
    08/05/17 :::: 10.2 :::: 25.7
    08/06/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 28.7
    08/07/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 32.2
    08/08/17 :::: 6.0 :::: 38.2
    08/09/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 38.2
    08/10/17 :::: 3.9 :::: 42.0
    08/11/17 :::: 2.1 :::: 44.1
    08/12/17 :::: 10.4 :::: 54.5
    08/13/17 :::: 3.3 :::: 57.8
    08/14/17 :::: 3.2 :::: 61.0
    08/15/17 :::: 5.1 :::: 66.1
    08/16/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 69.1
    08/17/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 69.1
    08/18/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 69.1
    08/19/17 :::: 10.5 :::: 79.7
    08/20/17 :::: 2.8 :::: 82.4
    08/21/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 85.4
    08/22/17 :::: 3.2 :::: 88.6
    08/23/17 :::: 4.2 :::: 92.8
    08/24/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 96.3

    I made a mid-day escape because I have to be back for a work event this evening. Boy, do I really NOT feel like getting dressed up and going back in for that. But at least my run is done and tomorrow is a rest day.