August 2017 Running Challenge



  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ I've never had an issue with hand/wrist weights but I've also never used them for long distances. Just watch your posture since they will fatigue your shoulder faster and tend to make you want to slouch.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Y'all ever have non-runners casually mentioned that they can run say an 8 minute mile? Or bike 20 miles daily if they wanted to? Just how far do you think a mile is with your sedentary life style, 60 pounds overweight?

    I sure hope they can't... I'm fighting a loosing battle if others can start at my goal!

    Is it Friday yet?

    Also, if you're "fluffy", I gotta be squishy or something more than that. Ugh.

    I am both fluffy and squishy. I am flishy.


    that just has to be the word of the day.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @runningmischka you have some great miles in this month!!
    Okay I seriously need to stop drinking while reading these post @garygse amen to fartleks ha ha
    @PastorVincent that is so cool about your book, congrats!
    @cburke8909 how awesome about your niece. Don’t say I didn’t warn you ;-) Glad you are feeling better! I’m so excited Kieran is running with you.
    @respectthekitty sorry about the anxiety attack, I’m glad the run helped you to feel better.
    @_nikkiwolf_ I agree on the gels/wrappers honestly why can’t people keep a small plastic sandwich bag on them to put their junk in. The beach we were at this weekend had a sign, “leave only footprints behind”.
    @amymoreorless and the rest of you Texans please stay safe.
    Yeah for Friday!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    August Goal - 120 Miles

    8/1/17 - 4.02 Easy
    8/2/17 - 4.15 Easy
    8/3/17 - 4.0 Easy
    8/4/17 - 4.5 Easy
    8/5/17 - 6.0 Easy
    8/6/17 - 3.0 Easy - 28.71 Week
    8/8/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/9/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/10/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/11/17 - 5.0 Easy
    8/12/17 - 7.5 Easy
    8/13/17 - 2.51 Easy - 30.04 Week
    8/15/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/16/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/17/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/18/17 - 5.02 Easy
    8/20/17 - 7.0 Easy - 27.06 Week
    8/21/17 - 4.71 Easy
    8/22/17 - 6.01 Easy
    8/23/17 - 6.04 Easy
    8/24/17 - 6.04 Easy

    Total 105.58 of 120

    Alarm went of yesterday morning at 4am and I pretty much told it to f-off. I did run last night and even though it was still in the 80's the humidity was fairly tame. Alarm and me had the same discussion this morning so i'll most likely head out again tonight since we are in a slight colder temp pattern. With some luck I should meet my goal after tonight & tomorrows run

    I know for a fact I'd be in bankruptcy court right now if I had to pay the fine for #10 each and every time it happened. I'm typically pretty good about the rest of the infractions.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5512bf wrote: »

    I know for a fact I'd be in bankruptcy court right now if I had to pay the fine for #10 each and every time it happened. I'm typically pretty good about the rest of the infractions.

    ha ha @5512bf
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I am so glad I'm not the only one who hates the gel discarding @_nikkiwolf_ and @skippygirlsmom - I honestly get very annoyed by it!

    Ran in the early AM, had an encounter with one of the homeless men in town and subsequently had to run the subsequent 17k or so with mace in my hand rather than in my vest. Sad.

    August 1- 13.4
    August 2- 17.3
    August 3- 16.5
    August 4- 17.3
    August 5- 40
    August 6- 20
    August 7- Off
    August 8- 24.5
    August 9- 34.
    August 10- 15.3
    August 11- 20
    August 12- 21
    August 13- 14.8
    August 14- Off
    August 15- 16.3
    August 16- 8.2
    August 17- 11.2
    August 18- Off
    August 19- Off
    August 20- 42.2 [Edmonton Marathon, 4:01:18]
    August 21- Off
    August 22- 12.1
    August 23- 30
    August 24- 19
    August 25- 20.3


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @JessicaMcB sorry about the troublesome run today.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent I looked up your book and I will definitely read it, as soon as I finish "We have no idea". I am milking this one, since it is so awesome and just hysterical at times. Also, you are a nerd with Math CS degrees? Me too! Well, almost - I have a degree in math, but just a minor in CS. It is nice to meet another geek-runner

    I think we discovered there are a bunch of us geeks in this thread. But yes I have Math, CS, and other degrees :) I have over 200 under grad credits along and around 100 graduate credits. A bit over schooled :lol:

    That was my first book, and I have definitely gotten better since then. :smiley:
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Completely different question: has anybody ever tried running with wrist weights?
    I started to do a bit of indoor climbing recently and was reminded that my upper-body-strength is pretty non-existent :| . So I picked up a cheap pair of 0,5kg bracelets and though I could wear them once or twice per week during runs. I know going to a gym and lifting real weights would be more effective, but since I'm running anyway, I though every little helps...
    Now I belatedly found out that a lot of websites advise against it because it supposedly messes up your running form. Of course I don't want to do that, but on the other hand, lots of people run with hand-held water bottles, and I've never seen any claims that that would mess up your form...?

    @_nikkiwolf_ I bounced the idea off my doctor when I was a newbie runner, and she was rather emphatic that hand held weights or wrist weights while running was a Very Bad Idea that could lead to injury.
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Y'all ever have non-runners casually mentioned that they can run say an 8 minute mile? Or bike 20 miles daily if they wanted to? Just how far do you think a mile is with your sedentary life style, 60 pounds overweight?

    I sure hope they can't... I'm fighting a loosing battle if others can start at my goal!

    @Elise4270 - Most of them will be remembering their best mile, in their prime, probably as a high school runner. And their 8 minute mile probably represented the same conditioning and effort that my sub-6 mile did. They might be able to bike 20 miles, if speed is not required. I remember thinking 15 miles on a bike is a little bit of nothing, even getting out there out of condition; but real cyclists would have blown past me as if I were standing still.
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi all!

    8/4: 15.2k -Slow LR-
    8/6: 12k -w/u, 8k negative splits, c/d-
    8/7: 9.4k -Steady+strides, c/d-
    8/10: 10.6k -w/u+intervals-
    8/12: 10.2k -Trail run easy-
    8/13: 10.4k -urban run-
    8/14: 17.1k -Long run-
    8/17: 12.8k -w/u, Tempo run, c/d-
    8/19: 12.3k -Easy-
    8/21: 11.2k -Easy-
    8/22: 15.2k -w/u, Repetitions-
    8/24: 8.7k -Tempo & c/d-
    8:25: 10.6k -w/u, 4x200 repetitions, 2x1k Threshold, 4x200m repetitions c/d-

    Goal: 155.7k/150k

    Take care everyone.

    Upcoming races:
    7/29: 4th Nea Peramos Aquathlon
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
  • Dcorrick
    Dcorrick Posts: 56 Member
    Out sick for several days. The ailment was upper, but the treatment has affected my, um, lower. Im traveling, so ran the golf cart path. Had a shorter plan, but they added a lake since Google took their picture, so I had to double back and add some mileage. All's well, because the added distance put me over my first month's goal on this board!
