

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good Morning!

    I have been obsessed with Texas this week. I am heartbroken, along with the rest of you, over the unthinkable devastation. I wish more of the localities would have at least suggested voluntary evacuation for people in nursing homes and families with very old and very young members. Some of those stories have been unbearable.

    Thanks for the photos and updates from all the Texas gals. I hope Louisiana doesn't suffer too much.

    I took the oldest 2 grandchildren to the Science Museum yesterday, and 8 year old Jillian fell. She's a pretty tough cookie, so I knew when she couldn't stop crying that she might really be hurt. Thought maybe she had broken her left radius near the wrist, but xrays were negative. She has a severe bruise of her bone, though, and it will take a couple of weeks to heal. She was all smiles afterwards, sporting her fancy ace wrap!

    I like all the updates from you trolls, imposters, and imaginary friends! LOL! Keep 'em coming!

    Love, Karen in Virginia

    Edited to add: That's great news about your husband, Mary! Good for him for going the extra mile. It may just have saved the two of you a lot of hassle and adjustments!
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Mary Prayers for you and your DH.
    It takes a great deal of faith to move across the country to a new life in Arizona! But I know your faith will bring to you what needs to be! I'm glad your DH sent the email! Set things in motion!!

    Dana in Arkansas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    469367makfzcur9b.gif Watch for the new thread to be posted later today. It's the last day of August.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Mary - good for your DH contacting the COO! Sounds like he got their attention and rightly so, they don't want to lose him - especially to the competition. Sending positive thoughts right now!! B)

    - way to go hitting the sales at Lowe's. When will the goodies be delivered? I noticed this morning a puddle on the floor next to our dishwasher....ugh. I might be hitting the Home Depot sale. A new one is only a little more expensive than a service call these days and the Kitchenaid is only ten years old... only. Sigh. :'(

    Heather - hope you and DH are on the mend.

    Karen in VA - so sorry to hear about Jillian! Glad nothing broken - she's had quite a year.

    Joyce - I almost spit out my coffee when I read your comments about men's brains and the boxes. Yes, our boxes connected quite well compared to theirs. :D

    Sharon - when does school start up there? Hard to believe summer is over for the kids, but not for the weatherman. Wish he'd get his act together and give us some cool weather and rain... one of these days I'll be complaining about the cold and wet weather (she said.... tapping foot impatiently....)

    I told DH while we aren't hot weather lovers, we are counting our blessings... we have electricity, plenty of potable water, and air conditioning. Right now have windows open, fan going, trying to pull in some cool air. Very refreshing. Need to get my walk in then do my strength training, pick apples and tomatoes.

    Tomorrow is shopping day. Thanks to everyone who gave tips on hot weather cooking. My DH is so picky about what he eats and I'm sure it's due to years taking RA drugs which have taken a toll on his tummy.

    Barbie - thank you for getting the new link ready for us today. September already!

    I woke up at 3 am, couldn't sleep. Our main email went kaput yesterday as in cannot receive emails. I just finished a chat with Centurylink and they said they'd had a number of complaints from other customers and are working as hard as they can to fix it. Technology... can't live with it, can't live without it. :s

    That's the quick morning update- sending hugs where needed! <3

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Will be both September and the first day of Spring in about 40 minutes. :)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited August 2017
    Review ... (Distances include cycling + walking)
    March 15: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July 2015: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March 16: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    June: 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min
    July 2016: 709 km (440.5 miles) = 60 hours 41 minutes
    Aug: 775.9 km (482.1 miles) = 54 hours 52 minutes
    Sep: 371.3 km (230.7 miles) = 32 hours 20 min
    Oct: 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min
    Nov: 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Dec: 511.05 km (317.55 miles) = 52 hours 2 min
    Jan: 741.9 km (461.0 miles) = 70 hours 3 min
    Feb: 600.5 km (373.1 miles) = 57 hours 30 min
    Mar: 1113.2 km (691.7 miles) = 78 hours 25 min
    Apr: 1181.9 km (734.4 miles) = 76 hours 45 min
    May: 426.6 km (265.1 miles) = 39 hours 21 min
    June: 575.7 km (357.7 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 714 km (443.7 miles) = 52 hours 23 min
    Back again for August! Despite the fact that it is still winter ... I hope to get something relatively close to last year's 54 hours of exercise. :) Let's get started! :)
    August 1 - 4.7 km (55 min) walking + 12 flights of stairs (9 min)
    August 2 - 5.4 km (65 min) walking + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    August 3 - 3.3 (41.25 min) walking + 14.25 km (45 min) cycling indoors + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    August 4 - 1.80 (22.50 min) walking
    August 5 - 121.00 km (382.11 min) cycling outside ... hilly and strenuous partially gravel ride. Tough tough ride.
    August 6 - 1.6 km (20.00 min) walking
    August 7 - 5.20 km (65 min) walking + 5 flights of stairs (4 min)

    Blech ... ill. Coughing, sore throat, no voice ...

    August 8 - 0
    August 9 - 0
    August 10 - 0
    August 11 - 0

    August 12 - 1.0 km (12.50 min) walking
    August 13 - 52.60 km (166.11 min) cycling outside. Much nicer ride than last week.
    August 14 - 3.10 km (38.75 min) walking + 23 km (54 min) spinning class
    August 15 - 4.50 km (56.25 min) walking
    August 16 - 1.40 km (17.50 min) walking
    August 17 - 3.6 km (45 min) walking + 7 flights of stairs (5 min)
    August 18 - 1.4 km (17 min) walking
    August 19 - 183.8 km (575 min) cycling ... an event this weekend. :)

    And then my cold turned into a sinus infection.

    August 20 - 0 km
    August 21 - 5.2 km (65 min) walking
    August 22 - 1.8 km (20 min) walking
    August 23 - 2 km (25 min) walking + 8 flights of stairs (6 min)
    August 24 - 5 km (60 min) walking
    August 25 - 7.2 km (90 min) walking + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    August 26 - 4 km (50 min) walking
    August 27 - 1.2 km (15 min) walking
    August 28 - 7 km (85 min) walking
    August 29 - 2 km walking (25 min)

    August 30 - 4.5 km walking (55 min)

    August 31 - 4.7 km walking (55 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)

    2017 Monthly August
    Walking Distance (km): 81.6
    Walking Time (min): 1020.0
    Cycling Distance (km): 394.2
    Cycling Time (min): 1226.1
    Stairs Climbed Number: 94.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 75.2

    Total Distance (km): 475.8
    Total Distance (miles): 295.6
    Total Time (min): 2321.3
    Total Time (hr): 38:41:15

    And that's August.

    M in Oz
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    edited August 2017
    I just returned on Tuesday from a family reunion in Estes Park, CO with my mom's family. She was the oldest of 8 children, 6 brothers and 1 sister. Sadly, 2 of her brothers and a sister in law have passed away since the last reunion 2 years ago. 2 of my brothers and my mom drove to my house from East TX to pick me up and the 4 of us traveled together with my dog Angel to Estes Park. We stay at the YMCA facility there in a 4 bedroom cabin with an uncle and his wife and another aunt who live in Colorado. Another uncle's family travel from Montana and stay in another cabin. The Y has a variety of activities and the cabins are very nice for large groups. We had a great time being in the mountains and visiting.

    My mom grew up in Fort Collins and then Denver. My dad grew up in Waco and Fort Worth. They met through letters while my dad was in the Navy. They moved to Fort Worth and married when my dad got out of the Navy.

    We then went to Wray, CO to visit with an aunt and uncle for a few more days and see their new place. We left there on Monday intending to drive for 12 hours back to my house. We were a little over an hour from home when a tire blew out on I35 just before the OK-TX border around 9 PM. The tire threw rubber and caused major damage to the van- tore through the radiator and wiring. Thank goodness my brother Chris was driving. He was able to safely pull to the shoulder with no issues.

    Once it was clear that the car was not drive-able, I called around to find a hotel that took dogs to make reservations and then to find a shuttle service to take me and my mom to the hotel. We let my brother Jimmy handle calling a tow truck to take the van to the hotel. That was a big mistake. He went through his insurance company and they spent 3 hours on the side of the road waiting for the tow truck. I went on-line and reserved a rental car for the next day to get to my house and then they took it on to Tyler and returned it there.

    Another brother, Bryan is a mechanic. He and his neighbor drove to OK on Tuesday and towed the van to his place. He will do his best to put it back together. We had driven 2,048 miles before the blowout and had less than 100 to go.

    Here are some pictures taken in CO and of the damage to the van. My mom is 88 yo and broke her neck last year. The neck brace is permanent as the break did not heal. Her sister and brothers are also in the picture. There is 24 year difference between my mom and her youngest brother who is not pictured. My aunt is 13 days older than my older brother and my uncle is 3 months older than me.

    I am very pleased - gained 1 lb while traveling and it is now gone. 8 lbs to go to hit goal weight. I did pre-plan and took protein drinks and precooked bacon with me and maintained my low carb plan.

    At 88 my mom walks every day rain or shine. She is my hero.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Ginger glorious picture of sunset.

    Did another painting class at the Y. I like how she encourages to make it our own and experiment. It is hard to finish a work exactly the way you want it in two hours, but for me it is just the fun of painting. She supplies everything. Paint, canvas, and brushes, easel for $20. I plan to try to attend a session once a month.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Clowe ~ Wow! Y'all were so lucky to have gotten out of that blow out without anyone getting hurt. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at your reunion!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited August 2017
    Cathy - what bad luck with the blowout! Sounds like you kept a cool head. Your jewellery is lovely - it will be a great way to keep occupied during your retirement. Do you sell it at craft fairs?

    Just got back from food shopping. My Portsmouth friend is coming to my house for lunch next Thursday and I've been garnishing some IP recipes to use. Going to make an eggplant and olive dip, plus hummus, and then Greek meatballs and tzatsiki with salad and a wrap if she wants one. Found a great kulfi (Indian ice cream) recipe using our plums. All of these things I can make in advance over the next few days and freeze. :D My favourite kind of entertaining. DH will be out at cricket.

    Going to my nephew's 16th birthday bbq tomorrow. His big sister has shingles, but we have had chicken pox. We are taking low alcohol cider with us as DH is driving. It's the first time he has visited my family in years as he doesn't have anything in common with them and never knows what to say. :o:o He likes my brother and DSIL well, enough and they visit us. It's the extended family he finds weird. My brother had four children from his first marriage and has 10 grandchildren. None of them have moved from their local area. He has two from his second marriage. DH used to get on really well with the birthday boy when he was little, so feels he has to make the effort. We are still coughing, but I think I am improving in myself, even though the shopping wore me out! The fishmonger gave me a free cool bag as we are such good customers. It's very smart, black and white.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx, hoping for a miraculous improvement in health before tomorrow.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited August 2017
    Cathy ~ I totally missed the post with your photos! Very cute grandson! Handsome.

    Love your chain mail jewelry. You are very talented. I have sold vintage jewelry on Etsy and eBay for the last
    eight years but have lost interest after sales have plummeted. During the last month, my husband got after
    me to pack it up and it took two large trunks plus several boxes to get it sorted and packed. I have put
    aside some of the designers that were very good sellers in the past and hope "vintage" will become
    collectible again at some point.

    Dana ~ Great new appliances! I know you will enjoy them. I used to think I wanted a microwave over the stove
    but have realized this would not be good for me because I am so short.

    Mary ~ Fingers crossed for your husband and you.

    Carol in GA

  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    edited August 2017
    Heather Thank you! I have not sold at craft fairs. I plan on taking some classes and learning more chain maille weaves. If I sold jewelry I would like to take custom orders. It is hard to price for craft fairs to sell and make a profit with the time involved.

    Carol Thank you! Some jewelry makers will re-use components from vintage jewelry. That may be an additional market if you go back to selling. I am in the process of organizing all of my supplies and tools. It is a project. I shouldn't have to invest in any additional supplies for a while.

    Cathy in Arlington,TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    yo peeps -

    i'm feelin for all the people and pets and wildlife in texas ....

    welcome to all the new people who have joined this forum.

    this morning was my last workout at the Y. tomorrow i begin at the new gym, we'll see how it goes.