

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,418 Member
    Mia - my goodness! Glad you finished the race, got your credit card back, had a nice lunch. Sorry about the fall and the Bluetooth - happy today was a "win" for you after all! 5K is fabulous!

    - glad you had nice weather for the line dance performance at the fair. Our county fair is coming to an end this week and it was nice not to have the usual 90+ degree weather.

    Pip- LOVE how your airstream is shaping up! Did the curtain lady show up early? ;) You and Kirby will have many great adventures in it when you retire! <3

    Anne - Welcome. Hang in there - I've been with this group since last Christmas - they are very supportive, wise and have knowledge in a LOT of things. No matter what health hurdles a person is facing, they are here for you. Since I retired a year ago, I feel blessed to be able to check out the conversations with this group a couple times a day if I can.

    Lazy day today but I'm getting canning supplies around so I might can applesauce if possible tomorrow. The first applesauce of the season is generally tart because the apples are in a green-turning to ripe-stage. I'll add a drip of sugar and call it good. Apples are looking good - last year I had trouble with coddling moths but put out traps and spread petroleum jelly around the base of the trunks- it's supposed to keep the caterpillars from climbing up the trunks I guess-- a Master Gardener trick, anecdotal. Hopefully one or both of those things did the trick.

    Have a wonderful evening! :)
    Sunny & warm SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Mia - my goodness! Glad you finished the race, got your credit card back, had a nice lunch. Sorry about the fall and the Bluetooth - happy today was a "win" for you after all! 5K is fabulous!

    - glad you had nice weather for the line dance performance at the fair. Our county fair is coming to an end this week and it was nice not to have the usual 90+ degree weather.

    Pip- LOVE how your airstream is shaping up! Did the curtain lady show up early? ;) You and Kirby will have many great adventures in it when you retire! <3

    Anne - Welcome. Hang in there - I've been with this group since last Christmas - they are very supportive, wise and have knowledge in a LOT of things. No matter what health hurdles a person is facing, they are here for you. Since I retired a year ago, I feel blessed to be able to check out the conversations with this group a couple times a day if I can.

    Lazy day today but I'm getting canning supplies around so I might can applesauce if possible tomorrow. The first applesauce of the season is generally tart because the apples are in a green-turning to ripe-stage. I'll add a drip of sugar and call it good. Apples are looking good - last year I had trouble with coddling moths but put out traps and spread petroleum jelly around the base of the trunks- it's supposed to keep the caterpillars from climbing up the trunks I guess-- a Master Gardener trick, anecdotal. Hopefully one or both of those things did the trick.

    Have a wonderful evening! :)
    Sunny & warm SW WA State

    damn straight she showed up early. I was there before her, but still she was on time. when she started to apologize, I stopped her and said, "lets just not talk about that subject". she didn't say another word about it... that was a smart move on her part
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Saturday -- My husband and I travelled to the north of the state with the intention of starting ... and perhaps finishing ... a 400 km. We weren't sure if we'd complete the 400 because we haven't been well in recent weeks, and haven't done nearly enough cycling recently ... so we figured it might be a bit of a struggle.

    Also, while this weekend presented us with sunshine during the day, it was not at all warm. Shortly after we started, my husband's thermometer read -1.8C and the high reached 12C for a little while. Tonight it is supposed to drop below freezing again with frost.

    So, we started the 400 km, and covered the part of the route I really wanted to ride ... a section we've driven but have never ridden. And it is beautiful! The route twists and turns and climbs a little and has some flat sections, and presents riders with a lovely view of the Great Western Tiers which are topped with snow at this time of year.

    All up, we covered 183.8 km and I really enjoyed the ride. I was so pleased to be able to do that distance, and had fun out there! :)

    Also ... when we reached 157 km, my husband and I decided to go out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary (it's next week). Evil husband made the booking for 6 pm, which gave us an hour and a quarter to cover the last 27 km, a quarter hour to get ready and half an hour to get there. We made it! I can move briskly when there's Mexican food at stake.

    To be fair to my husband, he did try to get a booking for later, but this place is popular and busy and 6 pm was the only time we could get in.

    Distance 183.8 km
    Elevation: 1256 metres
    Moving Time 9:02

    Feeling all right today .... but no voice!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Pip looks great!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    <3Michele, I think you should be saying "No" to a lot of what's being asked of you for this shower and probably the wedding, too. This should be a joyous time for you, not a succession of chores thought up by others You are so kind and obliging that it just hasn't occurred to you to refuse to do something.

    've decided that I'm just going to be "too busy" to get to it. Even to Denise I'll be "too busy" and just won't find the time. There ARE things that I want to do, like Jess asked me to make the cake for the shower. But she did ask me months ago. I feel bad for Denise if this is important to her. Maybe it isn't. She did tell me today that it's OK that her wedding favor bags aren't decorated. would have thought that would have been important to her.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Mia - congrats on finishing the race! So glad you got your card back but sorry about the fall

    matchka I'm so impressed wihth your cycling

    Rori - my heart breaks for you

    Michele from NC now in VA who wants to leave early tomorrow a.m. I realized that i haven't driven on the Beltway in 10 years!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, nome of your pictures will load on my iPAd. I guess I should use my imagination but keep in mind your style. Hmmmm, wonder what I will come up with. Well glad you have got it done. Is it all finished? Enjoy.

    I think it was Sue wondering how to exercise while traveling. I have made laps around rest stops at time. It is kind of scar when you go behind the building if it is dark though. Charlie always met me around back to make sure I was OK. Really he didn't like it that I was doing it at all but he knows I can be stubborn.

    Thanks to all who co,me red on my Ellie. I can't wait until she grows up and I see what kind of a person she will be, what proffesional she chooses. She is a brilliant young lady.,she gets that from her Dad. Both Mom and Dad have very gentle personalities. Well both my grand daughters are great. Trinity is having her birthday party with her friends tonight.mthey are having Krispy cream donuts and it is a glow party. Not at all what we had when we were young.mbut indont think they had glow sticks and black lighting!

    Rori, I'm so sorry about your husband. If suppose toy were in the room with him when they were doing the testing. It is so hard not to correct your loved one instead of letting them make that mistake., a trip like that would be wonderful and I love it thatbypu have all,those hotel and airline points. I have née and really don't know how to get them! I have gotten CVS points before! Is it like those?

    Speaking of pharmacy, we went to Sam's club to pick up meds today. I had a lot, 14, plus over the counter meds. His Xarerlto was one that had to be refilled but the doctors had t call in more. They called in for 3 months! I know it is an expensive med but without insurance it was over $1000. With insurance we paid $235. But altogether we pair almost $400 for 14 scripts and generic Aleve, Advile and Melotonin. Next Monday is my last med after my stent.,so the first thing I will do to get off my narcotics is to cut my Narco down from 2 a night down to 1. This week I will see if I can get a script for a lesser dose of my Ambien and start taking that next week along with the lesser dose of Narco. But I am almost out of that. But my goal is to be off of both of those drugs. I hate having that pan contract and having to go pee in a bottle so some one will see that I am taking my narcotics like I should.

    My niece that had been here since Thursday but not come over t see me came over. She loves, loves flowers and she barely made any comment on mine. Just said it looked a lot better than the huge bushes. She did love Mozart. Her husband is blind but Mozart didn't take to him at all.mi was excited for him to hold him and see how soft he is. But mOzart wanted nothing to do with him. It was funny, Jenny asked what kind of games he played. I said one of his favorite is to wad up a piece of papermajd he place fetch. So I wadded ip me and he gets that look f excitement. I threw it but I a, a pretty bad throw. I guess he knew Jennbwas better because he took it and laid at JEnnys feet for her to throw! So at least she enjoyed him.she loves animals but they don't want to get one because they think an animal would get in the way of a blind person. I think a cat or dog would easily be trained that as soon as he puts his cane down, they would get out of the way. He sees no purpose of getting a seeing eye dog. He says he does fine without one. HAH. He can bar.ey leave the house. He does know the way to Zoe myself car in the parking space and he turns it on to either warm it up or cool it down. He also likes to listen to her car and he is able to identify anything wrong with it. He and a neighbor that loves to,work with him. Joel helps him under the hood of his car. He uses Joel's ears to help him determine what is wrong. Had also taken it to an empty parking lot and let Joel drive it with him in it guiding him.

    Ok, night night Joyce, Imdiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather - I so enjoy going on these journeys with you.

    Pip - The Airstream is looking good

    Mia - I'm glad you were able to cast your day in a positive light.

    Rori - I think taking your D. H. to Santa Barbara is a stroke of genius.

    We arrived home from camping. I partook of too many adult beverages and too much bad food. We had such a good time with this couple. Ron and Larry have been friends for 61 yrs. so they really get each other's humour which at times is more than slightly warped. I loved it around the Kaslo area. The only down part was the constant worry of forest fires. We had about 2 days that were clear after some major rain. Gold mines, silver mines, and just mines seems to be the theme for our summer. We also learned more about the conditions in the Japanese interment camps. It was very interesting. I didn't get to enjoy the Ainsworth hot springs with our friends as Larry refused to go and I made the decision to stay back with him. He's very self concious because of the scoliosis and the psoriasis. We''l see this lovely couple early next year at their home in Mexico.

    One night back and we have Keira for a sleep over. My DSIL, niece and grand niece were in. Keira and Maddie are adorable together. I can't wait to see them and Harmony as flower girls, it will be so cute. Tonight they were practicing a flower girl dance to surprise Kate with. Not sure what music they plan to use as there wasn't any. Didn't slow them down one little bit.

    We did a bit of shopping for a new mattress as we are going to put ours in the trailer. This old back does not appreciate the RV mattress. I think we found the one today but I am hoping that Larry doesn't let price take precedence over quality.

    Monday I am getting the cortisone cocktail in my back. Still nervous about that. 420 store called and needs another form signed to access my medical records. Putting it on the ever increasing Monday list.

    Sunday morning I am spending with Keira then taking sheets and towels back to trailer. I want to get in a bike ride, book our hotel for October, do some menu planning and we will probably go to a movie.

    Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness.

    - Sharon in Lethbridge where it feels like fall

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2017
    Katla <3

    Sharon in Alberta Ugh. Sorry about your car.

    Vicki Made me giggle to think of people calling the hospital for eclipse glasses. B)

    Mia Goodness, what a day you had! Glad you are calling it a win.

    Pip Airstream looks so nice. Very welcoming and cheerful.

    Heather Welcome home! So nice you have the cheese and bread from your last trip and your Duolingo Swedish course for the next trip!

    Sharon Here is hoping that back cocktail pickles your back perfectly!

    Rori Lovely idea taking your husband to Santa Barbara. That makes my heart feel full. <3

    DJ I wish I had purchased eclipse glasses but I didn't. We will have only 86% here, but I still want to experience it. I have to be at work by 3, planning to go a bit early as some people at work have the glasses and even a welding mask! (some are safe, some aren't) and are willing to share briefly.

    Anne Welcome! Look for Barbie's post at the end of each month with the link to the next month's thread, so you won't lose us!

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    matchka I'm so impressed wihth your cycling

    Thanks! :)

    A bit tired today, and it would appear my cold has returned, but very pleased that the ride went well, and was relatively easy.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I slept pretty well for sleeping on a loveseat,Taliah still snoozing... which is good. went to there house and got the dog out, and fed the cat and dog..
    going to see the real estate agent today.and go grocery shopping after that, I will be freaking out because that will probably be around 3-4 a clock when the store is crowded.Ugggh
    I still have to get proof of income for the lease..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Welcome Anne keep checking in with us, it's lots of fun and great accountability. I'm going on my 2 year anniversary on MFP and I am so glad I stuck with it!

    Rori ((( <3 ))) your trip sounds awesome, just imagining the ocean vistas and the cool breezes, how lovely for you both.

    I've just been recommended a book. "My Year with Eleanor" and its sounds like a great book. Basically the author tried to do one thing she was afraid of every day for a year, based on that Eleanor Roosevelt quote about facing fear. I checked my library and they don't have it, but I've put it on hold. Sounds like a great read. Speaking of which, I was nudged to take a weights "one to one" appointment at my gym, so I said "YES" that will happen on Monday.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    I joined a couple of weeks ago but have spent this time reading your posts and trying to get a feel for who’s who. When I found the group I was impressed by all the activity – it is hard to keep up with everyone! Have some of you known each other for years? In any case, good for all of you and thanks for welcoming me to your esteemed group!

    Some of us are new here ... I joined MFP in February 2015 but started chatting in this group in March 2017. :)