

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I had big plans for the morning to run my 9 miles. My alarm went off at a quarter to 6 and I turned it off. Then at 6 the cat came in and started yowling. Guess she wanted me to run. So I got up and went out but called it quits at 3 miles. Just didn't have the energy for more. I have to up my game or I'm going to die in the marathon.... So 9 miles on Monday, rain or shine. Humidity might send me to the treadmill but I'll get it done one way or another.

    Dragging in the heat of Houston
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Toe update. Still looks bad; missed my appointment but will be going in on Tuesday, after my weigh-in. Then entire little toe is purple with a knot at the first joint from the rest of the foot; bruised over the top of foot and up along the side. Numb and cold. Keeping it elevated. I don't think it is just jammed ... I think it is broken. Normally, the toe curls up under the toe beside it, now it is basically straight. Hurts to walk much on it; but, I've got to run into town to get a few things and try to get some orchid medium to repot them. Will be looking for some clear pots that are meant for orchids to be potted in. I think the afternoons are too hot out there for them sometimes.

    Oh, and the freaking window panes apparently had not be 'ordered' as of Thursday. Was told that Jamey had to sign off on it. Windows World 'definitely' wants to make 'this customer' happy - or I will be sending out form letters to every BBB in each country south of Columbus, Macon, and Augusta. "They advertise their windows for life' and that, to me, includes proper installation. I specifically asked for the 2 that came out to look at why we are not happy and they agreed that Louis was correct, they should have used a 'higher quality' of wood to make the stops. So, they brought enough wood to do all of them 'inside & out'. They told us to paint 1/2 of them on one side; and, the other 1/2 on 3 sides. The 'white' paint will have the optical illusion of being part of the area that the windows sit it. Double paned glass, he broke the first one and stopped because he did not want to be 'in trouble' and said that if that one broke, it is possible that all the outside panes would break, because they had already put the caulking (clear) on them. They had not put the caulking on the inside because Louis was going to do that as he painted. They are going 'on vacation' the same day we're leaving for LA; so it won't get done this week. So after Labor Day I will start calling daily until they come with the 'new' glass. They should not have sent the first 3 Yahoos to do a job they apparently had no skills to do. In fact, they ripped down the raw pine on site; and butt-jointed them inside and out. Even missing one window. These people agreed with me, that they should have had the corners 'mitered' and that if they had been, we would not have been having the conversation. Much better quality of wood brought. Need to go wrap it up in the event if rains while we're gone. Right now, they are on our covered deck, far enough back that they don't get wet or any direct son.

    Off to hobble through the grocery store. Wearing my CROCS to give it room.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Glo, yes it is nice that we both are feeling fine this year. Charlie's health improved when his colon was removed. He has completely adapted to having to poop in a bag, he cares for it by himself. We have not traveled since then except the 3 hour drive to see the grands. So we don't know what it would be like to stop at rest stops and empty the bag in a rest stop. With his Parkinson's, he has no sense of smell so he has no idea how much it stinks. I have never said anything to him, don't have the heart. I know they do make charcoal tablets to use to keep down the smell.

    Charlie sometimes drives up to 40 miles to sing. They sing at weddings, VFW, summer picnics, pretty much anywhere. They also like the free food they get at these places. They also have a couple of retirement/nursing homes that they go to.

    Heather, that organ is wonderful. Wouldn't you just love to hear Mozart himself playing it. Someday they will bra less to make a hologram of that. Safe journey to going back home. We can't wait for your next vacation!

    I am staying here at home for the eclipse. I may go across the street to the school parking lot. My niece was going to go to the 'ground zero' we have around here, Hopkinsville, Ky but she has decided to stop at a smaller town that won't have the totality but pretty much so. She has this idea that she will just stop along the side of the road and stay the entire 3 hours or so that takes you from beginning to end. I think she is delusional. But I wish her good luck. I asked her on Facebook messager when they are coming up and she said they have been here since Thursday! They have no intention to come over and see our new landscaping or meet my kitty. Alrighty then!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    josephine - I keep my shopping list on my phone and just get what's needed. It just frustrates me when I get home from the store and then find something that we need. Well, I just put it on the shopping list for the next time I get to the store.

    Lynette - I've only met Pete's mother once (that was enough!). That was at Denise's graduation probably about 5 years ago. At the time there was talk about his father going to see his friend in Asheville. I offered he could stay at our house since we're 1-1/2 hours east of Asheville. He never took me up on it. Who knows? Maybe he never went to see his friend, maybe he flew, I don't know. I only know that I made the invitation. His mother never said something like "since you don't see your daughter much, you can stay at our house any time you want". Would we have taken her up on it? Probably not. But it doesn't matter since the offer was never made. all the times I've driven up there, she never once offered that I could stay at her house. I've told Denise many times that I need to stay at Jess' since I don't have any place to stay. I'm sure she's mentioned to Maria why I'm staying at Jess', but she never invites me. Well...probably for the best anyway. Thru this whole wedding/shower ordeal she's only messaged me once on Facebook to tell me that she got favors and we'll give out two favors. I've messaged her not to buy the favors, that I would take care of them. I've messaged her not to buy a placq that I wanted to surprise Denise with it. Maybe that's why she suddenly wants to make this collage, to compete with me. It makes sense that during a full eclipse it would get chilly, I never thought of that.

    Margaret - do you think Maria asked me for the pictures? No, she asked Denise to ask me. Just like when she wanted to add two more people to the shower and Jess said "no, the invitations are already written out". She had Denise call Jess to put the people on the list.

    lenora - if you don't get any satisfaction, keep after the BBB. I did that and FINALLY got close to what I ordered.

    Michele from NC now in VA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Very nice PIP!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. I had a nice long post for all of you yesterday then the computers went down and we were unable to get anything done at work. No internet, no local computer drives, no printers or copies, which are networked. So I just went home. Well I stopped by a bead store and picked up a piece of jewelry I had repaired and went crazy thinking of all the fun things I could do with mom's old jewelry!

    Katla: you put mayonnaise on the kid's hair at night and put a shower cap over all their hair. Make sure their fingernails are cut short. The "anti-mayo" people claim that as the mayo goes bad, their heads itch and if they scratch a lot the bad mayo gives them a skin infection. In the morning wash well and rinse with vinegar.

    The mayo suffocates the live lice. You have to repeat in a couple of days, twice. Do it again on day 3 and on day 7. That way anything that hatched after the treatment will be killed too. You still have to pick the nits the normal way. But let me tell you this works like a charm! Resistant Russian lice were no match for American mayo LOL.

    We didn't have to worry about scratching, our kids were so malnourished they actually did not have fingernails and even today have very soft ones that don't really grow.

    Take care, Meg...hoping for good eclipse weather!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Just checking in to say Good Night! Anyone have advice on how to cook for one? I like my cooking but the boy doesn't always and nothing I make comes out for the one meal. I wanted to make pico de gallo but not 5 cups for eating all in one day. I also have a salsa recipe for a quart. What will happen if I don't remove the pepper skins? I will attempt a half recipe of pico tomorrow morning.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Boo, Denise just told me that "it's OK" when I asked her if she was going to have her wedding favor bags for me to do. I was hoping to use that as my excuse why I can't get to the pictures. Does she feel that "it's OK" because Maria doesn't want to go to the house? I don't know.

    pip - those curtains look great! Worth waiting for. What a great home-away-from-home you have there

    josephine - why don't you cook the normal amount, then freeze individual portions? That's what I do. This way you won't have to do a lot of cooking. Not sure what will happen if you don't remove the pepper skins. I've never made salsa

    Michele from NC now in VA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    ok im tired...
    long day, worked until 12:30 drove to get the chair and ottoman, then picked up Tal, then came home.. then we went out for pizza, and in about 45 minutes have to go feed dog and cat at Tracys house.. then back here Tal, has my bed, Tom has his bed, and I get either the loveseat or the couch.. will figure out which one is more comfortable.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    just got home at 2:15. longgg day
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    stats for the day:

    slow jog- 44.05min, 139ahr, 5.3-6.0sp 1st 3 mi, 5.4-6.1 last mi, 11.01min mi 4mi = 451c
    Apple Watch 460c
    fl exercises- 23.21min, 2sts of 10each, 142mhr, burpees, squats, running stationary lunges, squats w/jump, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches, hamstring leglifts , push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts w/8# weight, crunches, overhead sit-ups w/8# weight, on butt-knees to chest, 3 diff side leg lifts =144c
    Apple Watch- 122c
    rowing machine- 10min, 55aw, 111mhr, 1633meters = 70c
    Apple Watch- 81c

    total cal 665
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Haven't heard of mayo treatment for headlice, my daughter used to use hair conditioner when grands were young, probably works the same way. You can use essential oils as well

    Kate UK <3
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    I joined a couple of weeks ago but have spent this time reading your posts and trying to get a feel for who’s who. When I found the group I was impressed by all the activity – it is hard to keep up with everyone! Have some of you known each other for years? In any case, good for all of you and thanks for welcoming me to your esteemed group!

    Pip – have you had your RV for a long time? I’ve been thinking off and on about getting one but haven’t been certain that I’d use it enough….is this a common concern that you’ve heard from others?

    NYKaren – Glad to hear that I’m not the only one who makes new year resolutions at the end of the summer! It only seems to make sense for those of us who operate on an academic year calendar!

    Heather – I keep scrolling back to the organ pipe photo – it is a really nice shot!

    Marcelyn – I’m sure that cutting your run short was disappointing but heat is brutal and your body was telling you that it was too much. Hope you have a great run tomorrow!

    Ginger – I liked your bingo goal graphic so much that I’m going to try one myself. Sometimes my to do “list” feels so daunting – knowing I have a “free space” for a day that just isn’t meant for productivity feels like a relief. I’m tempted to add a couple more free spaces!

    I’m still not actively job hunting. When I try to wrap my head around what’s next I can’t – eventually, this will change, I know. But for now, I’ll journal, walk, take care of myself and relearn how to connect with friends. I’ve been really fortunate, career-wise – have always been in jobs that I love, doing work I find meaningful and very satisfying. When the time comes, I’ll do the work to figure out the next steps; for now, though, I’m resting and regaining energy and trust in myself to know what I need to be happy.

    This past week I did have some long conversations with a couple of friends – strange how when I’m struggling the most, I tend to isolate myself…why do I try to tackle the tough times alone??

    Time to get the dogs out for a bit – getting dark earlier each night –

    Until next time

    Anne in Rochester NY
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    I've decided what I'm going to do about those pictures. Nothing. If and when Denise asks me about them, I'll tell her that there are things that I want to do for her shower, I'm sorry Maria decided at such a late date to do this. She could have asked me but instead she had you call and ask me. And then she thinks I'm going to jump thru hoops for her? I think not. If I get to it, I get to it.

    Anne - welcome. So glad you decided to post.

    Michele in NC now in VA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    I joined a couple of weeks ago but have spent this time reading your posts and trying to get a feel for who’s who. When I found the group I was impressed by all the activity – it is hard to keep up with everyone! Have some of you known each other for years? In any case, good for all of you and thanks for welcoming me to your esteemed group!

    Pip – have you had your RV for a long time? I’ve been thinking off and on about getting one but haven’t been certain that I’d use it enough….is this a common concern that you’ve heard from others?

    NYKaren – Glad to hear that I’m not the only one who makes new year resolutions at the end of the summer! It only seems to make sense for those of us who operate on an academic year calendar!

    Heather – I keep scrolling back to the organ pipe photo – it is a really nice shot!

    Marcelyn – I’m sure that cutting your run short was disappointing but heat is brutal and your body was telling you that it was too much. Hope you have a great run tomorrow!

    Ginger – I liked your bingo goal graphic so much that I’m going to try one myself. Sometimes my to do “list” feels so daunting – knowing I have a “free space” for a day that just isn’t meant for productivity feels like a relief. I’m tempted to add a couple more free spaces!

    I’m still not actively job hunting. When I try to wrap my head around what’s next I can’t – eventually, this will change, I know. But for now, I’ll journal, walk, take care of myself and relearn how to connect with friends. I’ve been really fortunate, career-wise – have always been in jobs that I love, doing work I find meaningful and very satisfying. When the time comes, I’ll do the work to figure out the next steps; for now, though, I’m resting and regaining energy and trust in myself to know what I need to be happy.

    This past week I did have some long conversations with a couple of friends – strange how when I’m struggling the most, I tend to isolate myself…why do I try to tackle the tough times alone??

    Time to get the dogs out for a bit – getting dark earlier each night –

    Until next time

    Anne in Rochester NY

    We r going to retire in it, so it will b used enuf. We will be selling our lot at the ocean, sell the house and that will b home. Kirby's plan is 3 yrs. right now we use it once a year for our
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :) The line dance performance at the fair turned out great. The weather was sunny, not too warm, and a bit of a breeze. Several people came from the class I teach. I made a couple of tiny errors but kept on dancing so probably no one noticed but me.

    <3Michele, I think you should be saying "No" to a lot of what's being asked of you for this shower and probably the wedding, too. This should be a joyous time for you, not a succession of chores thought up by others You are so kind and obliging that it just hasn't occurred to you to refuse to do something.

    :)Anne, yes, some of us have been posting here for a long time, but once you get started you'll get to know others and they will get to know you and you'll feel a great sense of community.

    :) I taught first grade in public school for many years and lice happened from time to time. The minute the nurse came into the classroom to check for lice, my head began to itch. I got lice one time and it was my hairdresser who noticed it. A lot of lice shampoo, laundry, and vacuuming took care of it. I felt really bad for low income people who could ill afford the shampoo and all the needed laundry to treat their families.

    <3Katla, I'm sorry that your husband is opposed to the trip you've been looking forward to.

    <3 Barbie