

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Returned from funeral, it was a very good service my friend's son was in the Police Force. There were mounted police and police escorts on motor bikes, lots of colleagues from the Force. The family is quite small but the Crematorium was overflowing, obviously he was well liked and respected. Felt so sorry for my friend as obviously lots of attention paid to his wife and children but not a lot for his Mum and late Dad who were wonderful parents. She is absolutely devastated, can't believe he's gone. He took ill 5 months ago and died last week aged 51 noone should outlive their child

    Kate UK :'(:'(
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie - I'm glad to hear that you plan on paying off the condo after the proceeds of the divorce are received. I'm like you ... knowing how TomCat loves the FL place, I'd be fighting him tooth-and-nail over it. That would be the 'final' kicking in the balls. Even 'if' it has to be sold to do it. Why, after what all he has done to you, should he get something that I am sure is worth a lot more than anything. You'd already have it 'rented out' for 6 months out-of-the-year; then you could possibly rent it out by the week or month; and, block out times for you and/or your children to go down and spend the time doing so. Even 'if' you pay yourself to rent it to yourself. But, I would be vicious under the same set of circumstances ... I'd rock his world any way possible. 'M-E-O-W'!!!!!

    I don't think TomCat is going to be 'accommodating' to you about the dogs, he knows how important they are to you. Do your children live close by and could they take the dogs so you could visit with them any time. TomCat strikes me as someone who, if he got the dogs, would send them off to the pound just to get back at you. Things are NOT going his way and he is having to give up a lot more than he ever thought he'd have to do. His trying to keep you at 'arm's length' by making you give him all your money and then expecting you to deal with only $20 a week makes that obvious.

    Michelle - Apparently Maria and Amanda just have a lot of 'gall' and don't care who they hurt in the process. A friend of mine would describe it as: "They want what they want when they want it; and, they don't care who they were in getting it."

    As for zits on Maria's face, how would that affect the 'obvious' wart she has on her chin with hair growing out of it. Didn't the "Wicked Witch from the West" in "OZ" have one?

    Lanette - Since I tend to get 'long winded and write long posts, it does mean a lot to me that, at least some of you enjoy reading them.

    Watching "Flea Market Flip" ... some episodes I haven't seen. I am always amazed at the things they make into. This afternoon going to the Orthopedist to get foot x-rayed (ankle, too) because the toe is obviously broken and my ankle is really sore. I have a lot of pins and plates in the ankle and heel because of a bad wreck I had and want to make sure that it isn't involved or that I have not knocked any of the pins loose.

    I just realize that one week from today we'll be on our way to LA! I'm so excited! I will take my laptop; but, not sure I will get service. I still don't know if Will got 'satellite service' to get on the Internet. He's always used his computer to download all the cameras he has out there. I hope to find that he has gotten it. I find it difficult to track my CI on my phone. We've decided to 'board' Cracker this year; but, instead of staying at the vet office she will stay at the 'doggie spa' they own. More money but she will get out of her pen a lot more.

    I've spent the last 2 days making painted rocks. I think I am 'hooked'. Need to get my butt up off the chair and do things around here like making my bed and getting ready to go into town.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: I'll watch for the handkerchief. I hope it comes with directions! :star: So sorry that the seamstress is letting you down with going to the Airstream Dealer to install curtains. :grumble:

    Lanette: DH isn't excited to travel most anywhere or any time. We were planning to go to DSIL's place to view the eclipse with her but he won't go due to traffic worries. The road between here and there is good to go this morning. :grumble:

    Lanette & Heather: Regarding Elvis' sad death, I remember watching Geraldo Rivera's reporting. It was inflammatory, to say the least. The last news I got was years after the fact, and although Elvis did have many drugs in his system, they evidently didn't cause his death. The report I saw more recently from a BBC source said that he died straining on the potty due to severe constipation. It mentioned mashed banana and peanutbutter sandwiches. It is a sad story either way. :sad:

    Meg: What is the old mayonnaise treatment for lice? I want to tell DD how to do it. She has gotten through it with the kids BUT the cousins brought it into the house and she fears they'll get it from the cousins again. :grumble:

    Felicia: We were planning to go to DSIL's place in Eastern Oregon to watch the eclipse but DH has decided to stay home. We should get about 97% or so from here as I remember. I can't find the link right now. :ohwell: If I do, I'll post it.

    We have been planning to drive to Eastern Oregon and view the eclipse with DSIL but DH called her yesterday and said he doesn't want to face the traffic, so we're going to see her over Labor Day and staying here for the eclipse. If I find the eclipse simulator I'll share it. It showed a very dramatic view that we should be able to see from here.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Hi again,
    Forgot to say that four of the crew cycled the whole of the Kiel canal today. 100 km. They did it for charity and three of them were not fit. :o;):* They got to the lock at the other end before the ship. :D. We went out on deck to cheer them back on board.
    Beside the lock, many locals were lining up to wave at us and some people were having a picnic at tables and toasting our health in German with beer. :laugh:
    Now off to the party. It's lobster for me tonight.
    Heather UK XXXXXX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    edited August 2017

    found this online for getting rid of mealy bugs:

    Mix 1/2 cup of ordinary rubbing alcohol with 1 quart of liquid soap. The alcohol helps strip away any waxy coating on the mealybugs so the soap can penetrate and kill them. Wait 20 minutes after spraying, then rinse the plant with water. Repeat, if needed, every three days.

    I would also replace the first two inches of top soil too and wash the edge of the pot. Good luck!

    Hope your foot heals quickly.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,418 Member
    Katla - I just read about the Woodstock-like event taking place in Prineville - "Eclipseville." Charging $500 a head! I can understand why your DH wants to steer clear. Sorry you couldn't visit your SIL tho - I know you were looking forward to it. :(

    Cool & overcast SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    katla - yes, i inserted a little note and put a sharpie in there and a self addressed stamped envelope so you can return it to me. when you sign, put (katla) in there somewhere so i can know who you r. :0)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ginger: that bingo card is awesome! I haven't seen anything like it and I just may steal the idea b/c I think it would motivate me!

    Nothing new here, scale at a standstill, fighting hot flashes, swimming and cautiously biking (not sure I'll stick with biking). Our weekend trip is to get a better eclipse view, - I don't want to go but DH is so excited that I'm putting up a good front! Going to be very hard on the trip ( hours and hours in car) to eat properly, within calorie budget, and get any exercise – but I will do my best to keep on track!

    Rye in TX
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Allie check to see if you can have a "Companion" dog. Some places they cannot deny you that if your doctor will say it is for your mental health or depression. That's how we got to have our dogs here without paying a deposit or extra monthly money for them. Worth looking into.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Glo~ I will be leasing for a year.. dont want to tick off owner.. as I will be buying it afterwards