

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Tere in VT – It wasn’t just me who stood up for her, the ‘entire class’ did. Principal started the year we entered 8th grade; and left right after we graduated. We were 'his' babies ... he did things for anybody when it came to our class. If a boy on the football or basketball team did not have a Dad (death or divorce) he went with them as their stand-in. We also had a lot of good teachers. The school was a college preparatory school; but, it also was geared for kids who would be taking over their family farms. Very active school participation, not only with sports; but, in choir, drama clubs. We had a lot of 'extras' for a school of maybe 500-550 (8th - 12th grade). FFA, FHA, Home Ec, even an 'art' club. We had a nice marching band. For a small school we really did have a lot going for us.

    I retired on a disability at the age of 47. Took about 3 years to accept it; but, now I love it. Depending on if I happen to end up with a 6-month driving restriction. That 'suxs' - it is easier to 'not' have a car; than have one you can't drive. Thankfully, what I have is controlled to a large degree by medication. Like with anything else, you 'try to make the best of it'. Take a course in something you want to learn. I'm going to find out when they will be having their next session on 'sign language'. They teach it at one of the churches in town. As long as it isn't at night I can go. I don't drive at night.

    Get a couple of outside kitties who will learn to be hunters ‘if’ you do not overfeed them.

    We have field mice and we occasionally will have one fall into the walls and we’ll hear them scratching. That drives me ‘crazy’; but, they don’t last too long and so far we haven’t smelled them.

    We have a cat and dog chasing dog.

  • paulag1955
    paulag1955 Posts: 19 Member
    Langman - They are native rats, not Norway rats or roof rats like you would see in more populated areas. They are much cuter, at least in the smaller sizes I've seen. This article says they can grow up to 17 inches, but the ones I've seen are A LOT smaller than that. http://www.burkemuseum.org/research-and-collections/mammalogy/collections/mamwash/rodentia.php#Bushy_tailed_Woodrat
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am home and in bed...long and tiring day,,
    spoke with real estate agent and she is meeting with the owner on Weds morning, she has to show him all my financials to make sure I am a proper candidate for the condo....
    Here is hoping keep me in your thoughts... if he signs the ok for the lease , then it should be a go for Oct 1st..
    thank goodness I have that weekend off.
    WOW~ all of you in Texas I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping it dries quickly without to much risk of life and limb..

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2017
    Our plans are moving along. One garage sale down next one this coming Thursday Friday and Saturday. Everything is moved out of the main floor of our house and either packed away in the RV or up in our second floor living quarters. It looks really nice and cozy up there. We will be making our first trip down to Arizona Monday with our fully packed RV and car. We have a prospect for renting our house too. A lady from church. We decided to step out in a leap of faith and move down there wether John had a job or not. Then John got a call today from an independent food service company. They want him to call as soon as he gets there so they can interview him. That would be great if he gets a job then we would have health insurance. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

    I am trying to skim and keep up with your lives. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Love the pictures and the adventures. Thinking about all of you in Texas. I hope to be somewhat back to normal by the middle of September. I went to my Lymes appointment today and still have it. I knew I did because I have to be off my medication for two weeks and all of my symptoms including the brain fog came back.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary in MN did your husband loose his job there. What is the reason y'all decided to move across country? What does your daughter think of the move? Where in AZ?

    Lol. Sorry, lots of questions. I must have missed a post some where along the way.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Just laying in bed getting ready to do my nightly reading and eating frozen grapes. Frozen grapes are my favorite summer snack. Just wash them, pull them off the stems, throw them in a freezer bag. After they are frozen just put some on a bowl and let them just begin to thaw before eating them. They sort have the consistency of a slushy. Yum!

    Mary, I'll keep my fingers crossed that John finds a job. You are so brave to move before he has a job. Sorry to hear you are still dealing with the Lyme desease.

    Allie, I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and hope for good news about the condo.

    Ginger, must be nerve wracking to see that water getting closer. Wishing you and all in Texas the best. Makes me feel very thankful I'm up here in the mountains.

    Terry in VT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:

    got my summer bike back, it's riding like a charm, shifting great (other bike has the flat issue, thats in the shop)

    bike ride hm 2 gym - 12.05min, 133mhr, 14.7amph. 2.9mi = 97c
    apple watch- 91c
    Floor exer- 14min, 3sts of 10ea- hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest 100mhr = 48c
    apple watch- 70c
    SPIN CLASS- 25min, 76ar, 91aw, 139mhr, 11-14g, 9.3mi = 187c
    apple watch- 210c
    bike ride gym to sumn sta- 1hr 4min, 43sec, 153mhr, 13amph, 14mi = 605c
    apple watch- 554c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.40min, 156mhr, 9.17min mi, .5mi = 66c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.40min, 9.17min mi, 150mhr, .5mi = 60c
    apple watch- 52c
    ride dome 2 hm up Mst- 18min est. 155mhr, 2.4mi = 188c
    apple watch- 137

    total cal 1251
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Ok here's a weird story. Tuesday night I had a dream that I had an abscessed tooth and woke up with my teeth on the upper right hurting - I thought maybe I had been clenching my jaw. By Wed I night I had an abscessed tooth.

    Gloria, that mind-body connection is so strong!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Swim 1/2 hour 973 meters. Kick set 200 meters. Aqua fit class. Rode bike to and from gym.

    Nothing much to report here, very tired today. Hot flashes bad, but maybe a tad less intense than lately.

    I have told y'all about my cat Charlie Underfoot but I have two more. These two are brothers, and share the same coloring but are so different. They are both Manx cats so they don't have tails.

    Jackie Kane is shorthaired, a bit of a fraidy-cat when it comes to strangers, very cautious, and kinda dumb. Kidd Kirby is long haired, dominant, playful ( tug of war with my robe ties is a particular favorite) very friendly to everyone and so very smart! He is so smart he figured out the cabinet where the kitty food Tupperware container is, and figured how to open the cabinet, knock the Tupperware to the floor, and then how to just bang the crap out of it till the lid falls off. We had to put a childproof lock on the cabinet!

    They are sitting on the couch with me curled up together sleeping as they often are and I took this snap of them. Kidd is the one in the back with his paw on Jackie's head.


    Stay safe, dry, etc everyone! There are several of you I want to respond to but sleep is overruling that impulse.

    Rye in Texas ( not the wet part of that state)

  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member

    M in Oz[/quote]

    And during the day ... on my walk there today. That was about all I had the energy

    Plus some of the flowers in our yard. Most of the trees and plants here are evergreen so even though it is winter, they keep their leaves.

    M in Oz, the beach photos are glorious as are the shots of the flowers. What kind are they?

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Tiffany, how exciting to be expecting a grand. Share all the news with us and then the pictures.

    Paula, it sounds like you have been busy. I’m sure you did burn a few calories putting the shelf together and all the moving items and setting up. I hope the laundry is more functional for you now and that you like your combo.

    Sharon, sorry it wasn’t a good day with DH. Hope for a better one tomorrow. (((Hugs)))

    Gloria, I’m so glad you tooth has stopped hurting, but then I’m sure not nearly as happy as you are. That can be sooo painful. They bayous in Louisiana that I am familiar with are like yucky, dirty little rivers. Lol Most have alligators so people don’t swim in them but I have seen water skiing in them. That is dangerous because the one near the college I went to had lots of tree stumps that were often below water level.

    M, ok don’t tease us!!! What is a Billabong???

    Heather, I think anyone would enjoy retirement if they had enough money. I love to travel but can’t afford to nearly as much as I’d like. You two are very fortunate and I’m so glad you found each other.

    KarenVA, if one of your big concerns is a possible nursing home, let me tell you one of the great benefits of being a Moose, or in my case a member of the Women of the Moose. They have a wonderful Senior facility in Florida that goes from self-sufficient retirement community to full care Nursing Home & a Memory care facility. If the resident runs out of money in their account, it is totally paid for. That is one of the charities that we raise the most money for each year. The only stipulation is that you must be a member in good standing for 15 years before entering. But I agree, that not knowing how much money we will need for retirement is a consideration in retiring. Good luck on your decision.

    Lisa, I tried to get Pepper poodle to read Eggs post but he’s not talking. At any rate, tell Egg I said hi.

    Kay, I don’t blame you for leaving your job either time. I agree that retirement gives us time to spend on our health and happiness.

    NYKaren, your niece is an absolute doll. No wonder you enjoy her company. She sounds like fun.

    Terry, congrats on the continued weight loss.

    Cheri, glad to hear all is well with you. Stay safe and let’s hope the worst is over soon for everyone.

    Katla, glad you were going to Yoga today. We don’t like to see you sore and grumpy. I hope it helped.

    Penny, it sounds like an absolutely lovely day. Beautiful view and wow what a basket of chanterelles. Also a great picture of you! Thanks for sharing.

    Ginger, so glad you are still dry, too. Stay safe and hang in there.

    Mary, I hate to hear that you still have the Lymes. I had hoped for a different report. ((((Hugs)))) It sounds like the adventure is about to really begin. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the job for DH. Prayers are with you both in the months ahead.

    Pip, glad to hear you are back in the saddle again. Ride with the wind.

    I didn’t get much done today. I can’t seem to stay away from the TV watching the Weather Station or Fox News. My family in Texas is not in the Houston area so they are fine but it is just unbelievable what they are all going through. Our little rain maker is here and expected to last throughout the night. They said anywhere from 2 to 5 inches by noon tomorrow and then I think that is the worst of it. Seeing what happened with Harvey sure puts things in perspective.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Thank you for all the weed eater suggestions. I thought long and hard about an electric corded, seeing as they're the lightest, but my husband thought the cord would be problematic as we're on an acre lot with a lot. I ended up with a Kobalt 40V unit ... mainly because it was $70 off. It's plenty big enough for me ... I died before the battery did! I really need to work on my arm/hand strength. My DH was so frustrated that we were even buying one ... and was embarrassed when I explained to the salesman that it was for me.

    Retirement ... as many of you might remember ... it took me 3 years to get my husband to simply look at our finances and budget ... he's not ready to look at the retirement numbers even though that would be the sensible thing to do...

    Hurricane Flooding ... I am overwhelmed by the images coming out the Hurricane hit areas ... the one making national news of the nursing home residents sitting in chest deep water waiting for reduce was particularly disturbing ... and while I've been praying for all of my friends here ... I totally forgot I had a cousin in Manvel, TX! He posted on FB through a community page that he was safe.

    Trying to complete one "project" a day ... getting things done slowly but surely. Most importantly, back on track with healthier eating.

    Beth near Buffalo who ... after watching the south ... will not complain when the snows come!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies -

    My heart is hurting for the Texas gulf coast. So glad our gals are safe right now. Praying for everyone.

    Just don't have a lot of umph to comment tonight. I have composed several timely, thoughtful responses to you all as I read about your lives and situations. Only problem is they are all in my head. Can you read my mind?

    Love you,
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Penny – I am super impressed at your Chanterelle picking success and gorgeous scenery. What’s your favorite recipe – fry them in butter? It’s 95 degrees at our house right now – 6 pm. If I could I’d teleport myself over your way and stand my hot bare feet on one of your glaciers, lol.

    Ladies in TX and LA and the sopping SE USA in general – we in the Pacific Northwest would surely take a few inches of that rain off your hands if it were possible. The photos of those floodwaters are astounding, and very sad. I’m praying that faucet gets turned off ASAP!

    – crossing fingers your DH’s job prospect is a good one! And if this one doesn’t materialize, I have a hunch he’ll land something pronto once you are there permanently. That’s great you have a renter from your church. Do you think the warmer southern climate will help your lyme’s disease? So sorry it’s still showing up in your system and the brain fog has returned.

    Karen in NY
    – Kaylie is a cutie and looks like a sharp kid. It’s fun to travel with youngsters who are interested and really appreciate seeing sights like Niagra Falls. I can understand why you were looking forward to taking her along after delivering your daughter to school.

    Rye – love your kitties! Gives me a peaceful feeling watching kitties and doggies sleep.

    Lisa – Cute to see Egg is your assistant and of course working on typing skills, lol. Good luck with the warehouse possible sale… when the time is right, the stars line up and everything falls into place.

    Allie – I am so glad you are getting out and have a great support group of family and friends. I think it would be so hard to go through this alone.

    – I think a lot about you and your DH situation. (((HUGS))) I wish you peace, whatever your decision.

    DJ – how neat the women of the Moose have that retirement community and memory facility in Florida. Certainly takes the worry out of being old and infirm. I think some churches have similar.

    Regarding Houston – we saw so many bridges and overpasses engulfed in the flood waters, and roads washed out. My last job entailed doing admin work for some of our county engineers and I recall how overwhelming it was going thru the permitting system for just one county bridge. Hopefully the overpasses and interstate roads were built to better than code and a quick check will prove them strong and stable so commerce can start moving once the waters recede.

    Karen in VA – lots of good info about retirement. Your plan of starting in the future and working back to now is a great idea. I agree with everyone who said pay everything off if you can and go into retirement as debt free as possible.

    One thing we still need to do at our home is make it more handicapped accessible – putting in a new shower is on the list. Our home is probably too big for us, but would have an additional room for live-in help or aid if necessary. That’s going to be the uncertain part of our lives 10 and 20 years down the road since it’s best if we can “age in place”. If you already live where outside landscape maintenance is taken care of, that’s a good step in the right direction. And most importantly, your Yorkies will always need a good home!

    Ok ladies, that’s the quick skim thru and I know I missed a LOT!

    Missing Kelly and Sarah!

    Keep cool and dry!
    SW WA State
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 10 minutes of a Beachbody DVD, held my plank for 2 min 52sec, then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do Denise Austin's quick Burn Cardio DVD.

    Jess has a dentist appt and then she's going to leave for VA after that. I'm going to leave class early so that I can be home when she leaves.

    Marcelyn - Oh my goodness!!!!!!!

    Gloria - to this day, we have never met the wife who owned our house. She signed the sale papers the day before so we didn't even meet her at the closing. Her husband is a real sweet person. You know how after you move you get mail to the old address? Well, we would get theirs and call him to pick it up which he did. My understanding was that she was a "piece of work". When we had the detached garage built, our general contractor found where they purchased the brick and mortar from. When he ordered it and he told them the address, the guy at the brick place went "oh...her". Our contractor quickly said "no, new owner, new owner".

    machka - ouch on the tooth!

    Exercised, came home and Jess went to the dentist. Gave her food to take back with her (hey, I'm a mom, moms do these sorts of things!), got the things ready for the food pantry, went to the organizational meeting for senior bowling but didn't do the free bowl, went to the food pantry, then the post office (Denise needed me to send her her veil), came home and cut the grass, started with the weedeater (we have a Greenworks and it's quite good), then to ceramics, then mahjongg.

    Terry in VT - I love frozen grapes, too. Who waits for them to thaw????? Much better alternative to having ice cream.

    Love all the kitty photos.

    I did yoga the other day and it used to be where I'd do the wheel (just legs over my head, didn't raise my body) but I couldn't seem to do it this time. Guess I really really need more yoga.

    Beth - we have 1-1/2 acres and the corded weed trimmer is no problem

    Michele in NC