

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    karen I can relate to how your brain works-practical!! My retirement pro has looked at our data and laid out 2 plans, one leaving early shows when the $$ runs out and staying longer shows how much further it goes. Yet, I feel like this is a really important step to keep considering. Even though I have a retirement date I am still thinking I could leave early and I could leave later--I like thinking I have a say in this--whether or not that is true. I know full well we don't necessarily get a say--health, unforeseen events can all have a hand. It gives me some comfort to think I can control for all inevitabilities but..... I am going to focus on what I love, tuck away as much $$ as I can. So focus on your passions as Heather says, staying fit and well and as as we all can be. My closest and bestest friends have all retired and it does wear on me when new admin has a GREAT LIFECHANGING NEW METHOD! that were all gonna have to use now (oy vey)!

    Today we head to Corning glass museum and then the long drive home. We snuck in a dinner with DH on college campus last night--I got one more hug from her-delightful. When I get home I'll post some pics.

    Stay safe and high and dry folks. Sending strength. NYKAREN
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited August 2017
    Machka When I heard Billabong I started humming Waltzing Matilda.

    Sounds like sinus and tooth issue related.

    josephinebo glad that difficult time is behind you.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Karen in VA ~ I did not think I was ready to retire at age 58 from teaching. I tried subbing for a while and finally realized that I hated feeling like I was baby sitting. At age 69, there is no way I would want to work again. I love having my time to myself.

    If you can work it to being able to work one or two days a week, that would be great. My sis is an RN and has tried being “on call” but found that she loved the money she made going full time.

    Rori ~ Fingers crossed for you!

    Tiffanie ~ I can just imagine what you looked like with feathers everywhere. What a mess! LOL Congrats on the good news about becoming a Grammie!

    Lisa ~ Know that you will make a decision about the warehouse that is best for you.

    Carol in GA
  • paulag1955
    paulag1955 Posts: 19 Member
    Langman, we had a mouse get in our furnace ductwork once. It was, as you can imagine, disgusting and, unfortunately, we couldn't move. That was in the city. Here in the country, I haven't had any mice in the house, but mice and rats are everywhere outside, despite the snake (bull and rattle) population. We had four rats living in the base of our huge firepit and I had to had the neighbor come over and shoot them because my husband wasn't here at the time.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Paula - OMG! Rats?! Fortunately we just have little field mice. You would think with 2 cats and a "rat catcher" dog we would be fine. Every once in while they get one. But I can hear them in the walls scratching. We do set traps. I guess I've gotten use to them. If they were bigger I probably would get an exterminator.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: Sending hope & wishes for a good offer on your condo in Hawaii. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I'm not a bit sorry I retired early, either. DH needed me and still does. At the time I retired we were just learning about his MS situation. He is a poster boy for autoimmune diseases--diabetes, arthritis, and MS are the three biggest challenges but he also has blood pressure issues to worry about. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Cheri: It is good to see your smiling emoji. I've been hoping things are okay for you and your College Station neighbors. I think it is wonderful that your son is with you rather than stuck in the flood. :flowerforyou:

    Marcelyn & Ginger: Oh my! Your photos are astonishing. This is hard to imagine. Most of the weather events that make the news are big deals, but they are over with fairly soon. This stalled out storm seems to be hanging on and on and on. Stay safe. (((HUGS)))

    Lenora: Your HS principal sounds like a very dedicated and caring educator. It is nice to hear about him. :flowerforyou:


    Alison: I hope you get everything you deserve out of the settlement, including alimony. You are getting closer to freedom and happiness every day. :smiley:

    Dr Katie: I feel and look younger than I did when I was teaching, too. I credit the amazing changes that I've made with MFP for improving my health and energy levels. The absence of chronic exhaustion that I experienced for years as a result of a too long commute for my work combined with poor health habits has made a big difference, too. I love going to the gym regularly for yoga, and choosing to have fun as a personal goal. The combination has been miraculous. :bigsmile:

    Yoga today!!!!! I look forward to it. I've had to miss too many days lately & I feel the difference. I'm sore and grumpy. I think yoga will improve both physical soreness and my grumpy attitude.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • tiffaniedemayo
    tiffaniedemayo Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you all for the congratulations, I had to laugh...she asked me if this means she has to stop going to the gym. Honestly, I don't think she need to worry about that yet, but I told her that was a question only her doctor can answer.
    Janetr okc Oh yes, I will definitely share pics!
    Macelynh Wow! That is just to much water! So glad your doing okay.
    Joyce Indiana A knee pillow would be great, thanks for the idea.
    Terry in VT Hello neighbor! I was reading a previous post of yours, you make chainmaille! I have to ask..do you make your own jump rings?
    Carol in GA No more feather pillows for me, my cat is still finding little feathers to play with.

    Tiffanie in NH
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We have had off and on rain for several days. I've been working on paper work and credit card bills.
    Karen in VA. - my DH who has always worked in budgeting and finance in the Air Force and at the university after he retired from the service wanted us to retire a year before we did. I was working on a reengineering project and wanted to see it through. So, we built a new house in a new community and started a new life. The best thing was being able to travel whenever we wanted and spending more time with family. I took up golf and bridge again and made many new friends. I belong to a book club so always have something to read. I tried other interests like choir and quilting but they didn't last mainly because of my eyesight. My parents retired later in life and my mom had a stroke so they never got to do all of the things they had planned.
    Rori- fingers crossed for the condo to sell.
    DH hurt his back a week ago and has been taking all kinds of meds. He wants to be well NOW.
    Time to fix his lunch...
    SueBDew in TX
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Tiffanie, no I have tried numerous times to make jumprings myself but couldn't get the hang of it. I know everyone says that would be cheaper. When you have to make 600+ for one bracelet, I just go on-line and see where the cheapest place it to buy them pre-made. Spiderchain, Chainweavers, Rio Grande...
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    edited August 2017
    My August Goals:
    ~ Stay under 1500 calories daily - not including exercise ---
    8/1 = 1,289 8/2 = 1,151 8/3 = 1,295 8/4 = 1,780 8/5 = 1,390
    8/6 = 1,323 8/7 = 1,454 8/8 = 1,275 8/9 = 1,114 8/10 = 548
    8/11 = 1,233 8/12 = 1,500 8/13 = 1,811 8/14 = 1,221 8/15 = 1,565
    8/16 = 1,429 8/17 = 1,391 8/18 = ?? 8/19 = ?? 8/20 = ??
    8/21 = 1,172 8/22 = 1,107 8/23 = 1,111 8/24 = 1,555 8/25 = ??
    8/26 = 1,130 8/27 = 1,537
    ~ Walk 5k steps daily ---
    8/1 = no app 8/2 = no app 8/3 = 3,980 8/4 = 4,675 8/5 = 7,306
    8/6 = 3,374 8/7 = 3,132 8/8 = 2,852 8/9 = 4,551 8/10 = 5,041
    8/11 = 4,211 8/12 = 7,250 8/13 = 5,011 8/14 = 3,218 8/15 = 5,364
    8/16 = 3,556 8/17 = 3,181 8/18 = 5,345 8/19 = 3,749 8/20 = 3,512
    8/21 = 6,873 8/22 = 4,123 8/23 = 6,642 8/24 = 4,976 8/25 = 4,477
    8/26 = 4,891 8/27 = 4,131
    ~ Plexus regimen ---
    8/1 = yes 8/2 = yes 8/3 = yes 8/4 = yes 8/5 = yes
    8/6 = no 8/7 = yes 8/8 = yes 8/9 = yes 8/10 = yes
    8/11 = no 8/12 = no 8/13 = no 8/14 = yes 8/15 = yes
    8/16 = no 8/17 = no 8/18 = no 8/19 = no 8/20 = no
    8/21 = no 8/22 = yes 8/23 = yes 8/24 = yes 8/25 = no
    8/26 = no 8/27 = no
    ~ WATER equal or exceeding 64 ounces ---
    8/1 = 80oz 8/2 = 72oz 8/3 = 64oz 8/4 = 70oz 8/5 = ??
    8/6 = ?? 8/7 = 66oz 8/8 = 70oz 8/9 = 56oz 8/10 = 142oz
    8/11 = 56oz 8/12 = 64oz 8/13 = 60oz 8/14 = 48oz 8/15 = 56oz
    8/16 = 64oz 8/17 = 64oz 8/18 = 80oz 8/19 = 64oz 8/20 = 48oz
    8/21 = 60oz 8/22 = 68oz 8/23 = 48oz 8/24 = 48oz 8/25 = 48oz
    8/26 = 32oz 8/27 = 72oz

    ~ Penny - THANK YOU for the adventure...it was good to imagine the scent of fresh earth on my fingers mixed with the chanterelles aroma...I need a vacation home...

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
    "If plan 'A' fails, remember there are 25 more letters!" --- Sam Q