Short girls!



  • julskc
    julskc Posts: 1 Member
    4"11 chunky at 190 :/

    Let's kill it togeather girl!
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    5'4" CW 115 , maintaining. HW 163, after pregnancy. 40yrs young. Add me!
  • emp707
    emp707 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'1 and I'm down to 176lb from 217lb. I'm hoping to get to 140lb. I wear weight well so I'm happy being curvy but I got waaaaaaay too large haha. Hello tho'!
  • Presleykay22
    Presleykay22 Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am 28 cw is 238 my gw is 128 my height is 5 2 I have been currently diagnosed with PCOS so I'm trying to work on a low-carb high-protein diet which is something new to me because I've never done anything like this before so any kind of motivation tips any ideas you guys have really would help and feel free to add me
  • FlamingoFlames
    FlamingoFlames Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I'm from Australia, I'm 5'2 and weigh 64kgs which is 141 pounds I think. I've got endometriosis so whenever I put on weight it goes straight to my belly
  • tammylyndawson
    tammylyndawson Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello from Canada!
    I'm 53 years old, 5'1" tall female, married and very happy, but 60 pounds over weight. Just looking for some friends to help motivate my bum to get back into shape. My friends and I are going on a outback canoe camping trip next summer. I do not want to be the old lady everyone feels they need to worry about.
    Please add me as a friend!!
  • MrsDan1667
    MrsDan1667 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 33. Here's my history:

    1998 (jr high): 98
    2002 (grad HS): 110
    2005: 120
    2010: 120
    2011: 155 after pregnancy
    Oct 2016: 135
    Jan 1 2017: 139.9 (not 140, ha)
    CW: 118.8-119.2 this week

    GW: 110-115

    Though I will start recomp now and maybe try to loose/cut the other 4-9 pounds after losing 2 more pant sizes.
  • MrsDan1667
    MrsDan1667 Posts: 76 Member
    edited August 2017
    Double post. Sorry, ignore.
  • kelsielecrone
    kelsielecrone Posts: 49 Member
    edited August 2017
    5'3, 24, with a starting weight of 265.5, and a current weight of 117.5.

    It always seems like every pound gained, makes a big difference, but a pound of weight loss, doesn't. lol
    It's a pain.
  • narspips
    narspips Posts: 48 Member
    OP, you sound remarkably similar to me :)

    5'3, 31 next month, started at 154 and hoping to get to 126 as an initial goal and take it from there! Add away - I don't have any friends yet but my diary is public. Good luck everyone!
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    5'3, 24, with a starting weight of 265.5, and a current weight of 117.5.

    It always seems like every pound gained, makes a big difference, but a pound of weight loss, doesn't. lol
    It's a pain.

    Awesome loss... Well done you :)
  • weevilspongebob
    weevilspongebob Posts: 3 Member
    Im 5"2 and 125lbs. Want to lose 10lb to start off eeek
  • KreativeKoffee
    KreativeKoffee Posts: 2 Member
    LOL anyone over 5' is tall! I am 4' 10"

    I have been on MFP off and on for a long time but I want to make a better effort at changing my eating lifestyle.
  • pink_bubbletea
    pink_bubbletea Posts: 5 Member
    Im 5"3 and 60kg atm. The struggles with being short... it seems to make me look tubbier than i am :(
  • kpforyou
    kpforyou Posts: 56 Member
    A-men to the short girls support group! I'm 5'2" and am at my highest weight ever. I've wanted to be 130 since I was like, 22, but that's never happened. My current goal is to lose 30 pounds in six months (by my 30th birthday). Let's support each other!
  • NelliR86
    NelliR86 Posts: 90 Member
    Nannon170 wrote: »
    LOL anyone over 5' is tall! I am 4' 10"

    Right??! I'm 4'10 too! I feel you.
  • MissieEmma
    MissieEmma Posts: 1 Member
    Nannon170 wrote: »
    LOL anyone over 5' is tall! I am 4' 10"

    I have been on MFP off and on for a long time but I want to make a better effort at changing my eating lifestyle.

    Hi. I am 4'10 myself. My oldest son is 6 ft tall. Go figure!
  • turnere316
    turnere316 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'2". All my weight is in my stomach, which is NOT a good thing. I've been on here a week and lost 2 pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • MarieMckenji85
    MarieMckenji85 Posts: 23 Member
    31, 5'3'' and my current weight is 207, I have my first weight loss goal of 160, then 140-135 pounds long term.
  • ckelly2016
    ckelly2016 Posts: 14 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm 4'10 at 115lbs looking to weigh in at 95-105. The extra 10 doesn't look horrible just...odd. Add me :smiley: