Any other women with higher calorie goals?



  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    I've lost all my weight eating between 2000-2300 calories. At the beginning, I did cardio for about 30 minutes to 1 hour 6 days/week. For the last 11 weeks, I have been lifting heavy 5-6 days per week, and doing 30 minutes or less of cardio 3-4 times per week.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    So My calorie goals are between 1800-2200. Any other females have these goals? I feel like I'm surrounded by either people who don't eat enough, or I just have a faster metabolism. I see men eating less than I do!

    Depends on how much you exercise, if you exercise a lot then that caloric intake is fine but I wouldn't go any higher than that, for better fat loss I would be between 1700 and 2000 if you exercise every day but if you don't exercise much (500cals or less 3 times per week) then you can go as low as 1200 for a woman. Calculate it here (


    There's always one...


    There's so many of them...

    Tsk tsk, your image doesn't work. Please go peddle your '920 net is okay' stuff in a thread for women who aren't interested in others eating at a high goal.
  • tjthegreatone
    Big eater here.

    My goal is 1800, but almost never eat below 2000. Average is 2500+ I'm an intuitive eater and picky to boot so I only eat what I like in huge quantities.

    I'm not losing weight, but I was initially when I stuck to a NET of 1700. Now I'm maintaining on a net of 2100 or so on average. I figure this is where my body wants to be and rather than keep chasing the last 5 pounds and rock hard abs I'd rather eat...ALL the food!

    Yes I'm a tall (5'9) and muscular woman, but when friends marvel at how much I eat I don't see them caning it in the gym an average of 5-6 times a week. (I like exercise anyway but I love the extra caloric leeway it gives)
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    I eat consistently over 2k. I lift and run, if I didn't I would starve! lol
  • tjthegreatone
    PS the 1200 and under club seems to be a feature of the internet/this website. No one I know in real life who is above 5 foot without a confirmed eating disorder (and sadly I know a fair few) eats that little.
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    I'm 5'5" and aim for 1808-2000 cals/day. I've been steadily losing (48 lbs since the beginning of 2013) and have a diary that is open to friends -- feel free to add me. I'm always looking for more friends with open diaries who have similar calorie intake goals!
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    So My calorie goals are between 1800-2200. Any other females have these goals? I feel like I'm surrounded by either people who don't eat enough, or I just have a faster metabolism. I see men eating less than I do!

    Depends on how much you exercise, if you exercise a lot then that caloric intake is fine but I wouldn't go any higher than that, for better fat loss I would be between 1700 and 2000 if you exercise every day but if you don't exercise much (500cals or less 3 times per week) then you can go as low as 1200 for a woman. Calculate it here (


    There's always one...


    There's so many of them...

    Tsk tsk, your image doesn't work. Please go peddle your '920 net is okay' stuff in a thread for women who aren't interested in others eating at a high goal.

    It works now! (sticking tongue out)
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I have gone up and down with my calories a lot (started at 1800 net, then down to 1400-1600.) Now I am back up to 1800. I would love some friends with open diaries so I can get more food ideas. I usually am way below my protein goal.

    Try this! ( you can go here and try the 7 day calorie zig-zag cycle, you can eat more calories somedays and less others so that it tricks your metabolism a little and makes it burn more on the days you've eaten less, this can sometimes help with plateaus.

    lulz at "tricking" your metabolism
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    I have gone up and down with my calories a lot (started at 1800 net, then down to 1400-1600.) Now I am back up to 1800. I would love some friends with open diaries so I can get more food ideas. I usually am way below my protein goal.

    Try this! ( you can go here and try the 7 day calorie zig-zag cycle, you can eat more calories somedays and less others so that it tricks your metabolism a little and makes it burn more on the days you've eaten less, this can sometimes help with plateaus.

    lulz at "tricking" your metabolism

    Oh my bad you're right, your metabolism never changes and just stays the same no matter what you do.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I net 1800 for fat loss. I like food!
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I have gone up and down with my calories a lot (started at 1800 net, then down to 1400-1600.) Now I am back up to 1800. I would love some friends with open diaries so I can get more food ideas. I usually am way below my protein goal.

    Try this! ( you can go here and try the 7 day calorie zig-zag cycle, you can eat more calories somedays and less others so that it tricks your metabolism a little and makes it burn more on the days you've eaten less, this can sometimes help with plateaus.

    lulz at "tricking" your metabolism

    Oh my bad you're right, your metabolism never changes and just stays the same no matter what you do.

    From what I have found and read, its at a minimum months before their are notable changes in your metabolism. 24-48 hours affecting your metabolism? Probably not. However, your caloric needs fluctuate day to day based on activity, even though your metabolic rate is probably staying the same.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I eat 1900-2100 gross to lose weight. Because I lift heavy, walk a lot and do random cardio whenever I Grr like it (quite a lot) my TDEE is pretty high.

    I did try a harder cut at 1500 when starting the run-up to our holiday but found myself woozy and tired after two days.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    I have gone up and down with my calories a lot (started at 1800 net, then down to 1400-1600.) Now I am back up to 1800. I would love some friends with open diaries so I can get more food ideas. I usually am way below my protein goal.

    Try this! ( you can go here and try the 7 day calorie zig-zag cycle, you can eat more calories somedays and less others so that it tricks your metabolism a little and makes it burn more on the days you've eaten less, this can sometimes help with plateaus.

    lulz at "tricking" your metabolism

    Oh my bad you're right, your metabolism never changes and just stays the same no matter what you do.

    From what I have found and read, its at a minimum months before their are notable changes in your metabolism. 24-48 hours affecting your metabolism? Probably not.

    No it does not take that long, just think if it took months for our metabolism to adjust then an athlete who had worked their metabolism up to burning 4000 calories per day with very little fat on them would die relatively quickly compared to someone who has a low metabolism but this is not the case. Your body is constantly making tiny adjustments to your metabolism after just 3 consecutive days of eating below your minimum calorie requirement your body will reduce it's metabolism by a notable amount because it believes it is starving, once it has burned the glycogen stores in your muscles it will start burning fat to turn into glucose, eventually it will break down your muscles and use them for protein, athletes usually have more muscle mass than people with large fat stores so their bodies would burn protein sooner, your body can burn carbs, protein or fat mainly to convert to glucose and use it as energy, it prefers carbs but will use any of those if it has to. If you do what is know as a zig zag (eat a little below minimum, eat some above min., eat substantial amount above min.) this can help to break a plateau and burn a few more calories. Not big changes of course but small ones that help, If you were to go 3 days below minimum sure you'd burn a lot of calories but when you got to the end your metabolism will have dropped and you'll have to get it back up, this is the reason a lot of people start a diet and don't eat enough so they go into starvation mode, get really hungry so they eat even more than they did before they started dieting and get overweight again. I've done lots of research, I research every day.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    1800 to lose weight.
  • audmom1218
    My goal is around 2000. (Usually 1800-2200). I'm nursing and usually run 3 days a week. I'm just starting out lifting too. I've lost over 30lbs since I started (This is from my pre-pregnancy weight to now, so even more if you count the pregnancy weight I lost).

    I've still got a ways to go, but eating clean has really helped the scale drop quickly. (4-6lbs/month)
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    This is a really encouraging thread!

    I've been eating between 1600 and 2000 calories And losing on average 2lbs a week.

    All the people eating around 1200 (there are so many!!) make me feel like maybe I'm eating too much when I end up at around 1800 calories for the day so it's good to know I'm not the only freak of nature losing weight while eating lots
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I eat between 1400 and 1700, depending on how much I feel like exercising. I'm a littlebit, so theres no way i could eat 2k+ calories until maintenance. I definitely had faster results eating less, but now I'm happier. So that counts for something :)
  • MrBecky
    MrBecky Posts: 55 Member
    I'm aiming to lose weight and am going for around 1750 per day - and will see how that goes! I'm not doing loads of exercise yet - easing back in gently after having my first baby 6 months ago, but the goal is to start heavy lifting once I've shed some fat and got stronger from my bodyweight exercises.

    I always used to think I had to eat under 1200 calories a day and did so many stupid diets - and I've ended up gaining about 60lbs through doing this. So now I'm doing it properly and EATING WELL :-)
  • BrittanyAnnL
    BrittanyAnnL Posts: 140
    I started doing what MFP said and was eating 1200 calories while running almost everyday. You can only imagine how exhausted I was. The weight came off easily but it wasn't lost the right way, lol. I raised my calorie intake to 1500 after reading a lot of articles and blogs that suggested I was eating too few calories. I haven't lost anymore weight since the initial few pounds after raising in calories. ALSO I went from just running to lifting, anywho just today I raised my calorie goal to 2,000. That should be more realistic for me. On days that I workout extra hard I will probably consume closer to 2,500. As long as its quality food and you are burning it off.. I am sure this is the correct way to nourish your body. We live and learn!
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    I have gone up and down with my calories a lot (started at 1800 net, then down to 1400-1600.) Now I am back up to 1800. I would love some friends with open diaries so I can get more food ideas. I usually am way below my protein goal.

    Try this! ( you can go here and try the 7 day calorie zig-zag cycle, you can eat more calories somedays and less others so that it tricks your metabolism a little and makes it burn more on the days you've eaten less, this can sometimes help with plateaus.

    lulz at "tricking" your metabolism

    Oh my bad you're right, your metabolism never changes and just stays the same no matter what you do.

    From what I have found and read, its at a minimum months before their are notable changes in your metabolism. 24-48 hours affecting your metabolism? Probably not.

    No it does not take that long, just think if it took months for our metabolism to adjust then an athlete who had worked their metabolism up to burning 4000 calories per day with very little fat on them would die relatively quickly compared to someone who has a low metabolism but this is not the case. Your body is constantly making tiny adjustments to your metabolism after just 3 consecutive days of eating below your minimum calorie requirement your body will reduce it's metabolism by a notable amount because it believes it is starving, once it has burned the glycogen stores in your muscles it will start burning fat to turn into glucose, eventually it will break down your muscles and use them for protein, athletes usually have more muscle mass than people with large fat stores so their bodies would burn protein sooner, your body can burn carbs, protein or fat mainly to convert to glucose and use it as energy, it prefers carbs but will use any of those if it has to. If you do what is know as a zig zag (eat a little below minimum, eat some above min., eat substantial amount above min.) this can help to break a plateau and burn a few more calories. Not big changes of course but small ones that help, If you were to go 3 days below minimum sure you'd burn a lot of calories but when you got to the end your metabolism will have dropped and you'll have to get it back up, this is the reason a lot of people start a diet and don't eat enough so they go into starvation mode, get really hungry so they eat even more than they did before they started dieting and get overweight again. I've done lots of research, I research every day.
    Le google research mixed with a lil bro science eh? He he. Ghrelin is why people get hungry :D