What made you get serious about weight loss?



  • Domomallow
    Domomallow Posts: 87 Member
    Being too heavy to weigh myself on my old bathroom scale... then getting a new scale and seeing that I was over 300 lbs.

    It's funny how- as you gain weight your 'scary weight' changes. I remember when I was a teenager, telling my mom to shoot me if I ever get over 200 lbs.

    I plan to celebrate when I am under 200lbs again. :)
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    I've had a large, significant event happen every year for 5 years in a row and fluctuating weight to go along with those. I decided that watching what I eat and working out is something within my control, even when it seems like nothing else is. It gives me something to focus on and set goals around.
  • captainfantastic94
    captainfantastic94 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I got a heart i want to take care of so i can be around to take care of my kids
  • cougargirl1025
    cougargirl1025 Posts: 80 Member
    Them: "I got you a size Large"
  • JLAJ81
    JLAJ81 Posts: 2,477 Member
    I wanted to be able to tell people I wear a size smedium.
  • toned_thugs_n_harmony
    toned_thugs_n_harmony Posts: 1,001 Member
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??
  • JLAJ81
    JLAJ81 Posts: 2,477 Member
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??

    A terrible one
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    I wanted to be @CoffeeAndContour 's friend

    Stand in Line!
  • drkidd5316
    drkidd5316 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm doing this because I want to continue to impress my girlfriend so she'll stay with me. Also, the self therapy that comes with the gym is amazing.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??

    Probably LOTS of them, actually. I have heard dozens of horror stories to that same effect.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For me it was the first time I found myself unable to keep up with an average weight woman. I'd been technically morbidly obese since I was 16, but it wasn't until I was 31 and on a business trip that it happened. I was always able to keep up with my friends and had great bloodwork and all that jazz... Changed everything after that. I'd never even dieted previously or really worried much about my weight, I was just in a weird acceptance/denial state for all those years about it and people fed my confidence by giving me endless compliments and saying I carried my weight well and blah blah blah. But after getting pains in my legs from walking up and down stairs at the train station on a trip...I was ready to change, and did.
  • Dr_Fishbowl
    Dr_Fishbowl Posts: 42 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    why get serious about fitness?

    pffft, that's easy..... so I can outrun Zombies; why else?


    Had something to say but lets face it, there is no other reason to get in shape. Bravo good sir.


  • toned_thugs_n_harmony
    toned_thugs_n_harmony Posts: 1,001 Member
    JLAJ81 wrote: »
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??

    A terrible one
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??

    Probably LOTS of them, actually. I have heard dozens of horror stories to that same effect.

    People always have doctor horror stories lol. I just meant with the fibromyalgia, it makes no sense to say something like that. I mean, most doctors dont even believe its a real thing :lol:
  • malgamin
    malgamin Posts: 17 Member
    Multitude of things,
    1. Had to go into a big and tall shop to be able to get clothes that fit as none of the high street shops stocked my size XXXL and just short of 22 stone. This led me to me getting into the gym and losing some weight got down to about 19.5 stone over a year and maintained that for a while

    2. Wasn't allowed to take my annual fitness test at work due to high blood pressure. Started doing parkrun and lost another stone and reduced my blood pressure to a safer level without the need of medication

    3. My wife wanted to lose some weight so we started a health eating plan and have currently lost a further 2 stone just at 16.5 stone but am now able to buy clothes in normal shops and old football tops from 15 years ago fit me again.

    I think if I hadn't had all those 3 things happen to me then I'd still be rolling around thinking I'm invincible. Never going back to that size again and am looking at going down to 13.5 as a final goal.

    Good luck to you all on your goals
  • JimmyTooStrong
    JimmyTooStrong Posts: 69 Member
    Fat is yucky

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited August 2017
    JLAJ81 wrote: »
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??

    A terrible one
    When I was told I'd be stuck like that forever cause of my fibromyalgia and size. That I'd be forever fat, in pain and couldn't do anything about it.
    So I set out to proof that wrong. I did. I still am.

    what kind of medical professional would tell you that you'll be fat forever and in pain because of fibromyalgia??

    Probably LOTS of them, actually. I have heard dozens of horror stories to that same effect.

    People always have doctor horror stories lol. I just meant with the fibromyalgia, it makes no sense to say something like that. I mean, most doctors dont even believe its a real thing :lol:

    I agree, a lot of doctors don't believe it's real...and yep, doctor horror stories abound especially on this site.

    But really I did mean the fibromyalgia and weight horror stories. I used to work in an office where we helped people with disabilities and it felt like every third or fourth woman (employee and client) told the same story about having fibromyalgia and their doctor saying there is essentially no treatment for it and they won't be able to lose weight if they can't do loads of exercise so they'll just need to try to get on disability because nothing will change. These women were often in their twenties or thirties. It made me sad and confused!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I was tired of being fat and ugly. Decided I would rather just be ugly.