Skinny Saturday Challenge!



  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I'm in!!!
    Going out to eat today...doubling exercise and water intake will definitely help offset the meal! Thanks
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome all!!! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go! My plan is to eat light and snack on fruit only today. I will be hitting the mat for exercise (twice) as I still have a post-surgery cast on. (Dangit) BUT.....I am in for this big time. Water is my challenge so I WILL GUZZLE LIKE I'VE NEVER GUZZLED! I have been especially neglegent to this the past couple of days. I will measure out 16 cups and get it chillin' with lemon this morning. IT IS ON MR. SATURDAY!

    Watch out we come! Good luck all!:smooched:
  • mjk_418
    mjk_418 Posts: 8
    My plan for the day is to drink at least 8 cups of water. I usually dont drink that much and I have already had 1 cup today.. Maybe I will go over the 8 but who knows.. :) I plan on mowing here after while (which I figured out that mowing for 15 min burns 99 calories) It will take about an hour to mow. Then I am going for a walk with a friend of mine. After that P90X's Yoga X... hoping to make it longer this time than last time. Good Luck All....
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    As Tone Loc would say...Let's do it!
    LOL!!! :laugh: Right on!!! I'm in as usual :happy:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I am in! Double the walking, double the WATER--I don't drink enough on the weekends so this will help. I am FINALLY back to my pre-quitting smoking weight (My ticker is once again correct!) and I want to see the numbers go DOWN again!

    I'll try to check in during the day but I'm not sure when--my DD wants to visit the Farmer's Market and a couple of stores. I'll be checking in tonight, at least.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey girls-

    Just got up and working on the water! Was planning a run, but it's raining so I'm either going to run in the rain or run later on today- haven't decided yet!

    Make it a good day :bigsmile:
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I am in, except for the double exercise. I have been doing almost 10 miles per day and will match or exceed 10 miles.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Skinny Saturday is back and so am I. 400 + calories burned so far and 48oz of wonderful H2O. How do you take your agua, cold, warm, with lemon, flavored, in a power drink? Inquiring minds want to know?:bigsmile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ended up only going 3.44miles, next I will map it out before I head out! But I was close!! I've 28oz of water and working on another 28oz :D I usually drink it cold with a flavor packet. But instead of a flavor packet in a 16oz, I put one in my 28oz bottle, it's not as strong then and still only 10cal (depending on the brand) . I found Hawaiian Punch at Walmart for $1 for an 8pack, 5cal per serving, and I love the flovors, I drink Great Value though, and Crystal Light. Mainly whatever is cheap and less calories/sodium. I love me some zero cal Sobe lifewaters and Vitamin Water too, but I only drink those, one 20oz a day since they often have my sodium. Getting ready for some crunched then it's swim time :) See ya all after lunch!!
  • MorningRevelation
    SO TODAY IS GOING GREAT!!! I'm swimming all day today, gonna burn a crap load of calories and it's almost like I'm not even working for it! so far I've swam an hour but I still have the rest of the day a head of me!! I'm doing good on my water and I'm gonna keep on drinking! my calories are good this morning, more then half of them, because I will be swimming all day and I don't wanna lose too much energy!

    Double my exersize is gonna be easy today! I can't wait until the day is done!

    Weigh in for me isn't until tomorrow but I got on the scale this morning! I was sooo anxious!!! and I've lost 2 pound! thats 10 down 90 to go!!!! Today is a great boost for that too!!! So tonight I'll let yoy know how the day went!!! later! gotta go get back in the water!!
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    In from the gym and burned 667 calories:happy: ...need to drink lots water now. Mexican food here I come!:happy:
  • naturalShar
    Today is going great so far!
    I've gotten over the soreness in my calves,thighs and hamstrings so I've just finished a 30 minute and 41 minute Tae bo workout. I plan to walk for an hour but it'll probably be a slow walk like 2.5.
    My water intake is on point as usual,I don't think I could double 18 cups of water lol.

    I'm so tempted to try this 55 minute Full Throttle Tae Bo DVD but I don't think I'm ready for it yet:frown:

    Good job so far everyone!!!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Well I made it to the gym for the 24 lift class but it more like an interval class, cardio with weights. I also have a 10 mile hike at pm (let's see if I actually do it though). Good morning all!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Everyone else here is still sleeping. :noway: I think they miss the best part of the day but, then again, there's no one to get in the way of a good workout!:wink:
    So far I did L2 D3 of the 30 Day Shred, Leslie Sansone's Fast Firming (25 minute resistant band workout) and a 2 Mile WATP workout using weighted balls.:smile:
    Drank about 48 oz. of water so far. :drinker: Now I'm going to shower and then see if there's any zucchini ready to be picked before turning on the sprinklers in the garden.:happy:
    See you all later!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    So far so good... ate breakfast and have 3 cups of water in so far. Heading out for a run now- trying to time it right to go in between the rain showers :laugh:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great so far on today's challenge! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I had an awesome sausage/mushroom eggwhite omelet & blueberries this morning for breakfast. Now I'm going to cut up some cantelope for my morning snack. (Even though its 12:30pm) I started a bit later this morning than usual (up too late on computer last night!:laugh: )

    So here's my workouts so far today:
    Shimmy bellydance 23 min/65 cals
    Kickboxing workout 25 min/149 cals
    Walked the bulldog 15 min/66 cals

    So 63 minutes & 280 calories so far. And I'm on my 7th 8oz H2O! :drinker: Kelly
  • laurelbug
    laurelbug Posts: 22
    I'm in!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Sounds like you all have had a spectacular skinny Saturday. Foodwise I have been fine, water wise I have been great but I messed up by not getting my worout in first thing this morning. Now it's 10pm and I'm exhausted (it's unusually hot in London). Not to worry, to make up for it I shall do a double spin class tomorrow so that'll be 90mins of spin which should make up for today.

    Well doen to you all you are skinny saturday successes :happy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    8.5 miles done. 8 miles in 59:20. 5 Miles in 36:40. Both my best times. A 3-4 mile after dinner walk and I will definately be over my 10 miles for the day!
    Already at 8 cups of water.
    Logging everything! Dinner will be bad. My mother in law wants Pizza Hut for her Birthday dinner.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    So far, so good. Ate breakfast, lunch and my afternoon snack and have dinner all planned out. Also, have 7 glasses of water in so far. Went for a run and burned just over 400 calories :bigsmile: