Today's weigh-in :(



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Have you never heard the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are building muscle you are shrinking and this is a good thing. Get a tape measure you will see inches dropping off your body and this is great progress. It is a wonderful thing to turn fat into muscle. If you were not staying on your diet it would be different you might be gaining fat but if you are doing what is right you are probably converting fat to muscle.


    Double no.

    No debate here. Muscle takes up less space than fat therefore when you build muscle and lose fat you get smaller. That aside, the OP is not likely building much muscle while eating at a deficit and doing only cardio.

    OP you are likely retaining some water whether it is from exercise, food or maybe your period is arriving soon. Don't worry about it. Weigh in again tomorrow or wait until next week to weigh in again. It's not tragic to not lose every week! Hang in there!

    Triple No.

    I'm 100% with your muscles retaining water. You need to mix in a day (or two) for rest to allow this repair to happen, allow for the fluid to flush from your body, then weigh....IMHO.
  • whippettt
    whippettt Posts: 7
    You want results forget the biking and walking.. Start doing strength training.. Push ups, Planks Jumping jacks
    weights... and if you are going to bike or walk switch that to spin and jogging.. Get your heart rate up...
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    I know it's frustrating waiting for the scale to change, but you have to remember that the scale is too easily influenced by a hell of a lot of other factors (ie: water weight and things). If your clothes are fitting better, than that's a wonderful thing! Maybe step away from the scale a bit and start taking weekly measurements with a tape measure to get a better feel for how your body is changing. Don't forget, even if you didn't lose any weight ever, there is no reason to give up. You are doing this to have a healthier body. Even if the scale doesn't change, eating healthier and exercising regularly are brilliant for your body!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    not sure if this has been asked yet, but what are your methods for tracking foods...

    are you estimating or are you measuring/counting/weighing EVERYTHING?

    reason i ask is because we are terrible at eye-balling portions, and it can be quite shocking what you thought you were eating vs. what you are actually eating.

    and guize....muscle weighing more than fat is SO june 2013. pssh
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Sure has!!!! After a month into working out and eating better, I always stall or fluctuate 5-7lbs. It gets so discouraging that I always end up giving up! Well, giving up wasn't an option and I got more and more I decided to take the advice of a whoooooollllllleeeeee lot of people!!! I ditched the scale!!!! It was the most liberating experience!!!! And the next week I lost more inches off my body.
  • nicnicbell78
    nicnicbell78 Posts: 14 Member
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    I feel better, my clothes fit better, but I want the scale to show me that this is working!
    If your clothes fit better, you're getting smaller. If you need to see numbers change, try a tape measure. :flowerforyou:
  • ellipse1
    ellipse1 Posts: 30 Member
    How is your sugar intake? I noticed when I dropped my sugar intake to 12-15g a day I was seeing a difference in the scale and my clothes. Just a thought :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    If you give up, your clothes will get tighter and you will start feeling worse....and then when you decide to try to lose weight again, you will have more body fat to lose.

    Seriously, there are a lot of reasons why the scale does what it does. could be water retention. could be TOM. could be that you aren't giving your muscles any time to rest and recover (meaning more water retention). There are some real good benefits to taking some rest days.

    Also, if you are eating back your exercise calories, try eating back only half of them for a while.
  • erikak16
    erikak16 Posts: 2 Member
    yeah, this isn't true. A pound is a pound...1 lb of fat = 1 lb of muscle= 1 lb of feathers, they all weight a pound. Muscle's just more dense than fat, it takes up way less room in your body. Just keep it up, you're doing great. Consistency is key, you'll see it come off in no time
  • debbielosesweight
    debbielosesweight Posts: 2 Member
    You need to measure your body fat percentage not just weight, as said above you can lose 2lb of body fat and gain the same amount back in muscle so it will look like you've plateaued. A wise person once told me 'two women can weigh the same but the one with the lower body fat will be the smaller clothes size'. Since being told this I ignore the weight and stay focused on body fat, water and dress size :) You've done great do far so keep up the good work x
    JENNTF Posts: 78 Member
    Don't put so much faith in your sale. A woman's weight can fluculate everyday depending on how much water retention we have. Also, you are probably building lean muscle and losing inches instead of weight. You are also probably losing fat while building lean muscle. The weight will come off, but maybe you need to start taking measurements on yourself. I am sure the program you are doing is working, but just not reflecting on the scale the way you think it should. Instead of being a scale addict (which most of us are) try to focus on the way you feel, and the way your clothes are fitting you. Maybe only weight yourself once a month, and then maybe there will be more of a dramatic difference. Hang in there, and never give up on your dreams. Good luck!!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Don't put so much faith in your sale. A woman's weight can fluculate everyday depending on how much water retention we have. Also, you are probably building lean muscle and losing inches instead of weight. You are also probably losing fat while building lean muscle. The weight will come off, but maybe you need to start taking measurements on yourself. I am sure the program you are doing is working, but just not reflecting on the scale the way you think it should. Instead of being a scale addict (which most of us are) try to focus on the way you feel, and the way your clothes are fitting you. Maybe only weight yourself once a month, and then maybe there will be more of a dramatic difference. Hang in there, and never give up on your dreams. Good luck!!!

    No, if she's at a deficit and only doing cardio she's not building any muscle. The biking could help with strength in the legs, but I would debate any type of sizeable muscle gains.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Thanks so much you guys! I feel a little bit less hopeless now! I took my measurements yesterday so now I have those to look back on. I tried to set my diary to public, so hopefully now you can see it. I don't usually log my water but I'll start doing that. I know I need to drink more water than I am right now. When I get home tonight, I'll respond to a few of your questions/suggestions! Thanks for taking the time to encourage me!
  • ashleyhigg396
    If it's around your TOM, stay away from the scale! I'm always up 5 whole lbs for the entire week before and 2-3 days after. That plus the increase in exercise is making you retain a whole lot of water. Weigh yourself again in a week and see how different that number is.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Also - Sodium makes you retain water. I looked at your diary and you had a couple of very high sodium days. I'm always up a pound or two after a restaurant meal (especially PF Chang's or Olive Garden - Yikes!). Focus on the fact that your clothes fit better and you are feeling good.

    Drink more water, less sodium. Also, don't rely too heavily on the "calories earned" offered by the MFP database. They can be wildly inflated depending on your body type. If you're eating back a lot of those calories, you may be setting yourself back a little bit.

    Don't give up! You know this works. Keep making adjustments as needed and listen to your body. It's a process, not a quick fix. It takes time and focus. But you are SO worth it!
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Don't give up - you are doing all the right things! In my experience with losing, I could go days/weeks with the scale hovering at the same number or even up a little. Then one day, suddenly I'm down 2-3 pounds. It'll happen.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    THE SCALE IS A USELESS TOOL!!! As long as you are seeing changes in your body and your clothing fits better, then it's working. You will likely not see a loss every week. "Weight" fluctuates based on so many things that your scale does not measure. I'm sure in another week or so, that slight gain will be gone. Don't sweat it.

    Second this. I weigh myself daily at exactly the same time of the day and I fluctuate 0-5 pounds in either direction on a regular basis. So dont worry its likely just water causing the fluctuation and as you change your body comp from less fat and more muscle the scale will go the wrong direction. So focus more on the body changes than anything else. Good luck!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Weigh in for the next couple days. I predict the number goes down.

    And I used to say I don't care what I weigh, as long as I wear a single digit pants size. If you're losing size, then you're doing what you should be!
  • QuirkyD
    QuirkyD Posts: 68 Member