Can't keep up with my clean calorie intake



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Where can I go to get those tests done? I can't even correctly calculate my BMI. With an athletic build at 6'2" and 193 a normal "chart" puts me at like 26%. I know I still have fat to lose but I'm guessing I'm closer to 18 - 20. My new smart scale put me in the obese range!

    Don't use scales. Posting picture on here will give you a better estimate than scales!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Where can I go to get those tests done? I can't even correctly calculate my BMI. With an athletic build at 6'2" and 193 a normal "chart" puts me at like 26%. I know I still have fat to lose but I'm guessing I'm closer to 18 - 20. My new smart scale put me in the obese range!

    check hospitals, universities (health science/nutrition type departments) - when in doubt google it (search something like body composition assessment +your location)
  • DrummerGavin
    DrummerGavin Posts: 31 Member
    Where can I go to get those tests done? I can't even correctly calculate my BMI. With an athletic build at 6'2" and 193 a normal "chart" puts me at like 26%. I know I still have fat to lose but I'm guessing I'm closer to 18 - 20. My new smart scale put me in the obese range!

    Don't use scales. Posting picture on here will give you a better estimate than scales!

    Here's a couple recent pics
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    So if I continue my lifting routine of 3 days a week (full body push pull push week one and pull push pull for week two) at a high intensity and supplement properly... when is it realistic to expect real growth? I understand that everyone is different and there are countless variables but still.

    This is a tough one, but here it is. It is a much more efficient use of your time to either cut or bulk, rather than recomp. Recomp is a funny thing that takes a long time, but the good part is you sort of get to eat when you're hungry type thing.

    You would like to have more muscle bulk. Two things, when you first start lifting, generally all of those gains for approximately the first 6 months or so are strength gains. It's your body using much of what you already have to get more efficient and stronger without actually building much additional muscle. Generally speaking most of the exercises are fairly high weights with medium to low reps (less than 8-10 ish) Once you get to a point where you are starting to plateau with strength gains, in order to continue with those, the body needs to build more muscle.

    It seems like you are doing awesome, so I'm not sure you should change much.

    A few things to consider.
    Reducing body fat will require a calorie deficit and it is the fastest way to "get shredded". Lifting and keeping protein high will maintain much of the muscle you have so when you do bulk, you haven't lost anything. Keep your cut 4-6 months or less.

    Gaining muscle requires a calorie surplus and you will also gain approximately the same amount of fat.

    My thoughts are this. If you have a bit of fat you want to trim, you can cut with a minor deficit and still make strength gains in the gym for a little while. It's probably worth it to do this within the first 6 months of training. You don't really need the surplus to attain some noob strength gains. Yes, a surplus will help, but you could still gain strength with a deficit, or at least maintain your strength, but if you're still gaining strength then I think it's worth it to try a small deficit.

    After you cut for a few months, you may have made some strength gains, your body will also have adapted to the particular exercises you are doing and may be positioned for some really great growth if given a calorie surplus. My advice would be to bulk after a few months of a cut.

    I think recomping would just take too long. It's faster to focus on fat loss or weight gain individually. I just haven't the patience.
  • DrummerGavin
    DrummerGavin Posts: 31 Member
    I'm barely 3 months in and still gaining strength weekly or at least by weekly. I like the idea of waiting for a plateau and then surplusing after to start bulking. The more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know! I want to be as efficient as possible so this community has given me a lot to consider and some great info! Thanks!
  • DrummerGavin
    DrummerGavin Posts: 31 Member
  • DrummerGavin
    DrummerGavin Posts: 31 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Ask yourself why is lean meat clean but fatty cuts of meats not clean?
    Why is the colour of your rice important?
    Why are highly processed items like Protein powder and meal replacements OK (they are..) but a burger isn't?
    A burger in a bun is just an item made from meat and wheat - a combination of protein, fat and carbs.

    You might find this article interesting...

    That article was extremely helpful and reiterated a lot of what has been said here today. Thanks!