

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Good workout today. Swam 2850 meters total. 2150 crawl, then aquafit class, then 700 mixed strokes. There are a few sources suggesting that 1 mile swim is like 4 miles running (calorie and endurance wise) so that would be similar to 7 miles.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    KJ (Kelly), We have watched the movie, and while its cute like "E.T, the Extra Terrestrial, was naa we aren't Goonies. I think the beach scene was in Cannon Beach. The poor owners of the Goonies house, are always griping about the lookie-loos that are constantly invading their property. Not to mention the parking problems of their neighbors. It is still really popular, and we have Goonies Days with parades and such!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Thank you ladies for the encouragement on the job front. Unfortunately no word back sine I wrote them back and included screen shots from the application submitted section of my job profile with the organization. Out of my control now, going to try to put it out of mind.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I want to pipe in holiday plans in a nutshell for us. Thanksgiving for many years involves us going to the grocery store, and buying 4 or 5 Hungry Man Turkey dinners. My job is getting the frozen veggies out of the cranberry dessert! The fact that I am not cooking up a storm for a 30 minute eating experience, gives me great joy. I know it seems like I am "sticking it to the establishment of all that's Thanksgiving", but really I'm just mentally telling stuffing to "stuff it". Haha! If I had girls instead of all sons, this mindset might be different.

    For Christmas its all up in the air if I decorate or not. My middle son and his wife move up to Vancouver Washington in November, and he wants to host his first Christmas. Ambitious of him! We might not have our other two Navy sons home, so my husband is hoping we won't decorate the place, for the first time ever. I am pondering this.

    Day 3 of really doing this, and I have been victorious! Logging, drinking, walking, and I am in control of it all. I am proud of myself!
    Love all of ya!
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    edited September 2017
    Since we have moved to the Hill Country, we have spent Thanksgiving with one neighbor or another. Last year was the BEST Thanksgiving any of us can remember. We laughed so hard we cried. Everyone brings something, but the host monitors what you bring so that all the traditional items are covered. You can also bring whatever else you want. So fun, but we live in a neighborhood where potlucks happen about once a month, tomorrow night it is at our house.

    Even though we don't spend Christmas at home, I still decorate at least part of the house because I enjoy seeing the tree. My favorite tree is the one I put on the back porch. I can see it from my chair while I watch TV or use my computer and it makes me smile. The neighbors enjoy it too. We got new neighbors and the little girl behind us asked me at the Christmas Progressive Dinner last year if it was me who had a tree on my porch. I told her yes and she said it made her smile to see it when she gets home in the evenings.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Proud of your 3 day progress. Keep up the good work!

    Meg ~ Prayers for you and your family!

    Rye ~ Hope you will hear about the application.

    Long day here! The weather is just wonderful but my knee is hurting more than usual.

    Carol in GA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Made Edie's cake today. It's in the freezer. 9" chocolate fudge cake. It's going to be a FROZEN cake. <3<3

    I must say I'm rather dreading Christmas. I am allergic to enforced jollifications and much prefer to get together when there is less pressure. The first year DH and I were married we went to Morocco for Christmas, which was fantastic. The year before I met him I had gone on a tour of Jordan. Amazing. I would prefer to go away. What I do these days is wait for DDIL to tell me what she prefers to do. Last year they came to us on Boxing Day. I love to see the little ones, but the whole presents, cooking, entertaining, decorating, guests thing is very stressful. I am a bit of a perfectionist. Some years I can get into the swing of it, but right now I don't feel like it at all. :(:#:/ DH likes to see his daughters at some point and most years my elder son gets down, but now he has the dogs it's difficult. I haven't talked to DH about Christmas yet. He used to get upset when I said I preferred to go away because we always used to spend it with his sister, but that doesn't happen now she has a boyfriend and two grandchildren. Last year she came here for New Year.
    I hope, when my energy returns after my cough, I might feel more in the mood, but right now I want to hibernate. :s

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Christmas celebrations sometimes trouble me but when it a tiallycomes down to doing it, I am as happy as a lark. I just get to busy with getting it all doNe, will it be right, will everyone few along? But we always do. I'm just glad that no one loves that far away. My brother lives 6 hours away and he is th furthest. He makes a good salary and they usually stay 3 nights in a hotel. We do need to make some changes though. Everyone sits at the same tables. This is the only time we all are together and now that they are no longer at my house, people don't stay around. They go back to their own hotels. Orthopedic problems and ADHD problems ditches them leaving. So the John Peterson family sit together, the Paul Peyerson family sit together. I want to sit with my grandkids and Charlie wants to sit with me so that's another table. So my sister and her husband sit with her daughter and SIL. That leaves her other child and Michelle. They gave always felt they were the outcasts even though they are the main cooks. But they sit together. We need to change that up some way. But all these young kids do need to sit with their own parents. Ok, I'm not sure why I even wrote that. Just thoughts going throu my mind. Plus I am trying to put off going to get lab work done.

    The ne hing that has to be done is for my brother to read the Christmas story from the Bible even if it is read from his phone. And then we sing carols. Unfortunately this is also a time when sme of the grandkids start snickering and bickering. But the oldest generation who is the core family will never give up this part of Christmas. It is Chriatmas.

    Joyce, indiana
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited September 2017
    Inspiring Short video. Trying out Kim's link tips Still don't understand how to add color to highlight a name. Do I click on an icon at the top first? And how did Machka make her video show up without needing to link to it?
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lisa I've got the 3 quart IP and love it, cant believe how easy so many recipes are once you get the hang of it. Tons of youtube info and recipes galore. Myself, I just love how easily/quickly it makes bone broth. Sets me up for all my soups and stews. The 3 quart is just the right size for the two of us.

    DD is all excited thinking about school abroad in South Africa(!) then onto an internship in DC, this is all just conjecture, she has to apply and of course, get accepted into the programs, but wow is it something to hear her excitedly dreaming about possibilities...takes my breath away.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,592 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    I put up Christmas trees in every room of my house including the two bathrooms. I do it if it is only Jack and I or the whole big bunch of extended family (his kids and mine and grands). I did it for all the years I was single and lived alone. I do it for me because I LOVE CHRISTMAS :)

    Janetr OKC

    I respect that, but I'm afraid I developed an attitude a couple years ago. I was the only one decorating and certainly the only one in my house cleaning up after, and it just really annoyed me. So I bought one of these. 138284.jpg

    It takes three minutes to put up, and I was done.

    Now we have two of them, and we bought a small live tree. I put up the nativity, the magi travel around the living room. We didn't do stockings last year because we weren't home. My teenager fussed about that a little, but basically they all know better not to complain. If they want full-on decorating. They can do it. I'm over it. :naughty:

    I still love Christmas, but I prefer low-key.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I want to pipe in holiday plans in a nutshell for us. Thanksgiving for many years involves us going to the grocery store, and buying 4 or 5 Hungry Man Turkey dinners. My job is getting the frozen veggies out of the cranberry dessert! The fact that I am not cooking up a storm for a 30 minute eating experience, gives me great joy. I know it seems like I am "sticking it to the establishment of all that's Thanksgiving", but really I'm just mentally telling stuffing to "stuff it". Haha! If I had girls instead of all sons, this mindset might be different.

    For Christmas its all up in the air if I decorate or not. My middle son and his wife move up to Vancouver Washington in November, and he wants to host his first Christmas. Ambitious of him! We might not have our other two Navy sons home, so my husband is hoping we won't decorate the place, for the first time ever. I am pondering this.

    Day 3 of really doing this, and I have been victorious! Logging, drinking, walking, and I am in control of it all. I am proud of myself!
    Love all of ya!

    I put up Christmas trees in every room of my house including the two bathrooms. I do it if it is only Jack and I or the whole big bunch of extended family (his kids and mine and grands). I did it for all the years I was single and lived alone. I do it for me because I LOVE CHRISTMAS :)

    Janetr OKC

    Yes!! This is me as well!! I just love Christmas!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    I respect that, but I'm afraid I developed an attitude a couple years ago. I was the only one decorating and certainly the only one in my house cleaning up after, and it just really annoyed me. So I bought one of these. 138284.jpg

    It takes three minutes to put up, and I was done.

    Now we have two of them, and we bought a small live tree. I put up the nativity, the magi travel around the living room. We didn't do stockings last year because we weren't home. My teenager fussed about that a little, but basically they all know better not to complain. If they want full-on decorating. They can do it. I'm over it. :naughty:

    I still love Christmas, but I prefer low-key.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    And this is what my mother now does!! LOL!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Thank you for the wedding attire advice! I've been looking at pants just like those Karen NY!

    The Instant Pot is calling ...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) I want to thank Lenora for all the information about navigating MFP and this thread. I want to clarify one thing. If you "flag " a post, there is some MFP moderator who deals with it. Occasionally someone posts something that someone else considers too personal or critical or political and I got a personal message asking my opinion. Most things solve themselves
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Love the stove Rye!!
