

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Oh so cute! <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,740 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning! Happy Friday! Or perhaps, not as happy as could be. First thing I saw this morning when I logged into MFP was Dana's post on the news feed regarding our Gloria. :( My heart just aches for those boys! She was a sweet soul and so full of life and love. I remember her anguish over "what to do" about the situation with her children/grandchildren; and the joy and strength she showed when she took those boys into her home and gave them what they needed. Thank you Dana, Carol, and all for the updates. Please keep us posted as to any fundraising page for funeral expenses or help raising her boys!

    THEN...I turned on the news and saw a bomb went off in the London underground?! Keeping my eye on that and my thoughts are with our friends in the UK. Heather, Kate, Tere, there are a couple of new girls in England whose names are slipping. Know my heart is with you. <3 What a crazy world!

    Lenora-The helmet doesn't seem to bother Joaquin at all. It is taking him a bit to find his balance and move and crawl and sit straight. He is six months. But I think it may be the weight of the helmet making it a bit harder for him to find his center. His docs are happy with the way his head is shaping up and think he will only need it for another month.

    Michele- Sorry to hear about damage to your condo! I have friends in south FL and they have said that the biggest issue for most people is getting the stores re-stocked with items that are needed to rebuild and clean up.

    Lisa- I got a giggle when I read about your Christmases. My family was the loud Christmas. My husband comes from a very quiet and proper family. Their Christmases were very quiet. Growing up, we kids were always up around 4 or 5 in the morning. We would wait (not so quietly) by the tree for my parents to get up, which didn't happen before 6. If we got too unruly, we would hear my dad yell from the bedroom "You kids be quiet, or nobody is getting anything!" lol Once mom and dad got up, dad passed out stockings and presents. There was never much but it was still wonderful as a kid to be getting presents. We would have a coffee cake for breakfast, set off to church (Lutheran's here), then come home and all of my aunts and uncles and cousins would make their way over. My mom's side of the family, only (there were ten families on that side alone). The oven was filled with ham and turkey, aunts would bring the side dishes, uncles brought the booze, cousins brought the excitement. It was LOUD! We kids would be either sent outside into the snow, or into the basement to play. When I married my DH, I stopped spending Christmas with my family and began attending his family Christmases. It was a big change for me; but a welcome one. But after four years of this, my own parents passed and I desperately missed those Christmases. My aunts tried to have Christmas after that, but it always became a very drunk cry fest. Slowly, my sibs and I started gathering together with our families and celebrating. But we gather on the weekend before or after Christmas. Most of us have our children and grandchildren in our homes on Christmas Day. My youngest was born on Christmas Eve the year my parents passed away. We try to celebrate his birthday on that day/evening. He is probably the only one of the nephews/nieces that get a card or phone call from all of my sibs. He was our "sign of life" at the end of that year of loss. His birthday is celebrated by all of my sibs. Kind of cool, yet bittersweet.

    Rye- I hope all works out with that "lost" application. The fact that they contacted you about it is a good sign that they are concerned that they didn't have it and would like to see it. I don't think they made up their mind within 24 hours. Hang in there!

    Becca- Are you a Goonie? Lol! My DYS is already planning his Halloween costume for work (they have a contest). His team is dressing up as the characters from the Goonies. He came home talking about it and mentioned the town "Astoria" and a light bulb went on in my head; "I have a friend in Astoria!" He was impressed! lol He found out that the beach scene in the movie was shot about 40 miles from Astoria (can't remember the name of the town or beach- starts with a "C", I think.)

    Want all of you lovely women to know that you are so close to my heart and mean so very much to me. Losing Gloria has shown the truth of this bond we have through this group. thank you Barbie for continuing to keep our group going and love to you all!
    Well, kiddos are arriving. Gotta fly. xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Heather- Great pic of the grands! We still love your Edie, even though she is patient 0 (the germ originator)! Glad your cough seems to be abating!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,436 Member
    Rye - is there any chance your application will be OK once they get their horrid online application process figured out and find the thing? If it happened to yours, I'm sure it happened to others. If they are smart they will fix the problem and reopen the recruitment.

    Meg - (((HUGS)))) sending you strength to get through these tough times. You are in the center of a whirlwind you didn't cause; I hope you can find time to mentally close the door on it all and do something nice for yourself, even if it's read a book or go for a walk. Pop in when you can!

    - glad you are feeling better, love the photo of the grandkids and especially little germy Edie, lol.

    Lisa - I love the idea of writing our own obituaries. Gives us a chance to review the highlights of our lives and our accomplishments. I recall when my mom died, my dad conjured up an obit about her that was all about HIM - what she did for him, where she went with him. My sis and I took charge and added a paragraph about places she had worked and her many talents. Wanted a good tribute for a neat lady.

    I love reading about everyone's Christmases! Both of my parents were only children, and their folks had farms near our little hometown. On Christmas day, we'd get up early and do the little presents then head off to paternal grandparents the next farm over for Christmas "Dinner" (actually late lunch). Grandma would always invite someone else to join us, often a neighbor or friend. So we were on our best behavior and I really enjoyed the adult conversation - other people's lives, no matter how trivial, were always so fascinating.

    Of course, Indiana winters meant driving through snowdrifts. Today I think of folks who fly or drive for miles and miles and have to contend with horrible weather during that time of the year. Glad it's not us.

    Well, it's 38.6f degrees at our house right now. Fall is approaching.

    TGIF, ladies!

    SW WA State
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi, probably my last post before vacation. I'll check in when I get back. I will be reading all your posts so I don't get too far behind.

    Rye, so sorry about the job. You have a lot to offer so you will find something soon.

    Meg, sorry to hear about the stress in your life. I'm sending good thoughts your way. Take care of yourself.

    Tiffanie, well done on the water and baggy jeans! :) Yes that is the helsmweave. It was a new one I tried. Do you do chainmaille?

    Michele in NC, I was so sorry to hear about your condo. You must be anxious to see the extent of the damage. Let us know what your husbands finds out when he goes down. Glad he has someone to go with.

    Heather, such cute kids! <3

    Well that's about all I can do for today. ((HUGS)) to all that need them (can't we all!).

    Terry in VT (soon to be on the beach in Delaware!)

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Regarding Christmas....when my hubs and I married, we had four parental houses between us. I grew up with big (not expensive, but big) Christmas celebrations on Christmas morning at home followed by lunch with my Uncles and Aunts and Grandparents at Grandma and Grandpa's house. A couple of years after my parents divorced (and Mom remarried), my Dad would go stay at my Mom and Stepdads house on Christmas Eve along with us and my brother so we could all be together on Christmas morning. The hub grew up with Christmas Eve with his Dad and Christmas Day with his Mom after they divorced. The first year we hit all three houses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It involved A LOT of driving (his Mom was in another state). The celebration at his Mom's was nothing. It was just another day. We decided to do Thanksgiving with them each year and since his Dad's family and my family lived 30 min apart, we would do Christmas Eve with his family and Christmas Day with mine.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,740 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your grandchildren's pictures always cheer me up, and also make me miss mine. They are so far away. :flowerforyou:

    KJ: a number of films were made in or around Astoria. I liked Short Circuit and Kindergarden Cop. Here is a list that I found on the net:

    The Goonies is about lost treasure and modern day pirates, and was filmed in numerous locations around Cannon Beach, Astoria, and highway 30, also
    • One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest. henninghomepage. ...
    • Kindergarten Cop. Giphy. ...
    • Stand By Me. trespassmag. ...
    • Short Circuit. oregonfilmmuseum.org. ...
    • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. ComicsAlliance. ...
    • Wild.

    Okie Woman 510: Christmas has been sad and lonely the past few years with both of our kids far away and my DH too miserable with MS to travel. This year we are hoping to go to our son's place because he & his wife have a baby due on Christmas Day. We hope to see our daughter and her three kids on that same trip. We should start looking for airplane tickets soon. In fact, we should have started weeks ago.

    Yoga today! I also have to take my VW to the dealer for work because a service light is on.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy International Dot Day!

    “International Dot Day is staged to encourage people of all ages to harness their creativity. The inspiration behind the event is the children’s book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. It relates the tale of a teacher who challenges one of his female pupils to take courage in her abilities and from a dot on a page the youngster goes on to make her mark.”

    Another day for creativity… I wonder if the Universe is trying to tell me something! And now I'm going to have to read The Dot.

    Tiffanie – Hey, baggy jeans are worth celebrating! Have you tried the Map My Walk app? It just follows you around – doesn’t count steps, but it knows how far and how long you walked, and it can record your walk directly to MFP. Might not be suitable for just wearing around all day like a pedometer, though.

    Michele – I hope the condo isn’t too badly damaged! Am guessing Florida is in about the same boat as Texas, what with the mold and mosquitoes.

    Lisa – Great idea about the writing the obituary. We’re of an age to be taking stock, and what better way to do that than to think about what we’d leave behind. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve ever done anything that made a significant impact, but then that’s just the ugly things I say to myself. I may not change the world, but at least I’ve made some lives a little better.

    Christmas was magical at our house, largely due to my mom (and the fact that my dad would go along with just about anything if it made her happy). Losing her kind of took the heart out of the holiday for our family, but there are lots of great memories. The day was always crazy because after “Christmas tree” at home we went over to my dad’s parents for another one, and then to my mom’s mother for a third. They all really went out of their way to make it special.

    I’ve got a haircut appointment due today, which is good because I’m getting shaggy. This will probably take off most of the remaining bright red color, although there may be a few red tips. I kind of like the tipped look, though. I’ll leave it alone today but I’m going to ask my guy about options… it’s about time I had something different. It’s been bright cherry red for several years now.

    You all have a great day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Katia - I'm so sorry Christmas has been sad for you. I hope you are able to spend time with your children this year.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Friday everyone.

    I am so sorry to hear about Gloria. I went back and read all the posts. She was a wonderful person and kind here to all.

    I'm making due; DH's surgery is October 4. There is a 2 week recovery window, so I doubt that will delay heading off to the big house.

    DD#2 is making quite the mess of her life. She is so totally irresponsible. Yesterday we got yet another letter from the college (she won't change her address anywhere) saying they were going to press charges because she has not returned the laptop they issued her. She has gotten multiple letters about this we always text her about, but still refuses to do anything. She won't change her address anywhere and we don't actually know it. We helped her move in, so we could drive there and find it, but don't know the actual street address. When we ask for it she just doesn't answer. So we told her by the end of October, any mail we get for her goes straight into the trash.

    So on it goes! Wheeeeeee!

    I increased my Zoloft to 100 because I have noticed how much more depressed I have been getting. We'll see how that works. I hope I wake up some time today. LOL

    OK I have to get some work done; I'm going to have to start working Saturdays. I'm really behind and now this surgery will put me even more behind.

    Take care, Meg from Omaha
    To ALL the “Newbies” – On the last day of the month Barbiecat will post a ‘link’ that will take you to that page; make sure you ‘bookmark’ it by clicking on the outline of the star at the upper right-hand corner of the posts … it will turn ‘yellow’; after that when you hit the community on the Home page; it will take you to this thread (and any others you have ‘bookmarked’ in this way. That way you don’t have to go ‘searching for us’. When you get to the gray start (between the gear and bell) click on it and the ones you have bookmarked will show up as a drop down screen (by month – for us). Then just start reading and posting. A lot of us open up a word processing program and minimize each to put them side-by-side. This is an easy and almost foolproof way to make sure you post/responses are safe. When you get to the last page then cut the WPP typed responses and the ‘paste’ them to the yellow block that will be open. THEN, and only then you can close out the WPP and make any changes you want to make to your post, then post it. MFP ‘used’ to take you back to the first post after your last one. It is not doing it for me for some reason. What it seems to be doing is taking you to the top of the last page. One thing you cannot do is ‘go back’ if you have not save your post … you will lose it every time. It is probably a good idea to notice where you left off and who posted right before you. We are a large, very chatty group of women who welcome all women regardless of their age; but, most of us are 50 or above. It is nice if you sign your post with what you prefer to be called and give us a location (general or specific) so we’ll get to know you. We have several Karen’s and Virginia’s … so adding something different so we’ll know you are not the one we are used to. Give us as much personal information as you wish to share such as marital status, children/grandchildren, hobbies, goals, and that sort of thing. I won’t attempt to tell you how to add pictures because I do it so rarely; but, it has to do with the icon above your post. You’ll see others posting pictures, some as a full picture; others that you have to click on them to see them. We are here to encourage everybody. We sometimes ‘rant, rave, and vent’ about things or our weight or our family members. You’d see a lot of “D’s” before other things such as DH, DD, DS, DM, DMnL, etc. The “D” maybe mean “Dear”, “Damn”, “Darling” or “Dumb” or any other adjectives associated with that person. Most of the icons are pretty much self-explanatory. You can ‘highlight’ a post someone else has made and hit “Quote” and it will appear in your message. You can also delete all of it that you do not want to post again. There will the set of brackets “[“ with a letter and one at the end; do NOT remove these as they have meanings. If you want to add color you will type in a ‘color’ an ‘equal mark’; and change it back to ‘black’ by doing the same. I find that it helps others know quickly if someone has addressed them and they might want to skim over the rest of the post. IF anyone else has other tricks, jump right in. Some use ‘emoticons’. I don’t simply because my security will not allow me to. There is a way to send a ‘private message’ to another (using their avatar name) so that nobody else can see it. Please do not later on ‘post’ what a PM is on the site. That only causes ‘hard feelings’ (unless you have expressed permission of the person sending it to you). That is why it is ‘private’ … the envelop at the very top allows you to do this. We are women from all over the world, not just in America. We ‘try’ to stay away from topics of politics and religion; but, occasionally something will happen and it is discussed; but, only for a short period of time. IF you think a post should be removed you can ‘flag’ it; and, it will ask you ‘why’. Then it will be taken down or it won’t be and that is decided by Barbiecat … and she will check with several others about their ‘opinion’ and then remove it or not. I don’t know if she will contact you; but, we all ‘try’ not to be hurtful to anyone else as a ‘post’ to the site. You have to have made friends with the person you want to send a PM to; the ‘heads’ beside the envelop shows you that someone has asked to be your friend. Just jump right in and post so we can get to know you. You will find that some use words that you might not understand because they live in a different country. You will see a lot of people talking about IP … that is an InstanPot [Sp?] (pressure cooker) that some of us have … some not by this name; but, a pressure cooker just the same. I think I have touched on some of the simple things when in this site/thread.

    Yvonne in TX – I have gone to a ‘new’ hair-stylist and the first time she cut my hair she did it exactly like my DDnL#2 out in Louisiana. I should have waited until we got out there to have it cut the 2nd time; but, it was so shaggy I gave in and went back. That time she got very scissor-happy – due to everybody being very talkative about a sad situation that had occurred 2 days before. I finally asked the nurse of my GYN where she got her hair cut and now I will be going to a ‘new’ one. My original one died the end of last year – suddenly; although he was in the hospital waiting for a lung. He was married and a year before she swerved to miss a deer in the road and it is a surprise she even lived. They had no children. She is in a nursing home and was doing better and he was ‘hoping he could bring her home’; but, that never happened. Went to another stylist in his shop; but, very unhappy with the way she cut it. I’ve shopped around for a good stylist that will ‘scrub’ my head when she washed it and be able to cut and maintain my ‘favorite’ hair-style. Sister said the different between a bad haircut and a good one is about 2 weeks. My DDnL#2 says – they usually say about 3 weeks (depending on the cut).

    My Mother also passed away right before Christmas and “Silent Night” was one of the hymns sung at her ‘memorial service’ (she died on a Saturday afternoon, about 30 minutes too late to have it on Sunday afternoon). My oldest sister had major breast surgery and we had to put the funeral off until Wednesday before Christmas. I still miss her terribly. "Silent Night" was sung; and, now I cannot listen to it without bursting into tears.

    My sons do NOT want me to dye my hair or anything like that; but it is mostly ‘white’ now; so I try not to be seen in public without some make-up on. I wish I could find a lipstick that I could not ‘lick off’. Even stains get licked off. My DDnL#2 had lipstick on one day when she and DYS went hunting and she posted pictures on FB and that was one of the first things her friends commented about. It is a stain that also had a gloss that sets it. I told her that I’d like a ‘coral’ color; but, she wrote back and said they had 3 and she was not comfortable picking one out. But, when we got there she was not feeling well and then the day after we left we got a call that she had miscarried. Going through IVF – this was the last embryo left; so they are taking it very hard. They have no answers so they are staying at the lake house and she has turned off her cellphone and social networking site at her OB’s order, so they can get to the point of grieving without everybody asking ‘why’. Lots of people were not told because of their going the IVF procedure; but, her Fallopian tubes are blocked, therefore that is their only chance for DYS to be given a baby. They’ve got to decide what their plans are and a lot of other things. We will wait until they call us, instead of calling them. She did call me and tell me that they were disengaging and therefore we should not worry. Neither of them have ever seen the other ‘cry’. I can’t imagine my son ‘crying’; but, I never knew that DDnL#2 and her daughter could get him to do a lot of things he now does. Love will make you do all sorts of things. I don’t and rarely have worn any foundation since my young teenage years; when I wore ‘pancake’ make-up to hide a birthmark on my neck. It has faded a lot since then and few people can see it unless they stare at me.

    Joyce – Besides wearing a lot of reflective clothing … I agree that it is a good idea to tell someone you are living with what your route will be and what time to come home. I cannot imagine how the ‘notification’ came about. When Louis’ daughter lost her only child in a pedestrian accident; my sons found out ‘on the evening news’. What was so bad is that a 2nd ambulance had been dispatched and it ran into the one they were putting her in and knocked them off their feet. I was out-of-town ‘in training’ for my job. I had to go pick up my DMnL; and, the second I got to the door my DFnL threw the door open for me, grabbed me by the arm and told me, “Do NOT cry!” It was hard; but, I hope I never have to attend another funeral for a child. Now, we don’t even see or talk to them and they (new husband) have a child (through IVF) that we haven’t seen since she was about 14- or 15-months old. That was ‘her’ choice and while it ‘hurt’ … we let her go. She hasn’t made any attempt to contact us for any reason. I put my hand out only to be ‘totally ignored’. We were NOT happy that we found she had been terribly ‘greedy’ and did things that the guys had ‘undone’. But, my Daddy used to say, ‘nothing brings out the worst in people than someone dying that might have money or articles that someone things they are entitled to’.

    That is one reason we changed our Wills. We have basic “I Love You – mirror Wills” other than his writes her out of his.

    A HS friend of mine (actually an old boyfriend) and his wife and Louis and I sat together at our last reunion. They were talking about the time she took their bulldog for a walk and she had a heart attack and landed on the sidewalk. None of the neighbors who were leaving for work and saw it could get near her because of the dog who was only protecting her. When she did not come back in time to finish getting ready to go to work, he went looking for her and the ambulance was already there. Hitting the sidewalk is probably one thing that brought her back to consciousness. She ended up having 4 stints put in by open heart surgery. She was a 'young' woman, too. At least 12 or 13 years younger than we were, so she was in her late 40's or early 50's at the time. I liked her and was very happy to find out how happy he was. They brought him back from Vietnam when his Dad had a debilitating stroke. They had never gotten along. He said when he went into the room, he was sleeping and he bent over and asked him, 'You, B******; do you even know who I am'? He said his eyes popped open and told him, 'Yeah, you are Gary - my son'. Gary took him in until his death. He said that for the first time in his life he was actually like a Dad should be to a son. He had really had a hard time, was sort of like "The Little Man" to his Mother who was as sweet as she could be; but, any noise made her recoil. I late realized, and also told, that he was a bad alcoholic and a mean one at that.

    Can “Stainless Steel” be cleaned?
    I wear a “Medic Alert” bracelet – could not afford a gold one; did not want a ‘silver’ one … but the chain must have a lot of body oil on it since it takes someone else to take it off and put it back on me.

    I went to the grocery store yesterday and was 'shocked' to see how the shelves were so empty. I guess the FL evacuees bought what they could take home, knowing their stores would not be open or not have much food, it just never occurred to me before because this one is the first one that made even people as close as Tallahassee be evacuated.

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Re cleaning stainless steel, I use a product called Stainless Steel Magic - they are wipes. My mom always swore by "bartender's best friend" but I never could make stainless steel get a nice shine with that, myself. I pick these products up at the hardware store, but I bet Amazon has them.