

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I think I am becoming vegetarian! My protein has been mostly, beans, cottage cheese, cheeses, and peanut butter. I was going to fix a fettuccine Asian soup thing with better than bouillon beef flavor, and a cut up beef brat. But the sodium in both the bouillon and the brat was horrendous! So I am having a cold fettuccine salad with EVOO dressing. Just noodles, with tomatoes, and spinach. Its olive oil and mine has garlic and basil in it. I am marinating my husbands steak in it right now.
    Barbie - Sorry that I said you would look at the 'flagged' comments. I did not really know how it worked.

    As for Christmas here; only Trey and his family are around and only after they open up Christmas, sometimes they come late in the day. Thanksgiving is 'big' for us. Not so much since Will and Tami and Mallory have to be there for her Daddy to have his 1/2 day with her. Tami thinks that before much longer it will be back in court; but, she is going to let her 'ex' take her to court because of the Judge's comments to him about 'not showing up in his court again ...'. I miss having them here; but, I don't fuss, it is a long drive for just a few days. We take down the picture over the mantle and I hang a wreath up there ... it was made by one of my DDnL#1's nieces and it is huge.

    One of the ladies that works in my GYN's office makes wreaths for the doors to all the offices. Every single door and every single holiday. I don't know how much they cost to make; but, they must be expensive.

    We are going to the beach on Wednesday .... can't wait.

    I have an 8' tall macramé tree that my Mother made with huge brass bells on each bar (about a total of 8 bells, I think). I stick LED lights through the holes and hang it over the 2nd bedroom door. I hang red bows under all the deer mounts in the great room. I have 4 or 5 manger scenes that go up around the house. When I can remember to get the candles, I put out an Advent wreath. I've given all the china ornaments that my Mother attached as tags for each child and grandchild; to each of my sons; and, I have divided the 150 crocheted snowflakes my Mimi made between the boys.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Just reading posts before bed, trying to stay caught up. I may have inadvertently flagged some one. Sorry! I am on my phone; I do most of my logging and reading in the morning with coffee and my laptop. Just wanted to say, ooops!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Rye - your stove reminded me of the stove my grandmother had! Thanks for the memory.

    Becca - dh many times says that he thinks I'm going vegetarian. I'm not, it's just that I like my vegetables and eat only a little meat and very rarely red meat. Red meat just doesn't do anything for me.

    Michele in NC
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    The gift exchange at my mother's Christmas was always an event. Only one gift was opened at a time, and often passed around and admired by all before the next person would open something. Since I am one of 5 children, and we all gave multiple gifts to each family member, the gift exchange, which started at 7:00 on Christmas Eve could finish up on Christmas Day.

    For clothing my mother always saved gift receipts. Clothing gifts had to both fit and please the recipient or Mother expected us to return for something better. Books, a very common gift in my home, had a special rule, if they duplicated a book in the recipients library they could be returned or passed along to another family member. Everything else was considered more personal and we never would have dreamed of returning or exchanging.

    I now spend Christmas with my in-laws and they open presents all at the same time in huge rush. I never get to see anyone open the presents and that disappoints me, I spend many hours choosing jut the right gift for each person, just as my mother did.

    I am truly my mother's daughter- lol.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 4.24min, 131mhr, 12.1amph. .8mi = 40c
    apple watch- 34c
    jog treadmill - 40min, 11.19min mi, 1.0incl 1st 2 mi, .5incl 3rd mi, 1.0incl last mi, 5.3-6.0sp, 153mhr, 4.10mi = 448c
    apple watch- 303c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 12.19min, 14.9amph, 142mhr, 3mi = 128c
    appple watch- 107c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 14.47min, 145mhr, 12.3amph, 3mi= 150c
    apple watch- 124c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.24min, 157mhr, 10.13min mi, .5mi = 63c
    apple watch- 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.29min, 9.36min mi, .147mhr, .4mi = 57c
    apple watch- 53c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.07min, 8.4amph, 149mhr, 2.6mi = 173c
    apple watch- 156c

    total cal 1059
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :) Off to bed early. House painting is finished except for putting the weather stripping around the doors in a few days. It looks fabulous. I'll post a picture soon.

    :)Chris, you look fabulous. That photo should be enough motivation to be moderate in your eating during all the upcoming events.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I put up Christmas trees in every room of my house including the two bathrooms. I do it if it is only Jack and I or the whole big bunch of extended family (his kids and mine and grands). I did it for all the years I was single and lived alone. I do it for me because I LOVE CHRISTMAS :)

    Janetr OKC


    I've ended up with a whole collection of trees! There was one we bought for our first Christmas together, and then 18 months later all my stuff arrived from Canada and I had one in that collection. Both ended up in storage when we moved to Tasmania ... and so we bought one here in Tasmania. Then all our stuff came over to Tasmania, and now I've got 3 of them!

    Plus I've picked up several really small ones which we've taken with us when we go on holiday at Christmas.

    So when I decorate, there are trees everywhere ... it's like a forest in here! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    One of the things I have difficulty with here in Australia is the idea of Christmas in summer. I've been here for 8 Christmasses and still something just seems ... not quite right ... to see flyers selling garden furniture next to the Christmas decorations. :)
    As a child; Christmas was magical. We could make a Santa letter list a few weeks before Christmas and we got 3 things of significance. I think my most memorable Christmas was the Christmas I was 3. I got a 'red' wooden rocking horse and a head-to-toe cowgirl outfit, ... including a whip. That year I got the 'only' doll that I did not break before the end of the day. Named her Ruth after a great aunt to kept me some during summers. A Greyhound bus (that got 'wrecked' when we were involved in a bad wreck that only my Mother saw coming. She was seriously injured and the rest of us just bruised up. The walk through Grady Hospital in Atlanta was something I don't think I will ever forget. Rooms and rooms only divided by curtains and so damn noisy, too.

    We wrapped presents early on. My Dad would ask the preachers in the county to give him the names of a family and he would buy presents for everyone in the family and deliver it to the Sheriff. He would ask that they never be told who had done this ... he enjoyed being a "Secret Santa"; until one family nagged and found out that he was the one doing it. They started asking for money and he never did it after that. Just 'ruined' it for him. He was a 'giving' man; but, did not want it to be known.

    My Mother and he was active in their church and when we moved to Macon and started going to the Catholic Church there, we invited them to come to Christmas Eve Midnight mass. I think he talked the poor priest's ears off asking questions about the Catholic faith and mass. I was glad that he saw that it really isn't that much different than any other Christian faith. Growing up, we were not allowed to go to a 'different' church other than a Baptist Church. My BF lived across the street and we had Brownies and Girl Scouts in the Methodist Church basement; but, I had never seen the sanctuary. So after we had sat in the cherry tree on the corner, we decided to go inside. It was a big, old frame church and one Sunday while we were living up at my parent's High Fall Lake house, while our house was being built in Macon, my Mother called and told us we needed to come to town that the church was 'on fire' and it did not look like they would be able to save it. Apparently, someone had put a penny in the old fuse box as a temporary fix and that is what burned it down. I think everybody in town came to help out. We had volunteer fire department from 3 counties and a regularly manned Fire Department out of Macon there. Our belongings were being stored in my Dad's office which was an old house between our home and the street that ran by the church. When they realized that they could not save it; they started throwing bricks and rocks through the stained glass windows to get water to the hottest spot. It had a chimney in it and when the Fire Chief heard a cracking sound he yelled 'MOVE!!!!!" The men trying to put it out ran far away and the chimney fell and lands right at the end of the church property and scattered at our feet as we stood in the yard of my Daddy's office. I wrote a piece about it that got published in the county paper. It was sad; but, it also brought the town's people together on a Sunday afternoon from all churches and races and religions. It was like everybody in town lost their church. They have since rebuilt and Mother's property (which consisted of a city block with 3 houses on it was sold to them prior to her death. They have closed off that street and expanded the church. Talk about 'church politics' ... after that fire half of the members wanted to rebuilt on the same spot and most of the younger members wanted to go 'out of town' and build a church with a gym and so they could expand and maybe end up having a school.

    Actually the 'biggest' church in the county is Rock Springs (Baptist???) Church. It was a one-room church and now they have 2 morning services and can seat over 2500 people and it is online as well. We went with a couple of our friends one Sunday and it was just 'amazing'. They have a school, a medical/dental service, food bank, and a lot more. It draws people from about 5 counties around it. I've watch it online before and really enjoy it, especially since we live so far away from the nearest Catholic Church ... Albany or Americus and both are about 25-30 miles from our home.

    Well, I hope everybody has a nice weekend. Getting ready to go to Daytona Beach on Wednesday with my sisters and our husbands/significant other. We always have a lot of fun. If we did not meet once a year, I don't know when I would see my sister that lives in Miami. I had told her that when she decided to leave Miami because of Irma, she could come here; but, as always she chose to go to my oldest sister's house. They go down 2 or 3 times a year to visit with them.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Rye - your stove reminded me of the stove my grandmother had! Thanks for the memory.

    Becca - dh many times says that he thinks I'm going vegetarian. I'm not, it's just that I like my vegetables and eat only a little meat and very rarely red meat. Red meat just doesn't do anything for me.

    Michele in NC

    Same here! Its like my body doesn't process it well. I would rather, like tonight, cook the steak for my husband. Then I used the drippings to toss fresh spinach, cubes of tomato, and some fettuccine, and voilà!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Meg from Omaha)))

    Becca: I still decorated last Christmas despite having no heat in the house, but it was simpler than our usual. Although our heat situation is resolved I will take simple approaches again because we expect to be away from home, but not decorating? Unlikely. This year we'll be travelling to see our new grandbaby born. :heart:

    Janetr: I LOVE Christmas, too, and I love to decorate! :bigsmile:

    Chris in MA: You look fabulous in the red dress! Enjoy!!!

    I took my car to the VW dealer for service and came home in their courtesy car. It is a cute thing. Now I'm tired. I'm planning to check out a book to read from my library, read and rest.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    One of the things I have difficulty with here in Australia is the idea of Christmas in summer. I've been here for 8 Christmasses and still something just seems ... not quite right ... to see flyers selling garden furniture next to the Christmas decorations. :)

    Christmas in summer would be hard to get used to. It kind of seemed like that to me when I lived I n Southern California. I'm from Denver CO originally.

    Janetr okc
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    By the way ... just a quick comment on abbreviations ...

    To me IP means Internet Protocol or Intellectual Property.

    It took me a little while to realise it was being used for an appliance. :mrgreen:
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Been very busy here in Houston. Still helping with flood clean-up and such and having repairs done on my home so I've been absent. Saw the very sad news about Gloria. She was such a sweetheart. A reminder to hug the ones we love as often as possible.

    Machka9: Christmas in summer. My son spent a year in Australia (Adelaide) and he said he didn't mind the season so much as we lived in a warmer climate in the states anyway but it was the Christmas songs. He said he just couldn't relate to some of the summer themed Christmas songs. Yet they would sing about snow too. lol

    My friend that flooded and that I've been helping now gets to fight another insurance claim..... vandals, low lying scum suckers, the dregs of society, broke into her unit and robbed her. She had left stuff in the undamaged upstairs and had put locking locks on the doors of the bedrooms but they still broke down the doors. The HOA had promised extra patrols and guards but that didn't work out so well. I think it must be the lowest of low to steal from people who have already lost so much. I think she's about at the end of her strength to handle it all. Looks like three months before she's back in her house, that's if the insurance companies can decide who pays for what.... ridiculous.

    Marcelyn in Houston
    who should get up and run 10 miles tomorrow but instead is keeping company with tile setters at the house....