

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Marcelyn - What a delightful story. I love the wisdom of your father. What a great man. Are you parents still living and still in CO? I was born and raised in Denver, didn't leave until I was almost 49. I truly thot I could not live any where else. I've been in Oklahoma now for 16 years, after living in both So. California and Dallss and I still sometimes look around and say why, of all places, Oklahoma lol

    Joyce - Your daughter will be fine. She an intelligent woman with a practical head on her shoulders and everything will be fine. Prayer for her and leave her in God's hands <3

    DrKatiebug - I also miss our three friends you mentioned very much. I often think of them and truly hope all is going well for them. I also miss LoLo in Seattle she had great stories to tell. I've been wondering about Dorrie in Las Vegas, she reminds me of LoLo with her independent spirit. I hope she rejoins us when her life settles back down. It sometimes boggles my mind that we can care so much for someone we've never met in person and then miss them so dearly when they are gone. They all take a little piece of our hearts with them.

    Julie - How did your day go? Did your pre-planning help out? Hope is was a great day.

    Like e Pip I'm actually a bit surprised at the scale. Finally, I have started moving in the right direction. Our bariatric dietician has a 5-part series on her web site entitled "Getting Back on Track". I watched it and it just hit home. I'm close to the five year anniversary of my gastric by-pass surgery and weight loss of 125#. Watching the videos it made it clear to me that I had strayed much further than I realized from my eating habits post surgery. I've gone back to really monitoring all carbs, carefully measuring portions, including protein. I some how had decided as long as its protein it must be good for me. I also bought the Isolate Zero protein drink Dr Katiebug told us about, you mix it with water it has no carbs and 90 calories. It truly helps when I'm hungry and definitely ups my protein intake. Fifty percent of my daily intake is supposed to be protein. That's hard to do for me.

    I read everyone's post daily even though I don't respond to each one. I love keeping up with you all and being allowed to part of your lives. I'm still working away on Christmas ornaments, keeps my hands busy. I may have to sell them at a Craft Fair, perhaps next year, I'm getting so many :)

    Love you ladies.

    Janetr OKC

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement on my daughter driving. This truck is a 2004 Ford F 250, it has what. Thank is saying 6 cylinder V-8 turbo 5 speed with a Harley Davidson package. It's all Greek to me.

    Michelle is all ready fr her surgery tomorrow Charlie wasn't going to go but I guess his conscience got the best of him. I think he is secretly glad that I am picking her up and then he can come closer to time she goes in. She found an article that matches her symptoms exactly and it's usually a pediatric condition but the main thing is an over active fall bladder that has a higher ejection of the bile with the HIDA scan. And it says surgery to remove the gall bladder corrects the problem. The surgeon does know to looks around in her belly while she is there.

    Joyce, Indiana
    Michele – IF your leg starts to ‘swell’ get to the ER or call the MD to see you immediately. A knot plus swelling is what happened to my DDnL#1 after having a baby and being sent home the 2nd day (one night in hospital; then a full week). Louis was put in the hospital that same week because of a ‘kidney stone’ he could not pass and the ‘only’ way they allowed her to go see him (one floor up) was to wheel her there in a ‘wheelchair’. Because of that, she was told by her OB/GYN that she was NOT to get pregnant again. Trey had the surgery; twice … still had sperm swimming around. The first time you would have thought he was going to ‘die’; the second time, he was back at work in 2 days. LOL!

    Sharon – The more you try to catch up the ‘more behind[er]’(slang) you will get’. When I got back from vacation (5 days, 4 nights) … I was taken to page 43. Started reading and responding. Lost it; and when I opened it right back up there were 46 pages. Started responding again … lost it again. Went in and the page was on 57. I just gave up and started at 57. I’ll ask someone to ‘bring me up to speed’ with what is going on.

    Joyce – I always find it so funny that Albany puts on a ‘big deal’ around Mardi Gras; but, the timing is all wrong. Mardi Gras is the last big ‘throw-down’ Tuesday partying before Ash Wednesday … so it changes dates as does Easter. They always throw this big street party and the Catholics or any others that do the 40 days of Lent just don’t go. We have never been. But, I don’t much care to be around a bunch of very drunk people and having to walk blocks to get there ‘through the Hood’ … a lot of crime around it as well. You have to stay in a big group if you go. My DBnL has a ‘handicapped’ sticker and after this weekend and my ‘falling out spell’ he said that I should check into getting one.

    Broke my big toe a week ago and it was difficult to walk on the beach with my Crocs on, so I took them off. Orthopedist said today that I shouldn’t be so hard on my toes. I told him that ‘nothing’ would make me ‘forget’ my broken little toe or the pain associated with it quicker than dropping a huge, heavy glass mug on my big toe. I have not seen that much blood except for a cut on the head. I pushed down on the nail and it continued bleeding … had blood everywhere. Put Peroxide on it, then cleaned it with Betadine, then an antibiotic cream and kept it bandaged, changing it all the time when it got wet. He told me that was the best thing I could do. Might save the nail; but, there again, I should not be surprised if I lose it. More than 2 years ago the Podiatrist cut out an ingrown toenail and it has just about grown out to look like a ‘normal’ toenail. Now … here we go again.
    Fall Festival at the school is in October. Grandparents have to run the Cake Walk. I actually sold my Cream Cheese Pecan Pie … on the way to put it up for winning. I got about $25 for it and a promise to bake Louis a pound cake.

    Machka – I’ve done it … sort of ‘freaky’ to find out what all is online under our names. But, public records are open. The only things you are not supposed to be able to get into are ‘criminal records’ and ‘adoption records’. Was really ‘entertaining’ when I started looking up what Louis’ daughter was doing with the money she ‘basically’ stole from her Nana by pulling a POA off the Internet and had her to sign off on it … every paragraph was ‘checked’ … which if anybody knew what they were doing they would have seen that it was illegal. By the time we could get down there to get the things we got (and didn’t get things that had been written down and attached to the Will … because she ‘got them’ beforehand. Very hurtful and we have not ‘seen or spoken’ to her since – 10 years! Louis has specifically written her ‘out of his Will’ and I don’t know if the Probate Court is still going to contact her; but, I have a brand new $1 to add to a letter and tell her to ‘not spend it all in one place’. She has NO claim to anything we have. I have attempted to contact her 4x in the 10 years because I would ‘like’ to have some pictures of Louis growing up and I would like to have a painting I gave to my DMnL as a present that did not get ‘signed’ … I would send it right back … if she sent it to me. The last time, I contacted her husband (who we had liked). No telling what she told her side of the family. But Hell would sooner ‘freeze over’ before contacting her. To Louis, she is legally ‘dead’.

    Carol – We did have a good time; but, it is obvious that Suzanne’s husband is suffering some side effects from the stroke he had last October; but, he is determine to NOT give up a lot of things. It just did not seem the same when Gene was unable to attend. Surf was quite rough; so we did not go in; but, it was warmed at this time of year. The Gulf gets warmer much earlier in summer; and you don’t want to go there during August because of the seaweed. Tommy was like ‘small child’ pulling pranks on us that were not all that kind.

    Allie – The hardest thing to do is learn what the meaning of ‘NO’ means and you do not owe the other party any explanation. If they ask ‘why’ the turn it back on them by asking ‘why do you want to know? Don’t let anybody ‘guilt-shame’ you into doing something for them, especially TomCat.

    Katla and Meg - I enjoy being friends and chatting with both of you. Not getting far fast; so TGTFN, off to get some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ; making well too many typos,

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2017
    Welcome Patrice and sorry for your loss. Do please keep us updated about those boys. :'(

    Yay for stronger bones, Katla!

    On the discussion about what to believe and not believe about the number on the scales - I NEVER get the same weight three times in a row, so I never allow myself to get upset (or overjoyed) about any individual result. To get a weight I feel I can trust, I weigh myself every morning and note the number in a spreadsheet, but apart from that, I ignore it. I've programmed the spreadsheet to plot each day's weight, but also calculate the average for the week. It's last week's average I treat as my "current" weight. Each graph covers a four-month period and I have graphs way back to September-December 2008. Interesting reading!

    The top graph is daily weights; the bottom is weekly averages. That stretch of identical weights in July was when I was at my parents' place in New Hampshire, where I used an old analogue scale and could only distinguish half-pounds.

    I've continued with my sprint interval training (walk 2 min, run as fast as possible 30 sec, repeat). Lately I've been taking "the scenic route" to the grocery store, running sprint intervals on the way. It's only an 8 minute walk, so I have to take a detour around half of town to get much running in. I also need to shop every day so I don't have too much to carry home, but that's okay! Sadly, the strategy probably won't be sustainable when it gets colder. I don't mind walking home sweaty when it's 45 F, but below freezing...? :/ I think not. :s

    I've got an online course running now (scientific writing for PhD candidates) and my students have just submitted a whole bunch of texts I need to comment on, honestly, but diplomatically - and helpfully, so they learn something. The students' own thesis advisors usually don't give them that kind of criticism; they just rewrite the students' papers themselves. I understand them, because helpful criticism takes a lot of time and effort!

    I'd better get cracking.

    /Penny, being helpfully critical at the North Pole
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Okay. I couldn't possibly respond to you all so my responses are few and random.
    Still trying to get life back on track.

    Penny- I'm so glad you are safe. Scary storm!

    Sue - I'm so sorry about your horse. It is never an easy decision to make.

    Machka - Awesome loss.

    Josephine. Sounds like you ran into a very rude "gentleman". Why was he asking all those personal questions? Please be careful.

    Pip - 5 lbs? That's fantastic.

    Patrice - Welcome. Thanks for the update on the boys.

    Shower was a success. Little girls loved staying in the fancy hotel with their Grandmas. We managed to get in a swim.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    rori grrrr on having the closing delayed, but putting it in perspective is the right approach. The devastation in PR is massive, sobering

    We are a chatty group, kind of love it, <3

    Beth news??

    Work drama is heating up, I am on the sideline but could be turned to for advice. Trying to steer clear carefully, but you never know when someone's cornered what can happen. Cryptic enough?? All I can say for now.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    After rowing and running on Sunday ... I discovered I have hamstrings today! Never really noticed them before.

    Fortunately, I walked 6 km yesterday and 4.5 km today to help stretch things out. :)

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    MOrning all! Quick shout out to Patrice! Welcome! Your mother was such a kind and supportive voice to all of us! She is remembered with much love. Add me to her list of admirers. Prayers continue for your family and those beautiful boys! <3 KJ (Kelly)

    Katie- In my family, we have learned NOT to Google ourselves. With a last name like LaMore, most of the things that pop up have to do with adult movies or strippers. I gave my daughter a beautiful first name to go with our very lovely french last name and it is a VERY popular stripper/porn name. :s
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 1 hr Violet Zacki Weight Loss Cardio Sculpt DVD today. Not sure about tomorrow since I'll be in VA.

    Gotta leave soon, so I'll need to just skim. Will go with Jess to her work, just read a book, then we'll go to PA, then back to VA where she'll go to a concert and I'll go back to her place. Then I'll come home Thurs.

    Great news Katla

    Felicia - it's not that I necessarily have cellulitis, it's more that the doc is treating it like I had it. Right now I'm taking this other antibiotic, I don't remember the name and the bottle is already packed in the car but it begins with a "c". I'm supposed to take one capsule four times a day. They said I should see an impovement in 2 to 3 days. We shall see. Hope I do

    Joyce - colonoscopies aren't fun (at least the prep isn't) but it sure beats the alternative. Glad they found the spot and are keeping an eye on it.

    I miss Carol from NC, too

    Now to get on the road.

    Michele in NC
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning all,

    Developed a bladder infection, probably from all the sweets I had on vacation. Just a mild one and I hope to nip it in the bud before it gets out of control. Cranberry pills and lots of water. Up about 3 times to go to the bathroom last night so I’m tired today.

    Becca, love the fall picture.

    Joyce, I would be worried too. I don’t know anything about diesel cars so can’t weigh in on that. We never stop being a mother. My daughter drove from New Mexico to Vermont by herself and I was worried the whole way. I think if your daughter has a cell phone and trusts her gut she will be ok. A lot of women travel by themselves now. Just have her give you a call along the way to let you know she is ok. Good thoughts for Michelle.

    Rori, too bad about the property title. You have every right to *kitten* as it is so stressful. Hope it is cleared up soon.

    Marcelyn, loved the story about your dad. Warms my heart.

    Janetr, your weight loss is an inspiration. I say YES to selling the ornaments at the craft fair. When I did craft fairs it was as much to make some money as it was to have a good time meeting people and other vendors.

    Lenors, what’s with you and your toes? Sounds like you did the right thing. Hope it heal quickly.

    Penny, your graphs are amazing. Helpful criticism is what make you a good teacher.

    Here in VT we are not use to hot weather and it has been high 80s and into the 90s. Because I sweat so much I’m very uncomfortable. When we got home from work last night we worked a little more on the porch. It was cooler and we were pretty much in the shade but still my t-shirt was soaked in sweat when I finally finished.

    Terry in VT and glad to be inside at work with air conditioning today
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Dropping in to say Hello! Nothing new here. I have been far off the calorie plan as I went to Applebees but now I see the days dwindling (October deadline) and am trying to curb impulses strictly. I know I should have lost weight but my stomach is still round as can be. Well, back to work here. That kid did not roll out so I have to go drag him from bed. Lessons, groceries, dogs, pills, and scheduled stuff to do. Raining a bit from Maria here so NO YARDWORK!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Marcelyn – I know what it is like to have your car crunched. I did it 3x since a year ago, last May. The first I turned in front of a man (thinking I had a green arrow). Second time I backed into a car that I never saw coming around the building, on private property. Since it was on private property the State Patrol was called. He did not write me a ticket because it was on private property but told me ‘if’ I needed an incident report it would be available; but, it occurred at my insurance agent’s parking lot. The 3rd time a man backed into me, wanted to settle if I took it around and got 3 estimates. I told him I would NOT do that, it would get fixed at who I wanted to do it. He gave me his ‘information’ … just not his insurance policy number. Then he got tired of waiting for the police and left. Since he had given me enough insurance policy, policeman told me it was probably enough; but, I had a full description drawn down and if he needed it to look the tag registration he would get it and go charge him (for leaving the scene). I came home and told Louis he could have the car and take the white truck and trade them both in and I would make all my appointments as early in the morning as possible, I was beginning to think it was somewhat ‘jinxed’. Oh, and then there was more damage to the running board (not the frame) which was discovered the first time I opened and shut the door and it was binding; so an insurance agent came out and looked at it at the body shop, and decided it wasn’t damaged in the first wreck, even though I had hit 2 curbs before I stopped. The body shop man told me ‘if they insurance’ would not pay, he’d help me on the deductible. Since I had already had 3 accidents in about 14 months, agent told me not to file on it (especially if the body shop could hammer it out. Insurance adjuster said it looked like someone had run over a curb. The only family member who did not ‘swear’ it wasn’t her when everybody else did was DDnL#1. So, that makes me believe the one or two times she borrowed the car while waiting for theirs to be ‘fixed’, I bet she did it and hoped I would never know. I’m surprised they did not total it the first time because of the amount it was damaged; but, thank goodness for the accordion front bumpers that kept it from hitting the engine; and/or I wasn’t hurt any more than I was … only a bad sprain on right foot. The car drives exactly like it did when it was new; and, I won’t worry about trading it in … it is a little over 2 years. It will probably be my last one. If I had not traded in my last vehicle – it would have been paid for; but c’est la vie.

    Patrice – Welcome and ‘sorry for your loss’ … we have ‘lost a true great woman and friend’. Actually – your Mom was a treasured member of this LARGE sisterhood. I also, cannot wait to get to know you.

    Allie – Let TomCat just ‘stew’ in his own mess … don’t take that ‘drama’ to the new place and ‘please’ don’t let him or any other person (not even your children) take advantage of you. I agree that your children should ‘pay you' to take care of your granddaughter) when they go off and have ‘fun weekends’. You do so much for them and you are doing it on a 'fixed' income. If your kids can take off and spend money to do 'fun' things, they should, at least, give you enough money to drive your grands around and to do something 'fun' with them. Your time is valuable, too. When my son and DDnL#1 wanted me to care for my 2 granddaughters – I said I couldn’t do it. I had done it before … and by this time my middle granddaughter was 15 and she had ‘no desire’ and still doesn’t, want to drive. My son got mad and said, ‘You’re retired, you don’t do a damn thing’ and laid rubber – if that can be done on grass. Louis said, ‘he’ll be back when he realizes he is wrong’. Sure enough he did come down and apologized. I explained to him that we only had a certain amount of spendable income and I needed gas and I thought they should pay me for my gas and give me enough money to do one something for the girls, if only to take them to get a treat. By that time they could ride the bus and stay with DDnL#1 until she got the State job she had; then found a better one and took it. Now, she isn’t really happy with it. I told her she needed to keep her head down and her nose to the grindstone and learn by example. She’s making more than she has ever made and after a short probationary period will get a raise.

    Felicia – I only weigh every other Tuesday; and, I don’t pay attention to the weight if I go to the MD between times. It fluctuates … and depends on the time I go. This week, I will be doing less eating so that when I go back to my weigh-in ... maybe I won't have gained too much. With a vacation this last weekend.

    Joyce and Lisa – My husband’s truck is now well over the 400,000 mile mark. But, he uses it in his paint contracting business and a new one would only look like $#*T … and he has had the motor and transmission replaced. I refuse to drive it because I don’t have the strength to ‘turn the key over’. He fiddles with it all the time and I don’t understand why he doesn’t just go ahead and fix it – have it done. This is a gasoline car. My Honda Accord get ‘great’ mileage. We can go and come from Louisiana with less than $100 – if I drive it while we are out there. Usually, it is parked at son’s house and stays there. His bosses bought him a used truck to use while working so he won’t run up his mileage on his Toyota extended cab truck that is his ‘personally’. He also can fill his truck from their tanks. He just does not want to put on too many miles so he will get a ‘good’ trade-in if he does.

    Rori – We stopped a group of hunters from using a ‘timber’ trail that we share with our neighbors. He did not want them to ride down it either. They had put a ‘Do Not Trespass’ on his stand out in the woods he built and put out there. He ripped the sign off and left another one that ‘if did not belong to them’ and they ought to be happy that none of them were sitting in his chair when he got ready to hunt it.

    Katie – When we came home from vacation – I denied a friend request I got from a man. Hopefully, he will realize this isn’t a site that he would necessarily be interested in.

    K – I don’t blame you. I feel the same way about FB. My middle sister is always voicing her opinions on there. My oldest sister ‘nipped’ the conversation about politics in the bud the first day we were at the beach. I thought they were going to end up in a ‘screaming’ argument. I kept out of it totally. Later, she asked what it was like to have 2 sisters that were so far apart in their beliefs. “Easy, gives me 2 sisters I love – maybe in different way’ and left it like that. Then my DBnL piped up while looking at me and I told him that he was just assuming who I voted for, so his comment wasn’t welcomed. He stopped in mid-sentence and did not say anything else. Margaret asked me if I voted for Hillary and I told her that ‘maybe’ I had written in my vote and not voted for either. They’ll never know.

    Marcelyn - Louis started teaching the boys to drive very early and they are both great driver’s. Also our oldest one is a good driver; and, when she got her learner’s license, I made her drive. But, Madison won’t drive and the other day, her Mama came in so ‘exasperated’ saying she needed to take her to the MD to give her something to ‘calm her nerves’. I looked at her and thought – MMMmmmm, I am thinking that you telling her to speed up’ might have been the reason. She needs to learn by driving around the property, then on the dirt roads, then small county roads, then … on main county roads … they are both going about this all wrong. She said that Madison was so upset that she was crying. I would probably agree. She said she was going so slowly (coming from someone who drives down the dirt road at 60mph. FINALLY, the road crew has seemingly gotten our dirt road from my house to the paved road – fixed so the water will run off and widened it so that 2 people could pass one another without one being ‘in the ditch’. Not perfect; but, the person grading the road seems to know what he is doing. The road crew supervisor came out and checked and told the guy that he would have to re-do some of it. I told him that we did NOT have the little 15” deep shelf in front of our property when we bought it 17 years ago. He told me they would ‘knock’ it down; but, we would not have grass on it for a while; but, it would not be this time. That’s fine because Louis has to leave about 6” to grow up because he cannot risk having the mower drop off it – would tear up the blade.

    A whole lot of Taylor’s and Madison’s friends have a ‘brand new car’ given to them on their 16th birthday and have never been on the road (more likely than not) and then they put them out on the street. Taylor looked forward to driving. I’m not going to offer my services to teach Madison, unless they keep on bitching about it. Madison would rather sit and be on her cellphone than to even come outside for a few minutes. I’d take her cellphone away until she was willing to learn to drive. As long as kids realize they cannot ‘text’ and drive at the same time. I wish my DDnL#1 had learned that. She is an accident just ‘waiting to happen’.

    I went back a page before my last post because there had been some posts that I read and knew I had read.

    Welcome to all the “Newbies” … come often, jump right in … you’ll soon learn about us and our stories. Let us know the name you prefer to be called and a location (general or specific), family, hobbies, and that sort of thing so we can get to know you.

    A few tips.
    1) We try ‘not’ to talk ‘politics’ or ‘religion’ on here. If we want to do so with another – we do it through a ‘private message’ (envelope at the top of the posting area).
    2) The more we know you, the quicker we will get to know you and make it easier to know who is posting. We have several people on here with the same name … so if you see someone posting with your same name … either add some variation of your name (maybe to include your location).
    3) Some only use their initials and that works, or a ‘nick name’
    4) I, personally, open up a word processing program and minimize the two programs side-by-side and then ‘cut and paste’ my responses to the last page/block and hit ‘post’. One thing you cannot do, or else you will lose your post, is to go back a page without saving your post (by hitting the ‘post’ button).
    5) Feel free to vent, rant, or rave about anything. We’re here to encourage you and we’ll post what we think should or should not be done (based on how we see it standing as a 3rd party looking in).
    6) To send a ‘private message’ you have to first make that person a friend. I am not sure that it is the same as on FB that you have to wait for the other one to friend you or accept your request.
    7) We are ‘world-wide’ so something you just have to ‘ask’ about something someone says. For me, I run a
    Cortana search and usually get an answer and then understand how different; but, alike we all are.

    After that … the only other thing to say is that Barbiecat will post a link on the last day of the month that will take you to that page and then you should ‘bookmark’ that page to make it easier to find us. Click on the outline of the star at the upper right-hand corner of the post section. Then when you come back to the tab of the community all you will have to do is click on the ‘gray’ state between the icon of a gray bell and gray gear.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Welcome Patrice! Really glad you found your way here. <3 Your mum was one of my great heroes. <3:'(

    Had yoga this morning, so less to eat today. Salmon in chipotle paste with cauliflower and garlic puree, green beans and potatoes for DH. Stewed pears from our own tree with homemade yoghurt.

    Congratulations Katla on dem bones. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: I'm happy that the celery is doing the job for you. I'm sorry about the title issue in Hawaii. I hope the buyer is patient enough to wait out the process. Keeping my fingers crossed. :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie & Machka: There are two other women with my name online. One of them is in Great Britain and the other is in the US. I haven't had email that was for either of them in quite a while. When I get that email, I reply to the sender that they've reached the wrong person. :ohwell: I did complain to Google about the problem & haven't had any recent issues. Maybe they did something about it.

    Joyce: I had my gallbladder removed because of an enormous gallstone. The pain from gallbladder attacks was intense. I think your daughter will feel much better and be happy that the surgery was available. :heart:

    NYKaren: Sorry to hear about the work drama. Is there any chance you could take a short vacation? I suppose you would if you could . . . :grumble:

    KJLaMore: As a Kathy, I went through school with loads of other Kathys in my classes so I tried to give my kids unique names. It didn't work. There were always others in their classes with the same name. :ohwell:

    DH made chili yesterday. It tasted great but I spent the night on the couch half sitting up because the acid reflux was so awful. I didn't think about taking Beano at dinner. I wonder whether it would've prevented the nasty night. Do any of you have experience with this? Advice welcome!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." Friedrich Nietzsche

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017