

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Good morning. It’s 11 and I just got to work, so I will be brief here. DH got to Ohio alright and before he had the chance to talk to his dad, dad had a stroke. Fortunately it seems small and he is stable. They’re doing an MRI today.

    Tere: sending positive thoughts for DH; both hubby and his dad have hiatal hernias. The dad had surgery for it, but hubby’s doesn’t bother him. I will be thinking of you both and sending prayers!

    Katla: excellent news!

    Michelle: glad that was not a blood clot, but Felicia is right…cellulitis is no joke. Take care!!!

    Joyce: I would be leery of a truck needing to come from so far away and possibly being in a flood. Is it registered on Carfax? I had a diesel Volkswagen and loved it. Sending healing thoughts to Michelle.

    Rori: we have had a lot of rentals and flipped several homes and I understand about those mortgage holdups! Especially when the servicer drops the ball, or goes out of business without telling anyone! Ugh. I hope this gets resolved quickly for you.

    K: that was me asking about the troll. I seem to have found one too.

    Penny: I was a research mentor for a DNP student last semester who went straight from BS to DNP with no masters in between. I was pretty surprised at how poorly she wrote and analyzed things. You have my admiration for your work and patience!

    NYKaren: I love a good mystery!

    Allie: you’ve heard it before…..take care of YOU the others can figure it out. (((hugs)))

    OK I really have to get some work done here lol. Take care, Meg from rainy Omaha
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Felicia – what a neat photo of your son. He is very photogenic! Glad he enjoyed the experience and conquered his case of nerves! Sounds like you are finally on the mend! Very true about our mental comprehension of how our bodies look differs from reality.

    Rori – sorry about the condo sale problems. Here in WA state it’s a pretty easy search to find a lien release since it is recorded. With everything being computerized it’s now just a couple of keystrokes unless the transaction took place decades ago. Hope Hawaii can get it resolved without a lot of hassle. If the buyers don’t want to wait around I bet there are others right around the corner! I hope your DH enjoyed the air show.

    Dana – you sure did have some 20% chance of rainstorm! That’s a great photo of the raindrops pounding down!

    – congrats on losing five pounds! I found them! Did you already start with the new fitness center or will that begin in October?

    – you are my hero when it comes to swimming. It's not something I grew up learning how to do and regret it.

    – loved your truck-driving story. Your dad was a gem. I think when a gal is raised that way, there’s a certain confidence that bolsters them throughout life.

    – glad the report on your colonoscopy came back OK. I agree, hope they improve on the prep over the next three years! I think your daughter will do just fine on the drive.

    Lenora – I had the good fortune to also work for a boss that I just “clicked” with. It was a great “work marriage” and sad it came to and end when the County Commissioners decided not to renew his contract. He was a wonderful mentor. He was replaced by a nincompoop (in my opinion) and the Commissioners didn’t get re-elected as I recall. Happens a lot!

    – Hope your hot weather leaves Vermont in the very near future. I too am tired of being hot and sweaty!!! The only good thing – the days are shorter so a person doesn’t bake for 12 hours straight. The weatherman is saying we’ll be in the mid-80’s here in the Pacific NW for the next couple days. Not a record, it was hotter in 2003. Hope your bladder infection settled down. I think the one I had a month or so ago was triggered by new bath soap. I tossed it out and am back to the old standby which was perfectly fine. Newer or different isn't necessarily better - I should have learned this by now.

    – my reflux settled down immensely when I gave up alcohol – even tho I didn’t drink every day, mainly beer on weekends, it kept things irritated. I still have problems with nuts and chocolate…. And of course coffee! Trying to limit myself is hard, but I cut it off after lunch. A little chocolate used to be my after supper snack but no more. Good luck – I have never had “heartburn” from it but achy tummy and the cough the next morning, you bet.

    – Ohh lala LaMore! :D I bet your name is quite popular with the B movie crowd, lol. (I didn’t check!) I haven’t googled myself in a while – yes, I’m sure it’s all out there. I am considering changing my login “handle” on MFP just to limit exposure a tad. Does anyone know if the MPF community stats will change… will I go back to post #1 that makes me look like a newbie? LOL.

    - golly, glad your DH is in Ohio and can visit with his Dad. Hope the stroke isn't too debilitating and they can have some quality time together. You are probably glad to be at work where there's some predictability and order. I don't do well with change, good or bad, and have to remind myself to go with the flow or get swept away.

    Sending healing thoughts to everyone with DH's and family members getting cozy with surgeons this week!

    DH was going into town to get a load of lime to spread on the lawn... new battery is dead in his truck. GGRR. Can't be 6 months old. Truck batteries not holding a charge, kitchen appliances going wacko, geeze I wish I could get in a time machine and go back 30 years and buy things when they were made to last...and bring them back. I don't even care if the color is avocado or coppertone, LOL.

    Make it a good day!

    SW WA State

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi again,

    Okie, Happy B-Day! :)


  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    p.s anyone know where I can find size 9 extra wide shoes (I wear an orthotic for my flat feet) that cost less than $100?

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Lanette, when you typed the word nincompoop, it made me smile!! Love words, and especially timeless ones, like wherewithal, or heresy, or saying instead of our evening walk, its the evening constitution! Hugs!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited September 2017
    Wendy - Great info about the bees. Amazing!

    The best exhibit at our local visit to the zoo with the grandchildren was the leafcutter ants. I love insects!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    We used to get triple e shoes for my FIL through haband..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Spent the day traveling as we couldn't be home when they came to remove the asbestos flooring. Drove up to the Blue Ridge Mts. and visited Amacalola Falls and then to Dahlonega to visit our Alma Mata...North Georgia University. Wow, it has changed so much. When we were there there was only one women's dorm and later a second one. Now there are many dorms and a lot of off campus housing. Huge changes to all the buildings.

    Got home and found that the people removing the asbestos nicked the copper pipe to the refrigerator and now there is more damage to the floor. All the kitchen base boards were removed, two holes in the sheet rock, and the wood under two kitchen cabinets had been gouged out. Now I'm ready to tear my hair out.

    Wishing everyone a happy quiet day!

    Carol in GA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sue ~ Love your goats! :)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Spent the day traveling as we couldn't be home when they came to remove the asbestos flooring. Drove up to the Blue Ridge Mts. and visited Amacalola Falls and then to Dahlonega to visit our Alma Mata...North Georgia University. Wow, it has changed so much. When we were there there was only one women's dorm and later a second one. Now there are many dorms and a lot of off campus housing. Huge changes to all the buildings.

    Got home and found that the people removing the asbestos nicked the copper pipe to the refrigerator and now there is more damage to the floor. All the kitchen base boards were removed, two holes in the sheet rock, and the wood under two kitchen cabinets had been gouged out. Now I'm ready to tear my hair out.

    Wishing everyone a happy quiet day!

    Carol in GA

    Oh Carol.....GGAACCKKK! Don't blame you for wanting to tear your hair out. Hopefully they'll put their best crew on it and get it all done on schedule including repairs!

    Bet it was fun visiting the university tho and seeing all the changes. Were you able to take the Pom along?

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: Thanks for the congratulations and the photos. Your home looks wonderful and inviting. I like your goats, too. What cuties! Are you looking for a new horse or will you ride one of your daughters? :broken_heart::heart: I was thrilled with my bone scan results. I was hoping to hold my own & had no idea that bone density could ever improve. My doctors wanted me tested because of broken wrists in the past, and a broken finger recently. A 1200-1500 pound horse can really put pressure on a lunge line that is accidentally wrapped around a finger. I don't recommend anyone looping one through their fingers. :noway: :embarassed:

    I spent a couple of hours vacuuming up dog hair this morning. We still want to vacuum behind the refrigerator and can't get it out from the wall. The refrigerator repair guy is supposed to come today bet we haven't seen any sign of him yet. When they were here last, the man locked the refrigerator wheels. We need them unlocked so we can pull the refrigerator out from the wwall & get the dog hair out from under where it sits. It stopped running altogether last time and we had a huge puddle of melted ice on our floor--which has caused damage. We need to have the floor refinished but that will be for another time.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Oh no Carol! We decided against a plumbed in fridge for that very reason. Currently we have some damp discolouration above our cooker hood. We had a leak there from our en suite earlier this year so don't know if it's just the old leak drying out or something new. :sad: it's endless, isn't it. :s
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hmm, I didn't even know you could "lock" fridge wheels. I googled it and found this answer:

    you still would have to look at wheel use flashlight,
    it may be wing-nut on side, and you only need to shift position,
    or it may have brake mechanism in assembly that a button is pressed or shifted to release pressure off wheel,
    or it may have screw or allen key bolt that loosens,or adjust break device,
    or it is just jammed, and needs oil,