

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol so sorry you are going through these problems. Hopefully it all gets taken care of to your satisfaction quickly. ((( hugs)))

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Bummer ~ The dishwasher is now leaking onto the floor even though it hasn't been turned on. Will call the company that did the flooring removal yesterday and our insurance adjuster. When will it stop? :s

    Carol in GA

    Carol, do you have a water turn off valve for the dishwasher or kitchen? Our mid- century house does but my MiL’s 1920’s house doesn’t. When we had to replace our dishwasher I found it in the back of a cabinet next to the dishwasher. Good Luck! I know how hard it can be to have the kitchen space ‘out of order’.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Carol when they replace the dishwasher they will put in a shut off if it is not there. They might have to upgrade the electrical too. We got a new dishwasher this year too. The one we took apart a couple of years ago just wasn't cleaning well enough. We were limited in what was available because I wanted a cream colored appliance. I do not like stainless steel and our other appliances are cream. My least favorite thing is how the silverware fits. I did suggest we go and try out our dishware in a similar one before we ordered one. Didn't happen. My favorite parts are it is quieter and much better clean. Our installation was a little higher because of the electrical upgrade. Good luck and hope you are able to fix it or get a new one soon. How old is your old one. Seems they only last 10 years at best now.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    The dish washer is a Kitchen Aid! It has been doing a great job. I think when they took up the asbestos flooring, they probably did something. I really don't want to have to get a new one. Will have to see what the insurance lady says. My DH turned off all the water in the house until we get a repairman to look at it.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Wendy - I agree that your explanation of queen bee making was very interesting. You are brace to do that!!
    Carol- so sorry you are having troubles. They usually come In Threes around our house.
    Allie - guess that means you will be sleeping at your new home now that your bed is there. Does that mean you will also be cooking there?
    Have to get out and try to finish weeding my flower bed. It is so bad you can't even see the fall asters.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Poor Carol! What a bummer.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hold up now the bed is there, headboard, footboard side rails..boxspring and mattress still at other house.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning all,

    Meg, (((HUGS)))

    Wendy, loved hearing about the bee process. I didn’t know all the ins and outs and how complicated it was.

    Allie, thanks for the shoe lead. I’ll check it out. The foot dr called yesterday and moved my appt to tomorrow!! Hope he has some help for me. Fingers crossed. Sorry there was still a stain on the carpet after it was cleaned. Your right, just stick something over it and no one will know. I agree with Katla that you should document the stains or problems. You can also send yourself an e-mail with the info and pictures then you will have a date stamp to go with it. Glad your bed made the move ok. Are you excited about your first night in your new place?

    Sue, glad to hear you are doing so well with your food with your mom’s visit. The goats are so cute!

    Carol, glad they are removing the asbestos flooring but sorry to hear about the damage it caused. I wouldn’t tear my hair out, I’d be up one side of them and down the other.

    Joyce, yeah on the surgery going well and she has friends lined up to help.

    MissWandalyn & tonizach1956 , wow we have a number of newbies. Welcome to the group. I think you will find us a great deal of support on all levels. You will get great ideas as well. Just jump in and start posting.

    doublekranch1, welcome! Even though I’m fairly new, these ladies have become like a second family. We are all very supportive and each of us struggle in our own way. Myself, for motivation I have a running list of things that I keep. Seems like it keeps growing all the time. Also, I got tired of thinking about food 24/7 and beating myself up over what I ate. If you have done it before, I know you can do it again. You go girl!

    Becca, HOORAY! “Nuke”son graduated boot camp. BOO that he got sick.

    Katla, glad everything worked out with the frig.

    Yvonne, glad you had fun at the Oktoberfest. Lol about your SIL.

    MicheleNC, good news that it wasn’t a blood clot.

    Ginger, glad to hear you are feeling better. Great shot of Houston.

    Elaine, I’m sure you can begin to lose weight and my just yoyo. Great job realizing your eating patterns. I think that’s half the battle.

    Janet, going to Michael’s, I can spend hours in that place. Well done choosing a sensible lunch. It’s hard when you eat out.

    Patrice, I weld up when you talked about your mom not being there anymore. I also miss mine every day and relied on her as my best friend with the answers I needed. Some days will be easier than others. Just know that there is no “right way” to grieve. Everyone does it in their own way. I’m so glad you have joined the group.

    Penny, your are lucky to even have a garden. My sister got my father’s green thumb.

    HeatherUK, wow have you been busy. Don’t forget to stop every once and a while and take a breath. lol

    Kate, safe trip.

    Okie, we have high ceiling too and my husband rigged up a long pole with a paint roller on the end. A lot of work but we couldn’t find anyone to do it for us. They would take one look at how high up and say “no”. Congrats on the food success. Doesn’t it feel wonderful when you have a good say?

    MIL & SIL still doing ok in Puerto Rico. Eating canned foods now. SIL only has a ½ tank of gas. When she runs out, she has no way to recharge her phone. Gas stations don’t have gas because water and sediment has gotten into the tanks. They have water for the moment (comes and goes) and still no power. They are keeping their spirits up but we of course are worried. Husband glued to his phone and the news. Not sure when the road will open up again. SIL did get out to a store but only canned goods available. On a happier note, I’m still doing well with my eating and the porch paining is coming along good.

    Take care everyone.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Wendy. When you type all the things you're doing bee wise, I think I read it all with such a great amount of respect and awe. I think my mouth was even open!! Such a world that for me is scary, and a world that I run from. Thank you for caring about bees, I realize without them our world would essentially not exist!

    So this morning our Nuke son called. He called right after reporting to "sick call", and after his medical check in. He has pneumonia! So he is on limited exercise, and duty. He still has to walk 30 minutes if he needs anything from the mini mart. He has antibiotics, and cold medicine, so yesterday he did sleep a lot. Poor thing!! After his call we went to the laundromat, and I noticed he was on Messenger. I guess he was setting all that up on his phone! So we video chatted, no sound though. Just making faces at each other and typing. For a kid with pneumonia, he looked good! His hair it so high and tight, its like a Marines cut. His face has cleared up. He did a sweep of his room, and its nice like a hotel room! He hasn't gotten a room mate yet. Thank goodness he hasn't started school yet so he can clear this illness up! I was happy mom!

    I have so much fruits and veggies from the food bank, I will just do my best with it all. Too many choices though, does overwhelm me. I have a personal seedless watermelon, that I will cube, so its a nice sweet snack without guilt!
    I have bananas for cereal, applesauce and mandarin oranges, plus orange/mango juice that I will drink just 8 oz of at a time, a lot of sugar in that.
    I have cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, an onion, some shredded kale and other stuff bag. I think today I will make a pan of wild rice and chicken stock. Then I can add shredded cabbage for something hot, or the kale mixture w/ cucumber for something cold.

    Its crazy how different I cook without a teenager around. So much leftovers! When I buy meats I put in individual saran wrapped bundles. Then I can make a small steak for husband and I can eat what I want. We do have shared meals sure, but its nice to not have to defrost a big steak if I don't need to.

    Hugs all round!!
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Wendy, I happy for you that you had a chance to see your son and that he is now on antibiotics. Wow you did very well picking out good food at the food bank. Use the orange/mango juice to make smoothies. YUM!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thought this Kittie was the cutest pic ever! Not my cat.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good morning.

    Terry -- I am glad that your family in PR is making the best of it. I hope they can get some more substantive help soon.

    Becca -- So good to hear about your son. Too bad that he is so sick, but it sounds like he's got a little time to recover before he needs to start school. What an accomplishment to have made it through basic. You must be so proud of your boys.

    Penny -- I love the picture of the fruit of your garden labors. :wink: I can relate in so many ways.

    Still feeling a little puny. I am at work, but when I get home, I don't do much -- well except watch Mad Men on Netflix. :relaxed: Hubby is in Toronto this week, so no Midsomer Murders until he returns.

    I'm 15 pounds from my goal weight, and I made a big (for me) decision. I set my calorie goal at maintenance. I had been trying to eat at 1200 (before exercise calories), and it is too difficult. So I changed the setting to .5 pound a week. That gave me 10 more calories. :disappointed: So, this morning, I went ahead and set it to maintain current weight, and I got about 1450. I have a desk job and am set to sedentary, so that 1450 will be before exercise. I figure if I then either don't eat back exercise calories under 300-400/day and eat back only half for over 400 calories, I should still continue to lose. I realize it will be slower, but it should be at this point anyway, right?

    I feel like relaxing a little because 1) I was feeling too restricted with only 1200 (or 1210!)/day to work with. 2) my pants are beginning to look too big and it won't be long before they will slip right off. 3) My current weight is what I weighed when my current husband and I got married. 4) I am at a healthy BMI (barely), so one could argue that pounds after this are vanity or insurance pounds.

    Anyone try to lose the last 10-15 pounds this way? Is there something I'm missing in my plan?

    I get my cortisone shot in my hip tomorrow afternoon. It's been almost a year with this pain, and I am ready to bid it farewell.

    It is a little warm here today, so I think I will try to walk at lunch. I park 10 minutes from my office and during this illness, even that walk feels like a struggle. Autoimmune disorders suck. I wish my body did a better job fighting the invaders and not itself! :smirk:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca I know what you mean about leftovers once the teenagers are out of the house, boy do we need to buy less food and we don't take out the trash as much as we used to, how about that?

    Allie the day we moved into our house it was 103 degrees, the movers broke two valuable things and I thought I would keel over from exhaustion. I think it is smart to do this bit by bit, before you know it, you will be there full time, with your feet up relaxing with a cup of tea B)