

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Hi all: It is warm and sunny here today and I should be outside doing yardwork but I am waiting with my mom for my nephew's girlfriend to come pick her up. The goats seem to have made a complete recovery from their trials last Friday and have decided they can come for peanuts again. However the fecal sample shows they have a parasite and that needs treatment so they may not like us again depending on what we have to do. The vet is supposed to let us know at the end of the week. I have vegetable beef soup in the crockpot for tonight. No choir practice tonight as director is announcer at Hall of Fame dinner for minor league baseball.

    Terry in VT - Thinking good thoughts for your family in PR. Hope things improve soon.

    Wendy - Thanks for posting the pictures of your horses. My mare I lost looked much like your chestnut mare except quarter horse conformation. She was trained to drive and those white markings looked really sharp when she trotted out. I sympathize with bucking bales. We just bought hay for the winter and now have 115 bales stacked in our barn.

    Machka - Thanks ever so much for the information. I think I will pass on the offer just now.

    Becca - Glad you can communicate with sons. Sorry Owain is sick.

    Felicia - Looks like you were having fun!!!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hello all -

    Wendy – Wow, that is a huge garden! How wonderful to have your own home-grown vegetables and honey.

    Terry – I’m glad your family members are OK. The devastation of Puerto Rico is heartbreaking… I can’t even imagine what it would be like to move forward after such massive damage.

    Rye et al. – The “knotty pine” is actually the shiplap that was underneath the printed paneling and wallpaper. It’s very pretty, so in some parts of the house I’ll probably just seal it and leave it alone. But the bathroom is small, so in there I’m going to paint it.

    Becca – Your soup looks yummy! I can’t wait for soup weather here.

    Allie – I’m so happy to hear Tom came through so you can manage until everything is settled.

    Pip’s dogs reminded me of the item below, which I bought at Petsmart over the weekend. I think the annual pumpkin spice hysteria is getting out of hand… The dogs liked them, though.


    When I visited Bergen a couple of years ago, I discovered the Norwegian candy “Kvikk Lunsj.” It’s kind of like a KitKat bar, but not as sweet. Anyhow, my brother and sister-in-law went back recently for a visit and brought me back a few packages. So now I’ve got a little trove of yummy treats. I’ll have to dole them out sparingly because each little section is about 65 calories. A serving is two sections, but one’s plenty.

    Goodnight, all!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    NYKaren, sounds like you are both on the mend. Like you I'm looking forward to the fall weather tomorrow. It was a scorcher today. And cooler weather will alow me to weather the smaller size pants and top!

    Allie, glad the money finally came through from the weasel. No need to kill yourself getting everything done tomorrow. Go slow, take your time and enjoy that it is all yours. Dance around naked and sing at the top of your lungs!

    Sue, glad the goats are doing better.

    Night ladies,

    Lanette – Our Head County Commission retired after 40 years in office, about 38 too many. What an @$$-O! Now his son is the Head Commissioner even though there were other with more experience. The Head is elected by the other Commissioner; but, then after that he is elected by the county-at-large. My Daddy said the BEST way to find out what is going on in the county in which you live is to attend several Commissioner meeting. I once went to one (after getting stuck on our dirt road) and went with mud up to my sock tops. Ruined a brand-new pair of sneakers, so I was really in a tear. Another couple of men had a board with pictures on it and when they got finished … I told my story; he put me down in front of everyone in attendance and I told him I had evidence, stood up, and stomped my feet and all the mud came off right there in front of others. He was not happy and the people attending were laughing and I just walked out.

    Yvonne – Joanna of “Fixer Upper” would be so thrill to see what she calls ‘Shiplap’. How old is your house?

    Seems like wallpaper is making a come-back. I don’t think I want any wallpaper in my house; but, when I did have it back in the early- to mid-70’s … I loved what I had; but, I searched the world over to find some of it. Like in our house in Albany (1st time we moved there) we had tile to deal with. Our bath had dark green (sort of a Hunter green) and ‘sea foam green’ … I ‘finally’ found wallpaper that was the same dark color with the lighter green flowers. The upstairs bath was the most difficult one to ever find. Pinkish/Beige tiles. If I pick something that was ‘pink’ the tiles got real beige; and the same if I put something up next to it that was beige. FINALLY, found one that had both colors and a silver pattern. It looked GREAT! Then I wallpapered one of my son’s room (1 wall) when he was on his way. Patchwork with all the baby colors (pink, blue, green, yellow). We ended up having to patch it; but, by the time we finished it nobody could even find it. When we moved to Macon, wallpapered one wall in a plaid. Trick to that is too run a level line at eye-level around the room (or a wall) and hang the paper so the lines match up with the eye-level pencil mark. Then we moved back to Albany and the baths had the 70’s colored fixtures. Wallpaper throughout the house (baths and kitchen were AWFUL). That came down the day we moved in as well as the one in the baths. So, back to finding a wallpaper that would make it ‘look like the colored fixtures were intended’. Found great ones. Pink and green in MBR bath; and the one in the hall that had blue fixtures, was sort of a nice wine color with a pattern, and thin blue lines the same color at the fixtures.
    Maybe you could either ‘white-wash’ the paneling or use a color wash. It is beautiful.

    Our dishwasher has died. The guy that came and gave us a quote to finish the porch was called; but, he hasn’t called back. The darn thing is 17-years-old. It NEEDS to be REPLACED. Would not be much more than trying to fix it. The wallpaper we had in the first house in Albany when we moved back (in the kitchen) was real-life looking vegetables and painted cabinet the avocado green painted cabinets and white knobs. I would have liked to have replaced the floor; but, that never happened. I want Louis to paint my kitchen cabinets. Velvet white on the top (a color that is a nice soft white – not ‘stark’ white; and the bottoms a dark color. I also want ‘knobs/handles’ on the doors as well. I have broken way too many nails trying to open them.

    I could write down a ‘Bucket List’ of things that we need to do; but, when it comes to painting … I am like the ‘cobbler’s wife and children’ … I am the last one on the list. One day, I am going to clear the rooms out and do it myself. LOL!!!! NOT! I paint on canvas … not walls. I’m not holding my breath … it will get done when we have the money to pay for it in cash. Got to replace one toilet and move one to that bath and buy a ‘higher’ one for our bath. I’m tired of misjudging the height and falling off and hitting my side on the magazine rack.

    Becca – Sorry that your son is sick; but, at least you got the tour of his room even if there was no sound.

    Your soup looks ‘Yummy’!!!!! I have several kinds of soup in my freezer … can’t wait for it to get cooler. It was ‘triple-digits’ here today. Just like us, a pint is just enough soup for us and I usually make rice or cornbread to go with it.

    With cheese on top, messy like French Onion Soup – One of my favorites.

    Felicia – Right now I am about 10 – 15 pounds away from the ‘high-end’ of a ‘normal BMI’ … My goodness when she told me the range … it was a 25 pound from high to low. I’ll work at the 10lb goal and go from there.
    That looks like fun. Will and Tami went zip-lining on their honeymoon; came home and built one for Mallory. Her granddaddy helped him build the platform and they stop it at the bottom with 4 bungee cords. It runs about 25 yards. I would get on it, but … I am not sure I would like it; she tries to get me to ride on her go-cart. Louis did last year and he was ‘white-knuckling’ it on the ride. Junior sent her inside to get something and flipped it up on its side and tightened a screw and said, ‘she won’t be riding full speed now’. When it works lose, tighten it. She got into trouble with Will when she rode through the yard a 2nd time after he had told her NOT to. He said something to her in front of all of us. Tami was about to say that ‘he embarrassed her’ and he turned around and ‘looked at her’ … WARNING – she has been told! Do not want her to hit the exposed blow-outs. Has to stay on the gravel or it will be locked up in the shed’. So she did not say anything.

    Water run looks like fun. They closed up a water park somewhere that was supposed to be the highest one ever when a little boy (without any kind of head protection) went over the side of it and hit the pavement. I think I want a helmet and if I can’t wear one, I will walk back down the stairs. At Stone Mountain Park in Georgia … the first year they had their ‘maze’ of ropes and boards that was about 3 stories high, I did it all the way. Louis and the girls went back to the hotel. When I got off and started back a really bad lightning and thunder store blew through. Got under a cover with a bunch of kids on a church trip. Never saw so many of them ‘praying and calling out for their mamas’. As soon as it passed, I ran to the hotel. That was pretty close. The only other time we were that close (and it had not started raining) was a bolt of lightning hit the median of the highway right next to us. Looked like a bomb had exploded!!!!

    Allie – TomCat’s attorney is the most ‘unethical’ attorney I have seen (or heard about) in a LONG time. It bad to have to have a Motion for Contempt threatened to ‘let go of the $$$’. She has probably had it ‘in the bank’ drawing interest this whole time. Might not be much; but, any extra, I am sure she kept for herself. What a ‘douse bag’.

    I’m sorry, but, Red Cross won’t ever get any $$$ out of me. Especially after they confiscated ‘hot meals’ being given out to people in a storm situation saying they had already been given sandwiches. These poor people haven’t had hot food in a week or more. Why did they have to take it only to throw it out? That’s what they did here when they had the storms in January. Would not let any restaurant donating food do it. Highly criticized for it. I worked in a ‘shelter’ during a storm and they come in and just ‘take over the running of things’. About the only place they don’t go are the church shelters.

    Carol – I’m there and ‘certifiable’ as well; even got the paperwork to prove it. IF I ever 'followed' a particular person into a 'dark' ally and she did not come out ... I have a 'defense' because she created the situation to get it. So it doesn’t really matter what others think of me. LOL!!!!!

    I take Meloxicam, too, and you need to have something ‘on your tummy’ to take it. Not empty. I have arthritis; and, was first put on it for ‘gout’. It does help.

    Terry – I like your ‘words of wisdom’.

    Went to the ENT specialist this afternoon. Checked my hearing and pressure behind ear. All that is ok; but, he has referred me to a PT. Says that insurance will not pay if they do the procedure in the office; but, will ‘on a referral to PT’. He described what is making me dizzy (or sometimes even ‘ditzy’ and said that when they do this procedure, it will be like a ‘switch’ has been turned on and the dizziness will go away. If this is a ‘bone cruncher’ … I’m not sure I will relax. That is when they crick you neck. They won’t tell you the first time; but, you are expecting it the next time … or so you ‘think’ … I’d go to a chiropractor to have my wervations crunched out in a heartbeat. First time I ever went to one, I woke up with a severe crick in my neck and my boss called one and he worked me right in. No more pain and no more crick in my neck either,

    When we sold our house in Albany and moved out here with our sons … I was ‘so miserable’ that they built the building that is ‘supposedly’ my studio first and we moved into it. Had everything we needed while they built the house. Louis even had the DirecTV people come out and connect our TV. Then I did not get fussed at for calling my son at work to find out ‘which’ of the 3 remotes they used with theirs would turn the channel. He would set it on the AM shows; but, then at 12:30 or 1:00, those dumb ‘soap operas’ came on … I don’t watch them; and, I had 3 casts on … so I just sat there or took a nap. I was so happy to move our king-sized bed into the studio with boxes piled up around us. Just enough room to shimmy out of it and get a cup of coffee.

    Rye – We have “Pecky Cypress” in the main part of our house and the 2nd bedroom has horizontal planks as the walls. It fits well with the hunting cabin motif around here.

    Lenora – now a little tan from trip to FL
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    What a delightful story. I love the wisdom of your father. What a great man. Are you parents still living and still in CO? I was born and raised in Denver, didn't leave until I was almost 49.
    No, both my parents have died. Mom way back when I was 22 and Dad about 13 years ago. Unfortunately a few years back we had to sell the family ranch that had been in family for over 100 years. My brother still lives in Colorado but he's the only one. My dad actually grew up in Denver. His father owned the Rocky Mountain Produce Company and the Rocky Mountain Seed Company (I think that building is still there). My dad had the Midland Produce company. The produce companies were down by the train yards naturally. My mom was from Niowat, when it really was nothing more than a wide spot in the road. Nothing like it is now.
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Marcelyn[/b] – loved your truck-driving story. Your dad was a gem. I think when a gal is raised that way, there’s a certain confidence that bolsters them throughout life.
    My husband always says he took one look at me and said he'd never have to hire work done. lol My dad didn't have hired hands. He had children and we all worked, girls and the boy alike. In fact I think my brother got away with a lot more than we girls did! I rode range, worked cattle, cut hay, baled, drove the trucks, moved grain, picked rocks (the frost would bring up the rocks in the spring and they would break the sickle on the windrower if we didn't pick them out of the field), painted, fixed fence... you name it, I learned to do it. Even down to how to castrate a bull.... which was handy info for a teenaged girl dating to know.... the guys in my town knew not to mess with the ranch girls. lol

    Sue Love the goat picture. Goats are always cute. destructive little buggers if given the chance but cute. My nephew had a herd of 200 goats that he watched in Los Angeles.... the residents of neighborhoods were not allowed to cut underbrush etc and fire was a real danger but they would let goats come in and eat down the vegetation that was tinder. So he camped out and was a shepherd in the city for a few months. I guess he became quite the local celebrity, people couldn't believe someone could sleep in a tent and watch goats all day. It was like the old west came to visit for a while.
    Hi Everyone, New to My Fitness Pal BUT not to needing to lose weight. I am on this journey again! Barbi, I want to use your word of 2017 as mine, "BALANCE"! I just cannot find the meaning of that word....I'm a work in progress:)
    Balance. Isn't that something we all struggle with? With each season of life there's something new to balance. :)
    Anyone try to lose the last 10-15 pounds this way? Is there something I'm missing in my plan?
    The last 15 is the hardest. I got down to my goal weight and then bounced back up 20 pounds. Now I waver between 5 and 10 pounds to goal weight but I've been working on it for a long time. It's a pound every two months now. Just stick with it. I don't think too much about it anymore, my way of eating is for life, not for any weight loss anymore.

    Got my car back today looking brand spankin' new. Happy about that.

    Got my t-shirt and bib for a virtual race so Saturday I'll do my part and go out and run a 5K. Actually I'm going to run 12 miles and just time the 5K for the race website. 10 wks and 2 days to the marathon. Time to get serious!

    Taking some grandkids to see the Budweiser Clydesdales tomorrow. Love those big horses.

    finally caught up on everyone.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 7.08min, 143mhr, 12.4amph. 1.4mi= 82c
    apple watch- 64c
    *virtual* TREADMILL jog- 35.02min, 5.3-5.4sp, 147mhr, 11.17min mi, 5k = 351c
    apple watch- didn't turn on
    BOSU BALL- 15min , 1set 15ea of 5 diff exer w/8# weights, 130mhr = 129c
    apple watch- 124c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.08min, 13.9amph, 134mhr, 1.4mi= 69c
    appple watch- 46c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 15.09min, 149mhr, 12amph, 3mi= 159c
    apple watch- 113c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.16min, 152mhr, 9.54min mi, .5mi= 70c
    apple watch- 62c
    jog wk 2 sta- .est 5min, est 10min mi, 4mi =62c
    apple watch- 50c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.33min, 8.7amph, 154mhr, 2.5mi = 198c
    apple watch- 142c

    total cal 1120
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a Les mills Cardio DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Prevention Personal Training DVD.

    Went to NIH where Jess works. Very impressive. I read a book while she worked 1/2 day then we went to Denise's final fitting. Jess is at a concert right now but I came home (to her place). She's dog sitting and I felt bad since they hadn't gone out since early this morning. Also, I'm not crazy at all about driving around somewhere I'm not familiar with in the dark. PLUS...this way I can control my dinner better.

    Yvonne - so glad you had such a good time

    Welcome everyone new

    I swear, some of the cherries that I got Jess last time I was here were still here and a few were getting moldy. So I threw them out, had some for my dessert tonight and I'll take the rest home with me. The grapes I left also were not eaten so I'll finish them up. Really! She says she wants to lose weight by the wedding. Well, you need to eat fruits and veges, not always McD's. I realize that sometimes it may not be possible, but she should really keep something in her pocketbook so she isn't starving hungry. I think I might mention that to her

    Patrice - we can't wait to continue on with you. Your mother was a very special lady, but you know that already

    Penny - at least you HAD a vegetable garden! You're a step ahead of me! glad to know that carrot didn't ruin your calories for the day....lol

    Carol - (((HUGS))). Glad all the water is turned off

    Becca - when you post about all the good stuff you get at the food bank and post what wonderful meals you make, makes me want to go to a food bank. There are many times when Vince wants his London Broil or beef stew meat, and I make something for me (like soup). What an adorable kitty!Sorry you son isn't well. Vince had pneumonia. He's much better now but he still get winded easily

    Allie - You deserve all those 000's

    Marcelyn - I remember taking my kids to see the Clydesdales. The highlight of taking them to see the horses was them watching the horses pee. Honestly, that's all they talked about.

    Rye - lovely kitchen. So "homey" looking

    Found that one of those small containers of applesauce, if you freeze it, it's just like having ice cream.

    Will take the dogs out then probably get ready for bed.

    Michele soon to be back in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Machka - Thanks ever so much for the information. I think I will pass on the offer just now.

    No problem. :)

    And IMO, unless there is a specific reason you want to use it (like me with my course, or if you wanted to get full coverage of the cycling events in Europe, or something along those lines), I wouldn't bother.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2017
    Please pray for my Godson's /nephew's first baby, (boy) Rowan. His mother had gestation diabetes and he isn't doing well. He can't keep his temperature up and his blood sugar regulated.


    Barbie- your house looks fantastic!

    DJ- tough decision!


    Mary from Arizona
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Ok, the main thing I wanted to talk about. Don't know if I am over reacting or not. My daughter, Christina, works for a man who owns a mine in W Virginia. They live in Lexington, ky. He wants to be able to provide each of his miners a truck since they drive about 4 hours every time they go to work. Oh, he is renting a house where the mine is and they love there for 4 days then go home for the weekend. I dot know why he doesn't look for trucks in the lExington area. So by searching the Internet, they found a truck in the Miami Fl area. So she is flying there tonight, will have the truck checked out by a Ford dealership and have a thorough title search to make sure the truck wasn't involved in a flood. If they purchase it, she will drive it back. Ok, will that mechanic be honest, will the title search really tell the truth. Are the infrastructure of the interstates through Florida be OK for her to drive this unknown truck that has 300,000 miles on it and get safely back to her home. I don't even know if a deisel truck is driven the same way any other truck it. Or am I just being a Mom? My husband is feeding me a lot of these questions also. He doesn't think any woman should be driving an interstate at night anyway. I just tell him his fears are antiquated.

    OK! Joyce, Indiana

    The title search should tell the truth.
    The mechanic may or may not be honest, but hopefully if the mechanic has a reputable business he/she will be.
    300,000 miles should be OK if the truck has been deemed to be in good condition ... but personally, I wouldn't look a truck with that kind of mileage.
    A diesel truck is driven the same as any other ... the only thing is, it needs to be filled with diesel not petrol, and it should never run dry. If she gets down to 1/4 tank, she should be thinking about refilling it.
    And I've done a lot of driving and cycling on highways in the middle of nowhere. If something feels uncomfortable ... call someone or keep moving.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    I've got an online course running now (scientific writing for PhD candidates) and my students have just submitted a whole bunch of texts I need to comment on, honestly, but diplomatically - and helpfully, so they learn something. The students' own thesis advisors usually don't give them that kind of criticism; they just rewrite the students' papers themselves. I understand them, because helpful criticism takes a lot of time and effort!

    I'd better get cracking.

    /Penny, being helpfully critical at the North Pole

    If I get to the point where I go for a PhD ... maybe I should run things past you. :grin:

    I would like to get a PhD, but time and money are the barriers to accomplishing that. I'd like to get my Master's all in one go too, but ... time and money. If I could afford to take a year off, I could have my Master's in a year. As it is, it will be many, many years.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    mepeiffer wrote: »
    Hoping that I can start to focus and to really lose weight not just yoyo. I have a lot going on in my life right now with teaching three days a week and that is after my regular job of a web support specialist during the day. Trying to eat more because I seem to not eat during the day and then eat it all in the evening and then I comfort eat because I like the crunch and it is comforting. Thank you all for your support.

    Now that job combination sounds interesting to me! :)

    What do you teach?

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Well Christina's boss didn't like the truck so she needs to fly back but funny thing is that she can't find the cheapest flight until Thursday! So she gets a nice hotel room right on the beach until then. Poor thing. Now I can't see how a boss can put the cost of two nights in a hotel along with meals and say a cheaper flight in two days is the better bargain. But that is what she is doing. He is bidding on a truck auction in Tennessee tomorrow so she might have to fly to Tennessee and pick that one up. All this time he is in Texas doing a consulting job. He has a strange job. Maybe he needs Lisa to work for him.

    Tax write off.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Please pray for my Godson's /nephew's first baby, (boy) Rowan. His mother had gestation diabetes and he isn't doing well. He can't keep his temperature up and his blood sugar regulated.


    Barbie- your house looks fantastic!

    DJ- tough decision!


    Mary from Arizona

    Sending healing thoughts!!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Thank you JANET for the Emmy. I would just like to say that today was an exceptional day in the apiary. It is always a good day when you do not get stung. It was the hottest day we've had all spring and I was dressed in three layers to ensure I would not get stung, so I sweated like a racehorse. (Sweat trickling down your body when you are wearing a bee suit gives you the horrible sensation of bees crawling on you.) I felt like all the stars lined up for me today, and God's face was shining on me as well as the sun shining on me. I set up four hives to make my little princesses. I was able to locate all four resident queens, which is not all that easy, looking for one slightly larger insect in a swarm of 50,000 or so. (Which one of these doesn't belong? Which one of these is not the same?-I was playing Sesame Street) I was also able to find a good frame of eggs of exactly the right age and in golden wax rather than old dark wax, which makes it so much easier to see them and pick good ones. However, there are not very many drones around so I'm not sure if the bees are ready to make queens. They need drones to mate them. The weather has been shocking here for months, torrential relentless rain...the wettest winter/spring we've ever had. The bees are just not able to get out of their hives. Anyway, I am go glad that I chose to go for my long run yesterday, in the rain, so I could spend this wonderful rare sunny day working with the bees. <3 Wendy

    One particularly rainy spring in Manitoba, I was out cycling and noticed a field full of little tents.

    So I asked about it at the next shop I came to.

    They were bee tents. That's when I learned that bees don't fly in rain, and since it had been so rainy, if they were going to have any hope of a crop, they dotted the hives about the field and covered them with these small tents so that the bees would be encouraged to go outside and at least pollinate the flowers immediately around the hive. The tents were open enough so that if the weather cleared, the bees might drift further afield as well.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Love those cute goats!

    Penny at least you got a carrot. I can't seem to get them to grow at all in my garden. I googled and I think it has to do with copper or cobalt deficient soil. (Can't remember which C element was lacking.) I have to buy huge expensive bags of mineral supplements for our horses because our soil here is so deficient in things. Today, I am hooking up the horse float to go and pick up 30 or 40 bales of hay to see the horses through until the grass really boosts. Bucking bales of hay is a great work out! If I didn't have horses to feed, groom, exercise, clean up after daily, I would be hugely fat.

    My dogs also help me burn calories, because they love their daily long walks and runs.I took all four dogs out yesterday afternoon after I made queens, for a long walk at the quarry. Had to keep Jock and Honey on leads as they will chase the wild goats and not come back when called. This morning, I am taking Major, our new pup, in to get his second shot and a microchip. They are legally required to be chipped and registered here in NZ.Then I plan to take him for a long walk. Hopefully we will get some more sunshine today. It was so wonderful to soak up a few rays yesterday.

    I love hearing about everybody's different lives. Our paths lead in so many directions. My animals keep me motivated to exericise. I also have an acre of garden and any spare moment I have, I've got weeding, pruning and planting calling my name. I work two jobs at the moment, my travel agency accounts job, and my seasonal queen making job. The bee job is quite physical, with picking up heavy boxes full of bees, moving nucs around, and holding up heavy frames to search for queens/eggs. In addition to that, I challenge myself and give myself a goal by entering a half-marathon in November, so I am running three times a week in preparation for that. I am also a member of a gym that I work out with my daughter there.

    I do not have time to watch tv. I often do two things at once as I am an avid reader, so I listen to audio books while I walk, run, work in the paddock, drive into town (we live 20 mins out of town), and work in my garden, or do the dishes. I get up at 5am every morning and go to bed by 9pm. I am naturally a morning person and turn into a pumpkin at nine. My house is dusty.

    There. Now you know everything. Nearly. >:)

    <3 Wendy

    You are busy! :)