What irks you?



  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    hellvee wrote: »
    @hellvee wrote: »
    sw33tp3a1 wrote: »
    People that talk a lot yet still they have nothing to say.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu magna quis turpis mattis tincidunt. Donec enim odio, mattis id leo non, tincidunt elementum metus. Aenean et commodo ipsum, ut varius risus. Etiam placerat ac diam vitae vestibulum. Mauris dignissim tortor ligula, sit amet cursus justo volutpat in. In tincidunt dapibus enim vitae ullamcorper. Fusce faucibus vitae sapien sit amet sollicitudin. Integer odio enim, dictum pharetra magna laoreet, pretium blandit urna. Pellentesque ut erat varius purus ornare consequat ut ut enim. Fusce consequat mauris id lacus finibus hendrerit. Quisque volutpat pretium turpis in fermentum. Sed consectetur urna vitae viverra ullamcorper.

    Phasellus consectetur ornare facilisis. Proin in gravida mauris, sed tempus risus. Praesent venenatis tortor eget arcu consequat, nec sollicitudin leo ullamcorper. Donec dictum nisi eu erat tempus vulputate. Cras sed fringilla eros. Aenean imperdiet sapien et mi varius interdum. Donec faucibus feugiat velit, et rutrum ligula dictum quis. Nullam ultrices rhoncus magna, id blandit eros hendrerit sit amet. Sed ex mauris, egestas sed sapien sed, ornare fringilla turpis. Nam ac dictum metus.

    Curabitur vestibulum, tellus et scelerisque porttitor, nisl elit mattis magna, vel pharetra ipsum massa a dui. Sed dictum posuere lacus in pulvinar. Phasellus efficitur orci ligula, sit amet consequat nisl sagittis quis. Etiam vel urna nec ipsum blandit posuere. Aenean eleifend nibh eget pulvinar tincidunt. Proin accumsan mi quis consectetur euismod. Aliquam tempus mauris ut pharetra viverra. Duis id augue libero. Sed bibendum vehicula quam ac sollicitudin. Nunc tempor, sapien quis auctor varius, lacus libero pretium diam, at fermentum est nulla in sem. Proin quis turpis condimentum, ultricies mauris at, convallis lacus. Integer accumsan, tellus sit amet scelerisque dapibus, dui nibh porttitor turpis, quis fringilla sapien est id orci. Integer hendrerit quam ultrices nisl commodo, et vehicula leo sodales.

    Nullam feugiat non ante vel gravida. Morbi eget dictum nisi, ut fringilla felis. Vivamus laoreet et arcu at lacinia. Quisque dignissim iaculis leo non eleifend. Aenean tempor arcu eu lectus finibus posuere eu vitae mauris. Vestibulum convallis vestibulum diam nec ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc efficitur arcu vel dolor pellentesque, non tincidunt nibh posuere. Nullam ac magna ut felis pulvinar feugiat. In ornare id velit at pretium. Aenean vel tempor enim, interdum tincidunt sapien. Quisque et pretium massa. Integer diam diam, malesuada in sem eget, ultrices eleifend velit.

    Quisque quis porta velit. Maecenas hendrerit efficitur gravida. Aenean purus quam, sagittis in consectetur quis, dictum eu purus. Sed ultrices tempus nisi, a gravida urna tempor quis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam cursus leo vel tellus gravida, id consectetur nisi commodo. Sed sit amet tellus interdum, tincidunt velit in, fringilla arcu. Praesent egestas libero quis rhoncus sollicitudin. Duis quis nibh vel sem accumsan porta eu at nunc. Nullam sit amet arcu sed lectus ullamcorper luctus. Aliquam vestibulum ac sem eget imperdiet. Cras porttitor ipsum sed tempor maximus. Aliquam at egestas ipsum. Donec pulvinar dui quis massa volutpat efficitur. Praesent augue mauris, gravida at lorem nec, semper ultrices orci.

    The website offered to translate and it did a terrible job:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. No ugly football with any real estate developers. For singles until, real estate, that the lion did not, tincidunt elementum metus Sed congue. Aeneas and take advantage of it, as for varius risus. Even real estate and a diameter of passengers. Largest soccer microphone carrots just running into the weekend. The developers of the protein nulla. Fusce faucibus vitae sapien sit amet interdum sollicitudin ante. Complete hatred there was a large quiver Laoreet, the price sit pot. Com will adorn the various chili recipe that you may have. Fusce consequat hendrerit mauris id the borders of a lake. Each weekend definitely worth the yeast. Sed consectetur urna vitae viverra ullamcorper.

    Nam tomato football antioxidants. In pregnant microwave environment, but a time for laughter. Present venenatis tortor eget arcu sit amet, nec sollicitudin leo ullamcorper. But it was not until football season Vulputate. But tomorrow massa vitae. Jasmine financing sapien, too, have sometimes varied. Eu throat until he too was any makeup Reserved. Nullam ultrices rhoncus magna, hendrerit sit amet blandit eros that. However, from the environment, law enforcement sed sapien sed, ornare fringilla turpis. In fact, I was also told metus Sed congue.

    Chat manufacturing, ceramic and thermal Agency, players real estate developer large or very quiver mass from Pakistan. However, it put stress on the pillow. Reserved boat clinical effect, carrots recipe players who bows. I can not sit still or pot set. Jasmine deductible sitter volleyball developers. Mid-layer Performance my main man. Mauris quiver like a cartoon. That propaganda homework-free. But bibendum vehicula quam ac interdum sollicitudin ante. Time now, wisdom author of one variable, stress free price of textbooks, but there is no warm-up in a salad. Mid any ugly sauce ultricies Mauris, valley lakes. An entire layer, thermal soil carrots protein, nibh airline tickets, who is the clinical ecological sapien. Bureau as a whole basketball players convenience, and transportation lion members.

    Eu there is no front or pregnancy. It need only soccer as ecological cats. Live at Laoreet bow skirt. Quisque dignissim iaculis the lion did not deductible. Aenean tempor arcu lobortis iaculis posuere eu the ends of the living environment. Vestibulum convallis nec ultrices vestibulum diam. Before the very first basketball set their jaws grief and clinical care; Now becomes the bow or the smart kids, not tincidunt set. Nullam ac magna ut felis pulvinar feugiat. In football he wants at any price. Jasmine or the time he sometimes tincidunt. North Korea and the price level. Integer diam diam, malesuada in sem eget, ultrices eleifend velit urna metus.

    Every one who is the gate, please. Maecenas become pregnant. Jasmine chili and arrows in Minneapolis who said football chili. But basketball season if a pregnant pot any time. Smartphones. In fact, the course of a lion and a child to the package, id consectetur nisi commodo. But let there be a lot the land, sometimes, an aging user in a, fringilla arcu. Textile present who want free care. Nibh gate layer film or a television football but now. But no carrots arc graduated ullamcorper impact. Aliquam vestibulum, and requires a lot of financing. Tomorrow, but the long-biggest airline itself. But some law enforcement itself. Till mass weekend pillow feel any effects. Present augue mauris, pregnant at lorem nec, ever-changing, clinical.

    I'm dead :joy:

    I keep thinking I've seen my favourite line but then I spot another, wonderfully crafted sentence.

    "but there is no warm-up in a salad"

    Largest soccer microphone carrots just running into the weekend.

    I can so relate

    Mid-layer Performance my main man.

    Oh my god. I want to print this out and put it at my desk so that I can use it whenever I feel blue.

    Please end my suffering

  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    Bump...this thread is the highlight of my day
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    Not enough creampies
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Not enough creampies

    Got you boo

    My Gurrrrlll!
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    beingmore1 wrote: »
    The odd smell I can't seem to find the source of.

    It's dead people
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    mnalsa83 wrote: »
    People who can't put things back where they got them! Like normal stuff like putting the milk back in the fridge!

    Just clutter in general and messiness.

    You and me both! Plus not shutting the kitchen cabinet. I come home every day from work to every cabinet wide open. WHY?

    I know this is from a couple of days ago but OH MY GAWD SERIOUSLY.
  • Johns_Dope_AF
    Johns_Dope_AF Posts: 460 Member
  • Johns_Dope_AF
    Johns_Dope_AF Posts: 460 Member
    not getting a haircut
  • himenaya
    himenaya Posts: 42 Member
    People who are so obsessed on what the scale says that they jump on it everyday. Patience people...Patience.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    The sun not being out today. >:(
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    excessively over long posts....
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Why do people delete and create new profiles? Then ask you to re friend them?