What irks you?



  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    People covered in tattoos

    Awesome...people like you irk me too ;) btw...i have never seen anyone stand like that in heels

    It's actually two different people
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    People who 'know best' about situations they literaly have no idea about
  • HealthyAshes88888
    HealthyAshes88888 Posts: 1,248 Member
    That women can be so catty
  • DianaPrinceDET
    DianaPrinceDET Posts: 54 Member
    When someone reaches out to you under the guise to get to know you but they continue to accuse you of being a catfish.
  • DianaPrinceDET
    DianaPrinceDET Posts: 54 Member
    People that’s seem to be sweet but are really controlling.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Fat people riding around on Walmart motor scooters when there's nothing wrong with them meanwhile there's older folks that can barely walk, are missing a leg ect, that have to sit on the bench in Walmart till there IS a cart available for them.... Whoever does that should be ashamed of them selves.

    OMG! I always wonder when I see someone riding a store scooter with their 3 kids hanging off of it too......WTH?!?!
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    Waking up with a cold. Blah
  • mishelnkiki1
    mishelnkiki1 Posts: 87 Member
    edited November 2017
    Coworkers who are arseholes. I have to be around you more than I get to be home with my own family. Can you please not be a total twatt waffle!?!?!
  • mishelnkiki1
    mishelnkiki1 Posts: 87 Member
    right now my dog :D hes suffocating me by following me all over the house!

    This is my dog literally every single day. My daughter always tells him to cut the umbilical chord, and to lay off the boob juice.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    How for most of us, our lives are a house of cards totally dependent upon access to electricity
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    People that won't take a hint

    Is this a hint? I am so confused.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    People that won't take a hint

    Is this a hint? I am so confused.

    Yes. I think. Maybe it's code.

    I forgot my decoder ring today.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    When you make a really good point or offer a useful solution and they act like they don't even hear you, or bother to hear you. Ok idiot keep trying to put that square peg into a round hole.
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    right now my dog :D hes suffocating me by following me all over the house!

    This is my dog literally every single day. My daughter always tells him to cut the umbilical chord, and to lay off the boob juice.

    Boob juice lol
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I hate it when you call someone and leave them a message and they call you back and ask why you called and didn't listen to your message

    What is the point of having a message service if you don't listen to it? You're wasting my time, I didn't need to talk to you, I told you what I wanted to say.
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I hate it when you call someone and leave them a message and they call you back and ask why you called and didn't listen to your message

    What is the point of having a message service if you don't listen to it? You're wasting my time, I didn't need to talk to you, I told you what I wanted to say.

    Then don't answer.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Typing, especially on phones.
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,210 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Typing, especially on phones.

  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    People who need vision correction but don't wear glasses or contacts and ask me to read stuff to them

    Pretty sure I posted this already, but daily I talk to people who can't read what they are doing/signing and it bugs me
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    1 out of 3 supervisors