Why don't people use MFP to set their calorie goals?

Not trying to be snarky - but everyday I see multiple posts about "how do I determine my calorie goal? Someone help me figure out how much to eat / exercise to meet my goals?"

I find these questions confusing. When I first stumbled upon MFP, it was obvious that I could put in my stats and MFP would help calculate & track this. Yet so many on the Forums seem completely unaware of this.

Maybe someone can help me understand - why don't you take advantage of the MFP calorie goal and tracking? Does MFP need to draw more attention to those features so people know they exist? Do you see the tools but not trust their accuracy? Or is there another reason people come to the MFP site and decline to use the tools they offer?


  • AllSpiceNice
    AllSpiceNice Posts: 120 Member
    Congrats on your 26 lb loss! Yes, when I followed MFPs calorie goal + 75% of exercise calories, I always lost weight at the expected rate. Still works in maintenance too.

    The tricky part is actually following those goals - LOL.
    I can attest that from 260-234 I lost and average of 2 lbs a week following the MFP allotments +/-200 calories a day with bad cheat days here and there without factoring in any steps or exercise extras.

    I take them as a guideline and do the best I can to hit the targets.