Is it true pear-shapeds should eat lower fat?

Any anecdotal experiences or bro-science/sis-science theories?

I know your hormonal profile contributes to regulation of the use and storage of fuel, and pear ladies either have lots of estrogen that directs fat to those hips n thighs or have lots of a certain type of receptor in this area that gleefully stuff fat into the cells screaming 'Store! STORE!!' you know, thanks to evolution and stuff. I'm not certain how to apply what I've read in literature - Google scholar isn't direct with the diet tips haha.



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    to the

    to the other post...I can't even...
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I'm pear shaped and have lost weight on a height fat reduced carb diet. It makes me feel better and help manage my appetite
  • Running_and_Coffee
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    I'm pear shaped and have lost weight on a height fat reduced carb diet. It makes me feel better and help manage my appetite

    Me too...fat is my friend (in healthy amounts.) If I eat 100 calories of avocado, I'll feel much more full than if I ate a slice of bread the same calorie count.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited September 2017
    johnwelk wrote: »
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    It's called estrogen dominance! Body fat makes you hold on to excess estrogen.

    See these websites:

    Consider getting rid of all of the chemicals in your home. Try going fragrance / dye free or natural cleaners. Frebreeze and similar products are endocrine disruptors and can actually make it difficult for people to lose weight. Think about getting rid of make-up, scented lotions and perfume unless they are paraben free.

    I am also taking a boatload of natural progesterone (prometrium 200 mgs.) Discuss this with your doctor. Based on your family history of breast cancer, it may well save your life or not be right for you.

    Maintaining a calorie deficit as well as switching to low sugar (hidden in canned and packaged food) / low carb (no more than 100 g daily) with high protein and healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oil, chicken skin, grass fed beef fat) will assist you in lowering the amount of body fat you store.

    This whole post is complete BS. Estrogen dominance is a fake disease, not a shred of scientific evidence to support it. Please learn some critical thinking skills.

    I've always heard hormone imbalance was a real legitimate thing. Would you please explain why hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance is fake. I really want to know this because I supposedly have signs of hormonal imbalance low progesterone with symptoms of hair loss, chin/jawline acne, and menstruation issues among other things and if that's not what is causing it then I would like to at least know I'm barking up the wrong tree. My doctor sure seems to think it's an imbalance. On a side note, assuming I had an imbalance I changed my diet around according to what you would do with an imbalance for example I drink way less coffee and alcohol than I used to and other things and I saw big improvements, so something was definitely working for some reason and I'd like to get to the bottom of what that is. Thanks!
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    The whole "apple-shaped", "Hourglass-shaped", "pear shape" and so on are great guidelines for picking out flattering clothing, but not so much for plans for losing weight.

    One of the tricks the diet industry uses to get people to buy into ridiculous diet plans is trying to convince people that there is a feature that customizes dieting: body shape and blood type for example. But all of that is mystical woo.

    Oh, and notice that those body shapes only really apply to women? (Have you ever seen men discussing their problem thighs or lamenting their rectangle shape?) Yeah, that's targeting women. Be wary of any plan that does that to that extent.

    Calories in, calories out.

    I love you just for this sentence <3
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    It's called estrogen dominance! Body fat makes you hold on to excess estrogen.

    See these websites:

    Consider getting rid of all of the chemicals in your home. Try going fragrance / dye free or natural cleaners. Frebreeze and similar products are endocrine disruptors and can actually make it difficult for people to lose weight. Think about getting rid of make-up, scented lotions and perfume unless they are paraben free.

    I am also taking a boatload of natural progesterone (prometrium 200 mgs.) Discuss this with your doctor. Based on your family history of breast cancer, it may well save your life or not be right for you.

    Maintaining a calorie deficit as well as switching to low sugar (hidden in canned and packaged food) / low carb (no more than 100 g daily) with high protein and healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oil, chicken skin, grass fed beef fat) will assist you in lowering the amount of body fat you store.

    Well, thank God I'm an apple, and I never thought I'd say that.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I used to think I was pear-shaped. Then I started lifting. That helped tremendously with evening out my proportions (along with proper calorie intake, of course).

    I've also stopped using those terms altogether for 1) because if you believe you are a certain shape then you're less likely to put forth the effort to make visible changes, and 2) for the same reason @kenyonhaff noted.