3 day binge?! Emotional support on getting past it

eardabac18 Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
So I got down below my goal weight by 2
pounds (female, 18, 5'6 and 123 lbs). But this weekend I ate comfort food because my parents visited me from college... 3000 calories one day and 2500 calories the next two days. (A pumpkin muffin (600 calories), a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal (300 calories), a ton of jolly ranchers, 2 times at Panera bread (bread, salad, and soup, averaging 600 calories per meal) sushi rolls(300), 2 egg rolls(200) 2 dumplings(200) some calamari (200), 6 cookies (300), 1/2 a pastry (300), countless mints and tootsi rolls(400), an entire packet of wasabi peas(550), beef jerky (300) and spicy snap peas(450), a soda (150), PLUS soup and salad and carrots on Friday(300))......And I didn't run on any of those days, my Usual form of exercise! Just writing this made me ashamed of myself..,,Scared to step on the scale right now, feeling unmotivated and bloated and worried about how much I could've gained. Advice on tomorrow? I'm tempted to not eat at all. Any one else deal with binges?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I hope the visit went well otherwise. It was only a few days. You can get back on track. <3

    Take measurements and lots of pictures so you can see your progress without depending on the scale.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what is maintenance for you?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    eardabac18 wrote: »
    I've eaten as little as possible today (300 cal) to undo the damage.... my msintnence is 1300 calories

    Have you read all the responses you've received? If so, you'll see that this is the opposite of what has been suggested. Now, if you're plain not hungry, then doing this one day (or part of the day) is fine. But you cannot erase or undo the past. Learn from it, let it go, and move on.
  • tracymegan
    tracymegan Posts: 391 Member
    Leave the weekend behind you. Do NOT try undo what you have done, that never works, it changes your bodies want to start storing food when you put it in a greater deficit. Just move on. You ate...it was good...and back on plan today.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited October 2017
    eardabac18 wrote: »
    I've eaten as little as possible today (300 cal) to undo the damage.... my
    maintnence is 1300 calories

    Why did you post if you have ignored everyone's advice?

    And, given your stats there's no way you maintain on such a low amount...
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    eardabac18 wrote: »
    I've eaten as little as possible today (300 cal) to undo the damage.... my
    maintnence is 1300 calories

    Um, no. Not the right approach. Eat over 1200 calories like every other day and forget the last couple.

    And what you did, wasn't a binge. It sounds like a normal weekend to me!

  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I don't think it's wise to have a 300 calorie day even after all that carnage over the past three days. You are still at a great weight, it's going to take more than 3 days off to mess that up. Just enjoy the memories and move on as normal. PLEASE eat more than 300 calories today, there is no reason to make yourself suffer over the past.
  • eardabac18
    eardabac18 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the support! I stepped on the scale for the first time since Friday morning and I weight 124.8 pounds... so a 2 lb weight gain?
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    You're likely still seeing the impact of your weekend, it's only Tuesday. A weekend like that, I would expect anywhere from a 4-8 lb spike on the scale for me, which takes a couple days to even out. I bet if you're on track with your usual routine, if you weigh tomorrow you'll be lower, and the next day lower still.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    I agree. There is no need to panic and you should be able to just resume normally. Two days of bad eating is just a small bump in the road. It'll resolve in time if you resume your typical activity.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    There's no way your TDEE is 1300 for your height, even if you sit on the couch all day. Are you confusing it with BMI?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I had a terrible binge day on Sunday, probably around 6k calories total, given the amount of sweets/candy I consumed... not happened in a long time, and yes, it is hard as I usually maintain fairly rigid control, even when going out somewhere, but I know there is nothing I can do other than get back to my regular programme and hope it doesn't make too much of an impact come Saturday's weigh in. I learnt my lesson as I felt like rubbish the next day and my workout was painfully uncomfortable. But I agree your TDEE is highly, highly unlikely to be 1300.
  • eardabac18
    eardabac18 Posts: 12 Member
    So my BMI is 1300, and I eat 1300 calories a day and run 5-6 miles daily (5 days a week). Once I ate 1600 calories daily for 3 weeks without running and gained 6 pounds! (I gain weight super easily). It's a struggle to figure out maintenance.