Lifters, can you please explain what the difference...



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Ah this is all great info! Thanks OP for posting!

    If I can pose my own question along a similar line:

    Which will make me look better once I have shed the excess fat? Will one give me a leaner look than the other or are they both equal?

    What I have been doing is using low weight/high rep to 'warm up' then doing high weight/low rep for the main part, then end doing more low weight/high rep to wind down. Is this an acceptable way of doing it?

    because you don't gain any appreciable amount of muscle in a deficit, the retention of LBM will be pretty much the same with either program. So you will look the same doing either in a deficit, but the higher weigh lower reps will mean you are stronger than you would be if you did the 3x10.

    In a caloric surplus you will notice a difference as the heavier weight lower rep will keep the leaner look than the 3x10, which is geared towards muscle growth.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Yes, that. So, depending on your goals, one may or may not be more "appropriate" for you.


    it's neither right nor wrong.

    the closer you are to your one rep max (percentage wise) the more you are pushing STRENGTH....

    There are certain schools of thought that read that after 10 you are merely building muscle endurance and not strength- I personally feel that threshold is a little higher- but that's literally just my own personal opinion. I tend to stick with "15" and up is endurance. But that is MHO.

    But yes- it's 100% dependent on your goals.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Bump..lots of good info here.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Ah this is all great info! Thanks OP for posting!

    If I can pose my own question along a similar line:

    Which will make me look better once I have shed the excess fat? Will one give me a leaner look than the other or are they both equal?

    What I have been doing is using low weight/high rep to 'warm up' then doing high weight/low rep for the main part, then end doing more low weight/high rep to wind down. Is this an acceptable way of doing it?

    because you don't gain any appreciable amount of muscle in a deficit, the retention of LBM will be pretty much the same with either program. So you will look the same doing either in a deficit, but the higher weigh lower reps will mean you are stronger than you would be if you did the 3x10.

    In a caloric surplus you will notice a difference as the heavier weight lower rep will keep the leaner look than the 3x10, which is geared towards muscle growth.

    AH! Higher weight means a leaner look. Hmmm... this is what I'm going for. But only worry about that when in a surplus, right?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Ah this is all great info! Thanks OP for posting!

    If I can pose my own question along a similar line:

    Which will make me look better once I have shed the excess fat? Will one give me a leaner look than the other or are they both equal?

    What I have been doing is using low weight/high rep to 'warm up' then doing high weight/low rep for the main part, then end doing more low weight/high rep to wind down. Is this an acceptable way of doing it?

    because you don't gain any appreciable amount of muscle in a deficit, the retention of LBM will be pretty much the same with either program. So you will look the same doing either in a deficit, but the higher weigh lower reps will mean you are stronger than you would be if you did the 3x10.

    In a caloric surplus you will notice a difference as the heavier weight lower rep will keep the leaner look than the 3x10, which is geared towards muscle growth.

    AH! Higher weight means a leaner look. Hmmm... this is what I'm going for. But only worry about that when in a surplus, right?

    Correct, as long as you are pushing a weight you cannot do more than 6 reps with, no matter what rep range you choose, the last rep or 2 should be difficult to complete with good form.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Ah this is all great info! Thanks OP for posting!

    If I can pose my own question along a similar line:

    Which will make me look better once I have shed the excess fat? Will one give me a leaner look than the other or are they both equal?

    What I have been doing is using low weight/high rep to 'warm up' then doing high weight/low rep for the main part, then end doing more low weight/high rep to wind down. Is this an acceptable way of doing it?

    because you don't gain any appreciable amount of muscle in a deficit, the retention of LBM will be pretty much the same with either program. So you will look the same doing either in a deficit, but the higher weigh lower reps will mean you are stronger than you would be if you did the 3x10.

    In a caloric surplus you will notice a difference as the heavier weight lower rep will keep the leaner look than the 3x10, which is geared towards muscle growth.

    Thanks for answering me!

    I wont be going into caloric surplus for quite a while yet but its good to know some tips for when I do!
  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Bump for great info!
  • bwright9752
    bwright9752 Posts: 125 Member
    Trying to lift as heavy as I can and add 5 lbs to the bar each time but finding that really hard to do on upper body lifts. Today I struggled with my 70 lb bench press. I couldn't do the full 10 reps on each set so I added a smaller set of 6 reps to make up the difference. Deadlifts I'm at 105 lbs and adding weight every time. Squats will be at 100 lbs this week. Overhead press is a weak 50 lbs. If I went 5x5 I could lift more? I'm only on my 8th week with this program... thinking about switching.

    I would finish out a 12 week cycle of what you are doing if you are already in the 8th week. Then try a 90 day (12 week) cycle of a 5x5 routine. Doing either one will help you accomplish your goal of losing the flab and after 90 days of each you may figure out which one works best for your goals.

    Actually, starting with the 3x10 might be a good idea because you aren't throwing around quite as much weight until you get used the movements.
  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    Bump to read later
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Trying to lift as heavy as I can and add 5 lbs to the bar each time but finding that really hard to do on upper body lifts. Today I struggled with my 70 lb bench press. I couldn't do the full 10 reps on each set so I added a smaller set of 6 reps to make up the difference. Deadlifts I'm at 105 lbs and adding weight every time. Squats will be at 100 lbs this week. Overhead press is a weak 50 lbs. If I went 5x5 I could lift more? I'm only on my 8th week with this program... thinking about switching.

    I would finish out a 12 week cycle of what you are doing if you are already in the 8th week. Then try a 90 day (12 week) cycle of a 5x5 routine. Doing either one will help you accomplish your goal of losing the flab and after 90 days of each you may figure out which one works best for your goals.

    Actually, starting with the 3x10 might be a good idea because you aren't throwing around quite as much weight until you get used the movements.

    If I do this what would your starting weight be on the 5x5? I wouldn't want to go back to the bar so do I just start where I left off on this program?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Trying to lift as heavy as I can and add 5 lbs to the bar each time but finding that really hard to do on upper body lifts. Today I struggled with my 70 lb bench press. I couldn't do the full 10 reps on each set so I added a smaller set of 6 reps to make up the difference. Deadlifts I'm at 105 lbs and adding weight every time. Squats will be at 100 lbs this week. Overhead press is a weak 50 lbs. If I went 5x5 I could lift more? I'm only on my 8th week with this program... thinking about switching.

    I would finish out a 12 week cycle of what you are doing if you are already in the 8th week. Then try a 90 day (12 week) cycle of a 5x5 routine. Doing either one will help you accomplish your goal of losing the flab and after 90 days of each you may figure out which one works best for your goals.

    Actually, starting with the 3x10 might be a good idea because you aren't throwing around quite as much weight until you get used the movements.

    If I do this what would your starting weight be on the 5x5? I wouldn't want to go back to the bar so do I just start where I left off on this program?

    First and foremost, the overall impact of exercise on weight loss is negligible. Weight loss or mass gain all are largely a result of diet. With that being said...

    - With 5x5 the weight load will eventually get heavier. Once it gets to that point your body recruits your muscle fibers differently and even recruits your nervous system differently. At this point it's typically called maximal strength training or some experts have even referred to it as neuro-muscular strength training because of how much more your CNS gets recruited. This is definitely more optimal than starting with a 3 x 10 approach. If you've done absolutely nothing, then 3x10 will give you some initial strength benefit but you will plateau faster for sure. Even with SL5x5 you'll plateau somewhat quickly because it's a linear approach and un-like Obama's disapproval rating, nothing increase sharply forever.
    AH! Higher weight means a leaner look. Hmmm... this is what I'm going for. But only worry about that when in a surplus, right?

    Eh... no. If you eat at a calorie surplus you will retain more water, glycogen, and depending on how "clean" you eat, put on a little fat too. Not to say that you can't stay somewhat lean, but you will remain more lean at maintenance or a deficit for sure.Remember, being "lean" is mostly impacted by diet, not exercise.
    Actually, starting with the 3x10 might be a good idea because you aren't throwing around quite as much weight until you get used the movements.

    If it weren't for StrongLifts 5x5 I would kinda' agree with that. Your body does need some time to adapt and you don't want to jump into tossing around 85%+ of what you can lift. However, SL5x5 as you start with the bar and progress from there, so your body will naturally adapt to the load.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    If I do this what would your starting weight be on the 5x5? I wouldn't want to go back to the bar so do I just start where I left off on this program?

    If you go to and download the spreadsheet/tracker, it has a sheet where you enter your stats (reps and weights) and it will tell you where to start.
  • steve1686
    steve1686 Posts: 346 Member
    You will not likely notice a differance I'm hmm body composition doing one of thoes routines over the other. Dont sweat it.
    that's just not true
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member

    If I do this what would your starting weight be on the 5x5? I wouldn't want to go back to the bar so do I just start where I left off on this program?

    If you go to and download the spreadsheet/tracker, it has a sheet where you enter your stats (reps and weights) and it will tell you where to start.

    I will check that out!! Thank you so much to everyone for your replies!! :happy:
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Because your goal is "losing the flab" both will work for your goal. Whichever you pick, focus on getting stronger everytime you lift and eat a calorie deficit/cardio for weight loss
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    What's the difference? The amount of weight used. Hopefully.

    And the amount of weight used dictates if you're achieving hypertrophy or not.

    Depending on your goals will dictate whether or not you should listen to the lady who is trying to tell you her way or the highway.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    It's 2 different ways of stressing the muscles.

    5 sets of 5 reps allows you to work with a heavier weight. Working with a heavier weight allows you to work with an even heavier weight next time.

    3 sets of 10 allows more muscle fibers to be recruited. As the main muscles start to get tired more muscle fibers are used to lift the weight. Working more muscle fibers allows for more muscle damage and therefore more muscle growth.

    Either way will work for getting rid of the "extra", and either way will work for getting stronger. You will get stronger faster if you use heavier weights and lower reps though as this allows for the main muscles to be stressed more. By the same token, you'll get bigger faster using a higher rep range and lighter weight. Both programs will result in strength gains, and both programs will result in muscle growth, but one will be secondary to the other depending on which program you pick.

    The 5 day a week 5 body part split is in line with a program designed to build muscle, allowing a full week for the body to repair itself before stressors are placed on the same area. The reason for 3 day programs that repeat the same area is mainly for beginning lifters who are seeing strength gains more from neurological adaptation and increased storage in the muscle rather than from tissue damage that needs to be repaired which requires less time to "heal" from.
    Based on the research I have already done this seems to be pretty consistent. I was considering doing higher weight lower rep workout and now I think that might be the right call for me at this point in time.
  • Dyann_Alvarez
    Dyann_Alvarez Posts: 61 Member
    Yeah... Bumping too.