I feel like a failure



  • Nutritionislife
    Nutritionislife Posts: 25 Member
    But there are no 'wrong' foods. There are staples, there are 'sometime' foods, and there are 'are you absolutely positive you want to spend this many calories on it?' foods. And the category a food might fall into varies from person to person and situation to situation.

    Someone running a marathon might chow down on a bag of gummi bears before the run. I'd likely take the bag and pre-portion it into 100-calorie servings and take one every other day or so. If we're talking jellybeans, though, I wouldn't buy more than a funsize pack at a time, because if I buy a whole bag, I will eat a whole bag. That same afternoon. Gummi bears don't have that effect on me.

    Some people can snack on 100 calories of nuts and find them satiating. I find them in front of me and keep going back for more. But if I use a couple of tablespoons of chopped nuts to garnish a salad, I'm fine.

    I know that I wouldn't have been able to stick with my weight loss, had I not admitted to myself, "I'm going into a situation where there will be food and I will want it. So, realistically, how much do I feel I 'need' in order to enjoy myself when everyone around me is partaking? Let's estimate calories now." And instead of going in there all uptight and thinking that I wasn't even going to look at the baked goods, I was going to stick to the fruit and veggie platters... I took a couple of pieces of potato kugel and a cookie that I'd pre-logged, and enjoyed it. And it came without all the guilt and negative self-talk that would have locked me in a cycle of 'eat-regret-feel guilty-eat to numb the guilt-finish-feel guiltier-eat more-etc'. Recognizing that I could cut back on foods I liked without cutting them out was incredibly freeing. If I'd sworn off of eating 'wrong foods', I know I would have given up long ago.

    Youre very right!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @Nutritionislife - you lost 28 pounds by creating a deficit, whatever foods you picked to do that are irrelevant.

    You eat 1500 calories with a 500 deficit = 1lbs loss
    I eat 1500 calories with a 500 calorie deficit = 1lbs loss

    Don't confuse nutrition with the math.
    OP can eat what will keep her on track, the math stays the same.

    I sure did. But what has been the quality of my food choice? Not snickers. Theres a difference, go read a nutrition book.

    Nobody is arguing that all foods have the same nutrients.

    But provided she is able to maintain a calorie defict, OP would be able to lose weight while sometimes having a Snickers bar.