I feel like a failure



  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    You already know what to do

    You just have to decide that is sufficiently important for you to come up with the organisational plan required and then the commitment to implement it.

    Motivation is the key. You have to find that yourself.

    But at 19 years old you have a huge advantage physiologically. Eating the right amount of food and doing a bit of exercise will see you drop weight easily. Self sabotage, binge eating and all that will scupper you
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    Wow , where do I start ... Well when I first started this my fitness pal thing I was 240 then I lost weight and was 219 and now I’m up to 290 ..... 1 year later . It’s like I can’t keep to one thing . I always find myself eating the wrong things .... I work graveyard shifts now so I haven’t had the time for working out . Being close to almost 300 pounds terrifies me honestly I’m only 19 years old that’s waaaaay to excessive ... I couldn’t live with myself like that . I feel my skin tearing everyday literally burning I see my skin becoming full of stretch mark it’s crazy I’m literally gaining weight so fast my skins tearing apart I can’t deal with this ... how should I go about loosing this weight the right way now . I’m turning 20 soon ... I don’t want to be 300 ... my goal is 180 it is my healthy ideal weight that my doctor and I want to be at . Any help !?
    I would think about how much messing with my circadian rhythm and sleep is changing the difficulty level in eating well and keeping off weight. It sounds like you have a lot to think about.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    Haven't read all the
    I challenge you not to excercise for 3 months but to educate yourself and make changes in your nutrition only. I was talking about caloric intake, types of meals for 1,200 calories and different challenges 5'1" females deal with but of course i still have tips. 1 pound shows much more on us short people quicker. Anyways...
    1. Drink water, nothing else..youll save lots of hidden calories just by that.
    2. Read about and learn about your body type such as caloric intake, nutrient and vitamin info
    3. Set goals, write them down and measure your body
    4. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper
    5. Find at least 2 snacks for each taste...like sweet, salty, cold. Have them available always
    6. No red meats or cheese, maybe once a month
    7. Dont have cheat days, have a cheat meal; but not every day! Maybe 2 times a month.
    8. Drink a beer or some liquor if you want it, once in a while.
    9. Find new ways to make food you love, create things that fit your taste.
    10. Use correct serving sizes and this app...you will fall in love with proper nutrition
    By the time you really learn and apply all this, 3-4 months will pass easily. After you've learned what works for you and you have dropped some good amount of weight. Excercise is important, Id say out of 100% 70-80% is nutrition. I would get overwhelmed sometimes with gym and nutrition but learn one thing at a time. Nutrition should be priority, it is most important. Good luck.

    most of this is unnecessary woo.

    OP - eat the calories that MFP tells you to - no need to arbitrarily avoid certain foods or stop exercising for 3 months. eat at a deficit and you will lose weight over time - it's as simple as that.

    Haven't read all the comments here, but I like this one....Have you heard the saying you can't exercise away a bad diet?

    Learning portion control is key. It's like budgeting. If you only have $20 a week to spend, you are going to find a way to make it stretch. Calories are the same. Also, your palate has to be tweaked. And it will when you start limiting sugar, salt and fat. That's why logging here on MFP is so helpful. After a period of time, that soda will taste too sweet. I used to drink coffee with cream and sugar. I trained myself in 2 weeks to enjoy black coffee. Now, I abhor sugar or cream in my coffee and saved 200 calories, in just one drink! Use mustard not mayonnaise on your sandwiches. Balsalmic vinegar or lemon and olive oil, instead of salad dressings. The things you love to eat, find a way to make them with less calories. It absolutely can be done. But you have to choose to do it.

    I agree about lack of sleep....it has a direct impact on weight gain. :Perhaps you can take one less class a semester to gain back time to do healthy things for yourself. If you are working FT to me that means you are not getting financial aid which has a FT student status requirement. So, one less class.

    You've done it before, and you can still do it again. Baby steps, one meal change at a time. When your tummy rumbles, wait a little longer to fill it. This will change over time too.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are going to school AND working a graveyard shift. That all takes a toll and it is VERY DIFFICULT to be in top form (treadmill, calorie counting) on top of all that. You aren't a failure. Nobody is a failure at 19. You're a failure at playing Superwoman.

    In my opinion, all women should fail at Superwoman so we can go back to being human.

    I like the @JeromeBarry1 diet plan. You can do that for a while and lose weight without doing much else.

    The loss of your period while gaining weight is concerning. You may have undiagnosed PCOS.

    Sorry about that. I really DON'T want to add to your worries. For many women, having the PCOS diagnosis at least helps them come up with a plan.
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    bapity88 wrote: »
    Add me to the "Snickers are amazing" group. Second only to Reese's peanut butter cups.

    How right you are!! These are the treats I give myself to keep going on my weight loss. I don't deprive myself but it does make me more motivated to stay on course. If I didn't treat myself to one of these I would have broken down a long time ago. LOL
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Great meandering rabbit trail here, but I find Halloween to be the best time to stock up on favourite treats. Mine happens to be goldfish crackers. This time of year they come in handy mini-sizes that are easy to fit in to my goals.

    The little Reece's cups are so cute.
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    You guys are honestly amazing ! I read every single thread on this post and want to say there has been some amazing advice on here ! Just to clarify everything with you guys since I wasn’t too descriptive in my post ... in concern with my eating habit / diet ... it has been mainly fast food .... i haven’t been counting calories in over a year easy . If I had to estimate I would have been eating easy 3,000 calories a day no exaggeration .. 1 typical day would look like this : chick filet with a large waffle fry , 12 nuggets large coke and extra sauce , lunch in and out and dinner mcdonalds .. for 1 year straight my diet * resembled * this ... why did I do that to myself .. well compulsion ... I’m a compulsive eater I would have already eaten a buffet before I realized what I had done .... I won’t say I’m a binge eater because I don’t eat huge masses of food in one sitting I just eat super super high calorie foods through out the day ... NOW ... how did I loose the weight before u may ask??? CALORIE COUNTING !!! I was literally counting everything but I worked out during it aswell ... cardio mainly running on the tredmile elliptical ect ..... it worked for me . I was loosing weight at a reasonable pace ( 3 pounds a week usually ) I felt great amazing happy omg I was on top of the world lol size 12 jeans ... medium shirts ... everyone noticed I was happy ....... but I don’t know what happen one day I had wing stop and then I just couldn’t stop ...... once I have food that’s not the “ healthiest it’s like a trigger “ I don’t think I could have cheat meals during a diet or life style change in the early phase of my weight loss .... my personal experience . Yeah I gained over 50 Pounds in 1 year .... not proud at all and now I don’t fit into any clothes , I totally lost my menstrual cycle completely , I can’t walk like I used to I’m miserable .... sleepless days ( I sleep during the day since I work graveyard ) it’s just a complete mess I’m only 19 I should not deal with these type of health issues and I recognize it.... honestly when I first started my weight loss I had no concrete plan I just winged it .... found my flow but NOW I’m lost I don’t know what to do I’m scared to fail I can’t reach 300 thinking about that scares me so much how last year I was 219 now I’m 290 that is scary to me ... wow now that I remmeber I gained more than 50 wow even worse ..... if u read through this I thank you !

    Actually i know what you mean about gaining quite a bit of weight in a year time. Happen to me. I was a compulsive eater which cause me to gain 40 lbs in a year. To tell you the truth whatever change you make will be beneficial. I did it little by little and one thing at a time. First was the soda. Once I was able to give that up I was able to work on the food part cause soda and junk food does not taste the same for me. Then exercising or just moving around more. It helps to be constant and reading success stories of others. Motivation to continue is what will keep you going. So take measurements or pictures. Keep up with the myfitnesspal community they give good advice's.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    @Nutritionislife - you lost 28 pounds by creating a deficit, whatever foods you picked to do that are irrelevant.

    You eat 1500 calories with a 500 deficit = 1lbs loss
    I eat 1500 calories with a 500 calorie deficit = 1lbs loss

    Don't confuse nutrition with the math.
    OP can eat what will keep her on track, the math stays the same.

    I sure did. But what has been the quality of my food choice? Not snickers. Theres a difference, go read a nutrition book.

    Snickers is nutritious.


    It has peanuts, eggs, milk, and chocolate. None of those foods lose their nutritional value from being combined together in bar form.

    Well, to be fair, the Almond Snickers is the one I think is the perfect candy.

    I know you weren't talking to me. :blush:

    NO! NO! NO! Almond Snickers will never be as good as a Mars bar, no matter what those candy bar people say. Give me a Mars Bar!!!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Great meandering rabbit trail here, but I find Halloween to be the best time to stock up on favourite treats. Mine happens to be goldfish crackers. This time of year they come in handy mini-sizes that are easy to fit in to my goals.

    The little Reece's cups are so cute.

    Yeah, they have all manner of bags of treat size chocolate bars and candy here in the Uk too currently, and on offer, if one believes there is really any such thing these days. Nice to have around if one can stop at just one bag or bar. I tend to have a habit of buying these things then not touching them for weeks. It is just nice to know they are there, lol.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Op, sounds like you probably have been eating around 3000-3200 calories/day. To lose weight, you don't have to eat a certain number of calories. Just less. As others have suggested, substitute water for soda. If you do that twice a day, you will only lose about 2 pounds/month, but you will lose. Cook something healthy and shop for healthy snacks you like when you have time. (Weekends?). If you have low calorie options you like handy, you're much more likely to choose them. Keep healthy low calorie snacks in the car, in individual packs in the fridge, so they are easy to grab. Think apples, bananas, grapes, carrots. Of course it's quick and easy to choose fast food, but frozen dinners are also quick and easy. If you make something you like when you have time, putting it in the microwave would be quick and easy. Just look for options. Food first, exercise next, unless exercise is just really more important to you. Take the time to Look at the calories of foods in fast food places you usually choose, find lower calorie alternatives. Then when you do go there, you will know what to order. Mostly. Just start!
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Have you guys tried the Hazelnut Snickers? It is limited. I've had it twice--not many stores sell it. I got it last at the 7 Eleven. I cut down on my Snickers and Reese's peanut butter cups a LOT since starting MFP, but still have an occasional one. AFter the Hazelnut, the Almond Snickers is the best. I like the DARK Reese's PBC. Also good are Take 6 and dark Kit Kats, but not as good as Snickers!!
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    If you really want to do it and are committed, the first step is to determine your calorie allowance easily done by entering your stats into MFP. Two, buy a food scale. Three, go buy food that fits your goal. I assume you're filling up on fast food and maybe soda? No more of that. Try to make it for four days, after that it gets easier. Make sure you have some snacks with you at all times. Get rid of junk food at home. Do you know what you should be eating? The hardest part is starting, it really is!