Diet Sodas?

Ok...I hear that Diet Sodas are bad for you. But are they as bad for you as regular sodas? Is one a day OK? Would I be better off having a glass of dry wine? Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member
    Bad for you in what way? For weight loss they are zero calories so are better to help manage your calorie intake than a full sugar soda which is just empty calories basically (much like a glass of dry wine). I can tell you from my own experience that I have great health markers and I am losing weight with no problems like many others drinking a can of Diet Coke most days.

    This thread will degrade into a debate over the safety of Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners as all threads of this nature do. You may find this thread helpful to read
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    mtbusse73 wrote: »
    Ok...I hear that Diet Sodas are bad for you. But are they as bad for you as regular sodas? Is one a day OK? Would I be better off having a glass of dry wine? Thoughts? Suggestions?

    It depends on your goal?

    A glass of dry wine contains alcohol, and will tend to bring physical and mental relaxation.

    Diet sodas tend to contain caffeine, and will tend to bring physical and mental energy and focus.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    They are fine. Yup water is a better choice...somedays I just need an ice cold carbonated drink and because when I am thirsty...the bigger the better, I make it diet(the calorie hit otherwise is too much to justify).
    I probably average one a day, and have for many years.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I wouldn’t drink them myself. Although the calorie advantage is very obvious, they might alter your cravings as they don’t trigger the same brain response in your reward center as real sugar does. There’s also a lot of research regarding how it could modify the apetite and satiety regulating sensors. All in all you might end up craving more, eating more over time and keep gaining weight.
    Of course it depends on a lot of factors, like frequency, quantity, your food pattern and choices and so on. But I personally don’t find them worth consuming.

    The issues with artificial sweeteners triggering cravings in some individuals is not a particularly common occurrence as these threads happen on a weekly basis around here and most of the respondents in them who regularly consume diet soda report no such experience.

    Even if OP is one of those individuals who experiences this, if she is logging her food on MFP I'm not sure how this is a concern as she would have a daily reminder to keep calories in check and avoid the weight gain that you predict.