JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 20



  • lbrules
    lbrules Posts: 32 Member
    First timer here! New to myfitness as well. I have been on a weight roller coaster this year, and hate the way I look now. 10 years ago I was 169lbs, hated it, got energized, found a plan that worked and stuck to it (mostly). I was able to get my weight down to 135lbs (give or take a couple of pounds). This year has been tough with lots of family and work stress. No motivation, then I do, then I don't. My current weight is 157 lbs. My goal is to get back to where I was happy and to fit those clothes again. I will settle for 140lbs.

    Current: 157 lb
    10/20 157.4
    10/21 155.4 another kickboxing class today and 30 min treadmill last night
    10/22 157.2 - weekends are hard to maintain. Last night went out to the Keg with friends for dinner. Only ate half of my dinner, but then there was beer and wine involved. Bad BAD BAD!!!
    10/23 158.4 - going the wrong way. Yesterday no excercise and needed "comfort food".
    10/24 156.8 - Ok, back on track. Just need more energy to excercise.
    10/25 155.6
    10/26 154.5
    10/27 153.6 - Wow, I am impressed with myself. This really helps stay motivated, so thank you! Eating healthier and walking more. The next 2 days are going to be the biggest challenge. I have a LOT of problem with staying on track on weekends. Suggestions?
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    Back again! I started midway through Round 2 at 153.9 on 4/29. For this round I'd like to get below and stay below 140. Started at 162 something back in early March so I'm down over 20 pounds. I am aiming to reach goal of 132 before New Years.


    10/19 141.4
    10/20 140.8 down slightly.goals for today: gym and walk or ellip. and water, water, water.
    10/21 140.4 Off to camping. Have a lovely weekend.
    10/22 quite a lot of cross country hiking. Camping.
    10/23 139.8 Thank you, Universe! I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.
    10/24 140.8 no problem... no exercise yesterday, tired from weekend's hiking. Today, gym, protein and water.
    10/25 140.6 Happy with this weight as I had cornbread and homemade navy bean soup = lots of carbs and sodium. Went to gym. Today: elliptical. greens with protein and water, water, water.
    10/26 142.4 Well, hell. Salt from dirty martinis once again. Needed to get out so i accept the consequences. Hopefully it will come off before end of this round which is going by realllly fast.

    10/27 142 Need a low carb day to get back down. It is taking me forever to get in the 130's. One day there doesn't count. Definitely not enough exercise this week which doesn't help my goal and lunch out tomorrow. Aw well, I'll do better next round.
    CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS to me? My maintenance, per different sites should be around 1750 Cals at my current weight. I am staying around 1200 and not eating back exercise cals. MFP tells me, at the comment it makes when you finish logging for the day, that at 1200 cals I would stay the same, not lose. It makes no sense to me.

    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.

    Have you thought of taking a diet break? It's something that probably everyone should do, but especially with you eating at such a large deficit for an extended period of time and the fact that you are so close to your goal weight, a break may help. Here is a link to a forum discussion that is really helpful: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10610288/increase-calories-one-day-per-week/p1
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Reanna143 wrote: »
    Wanna join. But guess there's two more days to start the next round

    C'mon in, @Reanna123! The last day of this round will be your start weight for next.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    MFP Starting 2012: 201
    MFP Starting 2017: 184

    Round 16 SW: 175
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173
    Round 19 SW: 170.5
    Round 20 SW: 166.5

    10/20: 166.5
    Need more water today, stayed up too late last night. Good on calories, veggies, OK on protein. Got a little exercise. No added sugar. I'm on a whoosh, I think interval running is giving me a larger calorie deficit than I'm accounting for. We'll see if it keeps up.
    10/21: 167.0
    Spoke too soon! This bump doesn't bother me, I am still 2 lbs down for the last week. Today was good, I found an excuse to get outside and walk during my work day, then went for a short run this evening. Good on water, calories, etc. No sugar today. I even turned down pizza. :)
    10/22: 167.5
    Hm, still went up and I was practically perfect Friday and Saturday. Imma be way up tomorrow, I went out to dinner and had all the butter in the world, went over my calories for the first time in ages, like halfway into tomorrow's calories. No dessert or cocktail, at least. Didn't have sugar today but I found a roll of breath mints (with sorbitol) in my desk and ate several, I always munched stuff like that like candy so I stopped buying them.
    10/23: 168.5 Yeah.
    For what it's worth, today was mostly on track. Though if yesterday was "B" for butter, today might have been "C" for cheese. Under calories, though. No sugar.
    10/24: 169.0
    Honestly, I almost skipped this thread today because this is discouraging. But, I know I didn't eat 7,000 extra calories in the last few days, I have to just keep going. Ate very light today, lots of water. No added sugar.
    10/25: 167.5
    Okay, a bit better. I drank 4L/1gal of water yesterday to rid my body of evil spirits and it helped. Today I did terrible with water, forgot my bottle at home and didn't drink any fluids from 9a-6p. Fine on calories, no added sugar, got some exercise tonight after dinner.
    10/26: 168.5
    Good on calories, protein, water, exercise today.

    10/27: 167.5
    Event at work today, didn't eat or drink quite enough for the day. I ate some pizza though, not sure what the scale will look like tomorrow.
