JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 20



  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    edited October 2017
    171.6 is my start weight this Round. I did weigh 202. I have stalled out. I'm not frustrated yet, but I'm sure the day will come when I am. I've reached a smaller, attainable goal that my doctor set of a 20 pound loss, but I decided to keep pushing myself until I reach my ideal weight. I've lost 31 lbs so far. I want to lose 80, but I don't have any particular goal this Round. It would be nice to see 169 point something though. I CAN AND WILL DO THIS!

    10/20 no scale---(in KY for a 1-day trip...went to the Jack-o-lantern Spectacular in Louisville with my husband and our 3 children.) I went on a binge last night because I was told in order to get your body going again, BINGE. My weight will go up for 2 or 3 days, then boom. Let's see if it works!
    10/21 No scale except the one in the hotel that's 30lbs lower than it should be. Sooo not counting it. Lol We are in Ohio now. We went to Jungle Jim's yesterday, and I did BINGE again.
    10/22 173.2 and we are back home. I know its a big jump, but I honestly have no regrets. I've been on a strict regimen for about 5 months now. I deserved to treat myself when doing something I hadn't done in 20 or so years...ride roller coasters. We went to Kings Island yesterday, and I put in almost 17g steps. Now that I'm back home, it's back to the grind and shedding these lbs.
    10/23 172.6 I'm hoping that this BINGE thing works because right now, seeing my numbers up this high when it took so long to get under 172 is SO NOT AWESOME!
    10/24: 172...alright...the weight is coming back off now, but I want to see it get below that 171.6 mark. If I could get to 170 or lower, then I might believe this BINGE thing one day a week works. Lol
    10/25 BOOM! My scale was teasing me this morning. I saw a 169.6, but it went up. It did this 2x. I'm so close, but right now, I'm at 170 lbs. I'll take it. :) This is my lowest weight yet. It took exactly 3 days, and then that weight came off to a big loss. I believe that this BINGE does work. So, I will try it out again this next round. :)
    10/26 170.8 Maybe it was sodium or a late dinner...idk...

    There's no "getting your body going" through over eating or binging. You can have a high calorie day but you still need to average a deficit to lose.

    If you eat more calories than you normally do one day, it jumpstarts your body...sorta like when you jump your car. It just wakes up your metabolism so to speak because your body has gotten adjusted to your exercise and calorie intake. It worked for me. It got me over the hump I'd been on for a month now I believe. What I consider "binge" is probably what someone else considers a "cheat" day. I simply eat whatever I want that day, and I don't worry about the calories. I never ate to the point of being sick. I don't recommend gluttony. I just ate whatever I felt like, even if it was a McDonald's cheeseburger and fries, (which I hate on a normal basis) and chocolate. Then, I just went back to my usual diet.
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    edited October 2017
    Back again! I started midway through Round 2 at 153.9 on 4/29. For this round I'd like to get below and stay below 140. Started at 162 something back in early March so I'm down over 20 pounds. I am aiming to reach goal of 132 before New Years.


    10/19 141.4
    10/20 140.8 down slightly.goals for today: gym and walk or ellip. and water, water, water.
    10/21 140.4 Off to camping. Have a lovely weekend.
    10/22 quite a lot of cross country hiking. Camping.
    10/23 139.8 Thank you, Universe! I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.
    10/24 140.8 no problem... no exercise yesterday, tired from weekend's hiking. Today, gym, protein and water.
    10/25 140.6 Happy with this weight as I had cornbread and homemade navy bean soup = lots of carbs and sodium. Went to gym. Today: elliptical. greens with protein and water, water, water.
    10/26 142.4 Well, hell. Salt from dirty martinis once again. Needed to get out so i accept the consequences. Hopefully it will come off before end of this round which is going by realllly fast.

    10/27 142 Need a low carb day to get back down. It is taking me forever to get in the 130's. One day there doesn't count. Definitely not enough exercise this week which doesn't help my goal and lunch out tomorrow. Aw well, I'll do better next round.
    CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS to me? My maintenance, per different sites should be around 1750 Cals at my current weight. I am staying around 1200 and not eating back exercise cals. MFP tells me, at the comment it makes when you finish logging for the day, that at 1200 cals I would stay the same, not lose. It makes no sense to me.

    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.