Is this a well balanced diet?

batorkin Posts: 281 Member
edited October 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm trying to get everything unhealthy out of the house, and ordering only select things that are easy to count calories. I plan to more or less remove everything from the house that is not on this list. Looking to lose ~90 pounds and currently 5 pounds in.

Fruits (Apples/Pears/Grapefruit)
Vegetables (Asparagus/Cucumbers/Carrots/Broccoli)
Fish (Salmon, Mackerel)
Meat (Chicken/Turkey)
Baked Potatoes
Salad /w Light Ranch
Oatmeal /w Skim Milk
Chocolate Muscle Milk. Replacing this with one meal a day to fill my chocolate cravings, 50% DV Protein. I generally drink this after 40 minutes of exercise. (Gimmick or good idea?)
Nuts (Almonds/Unsalted Sunflower Seeds). Main snack food if I am feeling overly hungry on certain days.

As far as I can tell I am vastly under eating. 800-1100 calories a day, and the website wants me to eat about 1500-1700 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. I really only want to eat foods that I can track easily and know exactly when I need to eat more or less. I am also unsure about multi-vitamins. I've heard when you are eating healthy, they can actually be a bad thing.

Does this list look well balanced to you guys? Anything you would add or remove?


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2017
    tyrindor wrote: »
    I'm trying to get everything unhealthy out of the house, and ordering only select things that are easy to count calories. I plan to more or less remove everything from the house that is not on this list. Looking to lose ~90 pounds and currently 5 pounds in.

    Fruits (Apples/Pears/Grapefruit)
    Vegetables (Asparagus/Cucumbers/Carrots/Broccoli)
    Fish (Salmon, Mackerel)
    Meat (Chicken/Turkey)
    Baked Potatoes
    Salad /w Light Ranch
    Oatmeal /w Skim Milk

    Chocolate Muscle Milk. Replacing this with one meal a day to fill my chocolate cravings, 50% DV Protein. I generally drink this after 40 minutes of exercise. (Gimmick or good idea?)
    Nuts (Almonds/Unsalted Sunflower Seeds). Main snack food if I am feeling overly hungry on certain days.

    As far as I can tell I am vastly under eating. 800-1100 calories a day, and the website wants me to eat about 1500-1700 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. I really only want to eat foods that I can track easily and know exactly when I need to eat more or less. I am also unsure about multi-vitamins. I've heard when you are eating healthy, they can actually be a bad thing.

    Does this list look well balanced to you guys? Anything you would add or remove?

    Eat enough of this to make up the calories 1500-1700 MFP gave you to lose weight. Absolutely no need to use a Meal Replacement Shake especially if you are under eating. And the consuming it 40 minutes after exercise is not necessary either. You can get all your protein through food by eating the protein sources you listed in your OP.

    Eat any time of the day but eat enough to sustain your normal day to day activities and exercise, etc. You still need adequate calories to lose weight. The MFP calorie deficit is already built in the 1500-1700 so hit this target each day.

    Another tip.. Your diet sounds quite restrictive, allow yourself to enjoy some foods you like now. You need to add in enough calories to meet your goal so add in something full fat (replace the skim, higher calorie dressing, add things to your salad to make it more caloric if you need to meet calories), add in a treat or something calorie dense (peanut butter, Greek Yogurt, list below)
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    It looks like a good selection of foods to me. If you are lacking in calories, use full fat milk instead of skim. Use regular dressing instead of light ranch. Cook the meat in some butter or oil, and drizzle the vegetables with same. I'd probably prefer sweet potatoes and legumes over regular potatoes for a starch, but that's just personal preference.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Are these the foods you most enjoy and want to eat? Do you like cooking these foods? There's nothing wrong with this list except that it's a little bit boring. If it helps you to eat a boring diet, that's great. If it helps you to eat more variety, do that instead. The best diet is the one you stick to long term.

    In particular I notice you've bought into the idea that chicken and turkey are "good" and other meats are bad. That's not valid. Pork tenderloin in particular is lean and low calorie. So are some cuts of steak such as sirloin. It can be difficult to get enough iron while eating at a deficit and red meat can be helpful. I buy a one pound steak for myself about once a week, cook it, and eat part of it then while saving the rest for a steak salad and a stir fry later. It fits into my calorie goals and helps keep me from feeling deprived, which I definitely would if I ate only boneless skinless chicken breasts!

    Another category to consider: winter is coming up which makes this a great time for squashes, which are filling, high in fiber and vitamin a, and low in calories. Butternut squash is delicious roasted or in chili, and spaghetti squash is good as a side dish or as a substitute for pasta.

    Best of luck to you! There's no need to figure everything out on the first day. You can make a few changes at a time and tweak as you learn more about what works for you.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    but not before i have my piece of chocolate.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2017
    tyrindor wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Eat enough of this to make up the calories 1500-1700 MFP gave you to lose weight. Absolutely no need to use a Meal Replacement Shake especially if you are under eating. And the consuming it 40 minutes after exercise is not necessary either. You can get all your protein through food by eating the protein sources you listed in your OP.

    I've started to drink them with meals on some days to fulfill my protein needs, and help me get closer to 1500-1700 calories a day. I like how they taste, and they fulfill my cravings for chocolate.
    It looks like a good selection of foods to me. If you are lacking in calories, use full fat milk instead of skim. Use regular dressing instead of light ranch. Cook the meat in some butter or oil, and drizzle the vegetables with same. I'd probably prefer sweet potatoes and legumes over regular potatoes for a starch, but that's just personal preference.

    Great ideas, thanks. Should help me get some more "fat" in the diet too, since I wasn't getting enough of that either according to the site.
    Are these the foods you most enjoy and want to eat? Do you like cooking these foods? There's nothing wrong with this list except that it's a little bit boring. If it helps you to eat a boring diet, that's great. If it helps you to eat more variety, do that instead. The best diet is the one you stick to long term.

    I picked these based on foods I like. I find if I have even 1 serving of something I REALLY like (pizza, etc), it becomes very hard to maintain my diet. It's easier for me to just cut them out of my life completely.

    Right now I have a frozen stuffed crust pizza STARING me down in the freezer. I can't control myself when it comes to that stuff, and I am in the process of just giving this stuff to friends/family so I am not tempted.

    Based on your responses.. It sounds like you have invented a plan you are willing to stick with and have worked out all the basics on what is needed to lose weight and how you will handle maintenance as well. Best of luck!
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    edited October 2017
    tyrindor wrote: »
    I'm trying to get everything unhealthy out of the house, and ordering only select things that are easy to count calories. I plan to more or less remove everything from the house that is not on this list. Looking to lose ~90 pounds and currently 5 pounds in.

    [edited by mods]

    Nutritional adequacy on anything other than a vlcd is usually pretty easy to reach, though, so I don't think you should feel you need to pursue something so extreme.